Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 241 Night King, King Theon, Little Peeling

Chapter 241 Night King, King Theon, Little Peeling

Beyond the Great Wall, in the land of eternal winter, blizzards rage.

The Night King was dressed in a black black ice armor, his complexion was as pale as milk, and his eyes were like blue stars. The Night King was carrying a long black ice sword, sitting on the throne of the dead made of ice and skeletons.

The dark altar beside it exudes a blue halo.

"Resurrect! My servant, Necromancer Ogbeta!"

A dense black fog condensed into Ogbeta, the necromancer. He held a skeleton scepter in his hand, wore a black robe, and released greed and hunger in his blue eyes.

"Night King, death is so sweet, it makes me stronger!"

The Night King said: "Ogbeta, Necromancer, you have done a good job in King's Landing."

"The death knight and dragon soul have already entered the dark altar, and they will soon be reborn in the land of eternal winter!"

After a while, a blue light flashed, Prince Rhaegar, Deathstorm Robert, Dawn Sword Arthur Dayne, Cold Iron Egg River Wen, Horse King Drogo, Sleeping Dragon Viserys, Ser Gregor the Mountain, Goat Wag Hurt, Prince Daemon of Flea Nest, and Death Knights such as Emond the One-eyed Dragon stepped out of the Dark Altar one after another.

The Death Knight knelt at the Night King's feet.

With the breath of sea salt, Euron the Crow's Eye brought his mute crew on the Serenity, wizards, to appear before the Night King, and joined the camp that worshiped the Night King.

Euron Crow's Eye smelled of the sea and of death.

"Night King, I will conquer the sea and islands for the undead, follow the banner of the Night King, and defeat damned Eddard Stark!"

Then, under the slate-gray sky, the dragon soul appeared and disappeared.

Frost Dragon Black Death Balerion, Vagarhar, Meraxes, Bronze Wrath Vermythor, Silver Wing, Silver Shining, Dreamfire, Kraxhu, Blue Queen Trixane, Red Queen Mei Rias, the sheep thief and dozens of other frost dragons were resurrected.

Amid the roars of Balerion, Vagarhar, and Meraxes, Aegon the Conqueror, Visenya, and Queen Rhaenys appeared before the altar.

Ogbeta, the necromancer, showed a flattering smile.

"The Night King, Aegon the Conqueror, and his sisters conquered Westeros back then, and now you have resurrected their souls beyond the Great Wall, riding Balerion, Vagarhar, and Meraxes to reconquer West, a human being, will definitely tremble in front of the undead."

"It's just, I don't know, when did the Night King collect the souls of Aegon, Visenia, and Rhaenys?"

Thousands of giant bats covered the sky, and one bat landed on the ground, turning into a Bat Fairy. Her skin was as white as jade, her face could be broken by blows, charming and moving, and she was wearing tight black breeches.

The Bat Fairy sneered and said, "For such an important matter, the Night King must entrust his most capable subordinates to do it. It was I who went deep into Dragonstone, King's Landing and Dorne to collect Aegon the Conqueror, Visenia and The soul fragment of Rhaenys."

The necromancer Ogbeta said sullenly: "If I hadn't been in King's Landing, massacred the disciples of the Seven Gods, and attracted the attention of human wizards, how could you easily succeed in collecting these souls?"

The ground trembled, and the Spider Baron came out of the ground with thousands of ice spiders.

The Spider Baron rode on a tarantula, "Ogbeta, you did some trivial things in King's Landing, and you deserve to be rewarded in front of the Night King? I am in the Underground Kingdom, and I recruited an army of spiders for the Night King, no better than you Strong achievements in King's Landing?"

The mourner came with his train of the undead, and the catapults were filled with dead bodies floating in a thick yellow plague.

The mourner was as strong as a mountain, with long hair and a ferocious face, exuding the stench of death all over his body. He was wearing a black cloak and held a murderous sickle in his hand.

"Night King, my plague convoy is ready. We will bring disease, death, and pain to humans who don't know how to be humble."

In the blizzard, there are more and more undead, and tens of thousands of ghouls and different ghosts gather under the throne of the undead of the Night King.

"Finally, it's Cersei that I'm going to resurrect," said the Night King.

