Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 217 Magic Empire, Gunpowder, Tengshi Town Dragon Soul

Chapter 217 Magic Empire, Gunpowder, Tengshi Town Dragon Soul

Located on the Esplanade, next to the Reach, Crake Hall is an outpost for the Westward Defense of the Reach.

The Crake Hall has the largest forest in the western region. Relying on the barrier of the forest, in the past thousands of years, the Crake Hall lords, the Creher family, have repeatedly defeated the invaders in the southern Reach.

After the wolf king's army captured Casterly Rock and Lannisport, Crake Hall has become the last isolated island in the western region loyal to the Lannister forces, and direwolf flags are everywhere in the western region.

On this day, Young Wolf Lord Robb, Sir Brynden the Blackfish, and Theon arrived at the north side of Crake Hall along the coastal road with the army.

Originally, according to the original plan, Robb should get up and go to Harrenhal to participate in the war against the undead and King's Landing Lannister. However, because the Crakehall family has not surrendered for a long time, Robb decided to stay in the West some days.

There was a smile on Theon's face. After the depression of the previous few days, Theon finally showed a smile again.

The news of Euron Crow's Eye's attack on the Three Sisters Islands reached Casterly Rock in the west. The nobles of the valley and the east coast of the north were shocked. People were talking about the black magic of the Crow's Eye and the threat of the Ironborn. Ma Royce and Sir Wendell of White Harbor looked at Theon with strange eyes.

"As long as the ironborn pirates do anything provocative, it's like it's my fault." Theon complained to Robb, "I was sent to Winterfell when I was ten years old, and grew up in Winterfell. I never saw my father and uncles again."

"Even if the sea monsters have any plans, they can't tell me!"

Robb held Theon's hand, "You are a member of the wolf pack. My father, the Wolf King, trusts you and I trust you. That's enough."

Theon hugged Robb excitedly, "Good brother!"

Robb assured Theon, "According to the law, King Balon's heir is Ni. My father told me before that if your second uncle Euron, third uncle Victarion or Asha want to rob you Inheritance, my father will send troops to defend your rights."

From then on, Theon was content and didn't care about the opinions of the princes anymore. He went to the brothel in Lannisport every day to spend the spring evening with the blonde girl.

At this time, Bronze Yon, Ser Barristan, Greatjon Umber and others had already led more than 4 horses from the Riverlands, the Valley, and the North, and set off for Harrenhal.

Most of the troops left in the western region came from the northern region, rock species, wildlings beyond the wall, and some winter wolves from Last Hearth, Bear Island, Deepwood Castle, White Harbor, Dreadfort, Barren Mound, Streamland, etc. Soldiers, stay in the west.

Autumn has arrived in the North, and winter will follow.Every winter, the agricultural production in the northern border is almost deserted, and they can only rely on fishing and hunting.Although there is enough food and grass in the northern border, no one knows how harsh and cold the next winter will be, and no one knows how many years this winter will last when the undead are raging.

Keeping the soldiers in the north in the west and using the food in the west to survive the winter can not only defend Lannister, but also save rations for the north, which is the best of both worlds.

In addition to preventing Lannister from making a comeback, these winter wolf soldiers also wanted to build military settlements in the western region and reclaim Stark Manor.

Most of the soldiers of the army of the wolf king who came to attack Crake Hall came from the nobles of the western region who surrendered to the direwolves. In the banner of the army, there were purple unicorns from the Brax family of Horned Valley City, and the purple unicorns from the Marbrand family. The Burning Tree, the White Badger of the Layton Family in Cavern City, the Quarter Sunlight of the Kenning Family in Keche Town, the Red Bull of the Prester Family in Feast City, the Archer of the Yu Family, etc.

Some families have just changed heads.The Locke family held high the banner of the Manticore. The former head of the family, Amory Lodge, was tortured and killed by the red viper Oberyn. distant relatives.

Soldiers of House Clegane, holding aloft the banner of the three dogs of Sandor the Hound.Wolf King Ed deprived the fief and castle of Gregor of the Magic Mountain and gave it to Sandor Clegane.

The bantam rooster banner of Corn City also appears in the wolf king's army.Because the former lord, Harris Swyfer is the father-in-law of Sir Kevan, and Harris Swyfer followed Duke Tywin and his son-in-law Kevan to flee to sea. Lord Rhys Swyfer, the new lord of Corn City is a cousin of Harris Swyfer.

The lords of each house had offered their adopted sons as hostages to the Wolf King, and these sons had set off for Riverrun.The Winter Wolf Army directly garrisoned troops in Golden Tooth City and Brand City, the strongholds in the western border, and controlled the gold and silver mines in Castamere, Nunburg, Pendry Hills and other places, all of which fell into Stark's hands.

Almost every noble family in the west was deprived of some fiefdoms, and these lands were directly confiscated by the Stark family.The black fish Brynden and the young wolf lord Robb built Stark Manor on these lands according to the instructions of the wolf king Ed.The Golden Avenue, Hejian Avenue, and Binhai Avenue set up military camps, and the direwolves completely controlled the northern border.

