Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 238 Trial in wolf time, subdue the Balrog

Chapter 238 Trial in wolf time, subdue the Balrog

During the Dance of the Dragons, Lord Cregan Stark became Regent to the young King Aegon III, and during his short regency, the Great Trials and executions of a series of criminals were held, a period known as the wolf time.

Now, amidst the roar of dragons and direwolves, Eddard Stark is crowned king, sits on the Iron Throne, and becomes the supreme king of Westeros. Those who committed evil crimes in King's Landing await their death. , will be the trial of the direwolf.

At this moment, Cersei, Joffrey, Kingslayer James, Tywin, Kevan and others in the dungeon are waiting for the verdict of the wolf king.

However, as a matter of urgency, the first thing Ed needs to do is to announce his members of the Imperial Council.

In the Throne Hall where nobles gather, Ed wears a crown and sits on the Iron Throne.

"Griffin Hand Jon Connington will be my Hand of the King, Hand of the King."

Jon Clinton stepped out of the crowd and got down on one knee.

"I will fulfill my mission!"

The appointment of Jon Connington as Prime Minister was the result of a compromise between the Stark and Daenerys factions.

Most of the subordinates of Daenerys, the mother of dragons, come from Essos on the other side of the narrow sea, similar to the Free Brotherhood, the Unsullied, the Stormcrows, and the Second Sons. Their members come from all over the world, Yunkai , Astapor, Meereen, Yidi, Qarth, the Summer Isles, Lys, Myr, Tyrosh, Pentos, Braavos, Volantis, Qohor, Norvos, etc. .

The Dosraki cavalry, who have followed Daenerys, the mother of dragons, since the Dosraki prairie, are out-and-out prairie nomads.

Many of these people set foot on Westeros for the first time.

The Golden Company has many descendants of Westeros exiles, many of whom were losers in the Blackfire Rebellion and the Reaver War Rebellion. Their ancestors lost their fiefs and castles due to their participation in the rebellion and were forced into exile.Some are even descendants of ancient kings.

There are several descendants of the Cole family in the golden group. They are the descendants of "King Bearer" Christon Cole; several of them are members of the Peake family. The three castles of Bury and White Garden City. Later, the Peak family participated in the Blackfyre Rebellion many times, and the castles were deprived one after another. Now only the castle of Star Shuttle City remains.

Jon Clinton, Prime Minister of the Griffins, was the Earl of Griffin City before he was exiled. Mad King Aerys deprived him of his title and castle. After Robert overthrew the Targaryen dynasty, the Clinton family became wealthy knights, and their titles and the castle all fell into the hands of his cousin, Ronald Clinton, and after Ronald's death, they passed to Ronald's son, Red Roland Clinton.

The Mulder family, their ancestor was the king of rivers and hills, Tristephan the "Hammer of Justice", who once ruled the Riverlands. However, the castle that the Mulder family had when they were kings has long been reduced to a deserted stone city. It was rebuilt by Stark and became one of the Wolf Keeps in the Riverlands.

Many members of the Golden Company have never been to the Seven Kingdoms and dream of taking back the castles belonging to their ancestors. However, these castles and fiefdoms have long had new owners, Daenerys' mercenaries, Dothraki, from all over the world. The slaves liberated by Daenerys also dreamed of occupying a piece of land in Westeros and becoming a lord.

This is doomed that Daenerys will be opposed by nobles and lords from all over Westeros when she becomes king. Nephew Jon.

After Ed becomes king, he will capture the land of Essos for Daenerys and free the slaves. Daenerys and Jon will have their own vast fiefdoms in Essos, and Daenerys' followers , will also win wealth and land.

Griffin Prime Minister Jon Clinton was a supporter of the Targaryen family during the Labor Rebellion. He was a confidant of Prince Rhaegar and later became an exile. However, he was not a direct descendant of Daenerys. He initially supported Aegon. Prince, when Prince Aegon's Bronn identity was revealed, Jon Connington began to distance himself from Prince Aegon in favor of the Starks.

