Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 236 The Battle of King's Landing

Chapter 236 The Battle of King's Landing
In the dream, Cersei wears the crown and becomes the supreme queen of Westeros.

The heads of mortal enemies Wolf King Eddard and True Dragon Queen Daenerys hang bloody on the Skeleton Throne, and the direwolf skin hangs in the throne room.

All of Wolf King Ed's children are dead. The bodies of Robb, Sansa, Arya, Rickon, Bran, and the bastard Jon Snow are displayed in front of the Iron Throne.

Everyone kneels before Cersei, Robert, Renly replaces Moonboy as court jester, all the men who have ever been enemies of Cersei, Jon Arryn, Stannis, Lord Tywin, all Kneeling at Cersei's feet, kissing her toes, trembling.

With a bright smile on his face, the necromancer Ogbetta offered Tyrion's deformed and ugly head.

James, who was wearing golden armor, and Prince Rhaegar, who had silver hair and purple eyes, presented the skull of the dragon. The two of them announced that they would marry Cersei together, and Cersei smiled.

Joffrey, Myrcella, Tommen, with flowers in their hands, and their brocade coats of crimson and gold, smiled as they watched their mother marry.

Tens of thousands of civilians and nobles came to Cersei's wedding together. All the flowers, applause, and cheers surrounded Cersei, and Cersei smiled happily.

Suddenly, a cold wind suddenly rose, and all the commoners and nobles disappeared. The bodies of the Stark children in front of the Iron Throne disappeared and were replaced by the bodies of Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella. Their bodies were wrapped in gold. shroud.

Toad Witch appeared in front of Cersei.

“Thy child shall have a crown of gold, and a shroud of gold!”

"In the future, you will be the mother of the world until another woman comes, who is younger and more beautiful than you. She will overthrow you and take away everything you cherish."

Cersei awoke from her sleep screaming, covered in cold sweat.

"A nightmare is just a nightmare." Cersei comforted herself.

When the undead wizard Ogbeta, with the frost dragon army, captures Harrenhal, kills the Wolf King Ed, the True Dragon Queen Daenerys, and kills all the dragons, the undead will gain a decisive victory.

However, the next day, when Cersei was in the throne room, sitting on the Skeleton Throne, the news came that the undead had been defeated at Harrenhal.

"What's going on? Ogbeta, didn't you say that you have the frost dragon Black Death Balerion, Merasis, and you resurrect Waghar at the bottom of God's Eye Lake, plus Bronze Wrath, Silver Wing , Dream Fire, Red Queen Melias and other dragons, can the undead remain invincible?"

The necromancer Ogbeta held a skeleton scepter with a tired look on his face.

"Your Majesty, the wolf king Ed has mastered powerful elemental power. He used the power of gold, wood, water, fire and earth to control the frost dragon, and cooperated with the giant eagle, magic dragon, and griffin to kill many of my frost dragons and death knights. By the way, there is also the damn Blood Raven Brynden River, he is the last Green Prophet, the Blood Raven brought the crow soldiers down from the sky, and caught me off guard."

The bleary-eyed Grand Maester Pycelle's eyes immediately widened to the size of boiled eggs.

"Brynden Rivers the Bloodraven? He is the noble illegitimate son of King Aegon IV. He once served as Prime Minister during the period of Aerys I and Maekar I, and later served as the Commander-in-Chief of the Night's Watch. Is he still alive?"

Tywin said indifferently: "Blood Raven's deadly enemy, Cold Iron, has been resurrected, sea monsters dominate the ocean, Balrogs dance wildly in the storm, even Black Death, Vagarhar, and Meraxes have been reborn, Blood Raven Still alive, what's so strange about it?"

"Grand Maester Pycelle, now is the era of revival of spiritual energy, your old mind, you have to learn to accept the fact that magic rules the world."

Cersei sat on the Skeleton Throne, embarrassed, and she remembered the terrible dream last night.