The army of the wolf king came under pressure, and the castle of the Crake Hall Crakehall family lowered the Lannister's roaring lion flag and raised the white flag symbolizing surrender.

This is also the last noble family to surrender in the western region. So far, all the territory in the western region has been merged under the rule of the Stark family.

Roland Crakehall, Earl of Crake Hall, has gray hair but is as strong as the spotted wild boar of the Crake family. He rode majestically on a black horse and walked out of the gate of the castle. The standard bearer behind him held up a white banner and Striped boar banner.

Roland Craneha has always been heavily relied on by Duke Tywin, and both Duke Tywin and James believe that Roland Craneha has the ability to become the Prime Minister.

When Renly was crowned king in the Reach, he led the army of the Reach to attack the west, but was defeated by Roland Crake and James in Crake Hall.

Robb looked at this formidable opponent, "Lord Crakehall, you are finally willing to surrender."

Roland Crane said helplessly: "The lion is defeated, and the direwolf has taken over the western region. I can only surrender."

Blackfish Brynden looked to the south, his bushy eyebrows trembling.

"I heard that your territory was attacked by the Reach?"

Earl Roland Crane spit and said contemptuously: "Duke Mace Tyrell of Highgarden, I heard that the wolf king's army captured Lannisport, Casterly Rock City, and immediately sent troops stationed in Red Lake, Ancient Oak City The army, go north along the coastal road, and attack the territory of the Kreher family."

"Master Inflatable Fish may think that Ed the Wolf King captured Casterly Rock, Lannisport, and the Lannister Lions were defeated. The Reach Land can take advantage of the fire to rob and occupy my territory and castle. Master Inflatable Fish sent Parmen Klein, Alys Oakheart led the army, and I directly led the army to defeat the army in the Reach."

"Rather than being robbed by the ungrateful inflatable fish and taking away the territory and the castle, I would rather bow my knee to the direwolf."

Robb said: "Earl Crakehall, you have made a wise choice. Wolf King Ed is at Harrenhal, fighting the army of the undead. The war with the undead is the most important thing. In the face of the undead, humans must unite."

Roland Crane said sadly: "Before surrendering, I would like to ask, where did my lord, Duke Tywin, James and others go?"

Blackfish Brynden said: "We are also looking for the whereabouts of Duke Tywin, the Kingslayer. All we know is that Duke Tywin has gone out to sea in a long boat. At this time, he may escape to the Iron Islands, or he may go to King's Landing for refuge. Cersei, Joffrey, and maybe even the Free Cities across the Narrow Sea, the Summer Isles, who knows?"

The two sides quickly negotiated the terms of surrender. Earl Roland Crane handed over a grandson to be the adopted son of the wolf king Ed. As a prisoner in Harrenhal, he will be released to serve beside Eddard, the wolf king.Some of Crake Hall's territory was taken away to build Stark Manor and Garrison.

Roland Crane was a little worried, "How are the adopted sons of the Stark family treated? I heard that Ed, the wolf king, has more than 100 adopted sons, all over the valley, the northern border, the western border and the riverlands, even in Dorne. "

Theon said: "I am the adopted son of Ed the Wolf King. I can assure you that Ed the Wolf King is the greatest adoptive father in the world. Tully also has a place to use in Winterfell."

Earl Roland Crane felt a little relieved.

Robb said to Earl Roland Crakehall, "Your son, Sir Liller the Strong Pig, is one of the strongest knights in the West. He will surely become a mighty member of the Wolf King's army."

Roland Kreher said: "My son has always been a piece of war material, but when I think of Li Le going to fight the undead, I am frightened into a cold sweat. There will be no undead in the western region, right?"

The black fish Brynden said: "Then you have to pray for Cersei, the queen of the dead, that the bastard Joffrey will not bring an army of undead to attack the West. The undead are a disaster caused by King's Landing Lannister. For a crown, Cersei, Joffrey betrayed own soul, corrupted."

Robb looked east, "It's time for Theon and I to go to Harrenhal. Ser Brynden, I'll leave the affairs of the West to you."

Storm's End, Stannis stood on the majestic city wall, looked towards the Crab Island, and began to grind his teeth.

"The one-eyed pirate stands on the beach, and the crabs around him are dying, Melisandre, this is what you saw in the holy fire. We knew the prophecy early on, and knew that the Crab Claw Peninsula or Crab Island may be attacked by pirates, I also order the Royal Fleet, Rhys mercenary Salado Sann to be ready."

"In the end, Crab Island was easily captured by Euron the Crow's Eye. What's the use of the unstoppable prophecy?"

Melisandre said: "The red god R'hllor sent a warning, which at least bought us time to prepare for the battle."

"It still turned out to be a crushing defeat." Stannis gritted his teeth.

