Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 23 Who is Supporting Rock Species?

Chapter 23 Who is Supporting Rock Species?

Ed still remembered that Master Luwin once mentioned to him that Kingport of the Iron Islands brought together the best blacksmiths in the Iron Islands. The armor and weapons made by the blacksmiths in Kingport are unparalleled in the Seven Kingdoms. Ed once asked Theon to write The letter was sent to Baron asking for a blacksmith, and the blacksmith apprentice sent by Baron.

The rock species of Skagos Island are divided into many tribes, just like the mountain clans in the north, the mountain clans in the Vale of Arryn, and the savages beyond the Wall. These tribes fight each other for territory, food, and women all the year round. A poor man's version of Game of Thrones is played on the island.

It is precisely because of this that it is difficult for rock species to threaten the northern border for a long time.

Today, the rock species tribe has actually completed the unification, and the next step is logical to expand outwards without internal troubles. No wonder the rock species pirates are so rampant.

Eddard was most worried about the Ironborn, though.Only the Royal Fleet in King’s Landing and the Redwyne Fleet on Arbor Island can compete against the Iron Fleet of the Iron Islands, and the Ironmen are the people who are best at naval and water warfare in Westeros.

If the iron species and the rock species are really colluding across thousands of mountains and rivers, it will be a nightmare for the northern border that lacks sea power.

Balon Greyjoy had always been ambitious, how could he not be?Back then he led the Iron Islands, held high the rebellious flag, and challenged Robert, King of the Seven Kingdoms. Although the rebellion was suppressed, it was only six years later. The Iron Islands rebellion is going all out.

Ed began to regret investing in the expansion project of the winter shelter town outside Winterfell.If he is not anxious about the expansion of the winter town, he can hire a ship in White Harbor or the Free Trade City, and take the soldiers from the north to cross Seal Bay to compete with the rock species.

Recently Ed handed over the stables, forges, barracks, large market and other projects to Downs Arryn. The foundations of these projects have been laid and are still being piled up bit by bit. The money has almost bottomed out, and it can only be supported by the income of Yantun and the beehive.

The Greatjon glanced at Theon, and said to Ed: "Master Ed, I actually like Theon, but I really hate the Ironmen. It seems that the Iron Islands not only plundered the West Coast, but also colluded with the Rockies." kind of an attack on the East Coast."

Ed pondered for a while, "Ironborn is indeed very suspicious, but the armor, weapons and longships of the Ironborn will also flow out through trade. Is it possible that the rock species obtained these materials through maritime trade?"

Maester Luwin said: "Master Ed, I think the possibility is very low. The rock species don't even have their own currency. According to the data, they only barter for things."

Ed said: "Master Luwin, is this a conclusion based on those ancient data? I think we should look at the problem from a developmental perspective. Such well-equipped rock species have never appeared in the data. Haven't they appeared? "

Luwin nodded in agreement, "That's right, the information about the rock species and Skagos Island in the Academy City are all hundreds of years ago, so they are a bit outdated. There is no way, after all, Skagos Island is nominally the Northern Territory part of it, but they seem to be an independent kingdom."

The financial advisor Kral shrugged, "Anyway, I have traveled all over the major ports of the Seven Kingdoms and the Free Trade Cities, and I have never encountered a rock species, let alone a merchant ship of the rock species. Unless the Ironmen deliberately sailed so far to reach Skagos Island, otherwise the Rockborn would not be able to obtain the armor and weapons of the Iron Islands."

From the Iron Islands to Skagos Island by sea, you need to go south along the sunset sea, pass Lannisport in the west, the old town in the Reach, cross the Redwyne Strait, bypass the long and desolate Dorne coast, enter The Narrow Sea crosses the pirate-ravaged seas of the Stone Step Islands, enters the stormy Shipwreck Bay in the Stormlands, passes through the Kingland, the Vale of Arryn, and then along the long east coast of the northern border to Skagos Island.