James said: "Wolf King Ed has killed so many frost dragons and death knights, if he attacks King's Landing, wouldn't we be in danger?"

Ogbeta, the necromancer, showed an evil smile.

"Don't worry, the True Dragon Queen, Wolf King Ed and the Three-Eyed Crow worked very hard to kill our frost dragon, the Death Knight. I can resurrect them from the Dark Altar."

Cersei breathed a sigh of relief, "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and resurrect."

The necromancer Ogbeta led the crowd to the dark altar of the Red Castle. The skulls and dragon remains on the dark altar shone with a strange blue light.

"Your Majesty, the resurrection of the Death Knight and the Frost Dragon requires the consumption of dark magic and time."

"My bat sent a message that Stannis's army of fire slaves and Balrogs are raging in the royal forest, the death storm and the frost dragon Blue Queen Trixane, Haiyan, have repeatedly defeated in front of the Balrogs, I will personally bring the black gods of death Balerion, Vagarhar, and Meraxes to face the Balrog."

Cersei was dissatisfied.

"Robert, this waste, can't help me defeat the Balrog even if he turns into a death storm."

James rubbed the hilt of his sword, "Ogbert, if I remember correctly, Balerion, Vhagar, and Meraxes are the biggest among the frost dragons. If you take them away, who will protect you?" Where is King’s Landing?”

"Wolf King Ed defeated the undead in Harrenhal, and he may send troops south to threaten King's Landing at any time."

The Necromancer said: "Kingslayer, don't worry, I will keep the frost dragons Sylax, Womax, Arax, and Terexiu to guard King's Landing. These frost dragons, It once belonged to Queen Rhaenyra and her sons, and was the main force on Rhaenyra's side during the Dance of the Dragons."

Afterwards, the necromancer pointed to the dark altar.

"Besides, the Dark Altar will continuously resurrect the Frost Dragon and the Death Knight, and the Bronze Wrath Vermythor, Silver Wing, Dreamfire, Red Queen Melias, Yang Yan, etc. who died in the battle of Harrenhal will all Reborn from the dark altar."

Afterwards, the necromancer rode on Balerion, the black god of death, and flew into the sky, followed by Merasis and Waghar.

The necromancer Ogbeta disappeared into the sky, and Jillian smiled and walked to Cersei.

"Your Majesty, Aegon the Conqueror rode Balerion, the Black Death, and conquered Westeros. How could such a powerful frost dragon be allowed to be enjoyed by the necromancer Ogbeta? You should be riding the Black Death. Bellerion."

Cersei shrugged.

"Ogbeta, the necromancer, has always been loyal to me. He rides the black god of death, Balerion, and it should be my little reward for him."

James on the side laughed dumbly.

"Sister, you are clearly the puppet of the necromancer Ogbeta, Ogbeta controls every death knight, every frost dragon, every dark acolyte, even every soldier of the black robe army, every cold god believer."

Cersei was very angry, "Jaime, don't sow discord in front of me."

However, Cersei suddenly realized that what James said was true, all the death knights and frost dragons were resurrected by Ogbeta.Prince Rhaegar, Deathstorm Robert, Sleeping Dragon Prince Viserys, Horse King Drogo, Cold Iron, Black Robe Commander Janos Slynt, are all from Ogbeta.

Ocean Witch Grace wore a long crystal dress, covering her snow-white skin. She twisted her waist and walked over, every step was a temptation.

"Your Majesty the Queen Mother, you needed to rely on the necromancer Ogbeta to resist the enemy. It is understandable that you trusted Ogbeta. However, now Ogbeta has shown that it is too big to lose. You should cultivate your own power immediately."

Tywin said: "Yes, Cersei, Grace is your Uncle Jillian's wife, a member of our Lannister family, you should make more use of Lannister's own people."

"Ogbeta, the necromancer, took away the three largest frost dragons, Vagehar, Merasis, and Black Death Balerion, and the dragons left to you are all Rhaenyla and him. of the short-lived sons of yours."