Onion Knight Davos said: "Your Majesty, Salado Sann said very clearly in his letter that there was a storm on Crab Island at that time, which blew away the ships of the Rhys Mercenary Fleet and the Royal Fleet, and the Crow's Eye Pirate Fleet. Taking the opportunity to capture Crab Island, Salado Saan suspects that the wizards of the Crow's Eye have created the storm."

Stannis said: "Cersei of King's Landing, the necromancers have made me tired, and now there is another Euron Crow's Eye. This damned golden sea monster, when Robert put down the rebellion of the Iron Islands, he should have Put to death the Crow's Eye, and his brothers."

Earl Adrian Celtiga wore a silk coat, and a gold cloak was pinned with a ruby-carved crab. Earl Celtiga said excitedly: "Your Majesty, my castle has been captured, my wife and daughter have been insulted, and my people have been raped by iron." Pirates, sold into slavery. What's even more frightening is that all the rare treasures I collected were taken away by the Crow's Eye!"

Davos, the onion knight, couldn't help frowning. In the eyes of the greedy Earl Celtigar, the status of his wife, daughter, and people is not as important as those rare treasures he collected.When the old man talked about rare treasures, his hands began to tremble, and he stroked his heart, as if he couldn't bear the sudden blow.

Then, Lord Celtigar snapped his fingers and began to complain to King Stannis.

"In my collection I have a wonderful falcon, and Myrr rugs, Norvoth tapestries, Volantene ivory sculptures, many rubies, silver and gold flatware, a Valyrian steel battle-axe, and There is a horn that is said to be able to summon sea monsters from the bottom of the sea!"

The big ruby ​​on Melisandre's snow-white neck was pulsating with light, "There is no doubt that Euron the Crow's Eye came for this horn of the sea monster."

The Onion Knight said: "According to the news sent by the ravens in Duskendale Town, Euron Crow's Eye plundered the Three Sisters Islands and took away a horn from the Temple of the Sisters. Crow's Eye seems to have a preference for collecting horns. .”

Earl Celtiga said excitedly: "That is my ancestral treasure. I request to take the Crab Island fleet back to the territory and protect my homeland."

Stannis's jaw tightened, "You have less than 1000 soldiers, just a few ships, if you hit Euron's pirate fleet in the Narrow Sea, it's not enough for the crow's eye to plug your teeth, you must stay in the wind Rest Castle."

There is no doubt that Stannis' refusal was too simple and rude, and the former Prime Minister, Lord Alister Florent, immediately spoke to appease him.

"Earl Celtigar, the main force of the Iron Islands fleet, suffered heavy losses in the Battle of the Northern Territory, and I believe that Ed the Wolf King will work with His Majesty Stannis to wipe out the Iron Islands and defeat the Crow's Eye fleet. Sooner or later things."

"When His Majesty captures Euron Crow's Eye and takes back those expensive treasures from you, he will definitely return them to you intact."

This empty promise was already the best answer Earl Celtigar could get from Stannis, and Earl Celtigar turned and left.

Stannis looked at the ocean at Shipbreaker Bay below Storm's End. The strong wind swept the sea and smashed against the walls of Storm's End, making a loud noise.

"I have never liked the ocean. At that time, my father, Duke Stephen, was a close friend of the mad king Aerys. At that time, Prince Rhaegar had no sister to marry and was not engaged. King Aerys sent my father to Valanti Si, look for a suitable noble girl to marry Prince Rhaegar."

"And my father came back empty-handed from Volantis, and he and my mother sailed across the sea to Shipbreaker Cove, and came under Storm's End, but within sight of the castle, the storm destroyed I was on the boat, and I was standing there, watching my parents die when the ship sank."

The jester Patchface was the only survivor of the wreck, and he was found in Volantis by Duke Stephen of many talents, ready to be dedicated to King Aerys and fill the king's halls with joy.It's a pity that after being spit out by the sea, Patchface became mentally handicapped, and now Patchface has become Princess Xilin's jester.

Stannis recalled the past with melancholy.

"No one hates the storm more than I. The storm took my parents."

Onion Knight Davos said: "Your Majesty, the storm has also helped you. Back then, King Robert sent His Majesty to capture Dragonstone Island. Wasn't it just a storm that destroyed the fleet of Dragonstone Island? So His Majesty marched smoothly and captured Dragonstone Island. down the ancestral stronghold of House Targaryen."

In that storm, Queen Leyla died in childbirth and gave birth to Princess Daenerys, so Daenerys' first nickname was "Stormborn".

Stannis said depressedly: "Of course I remember the storm that destroyed the Dragonstone fleet. There are many storms in the narrow sea. If Euron the Crow's Eye relies on dark magic to manipulate the storm, neither the Royal Fleet nor the Lys Pirates Fleet can help." Against the fleet of the Crow's Eye."

When Davos, the onion knight, drove the black ship to smuggle, he traveled all over the Seven Kingdoms and often dealt with iron people pirates. He knew the customs and habits of the iron people very well.

"The Ironmen believe in the Drowned God. According to the priest of the Drowned God, the Drowned God who lives in the palace of flowing water brings the sea, water and fish to feed humans, and his mortal enemy is the God of Storms who lives in the palace in the dark clouds. .The sky is in a never-ending war with the sea."