The necromancer Ogbeta said: "Night King, this Cersei is a fool. If she hadn't been fooled by me in King's Landing, my plan to slaughter the followers of the Seven Gods would not have gone so smoothly. This Cersei When I was in King's Landing, I always thought that the great Night King was her subordinate. Why did you resurrect Cersei?"

The Night King said: "I think Cersei is so silly and cute, resurrect her to be my queen."

A blue light flashed across the dark altar, the blizzard stopped, Cersei appeared in front of the Night King in a crystal dress, with porcelain skin, golden hair and blue eyes, beautiful and moving.

The necromancer Ogbeta said: "Cersei is useless. Your Majesty, Cersei is beautiful, but there are others more beautiful than her in the Seven Kingdoms, such as Daenerys, the mother of dragons."

The Night King said: "Cersei can satisfy my desire as a man and accompany me through every night. When I was in the Long Night Fort and served as the commander-in-chief of the Night Watchman Legion, the daughter of the Barren Tomb King was my first corpse. Finally, unfortunately, I was defeated by humans, and her soul was sealed under the Great Wall of Impairment, and disappeared without a trace with the passage of time."

"When I kill Stormborn, Daenerys, Mother of Dragons, Daenerys will be my queen too."

The news that the Night King's undead army threatened the Great Wall spread to Old Town, School City, Starry Temple, Towering Tower, villages, and ports, and everyone was shocked.

Compared with the army of the Night King, the undead in King's Landing can only be regarded as an advance team. The undead wizard Ogbeta who manipulated the government in King's Landing is just a subordinate of the Night King.

The Night's Watch, the Children of the Forest, and the Winter Wolves on the Great Wall are ready to fight against the Night King's army.

Once the Night King captures the Great Wall, the people of Westeros will face a survival crisis. All the fireworks in the world will be extinguished in front of the Night King, and the cold winter and night will rule the world.

Ed the Great must take the giant eagle, dragon, griffin, legion of skinchangers, and the most elite army in Westeros to the north of the Great Wall of Impossibility to face the undead.

In Old Town, Ed the Great began to select the generals who would go to the Great Wall to fight against the Night King.

First of all, the northern nobles who have been following Ed the Great, such as Roose Bolton of Dreadfort, Great Jon Umber of Last Hearth City, Rickard Karstark of Kahuo City The Earl, the heir of White Harbor Willis Manderly, Brother Wendell Manderly, Galbert Glover of Deepwood Moor, Brother Robert Glover, Marksman Phelan of Barrowton, etc., The savage army and the rock species army all returned to the north to defend their homeland.

Afterwards, Ed began to pick out the champions from all over Westeros.

Brienne of Tarth, Loras the Knight of Flowers, Sandor the Hound, Prince Oberyn the Red Viper, the Lightning King, Thoros the Red Monk, Barristan the Commander of the Imperial Forest Army, and others all followed Eddie to the Great Wall of Desperation to fight Yaoh.

The Golden Group, Stormcrows, Second Sons, Unsullied, Dothraki Cavalry, etc. who followed Daenerys to Westeros all went to the Great Wall.

Ocean Witch Grace, Jillian, Sea Serpent Corliss, Oak Fist Erin, will lead the Royal Fleet, Shrimp Soldiers and Crab Generals, Mermaid Legion to the East Watch of the Great Wall to join the battle.

Melisandre, the follower of the King of Light, Marquilo the Black Flame, Kuaili wearing a red lacquer mask, the Golden Girl, etc., all followed Ed the Great to the Great Wall.

In the south, Ed also left a strong enough lineup to manage Westeros and major regions.

In the King's Landing court, Ed left the young wolf lord Robb, Griffon Prime Minister Jon Connington, Tyrion, Stannis, Varys and others to guard King's Landing and manage the Seven Kingdoms.

This lineup can be described as capable of writing and martial arts. Stannis and Robb are all famous domestic players, and Tyrion and Jon Clinton are both political masters.

In Riverrun, the Duke of Hoster Tully sits in Riverrun, and Edmure, Edmure's brother-in-law, Tytos Blackwood, Earl of Raventree City, will sit in Harrenhal to ensure the country's food and grass. Continuously transported to the front line of the northern border.