Jon Connington was once a Targaryen supporter and nearly extinguished the flames of Robert's rebellion at the Battle of the Bell. By appointing him, he could tell the exiles returning to Westeros that as long as they support the Stark rule, With real talent and knowledge, even if he was once the enemy of Ed, he could still rise to a high position.

Subsequently, Ed announced the second member of the Imperial Council on the Iron Throne.

"Robb is my successor, and he will be Minister of Defense, in charge of all defenses from Dorne to Beyond the Wall."

Military power is the most important thing. Ed appointed his successor Robb as the Minister of Defense, firmly controlling the North, the Valley, the West, the Riverlands, the army of the king's land, the future, the Stormlands, Dorne, and the Reach. It will be incorporated into Stark's defense system one after another.

Then Ed announced.

"Tyrion will be my Chancellor and Varys will be Chief of Intelligence."

Ed didn't trust Varys at all, and the appointment came as a surprise to Varys himself.

Varys said in a sweet tone: "I used to serve King Aerys, King Robert, and the tyrant Joffrey. Unexpectedly, I also have the blessing of serving King Ed."

Ed said: "The chief intelligence officer must be insidious, cunning, and pervasive. Who is more suitable than you?"

In fact, after the aura is revived, followers of the Lord of Light can spy on the situation in the distance by gazing at the flames, the ghosts of the children of the forest can interpret dreams to predict the future, and the shapechangers can use birds and animals to detect.Varys's intelligence business is getting harder and harder to do, and Ed doesn't expect Varys, whose loyalty is at stake, to provide any valuable information.

In the future, Ed will hand over the intelligence work to his son Bran. Bran has learned from the Three-Eyed Crow and has shown the potential of the Green Prophet. He can easily control animals to obtain information, and even see the past through trees and predict future.

Everything Varys said must be marked with a question mark. Varys claimed to be from Rees. In Westeros, his foreigner status is beyond doubt.

When he was in Harrenhal, Ed noticed that in the Brotherhood of Freedom, there were skilled craftsmen from all over the world. Once the technology brought by these craftsmen took root in a big city, it would be a stable source of taxation.

What's more, the Golden Regiment, Stormcrows Regiment, Second Sons Regiment and other mercenary regiments have rich experience, the Dothraki are excellent cavalry, and the Unsullied Legion is the trump card among infantry.

The purpose of appointing Varys to continue to serve as the Chief of Intelligence is to tell foreigners who follow Daenerys, the Mother of Dragons, to Westeros that even if they come from a foreign country, they still have the opportunity to become important ministers of the imperial court.

Grand Maester Pycelle used to serve Queen Cersei and served as Lannister's running dog all the year round. Now Pycelle has been sent to the dungeon, and the Cardinal of the Academy City has already deprived Grandmady Pycelle of his necklace.Now that there is a temporary vacancy in the position of Grand Bachelor, Ed decided to be temporarily replaced by Dr. Marwin.

Dr. Marwin said: "The position of Grand Bachelor is elected by the members of the Cardinal Council. Your Majesty, I have been squeezed out by other doctors in the academy city. If I were to be elected by those who lost their bookbags, they would never choose me as the next Grand Bachelor."

Ed said: "Dr. Marwin, you have always been a member of my think tank. Now, the River Bend is under attack by the Crow's Eye. The Old Town Academy is one of the Crow's Eye's targets. At this time, I hope that the Cardinal of the Academy will choose It’s obviously too late to become a Grand Bachelor, so you can temporarily take up the position of Grand Bachelor.”

In the future, Eddard plans to train his adopted son Sam to be a Grand Maester. Sam has a close relationship with Eddard's children, especially Jon, who is as close as a brother.

Ed announced the appointment of Renly, Duke of Mace, and Prince Oberyn of Dorne as advisors to the imperial council. In this way, the nobles of the Stormlands, the Reach, and Dorne could be wooed.