"The God of Storms is the sworn enemy of the Drowned God, just as the Cold God is the sworn enemy of the Red God R'hllor."

The former Prime Minister, Count Alister Florent, raised an eyebrow, "Since the Ironmen regard the God of Storms as an evil thing, why can the Crow's Eye manipulate storm magic?"

Onion Knight Davos said: "Master Florent, this is because the Crow's Eye's Tranquility housed many wizards from the East. Besides, I have heard many Ironborn pirates say that Euron Crow's Eye has a bad temper. A person who finds the greatest pleasure in life to abuse others cannot possibly respect any gods."

Stannis frowned, "Crab Island is very close to Tidehead Island and Dragonstone Island. The pirate fleet that can't keep the Crow's Eye will attack Dragonstone Island."

The former Prime Minister, Count Alister Florens, stared wide-eyed in fright, "Queen Selyse, Princess Shireen, and many members of Florent's family live in Dragonstone Island, and they should all be taken over. To Storm's End."

The red-robed woman Melisandre said: "Dragonstone Island and Tidehead Island are both safe. I saw it in the holy fire. Storm's End is under attack from the undead, so it's not safe here."

Stannis' face was gloomy, "Melisandre, didn't you say that after sacrificing living people to the Red God R'hllor, the Red God R'hllor will give you stronger power to resist the undead?"

In the past few days, the Royal Fleet has captured many pirates in the Stone Step Islands. Every day, Melisandre will burn a pirate to death with flames and sacrifice it to the Red God R'hllor. Melisandre's flames are getting stronger and stronger, Stan Nice, the Onion Knight can feel the power of Melisandre.

Melisandre lowered her voice, "Your Majesty, the power of R'hllor, the Red God of Storm's End, has increased, but the power of the Cold God of King's Landing has grown even faster. I saw it in the holy flame, the frost dragon opened up Blue eyes, the shadow of death over the land."

"The red god R'hllor and the cold god will always be sworn enemies. If the frost dragon comes to Storm's End, no one can guarantee whether the flames can resist it. We can only pray, the red god R'hllor Can give us greater power."

Stannis sneered, "Joffrey in King's Landing has the Frost Dragon, Daenerys, the dragon remnant in Slaver's Bay in the East, has three dragons, Ed the wolf king has three dragons, Flying Wolf, Koi and Hawkeye, only I don't Dragon."

"Melisandre, don't you often say that the dragon belongs to blood and fire, and is the creation of the red god R'hllor?"

There was a chill in Melisandre's voice.

"Dragonstone has no dragon eggs, but there are stone dragons. As long as your majesty sacrifices Edric Storm, sacrifice the boy, you can awaken the dragon in the stone."

Onion Knight Davos said disdainfully: "Edric Storm is Robert's only noble illegitimate son, but in fact, Robert has many other illegitimate children. If I remember correctly, the illegitimate daughter of the valley, Mia Stone East, Gendry of King's Landing, Bell of Stone Hall, and Bara, a little girl born in a brothel, were all adopted by Ed in Storm's End."

"These bastard children of Robert have the blood of the king, too. Eddard didn't sacrifice any of Robert's children when he hatched the dragon."

"This world is in a bad place. Robert has become a death storm, a puppet of the cold god, killing in the land of storms. If His Majesty burns Robert's child alive and sacrifices it to the red god R'hllor, then we have nothing to do with him." What is the difference between bloodthirsty cold god believers?"

Melisandre persisted, "After the long summer, the stars will weep blood, and the world will be covered in icy darkness. Your Majesty was born in the land of smoke and salt, and you are destined to be Azor Ahai reborn. Only you, can Wield the Lightbringer and save the world."

"Sacrificing a boy to save everyone in the world, why not?"

Stannis gritted his teeth, "But this is not fair to Edric Storm. Injustice to one is a threat to all. Your methods are untested, and I will not hurt Edric Storm lightly. storm."

"Melisandre, you need to prove your strength, the power of the Red God R'hllor."

Flames danced wildly in Melisandre's eyes, "I will prove to Your Majesty the power of the Red God R'hllor. I already smell blood and fire."

After everyone left, Davos, the onion knight, said to Stannis: "Your Majesty, if the target of the Crow's Eye's looting is a treasure such as the Kraken Horn, then Tidehead Island may be the next target."

"Tidehead Island is the island of the Velaryon family. 'Sea Serpent' Corliss Velaryon and 'Oak Fist' Erin Velaryon have all completed many great voyages, and their footprints are as far away as Asshai. , bringing back all kinds of rare treasures from all over the world.”

"Maybe Chaotou Island has a magical horn, and the Crow's Eye may go to plunder Chaotou Island. Chaotou Island is the largest island in Blackwater Bay. Once captured by the enemy, it will be a heavy blow to us."

Stannis said: "There is no doubt that the Velaryon family used to be very rich, but their family has fallen. If there is really a magic horn on Tidehead Island, it will have been sold long ago."