"Back then, Rhaenyla was trapped in King's Landing with a few dragons, and finally lost the war. She fled to Dragonstone Island in embarrassment and died at the hands of Aegon II."

After some persuasion from Duke Tywin, Cersei felt that she was too dependent on the necromancer Ogbeta, and she should indeed make changes.

Grace, the sea witch, was met and married by Jillian on the sailing ship "Laughing Lion" in search of Lannister's ancestral Valyrian steel sword, Light Howl. This sea witch is very mysterious.

Cersei looked at Grace.

"I want to reuse you, but what kind of magic do you know?"

Sea Witch Grace said: "Your Majesty the Queen Mother, I can also do the resurrection tricks like the undead wizard Ogbeta, but the resurrection of the dead relies on the power of the abyss, and the resurrection of our sea witch relies on the ocean. strength."

Cersei raised an eyebrow.

"The power of the sea? Could it be that you are a follower of the Drowned God?"

Sea Witch Grace shook her head.

"No, I grew up on Lei Island in the Far East. My master is the dragon girl who serves the Dragon King of the Yidi Crystal Palace. The Crystal Palace is located on the bottom of the sea. She taught me powerful spells, including resurrection."

"Just like the ebb and flow of the tide, I can use the power of the ocean to resurrect my servants Sea Serpent and Oak Fist to serve His Majesty."

James beside him felt nauseous.Damn it, don't repeat the trick of resurrecting the dead!

Cersei's eyes widened, clearly delighted.

"You mean, the legendary Admiral Corlys Velaryon the Sea Serpent, Alyn Velaryon the Oakfist?"

Ocean Witch Grace showed a sweet smile.

"Yes, Sea Serpent Corliss Velaryon and Oak Fist Erin Velaryon were once great navigators. Once they are resurrected, they can build a powerful fleet for His Majesty."

"Now, the Crow's Eye is ravaging the Reach, and Stannis' royal fleet controls Dragonstone Island, Tidehead Island, Howler, Sharp Point and other places. With the fleet of Sea Serpent and Oakfist, we can easily defeat the enemy .”

James said: "I remember, this Oak Fist, Erin, seems to be the grandson of the Sea Serpent?"

Jillian said: "During my voyage, I met some sailors from Tidehead Island. They said that the sea snake claimed that Erin was the illegitimate son of his son Lannor. Famous gay."

"Of course Lannor won't have any illegitimate children, so Oak Fist is actually the sea snake's illegitimate son, who later gained legal status and inherited the fief and castle of the Velaryan family."

Possessing the Sea Serpent and the Oak Fist is a great temptation, Cersei urges, "Quickly resurrect the Sea Serpent and the Oak Fist for me."

Afterwards, the sea witch Grace activated the spell, and the crane brought a basket of clear water, and there were ashes on the lotus in the clear water.

Grace began to chant.

"Sea Serpent Corlys Velaryon, Oak Fist Erin Velaryon, please resurrect and fight for Queen Cersei!"

A white light flashed, and Corian the Sea Serpent, Erin the Oak Fist appeared in front of everyone.

Corlis the sea serpent has silver hair, fair skin, sharp edges and corners, and is hale and hearty; Oak Fist is tall and handsome, with broad shoulders, and both of them have the seahorse coat of arms of the Velaryon family on their breastplates.

Sea Serpent and Oakfist knelt before Cersei.

"Your Majesty, we are willing to serve you!"

Cersei smiled coquettishly: "Get up! From today on, you will be my admirals and build my fleet."

"As long as I have the Armada, I can regain Dragonstone Island, Tidehead Island, attack Storm's End from the sea, and even threaten Seagull Town, Maiden Spring Town, Salt Fields Town, White Harbor and other places."

James shook his head helplessly.