In the western region, Brynden the Blackfish will sit in Casterly Rock City. The western region has been the territory of Lannisters for thousands of years. Tywin, Kingslayer Jaime, Kevan, and others have all put on black clothes, sworn to join the Night's Watch, and renounced their territory and wealth. Lannister is still deeply rooted in the Western Territory, and there are only heroes like Blackfish Brynden , in order to be able to hold the western border.

In the future, Ed will consider marrying Myrcella for Bran, making Bran the Duke of the West.

In the valley, Nestor Royce, the warden of the valley, sits in the valley.During the cold winter season, Eagle's Nest City was already uninhabitable. Nestor Royce managed the valley at the Gate of the Moon Castle under Eagle's Nest City. According to Nestor Royce's letter, Wolf Castle Griffon City in the valley hatched More griffins and giant eagles.

The nobles of Dorne, the land of the storm, and the land of the Reach, rushed to send their children to King's Landing to be adopted sons of Emperor Ed, and the direwolves firmly ruled Westeros.

The only hidden danger is the Iron Islands.

The Iron Islands fleet suffered heavy losses in the naval battle of Oldtown. After the Crow's Eye was executed, Asha, Victarion, and Aeron Damphair all surrendered to Eddard, and the Iron Islands were in the hands of the old Balon.

When Ed the Great went north, he would pass by the Iron Islands, and Ed would ensure that Baron and the leaders of the Iron Islands, the captains, surrendered to Theon, the adopted son of the direwolf.

Ed the Great rode on the back of the dragon Flying Wolf, Daenerys rode the dragon Drogon, Jon Snow rode the dragon Rhaego, and left Old Town.

Winter is coming, and most of Westeros is snowing. According to the news brought by the three-eyed crow, Brynden Rivers, it is snowing in Riverrun, King's Landing, and Lannisport. The snow in the valley has frozen the mountains and blocked the river. The mountain road leading to the valley.Qiongyao in the south is full of land, covered with silver, and the northern border has long been a kingdom of ice and snow.

Fortunately, under Ed's painstaking efforts, the granary in the north is full of corn, oats, wheat, potatoes and barley, and the ice warehouse in the Great Wall is full of cod, saury, eel, sardines, herring, Seafood such as salmon, crab, and prawns, and meat such as wild boar, bison, and moose.

Due to geographical reasons, the northern border is the area most affected by the cold winter in Westeros. In winter, almost all agricultural activities in the northern border stop production, and the valleys, riverlands, and western borders will also be affected.

The blossoming River Bend is the largest granary in Westeros in any season. On the fertile fields irrigated by the Mead River and the Mander River, there are manors everywhere. The pumpkins, grapes, wheat, and oranges here have fed many people.After Eddard drives out the ironborn, farming will soon resume in the Reach.

When Ed the Great, Daenerys, and Jon rode the magic dragon and arrived outside Pike City in the Iron Islands, it was snowing heavily. King Harbor, a fishing village, gathers and prepares to attack Pike City.

There are even hundreds of ironborn longships that have surrendered to Stark in the nearby sea.

Theon, Asha, Commander of the Iron Fleet Victarion, Chief Rodrik Harlaw the Reader, Dagmer the Cleft Jaw, Chief Botley, Lord of King's Harbor, etc., are waiting at the pier.

The scholar Rodrik, the leader of Botley, Dagmer with the cleft palate, and others were all captured by Jon Snow during the naval battle of the Heatwave River in the north, and they have been imprisoned in Wolf Castle Dawnwatch since then, and Ed executed them Immediately after the Crow's Eye, the ravens were sent out to ask Wolf Castle in the north to release these ironmen leaders and let them return to the Iron Islands.

Ed saw the golden sea monster flag flying over Pike City, and said, "Baron hasn't surrendered yet?"

The reader Rodrik said embarrassedly: "Your Majesty, after Baron learned of the Crow's Eye's death, he once again put on the driftwood crown for himself. It's a pity that the Iron Islands don't have any captains, and the leaders support him. The dream of being king is true. Madness in the blood of the Ironborn, and Balon has been chasing the crown all his life."