"I will remind the Royal Fleet that the Reese Mercenary Fleet has strengthened its defenses."

In Harrenhal, Wolf King Ed rode a direwolf to meet Dr. Marwyn.

With a steel jaw, a bulldog-like neck, and thick arms and shoulders, Dr. Marwyn looked more like a fierce warrior than a maester.

As an authority in the magic world of the Academy City, his necklace, mask, and scepter are all made of Valyrian steel. Unfortunately, Dr. Marwin is excluded in the Academy City. Many doctors think that Marwin's magic research is impractical. , evil and depraved.

In order to study dragons, giants, and unicorns, Dr. Marwin went to Winterfell, and has been working for Ed ever since. He was in charge of teaching Ed's children and adopted sons in Winterfell. Dr. Marwin and Bachelor Luwin together, Created a wolf academy, teaching and educating people, and researching magic.

The undead raged south of the Neck, and Dr. Marwyn heard that Prince Rhaegar, Robert the Deathstorm, could not stay in Winterfell any longer after he was reborn.Departing from Winterfell, they went all the way south along the King's Road, and finally arrived at Harrenhal.

Dr. Marwyn had ten retinues, each on a warhorse.They stared dumbfounded at the bones, charred corpses, and giant dead bats strewn all over Harrenhal.

Dr. Marwyn cleared his throat. "These are the corpses of the undead?"

Ed nodded, "That's right, after being attacked by Lie Yan (raging flames) and dragon flames, the undead will die completely. Dr. Marwin, Harrenhal is often attacked, and the undead nearby appear from time to time. It's not safe here. You should stay here Winterfell."

Dr. Marwyn grinned wildly.

"I heard that the leader of the undead army is the famous Prince Rhaegar. How can I be in the mood to stay in Winterfell? The undead are raging, and the dragon is reborn. This is a good opportunity to practice magic knowledge. I must participate in it personally. "

Ed led Marwin and his followers into Harrenhal, and the gate was immediately closed and barred.

Mia Stone and a group of stable boys took the horses from Marwin and his entourage and sent them to the stables.

Mia Stone, Robert's illegitimate daughter, now works in the stables of Harrenhal, and many hedge knights and squires are courting this girl.

Ed and Dr. Marvin walked towards the alchemist's laboratory, Ed said, "How is the situation at home in Winterfell?"

Marwyn said: "Jon Snow, Governor of the North, has taken care of everything in order. Last time the iron people invaded, the Wolf Castle that was destroyed, the Warhorse City in the Streamland, the Rock City on the Rock Coast, and Kraken Point The Blacksmith City has been completely rebuilt."

"There is plenty of food in various places, and a bumper harvest has been completed recently, and the ice storage at the Great Wall is full of food. Jon feels that winter is coming, and the northern border will need to rely more on fishing at sea."

"The delicacies of black truffles, caviar, foie gras, blue nobles, and perfumes in our northern border are best-selling in the Free Trade City, and the treasury of Winterfell is almost overflowing."

"Seal Bay, the fishing ground in Ice Bay, can catch a lot of crabs, prawns, cod, salmon, sardines, saury, etc. every day."

"The only trouble is that when fishing in the Shivering Sea, our fishing boats are often seized by the Braavos Sea King's fleet for no reason."

Braavos is roughly on the same level as the Neck, but they occupy the Shivering Sea, and even the Isle of Skagos, the Shivering Sea near the great gray cliffs of the Karstarks, is considered the home of the Braavos Sea King. In the sphere of influence, fishing boats in the north are often detained and expelled for no reason.

Ed the wolf king said: "I am busy dealing with the undead now, and I don't want to conflict with Braavos. But I promise, one day, I will smash Braavos' ocean supremacy."

"Is there any news of undead beyond the Great Wall?"

Dr. Marwin shrugged, "At least not before I left. The nineteen fortresses on the Great Wall have already made preparations. The Night Watchmen will work with the North to resist the undead invasion."

"I think the situation that Westeros is facing this time is worse than that of the Long Night back then. During the Long Night, the undead did not wreak havoc south of the Neck!"

At this time, Ed and Dr. Marvin came to the door of the alchemist's laboratory. Ed said, "It's okay, I have prepared a secret weapon for the undead."

Ed pushed open the door of the alchemist's laboratory, and the alchemist Harlem was staying with Tyrion.

Tyrion said, "I have always been a great reader of yours, Dr. Marwyn. The Lost Book is my favourite."

Dr. Marwyn looked at Tyrion in surprise, "Are you young Tyrion of the Lannister family?"

Tyrion grimaced, "Yes, I am the little devil Tyrion."

Ed said: "Tyrion has joined my think tank, he can help us."

Tyrion said: "Compared to the great wolf king Ed, I am just an apprentice. I was fortunate to participate in the research and development of the shells, but in fact, the specific work was done by the wolf king Ed himself."

Alchemist Harlem echoed: "Yes, Tyrion and I are assistants at best."