If the ironmen really sent weapons, armor, and longships to a barren island by taking this long route, the only explanation is that the Iron Islands and the rock species have allied themselves.

Theon was a little anxious, "Our Iron Islands and Skagos Island are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and the distance is far away."

Roose Bolton said with a slight smile: "But there are Ironborn in the north, isn't the famous Theon Greyjoy next to the Duke of the North right now?"

Theon was shaking with anger.

The Greatjon said gruffly, "Yes, and don't forget that there is also Commander Cotter Pyke of the Night's Watch at Eastwatch. This is the bastard son of the Iron Islands."

Pike is a unique surname for illegitimate children in the Iron Islands, just like Snow in the North, River in the Riverlands, and Buddha Flower in the Reach.

Greatjon continued: "I will send food and money to the night watchmen every year to help them defend the Great Wall. When the rock species invaded my territory, I personally went to East Sea Watch and asked Carter Pike to send a fleet to help us fight against the rock species." Kind of, do you know what the ironborn bastard said?"

"'Our mission of the Night Watch is to guard the Great Wall against threats to the north of the Great Wall. The Night Watch will never participate in the disputes within the Seven Kingdoms. Skagos Island is nominally part of the North, and the Night Watch will never participate'. What kind of nonsense is this? I suspect that the weapons and armor of the rock species were sent there by the ship of Donghaiwatch."

The members of the Amber family, the members of the Karstark family brought by Earl Rickard Karstark, and the members of the Dreadfort brought by Lord Roose Bolton all echoed their voices, and the hall was noisy. into one piece.

Earl Rickard Karstark clenched the long sword in his hand, and said angrily: "Lord Ed, who else would dare to attack the Night Watchman Legion now except us northerners? Without our food and property support, the Night Watchman would be starving." Dead. The Night's Watch says it protects the Seven Kingdoms, and wildling raiders appear every year in the northern mountains, in the Increased Lands, in the Seal Bay, and even in the Wolfwood."

"Wildling raiders often sneak in small boats, bypassing Eastwatch, and sneaking into Amber's house and my territory. Who knows if Mance Rayder, the king beyond the wall, has infiltrated the forces of wildlings into Skaggs? Island? Savages and Rockborn are fucking savages anyway, robbing us of our belongings, our children and our women."

Roose Bolton said softly: "Lord Ed, your younger brother Benjen Stark is the Chief Ranger of the Night Watch, why not let Mormont, the commander-in-chief of the Night Watch Corps, investigate Carter Pike through Benyan? My analysis is that Baron colluded with Carter Pike, and they teamed up and colluded with the rock species to attack the coast of the northern border."

Ed put his hands on the direwolf throne, and said calmly: "You have no evidence for the accusation against Carter Pike. From the moment he put on black clothes, he swore never to participate in the disputes within the Seven Kingdoms. The Night Watchman is Unbiased. Do we expect Carter Pike, with the fleet of East Watch, to directly attack the rock pirates?"

"Cat Pike is right. Skagos is part of the North, and the Rockbreed is a traitor to the North. Unless it can be proven that the Rockbreed of Skagos has conspired with Mance Rayder the Wildman, the Bear Old Mormont couldn't have sent the Night's Watch against the Rockborn."

Besides, if the rock species is equipped with Iron Islands longships, armor and weapons on a large scale, and counts on the tattered fleet of the East Watch Night Watchmen to confront the rock species pirates at sea, Ed doesn't see any chance of winning.

Ed got up and looked around at the people in the hall.

"We don't need the assistance of the Night Watchman Legion. The northern border can destroy the rock species by itself. The rock species seems to have forgotten that the Stark family of Winterfell is their lord. I decided to fight back firmly against the rock species' betrayal and killing. , it's time for them to bow their knees again. With steel and blood!"

The ancient Great Hall of the King of Winter at Winterfell seethed, Greatjon Umber pounded his chest with his massive fist, Roose Bolton murmured approval, and Lord Rickard Karstark drew his sword. scabbard, the northerner let out a battle cry.

"Iron and blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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