"Cersei, you are simply whimsical. Ed the wolf king may threaten King's Landing at any time, and you are planning to counterattack the enemy."

Cersei snorted softly.

"James, where is all your courage? The Dark Altar has been resurrecting the undead. Soon, the Death Knight and the Frost Dragon will be resurrected. Even if the wolf king Ed leads an army to kill him, I'm not afraid."

Joffrey said, "Uncle Kingslayer, you will only play against my mother, and when we take down Eddard the Wolf King, I will strip you of your white robes and drive you out of the Kingsguard."

Cersei and Joffrey walked towards the throne room, escorted by a group of lackeys.

James turned to Tywin.

"Father, Cersei's stupid actions are really one after another. The necromancer resurrects the dead, and the sea wizard also resurrects the dead. What's the difference? If this continues, Lannister will lose the war sooner or later."

"Wrong, the Lannister has already lost the war in the West." Tywin said coldly, "On Stark's side there are dragons, direwolves, skinchangers, giants, and even the Children of the Forest and the Green Seers. Wooddancer, unless you use magic, the Lannister can only be destroyed."

"Look at what Wolf King Ed did after he conquered the Western Territory. He moved Casterly Rock City and the Lannisters of Lannisport to the Northern Territory. Many relatives, including your aunt Gina, became Star Wars Stark's prisoner, Stark is going to kill the grass."

"Ed is going to follow the example of "The Rainy Season of Castamere". Facing such a ruthless enemy, we can only endure all kinds of dark magic. If the sea witch Grace can help Lannister grow stronger, we have a chance Take back the West."

Suddenly, the bells of the dark temple on the hills of Visenya rang loudly, and the horns sounded everywhere.

James frowned, "Wolf King Ed, or Stannis?"

The frost dragon Syrax, Vomax, flew north.

Tywin and Jaime rode their horses to the northern city wall of King's Landing. Night had already enveloped King's Landing and the land. Tywin and Jaime looked to the north. In the northern sky, demon dragons, giant eagles, and griffins flew over. On the ground, giants Riding a mammoth is like moving a castle, riverland, north, valley or even a horse in the west, and the torch stretches to the end of the line of sight.

Tywin said sadly: "Wolf King Ed really didn't waste time. Facing such an army, we have no chance of winning."

"Send the order, order Sir Gregor the Mountain to lead his subordinates, and the goat Vargo Hurt to lead the warriors, rush out of the old city gate, the gate of the gods, and fight!"

Vargo Hurt's warrior group is cruel and bloodthirsty. They are untrusted mercenaries. Once King's Landing is unfavorable, the loyalty of the mercenaries is very problematic. Tywin would rather let them die on the battlefield.

Tywin, Jaime, return to the throne room of the Red Keep, where Cersei is sitting on the Skeleton Throne.

James said: "The wolf king is coming with an army, Cersei, you'd better take the children and hide for a while."

Cersei said disdainfully: "The cold god protects me, and King's Landing is the city of the dead, so I won't be afraid of Wolf King Ed and Daenerys."

The Starks and Targaryens are the enemies of the Lannisters.In normal times, James would ride a horse and face the enemy. However, today James decided to stay in the Red Keep. After all, the enemy is fighting for humans, and Lannister is fighting for the undead. James would rather Lannis If the war is lost, the hundreds of thousands of people in King's Landing will be saved.

James came to the Maiden House and ordered Lancel to take the red-robed guards to close the door of the Maiden House and protect Myrcella and Tommen inside.The Black Robes put away the drawbridge of Maegor's Tower, cutting off the traffic between Maegor's Tower and the Red Keep. The gate of the Red Keep was also closed and bolted.

The wolf king Ed was riding on the back of the dragon Flying Wolf. With his thoughts, he manipulated the dragon Drogon, Lei Ge, Viserion, Flying Wolf, Eagle Eye and Koi, as well as dozens of giant eagles and griffins.

Daenerys on Drogon's back, Jon on Rhaegal's back.