Dr. Marwin was stunned. "Cannonball?"

Ed said: "This thing is similar to fireworks. It is made of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. It is powerful. In order to let the shells exert their power, I made a musket to fire the shells."

In fact, Ed used some magic during the invention of the cannonball.With the help of the old gods, Ed mastered the power of the elements. He could feel the different elements in the surrounding environment such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, which played a role in the development of the shells.

Afterwards, Ed showed Marwin a half-meter-thick musket and black cannonballs. Ed said: "Put the cannonballs into the musket, light the fuse, and the cannonballs will be launched to attack the undead."

Marwyn frowned. "Is this heavy thing really useful?"

Ed said, "We'll see if we try."

So, on the school grounds, a skeleton was placed 50 meters away. Ed personally tested the musket, and after lighting the fuse, the shell made a loud "bang", and the skeleton was hit by the shell and exploded.

The magic dragon koi and Eagle Eye are eating beef on the other side of the school field, and the magic dragon and flying wolf are hovering over Harrenhal together with several griffins and giant eagles.

Hearing the sound of gunpowder, no matter it was the dragon, the griffin, the giant eagle, or the giant on the side, they were all startled.

Dr. Marwin's eyes widened. "It must be magic, right?"

Ed said: "The musket can target the air, and its power is much stronger than that of a crossbow. Of course, I have to admit that this thing has many shortcomings. First of all, it is too bulky, and then the reloading time is too slow, even slower than that of a crossbow."

"If it encounters wet or snowy weather, the shells will easily fail. There is still a lot of room for improvement in the musket, but after all, we have taken the first step."

Tyrion stared into the oddly sized eyes.

"If we use a bigger iron pipe to make a bigger musket, similar to a ballista, wouldn't it be possible to use gunpowder to directly blow up the city wall? This is a magic weapon for siege!"

Ed nodded exaggeratedly, "Yes, the musket similar to the ballista should have a brand new name, it should be called the artillery."

Tyrion grinned obscenely. "Cannon! What a name, it sounds like you're sleeping with a whore."

Ed said: "However, the improvement of weapons must be done step by step. There are still many shortcomings in muskets. I must improve muskets."

In the future, Ed hopes to build a musketeer unit, which is perfect with crossbowmen, and can suppress the enemy remotely on the battlefield.

The dragon grows up day by day, coupled with muskets, giant eagles, and griffins, even if Cersei resurrects the frost dragon, Ed has the confidence to defeat the enemy.

The wolf castles in the river land have been completed one after another, the noble city in the noble heart of the river land, the cross city in the ruby ​​beach, and the barren stone city near the west. All these wolf castles have garrisoned troops. Relying on the wolf castle, a large number of Stark manors have been cultivated.

The river fleet in the Trident River Basin has been formed and stationed in the Twins, Riverrun, Beauty, Cross City, Earl Harroway's town and other places.

As for Yanchang Town, Nuquan Town, and Haijiang City, they are protected by the Hejian Land Navy Fleet, and the maritime defense capabilities of the Sanhe area have been significantly improved.

In the valley, the construction of Wolf Castle Griffin City was completed, and it was there that Ed found the dragon egg and the griffin egg. He used the silver-white dragon egg to hatch the magic dragon Hawkeye and seven griffins.

In today's Wolf King Empire, gold and silver are available in the west, the riverlands and valleys are granaries, and wool, wood and animal skins are in the north.

The empire of the direwolf is getting stronger and stronger. In order to protect the people and the territory, Ed will never shrink back from the undead.

Tengshi Town, the river bend, is covered with overcast clouds.

Tengshi Town is located in the southwest of King's Landing, almost the most northeastern part of the Reach, sixty leagues away from King's Landing, and it is also the nearest town in the Reach to King's Landing.

The undead are raging in the storm, and Lord Lando Tarly has been guarding the king's road south of Tengshi Town, ready to resist the invasion of the undead at any time.

When he heard that the giant bats had begun to attack the villages in the territory of Tengshi Town, Lord Lando Tarly immediately rushed to the rescue of Tengshi Town with [-] cavalry.

Tengshi Town is extremely cold. Although it has entered autumn, it gives people a feeling of winter. The withered and yellow leaves of the forest in Tengshi Town seem to be covered with a thin layer of frost.

Lord Randyll Tarly wore a fur coat and heavy cloak, and a Valyrian steel sword, Broken Heart, hung from his waist.Lord Randyll stood before the city gates, where soldiers were digging pits and laying out caltrops and antlers.

A group of beggar brothers and monks gathered together, standing not far from Earl Randyll.

A scout rode a sweaty warhorse to the front of Lord Randyll Tarly and dismounted.

"Lord Landau, I saw a... a frost dragon."

Earl Randall Tarly frowned, his forehead looked like a deep ravine, "Frost dragon? I thought giant bats were bad enough, but there are frost dragons? Are you sure you read it right?"

The scout shook his head, "It's not wrong. I've seen a giant bat before. It's black. The skeleton of the Frost Dragon is covered with a layer of frost. It looks white from a distance. How could I be wrong?"