Varys said: "Your Majesty, are you going to rebuild the City Watch and the Kingsguard?"

Ed said: "During the undead invasion of King's Landing, the Golden Robes of the Capital Guard suddenly transformed into the Black Robes, the lackeys of the Cold God. As for the Kingsguard, they have completely become a tool for Queen Cersei to kill the followers of the Seven Gods. The Kingsguard and There is no need to rebuild even the golden robe.”

"I declare that the Royal Forest Army will be established in King's Landing. Ser Barristan, the Hound, Brienne, Jory Cassel, and Loras, the Knight of Flowers, will be the commanders of the Royal Forest Army."

The main force of the Royal Guards will be composed of Stark soldiers, taking complete control of King's Landing.

Roose Bolton said softly: "Your Majesty, Cersei, Joffrey turned King's Landing into a city of the undead. Tens of thousands of residents were brutally killed. It is time to punish these slaves of darkness of the undead."

Hundreds of nobles shouted together, "Punish the traitors, punish the slaves of darkness!"

"Punish Lannister severely!"

Ocean Witch Grace said: "Your Majesty, the crimes committed by Joffrey and Cersei should indeed be severely punished, but not every Lannister is a lackey of the undead."

"In fact, Sir James has tried to assassinate Ogbeta many times. If His Majesty is willing to spare the lives of James, Tywin, Kevan and others, then my mermaid army will be at your disposal, and I will follow Your Majesty, Let's fight the Night King and the undead together."

The sea witch destroyed the dark altar, causing the dark magic of King's Landing Cold God to drop sharply, and when the army approached the Red Castle, she opened the gate of the Red Castle and surrendered. She is the hero of mankind's victory over the undead. Admiral Sea Snake Collis Velaryon and Oak Fist Erin Velaryon are both legendary navigators. With two legendary admirals, plus the Mermaid Legion, Ed's naval power can be enhanced.

Before Cersei and Joffrey killed the believers of the Seven Gods in King's Landing, Lannister had completely offended the church and the believers of the Seven Gods. After losing the Western Territory, Lannister could no longer pose any threat, and there was no need for Ed to kill them all.

"As long as James, Kevan, and Tywin are willing to wear black clothes, I can forgive them."

Prince Oberyn, the Red Viper, said: "Tywin brutally killed Elia and her children back then. There are countless innocent people who died at Tywin's hands. He should be killed!"

Ed said: "Tywin lost everything, let him live on his last breath, and die of old age on the Great Wall, wouldn't it be more cruel than beheading."

Prince Oberyn, the Red Viper, pondered for a while, "It seems to be the reason, let Tywin die on the Great Wall!"

Ed said: "Myrcella, Tommen is innocent. I will adopt them as adopted daughters and sons. As for Cersei and Joffrey, their hands are stained with the blood of innocent people. They and the Mountain, As evil as Wag Hurt, the kind of people whose heads I must cut off."

The sky was overcast, Visenya Hills, in front of the ruins of the former Baelor Cathedral, tens of thousands of King's Landing people flocked to the top of the Visenya Hills to watch Cersei and Joffrey's execution.

Joffrey wet his pants, he cried all the way, Cersei looked indifferent.

The people cursed "bitch", "bastard", "dead king", and threw rotten leaves and eggs at Cersei and Joffrey.

Ed held the giant sword Han Bing.

"Before you die, do you have any last words?"

Joffrey cried: "Your Majesty, I beg you to forgive me. I am willing to wear black clothes. I am willing to be your adopted son or your grandson. Please forgive me!"

Ed swung the ice and cut off Joffrey's neck. The festering head fell to the ground and rolled to the ground. The people immediately began to trample on Joffrey's head wildly. Sandor the Hound snatched the head back and put Joffrey's head was displayed on the spear.

Cersei watched all this indifferently.

Ed said, "Cersei, do you have any last words?"

Cersei smiled wryly: "There is no golden crown, no golden shroud, no woman foretold. Toadwig's prophecies are all lies!"