Syrax, the frost dragon, used to be the mount of Queen Rhaenyla.

Legend has it that the dragon eggs at Winterfell were laid by Womax.

Prince Rhaegar, Viserys, Drogo the Horse King, Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Dawn, and two Frost Dragons, tens of thousands of undead, went out of the city to fight.

The human army wields flaming swords and fights with the undead. The skinchangers control bears, direwolves, wild boars, saber-toothed tigers, shadow lynx, moas and other ferocious beasts to rampage among the undead.The giant frost dragon is in the sky, fighting with the devil dragon, ice and flames cover the sky and the sun.

Wolf King Ed stroked the weirwood bracelet on his wrist, the power of the elements was condensed, the water element was ferocious, and a blast of ice shot out, instantly freezing Wormax and Syracuse.

Wormax and Syracuse struggled hard, cracks and bursts appeared in the ice, but the speed of the frost dragon slowed down significantly. The giant eagle and griffin tore the wings of the frost dragon with their sharp claws, and the frost dragon flowed thick The green blood of the devil, and then, Ed manipulated the giant eagle with his mind, and the griffin backed away.

The magic dragon Hawkeye, Koi, Flying Wolf, Drogon, Rhaego, and Viserion ignited the frost dragon Womax and Syrax with dragon flames, and the frost dragon fell to the ground, burned, and died.

After the death of the frost dragon, the undead ghouls on the ground lost their support in the air, and the magic dragon bathed the undead on the ground with dragon flames. Riding a death horse, he fled back to King's Landing.

The turret on the back of the giant mammoth fired artillery shells and knocked down the old city gate, the dragon gate and the gate of the gods. Barristan led an army to enter through the gate of the gods, and the knight of flowers appeared at the gate of the gods.

Goat Wag Hurt, led the warriors out of the old city gate to fight, and encountered the beauty Brienne, Brienne cut the goat Wag Hutt's arm with a sword, and the goat girl Gisela rode a war horse A tall goat came, and its sharp horns pierced Vargo Hurt's breastplate.

In this way, Qohor's goat, Wag Het, died at the hands of Gisela, the goat-girl beyond the Wall, and the goat.

As soon as Vag Hut died, the warrior group immediately collapsed. The clown Shagwei and Brother Ut were killed by the Lightning King and the red-robed monk Thoros. Fang, Rorge and others all died in the rebellion.

The Devil's Mountain Gregor encountered his old enemy, the Red Viper Oberyn, near the old city gate. It was in King's Landing that the Devil's Mountain Gregor tortured and killed Oberyn's sister, Princess Elia of Dorne.

Prince Oberyn stabbed Gregor the Mountain with a spear soaked in poison, and Gregor the Mountain was in pain and was knocked off his horse by Prince Oberyn.

"Magic Mountain, I will torture you and make you taste all the pain in the world!" Oberyn said.

At this time, Sandor came in wearing a hound helmet and slashed the Mountain's neck with his sword. The Mountain's blood spattered and it let out a series of miserable howls.

The magic dragon and flying wolf shot out dragon flames towards the magic mountain. The magic mountain was burned by the dragon flames and let out a miserable cry. Sandor's burnt face twitched and made him sick.

Sandor took the charred head of the Magic Mountain, and proudly said: "Red Viper, revenge belongs to me!"

Oberyn said depressedly: "Hound, the Devil's Mountain has been poisoned by me. It is a mixture of a manticore and dozens of different venoms. The Devil's Mountain was poisoned. Originally, it had to be tortured by the poison. To linger on for so long, let the Mountain die under the flames of the dragon, and it will be cheap for him."

Sandor the Hound spat, "What do you know? Fire is the real hell on earth."

Cersei, Joffrey, panicked when they heard that the army of the wolf king Eddard had entered the city of King's Landing. Cersei finally stepped down from the Skeleton Throne. Tom, Jillian and others discuss countermeasures.