Randyll's youngest son, Dickon, who was Sam's younger brother, stepped forward and said, "This must be a monster made by the necromancer, Queen Cersei's lackey, using dark magic."

Earl Randall snorted, "It is indeed a masterpiece of the undead in King's Landing, but I don't think the necromancer is Cersei's running dog. On the contrary, Cersei is more like the necromancer's dog."

"The necromancer resurrected Prince Rhaegar, the death storm, and created the frost dragon and giant bat. Cersei may not be aware of it, but in my opinion, the necromancer has already emptied Cersei."

Dickon said: "Father, I heard that Storm's End and Harrenhal are often attacked by giant bats, but they have never been attacked by a frost dragon. Why did the frost dragon move towards Tengshi Town in the river bend?" What about killing?"

Earl Randall pondered for a while, "I don't understand it either. Even a fool can see that Storm's End and Harrenhal are of greater strategic value. If the undead capture Storm's End, the southern Stormlands will be lost; if the undead capture Storm's End Harrenhal, not only can directly threaten the Trident River Basin, but also have the opportunity to slaughter the Stark dragons in Harrenhal."

"What are they doing to attack Tengshi Town?"

At this time, a young monk squeezed through the crowd and came to Earl Randyll.

"Lord Randyll, the undead attacked Tengshi Town for the sake of the dragon."

Earl Randall has always looked down on monks, singers, and bachelors. He thinks that men should rely on swords to fight for a world, and Earl Randall only dislikes monks who pray to the Seven Gods like a woman to survive.

The young monk rushed over to talk to him, and Earl Randyll's face darkened.

"Master, what nonsense are you talking about? Where is the magic dragon in Tengshi Town?"

Earl Fudley, the lord of Tengshi Town, quickly introduced: "Earl Randyll, this is Brother Hartley. He is knowledgeable, has read a lot of books, and knows a lot about undead and dragons."

Earl Randall said contemptuously: "A nerd? What's so great about a nerd? I have a son who looks like a pig. He is also a nerd. He can only read books all day long. I sent him to the Great Wall of Despair. Now he is the son of the wolf king Ed. adoptive son."

Earl Fudley said: "Listen to Brother Hartley's prophecy, you can never be wrong. Brother Hartley can pray to the old woman to see what will happen in the future."

"Before, Brother Hartley accurately predicted the death of King Robert, the fiasco of Renly at Bitterbridge, and even the death storm and the resurrection of Prince Rhaegar."

"The most important thing is that Brother Hartley predicted three days ago that the Frost Dragon would attack Tengshi Town.

Earl Randall was skeptical. He looked at Brother Hartley. This handsome monk was frail, thin, with blond hair and amber eyes. He was very heroic.

"Brother Hartley, do you really have the ability to prophesy? I warn you, if you dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of me, I will immediately execute you and hang your body on the city wall."

Brother Hartley said indifferently: "I won't boast about the abilities I possess. It's just that when I pray, the old woman can use a lamp to illuminate the road ahead for me, that's all."

Earl Landau was not convinced, but there were a bunch of sworn knights and hedge knights around him, and he was also a knight himself. Of course Earl Landau dared not openly question the power of the Seven Gods.

"Well, tell me, what future does the crone show you?"

Brother Hartley said: "The Frost Dragon will easily capture this town, and then the necromancer will hold some kind of dark magic weapon, collect some kind of power from Tengshi Town, and resurrect the Frost Dragon in Tengshi Town."

Earl Randall frowned, "There is no magic dragon here, and there is no skeleton of a magic dragon. The necromancer will come here to resurrect the frost dragon? How is this possible?"

Brother Hartley said: "However, during the Dance of the Blood Dragons, Tengshi Town suffered two major wars. Three giant dragons, Haiyan, Vermisol, and Trixane fell in Tengshi Town. I believe that the undead Wizards will collect dragon souls in Tengshi Town to resurrect the Frost Dragon."

Earl Randall was curious: "What is the use of the dragon soul?"

Brother Hartley said: "The Necromancer used his soul to resurrect Prince Rhaegar and Death Storm. I think that when resurrecting the Frost Dragon, the dragon soul must also be collected."

Lord Randyll stroked his Valyrian steel sword and broke his heart.

"If the necromancer Ogbeta dares to come to Tengshi Town, I have a chance to kill him. I know the weakness of the undead, and I have prepared flaming arrows and torches. If the undead dare to attack, I will give them a fatal blow."

Brother Hartley was taken aback.

"This is crazy, the undead are attacking, even soldiers can't give the courage to fight, the wise thing to do is to retreat immediately."

Earl Randall said: "If the undead retreat as soon as they attack, what do we soldiers do? Eddard, the wolf king, guards Harrenhal, and Stannis sticks to Storm's End. If the knights of the Reach flee before the undead, wouldn't it be a big deal? The laughing stock of the Seven Kingdoms?"