"Stark, do it! The cold god will definitely resurrect me, and I will usher in rebirth outside the Great Wall. At that time, I will kill every child of yours and avenge my son Joffrey!"

The ice cut Cersei's neck, blood stained the ground, and a black smoke and stench rose into the sky.

The heads of Cersei and Joffrey were stuck on the spears, and the crows pecked out their eyes and began to feast on their skins.

Kingsguard Hercules Rustu, Black King Tabit, Marlin Tran, Boros Braun and others were all executed because they had helped Joffrey, Cersei, and the Necromancer to execute innocent people. Followers of the Seven Gods.

Grand Maester Pycelle's life was spared because he was old and frail and his days were numbered, and Eddard ordered Pycelle to write a book about the atrocities committed by Cersei and the Necromancers during their reign in King's Landing.

Tywin, Jaime, and Kevan put on black clothes, and under the witness of the old and new gods, the people of King's Landing, and nobles from all over the world, they announced that they would give up their fiefdoms and wealth and join the Night's Watch.

The people in King’s Landing hate Tywin, because Tywin bloodbathed King’s Landing and killed many innocent people. Tywin’s daughter Cersei and grandson Joffrey brought endless disasters to King’s Landing, and the people turned to Taiwen one after another. Wen spat on his face, and the lion lost its former prestige, like a sick cat, silently enduring all this.

Ed said: "Now that the Night King's army will soon attack the Great Wall, you will definitely be able to contribute your own strength by joining the Night Watch Corps."

"Of course you can try to escape and try to take back the Western Territory, but I can tell you that if you continue to be my enemy, your end will be even worse."

"The treatment of Myrcella, Tommen, Lancel and others depends on your performance at the Great Wall."

Tywin, Kevan, and James put on black clothes, and Yoren, the brother in black, chained Tywin, Kevan, and James with a golden chain, and escorted them all the way to the Great Wall.

Ed looked around at the nobles.

"We defeated the necromancers in King's Landing, but Westeros is still in danger. Euron the Crow's Eye led the Ironborn to ravage the Reach, Stannis occupied the Stormlands and the Narrow Sea Islands, and the Night King led the White Walkers. The army is ready to move outside the wall."

Greatjon Umber said roughly: "Your Majesty, Euron Crow's Eye and Stannis, who have usurped the title of king, should take advantage of the opportunity when the army gathers in King's Landing, quickly attack Stannis, and then Euron Crow's Eye, Unify Westeros, go north to the Great Wall, and resist the Night King."

Tyrion said: "The Night King is the biggest threat, Euron the Crow's Eye is the second biggest threat, and as for Stannis, I think he is a potential ally that can be won over."

The Lizard wearing a red paint mask said: "Melisandre, Stannis's red-robed woman, blindly interpreted the Lord of Light's intentions. She made a mistake in resurrecting the Balrog, because the Balrog's power far exceeds that of humans. The female Melisandre did not realize the danger of playing with fire and burning herself.”

"Stannis and the Balrog are now south of the Blackwater, and the Balrog must be contained, or the Balrog may cost men dearly."

On the south bank of the Blackwater River, Stannis looked out over King's Landing as he rode, his face tensed.

"Ed is indeed crowned king. Why should he? The ancestors of the Starks were only kings in the North."

Melisandre said briskly: "What Ed relies on is the right of the conqueror. He now controls the vast territory of the North, the Valley, the West, the Riverlands, the Reach, and Dorne. Even Daenerys, the Mother of Dragons, would submit to him."

Stannis began to grind his teeth, "I have always regarded Eddard as an ally against the undead. Now, Eddard captured King's Landing and was immediately crowned king. This is a betrayal!"

Groth the Balrog came to Stannis, his body engulfed in flames.

"Your Majesty Stannis, we only need a sneak attack, and we can destroy Ed."

Stannis frowned. "Tell me about your plan."