Aeron Damphair said: "Your Majesty, I have already entered Pike City and talked with Balon. He will surrender, provided he sees the dragon."

In addition to the dragon, Ed can also send Balrog and Naga to deal with Balon, but there is no need for this. Now Balon has become a weak old man. He has experienced too many failures, lost to Robert, lost to Eddard, lost to the Crow's Eye, the harsh Ironborn will never follow a loser like Balon again.

Sure enough, when Koi, Hawkeye, Flying Wolf, Drogon, Rhaego, and Viserion flew over Pike City, Pike City immediately raised the Stark family's direwolf flag.

Balon led the team out of the city to meet Ed, and he knelt in front of Ed, holding the driftwood crown in his hand.

"Emperor Ed, the Iron Islands are yours now. I, King Balon, am willing to remove the driftwood crown and give up the Seastone Seat. I bow my knees to Your Majesty."

Ed said: "Baron, you are really obsessed with the crown!"

Balon shrugged, "I don't have a magic dragon, so it's justifiable to lose the war. Besides, every time I make a driftwood crown, the first piece of driftwood that the Drowned God sends to my hometown is weirwood. You know Well, there are no weirwood trees in the Iron Islands at all, I have lived in the Iron Islands all my life, and I have never seen a weirwood, where did they come from?"

"The only explanation is that the old gods sent the weirwood. The power of the old gods in the Iron Islands is stronger than that of the Drowned God."

Aeron Damphair said devoutly: "Baron, Eddard is the incarnation of the Drowned God in the human world. Didn't you see that he defeated the Crow's Eye on the sea, subdued the sea monsters, Naga, and mastered the horn of the storm. , the horn of the waves, the sea, the storm, the waves, let Emperor Ed be driven."

Ed said: "Baron, your son Sean will become the king of the Iron Islands and rule the Iron Islands. I guarantee that the iron people will live a good life. The iron people are bloodthirsty and warlike. I will satisfy you, the Iron Islands fleet. In the future, it will become my ace fleet, and I will take the Ironborn to conquer all over the world."

Theon transformed into King Theon, and he hugged Ed gratefully.

"Emperor Ed, I am not your biological son, but you have treated me like a biological son. I will definitely manage the Iron Islands for Emperor Ed."

Ed patted Theon on the shoulder.

"Theon, your uncle, Lord Rodrik Harlaw the Reader, will stay in the Iron Islands to assist you. You must listen to his advice more. Asha, Victarion, Aeron Damphair, I will go to the Great Wall with me to participate in the battle against the undead."

Theon has been the adopted son of Stark for more than ten years. In the eyes of the Ironmen, Theon is a complete stranger. He needs the help of his uncle, Lord Harlow.

Rodrik Harlow the Reader is the lord of Harlow Island, which is the richest and most populous island in the Iron Islands. Rodrick Harlow the Reader has great influence in the Iron Islands , he himself loves books, has a clear mind, and will help Theon manage the Iron Islands well.

The Iron Islands dispatched a hundred longships to Bear Island in the Bay of Ice to participate in the war against the undead on the Great Wall.Asha, Victarion is the commander of this fleet.

Since ancient times, the iron people have been the mortal enemies of Bear Island. Now, the iron people have surrendered under the banner of the direwolf. The iron people will fight against the undead together with the northerners including Bear Island.

Ed, Daenerys, and Jon Snow arrived at Winterfell on a dragon.

The residents of the winter shelter town braved the wind and snow to welcome Ed's return, and people shouted Ed's name.

In the hall of Winterfell, Ed met the governor of the North, Earl Wyman Manderly, the acting lord of Winterfell, Sir Roderick Cassel, Bachelor Luwin and others.

Ed asked, "How is the situation at the Great Wall?"

Wiman Mandler said: "The Green Prophet Three-Eyed Crow relies on the trees for detection. The undead army has arrived at Frost Fang, and there is still a long way to go from the Great Wall. At present, the Great Wall is still safe."

Maester Luwin said: "The winter wolf army returning from the south, the armies of the Reach, the Riverlands, the West, the Valley, Dorne, and the Stormlands have all gone to the Great Wall. The Great Wall has sufficient supplies, and the nobles from all over the North , have already returned to their respective territories, Jiabao, and if necessary, all parts of the northern border will immediately support the Great Wall."