Hart pointed at the low city wall of Tumblestone Town with his finger, "Lord Randyll is very brave, but unfortunately, Tumblestone Town is not Storm's End, nor Harrenhal. This town is vulnerable to the undead, let alone the undead." There are also giant bats and frost dragons to help."

"At the beginning, facing the attack of the undead, Stannis voluntarily gave up Hay Hall, Fallen Wood Hall, Copper Star City and other castles, and concentrated his forces to secure Storm's End."

Earl Randall said disdainfully: "You are right, and a three-year-old child can understand it, but, where in the Reach is there a castle as majestic as Storm's End? If the undead retreat as soon as they attack, Tengshi Town, Bitterbridge, Highgarden, Hornhill and Oldtown will fall, and the Reach will be completely reduced to a land of the dead."

"I know it will be difficult for me to win this battle, but those who are afraid of failure will never win. I would rather die fighting on the way to charge than on the way to escape."

Brother Hartley was full of admiration, "Master Randyll, you are the embodiment of a warrior. However, once you fight with the undead, the corpse will turn into a ghoul at any time. If the undead massacre the city, a large number of ghouls will be created."

Ran Dao looked at the crowd nearby, "So why don't you bastards hurry up!"

"Tengshi Town doesn't support idlers. If it's not a soldier, then evacuate to the west."

Fortunately, a large number of people in Tengshi Town had fled the town a few days ago, and the remaining hundreds of residents, led by Brother Hartley and Earl Fudley, retreated towards Bitter Bridge.

On the second night, an army of undead appeared in the town of Tengshi.

The moon shivered in the cold night.

Lord Randyll Tarly stood on the ramparts, barking orders.

"The undead are afraid of flames. No matter how many ghouls and skeletons they come, as long as we keep attacking with flame arrows, the enemy will not be able to attack the city wall."

Pitfalls, antlers, and caltrops slow down the march of the undead.

The crossbowmen in the Reach fired flaming arrows, which lit up the night sky and fell into the undead. Olive oil was poured into the pit, and when it encountered an open fire, it started to burn instantly. Although it was not as good as wildfire, the scorching heat of the flame should not be underestimated. , the undead screamed and died.

Just as the knights around Earl Landau were shouting victory, the shadow of death covered the sky.

The frost dragon Dreamfire covered the night sky, and the clouds swallowed the moon and stars.

The crossbowmen on the wall of Tengshi Town felt terrified.

Earl Randall said: "There is nothing to fear from this monster. Demon dragons are not afraid of fire, but frost dragons are afraid of flames. Warriors of the Reach, show them some flames!"

Some flaming arrows hit the Frost Dragon, bounced away in vain, and fell to the ground. The Frost Dragon Dreamfire lazily sprayed out a mouthful of blue frost. The first row of crossbowmen on the city wall froze in an instant, and there was no time to scream. He died, freezing to death at the top of the city.

After just one heartbeat, the necromancer Ogbeta appeared in the night sky riding a giant bat. The skeleton scepter in Ogbeta's hand emitted bursts of blue light, bathing the corpses on the city wall.

"Resurrect! Warriors of the Cold God, for the sake of the Cold God, let's kill wildly!"

The defenders of the River Bend who had just died immediately turned into blue-eyed living dead. One by one, they got up from the ground and became undead crossbowmen. They began to shoot frost arrows at the human defenders in Tengshi Town.

Randyll Tarly fled down the wall under the protection of Dickon, Ser Hyle Hunt.

"Father, we can't fight the Frost Dragon at all, so run away!"

Earl Randall sighed, seeing that humans could not resist the dragon at all, so he had to take the rest of the soldiers and flee from the south gate towards Rose Road.

Several giant bats chased after him.

Ogbeta rode a giant bat and slowly landed on the ground of Tengshi Town. The necromancer Ogbeta took out an urn and activated the spell.

"Great cold god, may you open your eyes of death and let the dragon soul reappear in the world!"

Under the gaze of countless ghouls with blue eyes, the dragon souls of three giant dragons appeared in the night sky of Tengshi Town.

The three dragons all died in the second battle of Tengshi Town during the Dance of the Dragons. "Wrath of Wrath" Vermythor, the mount of Adam Velaryon, the dragon species of Tidehead Island, and the silver-gray magic dragon Haiyan.

Among them, "Bronze Wrath" Vermythor is the largest dragon, and his size is about three times that of "Blue Queen" Tesserion and Hai Yan.

Among the many records about dragons in Westeros, Vermythor is the fourth largest dragon in size. In front of him, only Balerion, Vagarhar and Mira who participated in Aegon's great conquest Sith.

The frost dragon Menghuo let out a roar, destroying the walls and temple of Tengshi Town with ice.

Necromancer Ogbeta activated the spell, and Vermythor, Tesserion, and Haiyan's dragon soul were all put into the urn.

The necromancer showed a ferocious smile.

"Frost Dragon Legion, just around the corner!"

 Thanks to 2023060680527, the monthly ticket given out by Wanbang guests, drunken people, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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