The Fire Demon Gross said: "The dark temple and the dark altar in King's Landing were destroyed, the power of the cold god faded rapidly, and the power of the King of Light has increased unprecedentedly here. I can use the power of the fire element to destroy King's Landing with volcanoes and earthquakes. In this way, the Wolf King, the Mother of Dragons, and their nobles will all die."

Stannis stared, the Onion Knight squirmed, and even Melisandre was surprised.

Melisandre said, "Balrog, what are you talking about?"

Stannis said depressedly: "In order to kill a wolf king, you have to bury 10 people in King's Landing? If volcanoes and earthquakes destroy King's Landing, Dragon's Lair, Flea Lair, Red Keep, everything is reduced to ashes, isn't it true? Shall I reign over a land of charred flesh and ashes?"

The Balrog Gross showed an evil smile, "Your Majesty, those who died will be resurrected by me as flame slaves, including the dragon! Just imagine, the wolf king, the mother of dragons, Tywin, and nobles from all over the world, all kneel before you In front of you, I will be loyal to you, and your kingdom will be extremely stable."

Melisandre's mouth grew wide in fright, the big ruby ​​in her throat flickered, and Melisandre couldn't believe Balrog's plan.

The Onion Knight couldn't listen anymore, "Your Majesty, I have already reminded you that the Balrog is an evil and corrupt creature. The Balrog's plan is even more evil than the plan of the necromancer Ogbeta. Ogbeta sacrificed Living people, the Balrog directly sacrificed the living beings of an entire city."

Stannis glared at the Balrog.

"I don't want to hear about your evil plans anymore. Destroying the city is too terrible. The Onion Knight is right, you are as evil as the necromancer Ogbeta."

The Balrog snorted softly, "Stannis, if I hadn't blocked the undead army for you, you would have died in Storm's End long ago. Without you, I can still carry out my plan."

Stannis sullenly said, "You are getting more and more presumptuous."

Melisandre smiled and said: "Your Majesty, the Balrog has killed too many people these days. He is a little hot-headed, so he said such nonsense. Please forgive him, Your Majesty!"

Stannis said: "Someone, drive this Balrog away!"

No one moved, and the Onion Knight noticed that the surrounding knights were all flame slaves, and they were resurrected by the Balrog.

Even Melisandre's revived Flame Knight Sir Duncan, Prince Dragonfry, Aegon V, Janey of the Wasteland Stone City and others have become puppets of the Balrog.

The Balrog grinned and said, "Stannis, I am the Lord of Flames. Melisandre has misled you. She made you think that you are the reincarnation of Azor Ahai. In fact, you are not at all. Your Lightbringer , it’s just a burnt sword!”

Stannis was furious. He pulled out the Lightbringer and slashed at the Balrog. The Balrog spewed out a mouthful of flames, and the Lightbringer melted instantly. Stannis was so scared that he had to back away.

Melisandre took out a flaming dagger from her sleeve and stabbed at the Balrog. The flaming dagger sank into the Balrog's body and melted quickly. land.

The Balrog proudly said: "Melisandre, you wake me up, you are my mother, but your strength as a red-robed woman is far from my opponent."

Melisandre said seductively: "You are the tool of the Lord of Light, how dare you defy the Lord of Light's will?"

The Balrog laughed ferociously, "I am the Balrog, and he is the King of Light. Why should the devil bow to the king? Melisandre, you are the most self-righteous red-robed woman I have ever seen!"

The Balrog approached Stannis, and the Onion Knight drew his sword and stood in front of Stannis.

"Don't touch my king!"

The Balrog smirked and said, "Smuggler, you have the title of a knight, but you are not good at swordsmanship. You alone dare to stop me? Could it be that you want to taste the taste of roasted onions?"

At this time, Ed controlled the dragon and flying wolf and appeared above the Blackwater River, with Daenerys on Drogon's back and Jon Snow on Rhaego's back.