Earl Wyman Manderly said: "Your Majesty, during your departure from the Northern Territory, the illegitimate son of the Dreadfort Bolton family, that Ramsay Snow, has been hunting in private in the territory. He treats the girl as a The prey hunted them down on horseback and with hounds. Ramsay also named his bitch hound after the girl he hunted."

"Roose Bolton returned from the south. I questioned him. He said that if Ramsay's crimes are true, he will not tolerate him."

Maester Luwin said: "And we have solid evidence. There is a girl who escaped Ramsay's hunting. She can confirm that Ramsay has hunted and killed at least dozens of girls. He is still in front of the weirwood heart tree in Dreadfort. Skinning torture, the Three-Eyed Raven also confirmed Ramsay's crime when he passed by Winterfell."

Ed had been waiting for Little Skinny from the Dreadfort to do something stupid, and now Ed could justifiably get rid of Little Skinny Ramsay.

A few days later, six dragons and thousands of cavalry came to the Dreadfort. Roose Bolton quickly tied up Ramsay, as well as Ramsay's servant Reek, dancer Damon, Huang Dick, Gollum, Bones Ben, Sour Erin, etc.

There was no emotion in Roose Bolton's dirty, icy eyes.

"Your Majesty, I followed Your Majesty, fought north and south, and Domilik served in the Winter Wolf Army. Therefore, I had to hand over the Dreadfort to Ramsay, a bastard. I didn't expect him to do such a thing behind my back." It's a crime to hunt and kill girls and skin innocent civilians!"

This is not what it used to be. Once upon a time, the Bolton family of the Dreadfort was a powerful vassal of the Stark family.Today, Ed controls the seven kingdoms of Westeros. Ed owns dragons, balrogs, and naga. He has many wizards and a large army. If the Dreadfort dares to challenge Winterfell, it will be like hitting a stone with an egg.

Domeric, the heir to the Dreadfort, is increasingly favored by Eddard. Roose Bolton obviously has no need to offend Winterfell and Emperor Eddard for the sake of an illegitimate son Ramsay.

Ed looked at Ramsay. Ramsay was full of flesh, his fat lips were like maggots, his long hair was full of arrows, and his eyes were full of evil. Ed said, "Bastard, why did you kill these innocent people?"

Ramsay said with a smirk: "For fun, I can only be happy if I abuse these bitches. Besides, I am a pure-blood Bolton, and skinning is the ancient way of the Bolton family."

Ed turned to Roose Bolton, "How do you think Ramsay should be dealt with?"

Roose Bolton said indifferently: "He comes from a polluted bloodline. I feel disgusted when I see him. I beg, execute Ramsay immediately."

Ramsay sneered and said, "You coward, you're not Bolton, I'm the pure-blooded Bolton! I'm not afraid of the direwolf, and I'm enough to kill me. I killed more beauties and civilian!"

Ed said: "For this bastard, death is a gift. It must be severely punished! Roose Bolton, I think Ramsay and his good boys should taste the skinned meat before they die. taste."

"I heard you named your bitch after the victimized girl? Very well, skin Ramsay and feed it to the dog."

There was fear in Ramsay's eyes.

So, in front of the weirwood heart tree in the Godswood of the Dreadfort, Ramsay's good boys screamed as their skin was peeled off layer by layer, and the ground was stained red with blood.

Reek, Sour Erin, Damon the dancer, Gollum, Dick Huang, and Bones Ben are all arrogant and domineering people who helped Ramsay torture and kill many innocent people. Now when it's their turn to be tortured, they all scream , Died crying and howling.

Ramsay cursed endlessly at first, but the skinner's knife quickly taught Ramsay to beg. In the end, dozens of bitches rushed up and bit Ramsay, and Ramsay died in the midst of horrific barking. .

The little flayed human head was planted on the top of the Dreadfort, and the crows feasted on Ramsay's eyes and brains.

Ramsay Snow never lived a day as Bolton.

 Thanks.-CD, Yangyang, Medivin 9527, for the monthly pass, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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