Cersei said in panic, "The city wall of King's Landing is so high, and we still have the Frost Dragon and the Death Knight. Why can the enemy break through the city wall so quickly?"

James said calmly: "Your death knight, the Frost Dragon, was defeated by the Wolf King at Harrenhal, and he is even more helpless against the Wolf King in King's Landing."

"The enemy has artillery, which can blow open the city gate with one shot, not to mention that the wolf king also has giants, dragons, giant eagles and griffins in his hands."

Joffrey's scalp was dripping with pus and stank.

"Where is the necromancer Ogbeta? Why didn't he rush back to King's Landing to rescue him?"

Jilian said: "Your Majesty is still obsessed with this traitor? Ogbeta, the necromancer, must have escaped with the frost dragon Vagehar, Merasis and Bellerion."

Joffrey said bitterly: "The necromancer actually betrayed me. If the necromancer falls into my hands, I will definitely let him die."

Cersei said: "No, I still trust Ogbetta. If he wants to escape, he can take all the death knights and frost dragons away."

Jilian and Ocean Wizard Grace looked at each other, and Jilian said, "Your Majesty, please send the black-robed army from the Red Castle to stop the enemy."

Cersei said: "The black robes need to protect the Red Keep, send them out, who will protect the Red Keep?"

Ocean wizard Grace said: "If the Red Castle is trapped and the enemy destroys the dark altar, the death knight and dragon cannot be resurrected."

Cersei thought it made sense, and immediately called Janos Slynt, the commander-in-chief of the Black Robe Army.

"Janos Slynt, I order you to take the black-robed army to fight outside the Red Castle."

Janos Slynt said lazily: "Queen, only the necromancer Ogbeta can command the black robe army, and it is difficult to obey."

Cersei's eyes widened.

"How dare you disobey my orders?"

James suppressed a smile.

"Master Genos is a ghoul, you can execute him, anyway, Necromancer Ogbeta can resurrect him."

Cersei was furious, and ordered Jaime to execute Janos, and Genos left swaggeringly, and Cersei realized the fact that she was a puppet.

Grace, the ocean wizard, stroked the crystal scepter.

"Fortunately, the Red Castle is next to the sea. I will use the power of the sea to summon a sea army for His Majesty!"

Grace activated the spell, and baskets of prawns, crabs, and fish appeared in front of everyone. Then, a blue light flashed, and these crabs, prawns, and fish turned into shrimp soldiers, crab generals, and mermaids. Sword and spear.

James remembered Grace's aquaculture in King's Landing, and it turned out that it was all part of the magic.

Cersei smiled, "With this army, I don't need the black army anymore. Grace, let your mermaid army protect the Red Keep for me!"

Janos Slynt rushed into the throne room with the black robes.

Genos said sullenly: "The sea witch, the necromancer Ogbeta ordered that once you do something in the Red Castle, you will be eliminated. You really have evil intentions."

The sea witch Grace said disdainfully: "You are just a puppet of the necromancer, how dare you stop me?"

Grace summoned the sea water and instantly tore Genos apart. Then, the mermaid soldiers, shrimp soldiers and crab generals killed every black-robed soldier in front of them and took control of the Red Castle.

Cersei smiled.

"Grace, your mermaid army is much stronger than the black-robed army. I order you to protect the Dark Altar immediately and face the army of the wolf king."

Grace said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, leave everything to me."

Cersei, James, Tywin, Joffrey and others followed Grace and Jillian out of the throne room and came to the dark altar. Grace's face suddenly sank and she activated the spell.

The sea water tore through the dark altar, and the resurrecting death knight and frost dragon were all interrupted.

Cersei, Joffrey looked dumbfounded.Cersei trembled, "Why did you do that?"

Grace apologized: "I only fight for justice!"

 Thank you Dortmund MR Little Rocket is always happy, there is a shortage of books every day, and the monthly ticket given out, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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