Koi, Flying Wolf, and Viserion outflanked from the south, and the magic dragon attacked the Fire Slave on the ground with raging flames. The Fire Slave screamed and died, and the Balrog could only dodge.

The heat wave is sweltering, and dragon flames are everywhere. Onion Knight and Melisandre take the opportunity to protect Stannis and escape to the river.

Ed rode on the back of the flying wolf, stroking the weirwood bracelet, the weirwood forest appeared in the sky, and terrifying faces stared at the Balrog with blood-red eyes.

The power of the elements is surging, the armor of the tens of thousands of troops in the city of King's Landing, the gold element of weapons, the stormy forest, the wood element of the royal forest, the black water river, the black water bay, the water element of the narrow sea, the fire element of the dragon, the vast The power of the earth element from the earth besieged Balrog, and the fire element on Balrog's body was sucked by Ed's weirwood bracelet, and Balrog began to become weak.

Koi, Hawkeye, Flying Wolf, Lei Ge, Viserion, and Drogon's dragon flame hit Balrog. At this time, the temperature of the dragon flame exceeded the temperature of Balrog, and Balrog screamed again and again. The body dismembered, burst, melted, and the soul flew into the sky.

Ed pulled out the giant sword Ice, froze the soul of Balrog, and sealed Balrog's soul into the giant sword of ice.

The dragon and flying wolf landed in front of Ed, and Stannis was confused.

"Did you kill the Balrog?"

Ed said: "The soul of the Balrog is now sealed by me into Stark's ancestral sword, the ice. The Balrog, the Flame Slaves, and the Flame Warriors have all become my subordinates. They are subject to the power of the elements. Be loyal to me."

The ice emitted a burst of fire, and a burst of flame spurted out, and the Balrog knelt in front of Ed.

"Your Majesty, your servant Gross, the Balrog, is willing to serve you."

The Flame Warrior Prince Dragonfrey, Ser Duncan, and Aegon V, with their army of flame slaves, all knelt down and shouted in unison.

"King Ed! King Ed!"

Stannis, Melisandre, and the Onion Knight were dumbfounded and shocked.

Stannis took off the crown and placed it at Eddard's feet.

"Melisandre misled me, making me think that I was Azor Ahai reborn. People should not use powers they cannot control. The Balrog taught me a lesson."

"Ed, you are like a god. Since a god is willing to be king, I am also willing to give up the crown. Your Majesty, I am willing to swear allegiance to you. The islands of the Narrow Sea including Stormlands, Storm's End, and Dragonstone, It's all yours!"

Eddard helped Stannis up.

"Stannis, you will always have a place in my hearth and hall."

"I name you Lord of Storm's End, Guardian of the Storm."

Melisandre said: "King Ed, could it be that you are the legendary Azor Ahai, the prophesied prince?"

Ed said: "I never believe in prophecies. Dr. Marwin once said that prophecy is a bitch. Just when you think you are enjoying yourself, she will bite off your words without warning."

"I only believe that man can conquer nature."

After possessing the Balrog, Ed's fire elemental power has skyrocketed, and the Balrog will come in handy when fighting the undead.

At the same time, Eddard captured the Stormlands, the Narrow Sea Islands, and everything around King's Landing.

Eddard returned to King's Landing with Stannis, the Onion Knight, and Melisandre.

Bran saw the legendary Sir Duncan, Aegon V, and said excitedly: "In the old Nan's story, Aegon V was once Ser Duncan's attendant, traveling to other kingdoms, and they even went to Winterfell! "

Ed said: "Bachelor Aemon of Castle Black is the elder brother of Aegon V. He is over 100 years old."

Margaery hurried over.

"Your Majesty, the raven has brought news that the Crow's Eye's army of ironmen has begun to besiege High Court, and High Court is in danger!"

 Thanks to the old popsicle in the radiation wasteland, -CD, Liao Didi, Nonsense, Polar Wolf Fangz, Karljia, Zhucheng Linyu, 20220830052652985, for the monthly pass, and thanks to 20221120202252021 for the reward, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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