Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 247 Finale: The Emperor’s Conquest, the Stark Empire

Chapter 247 Finale: The Emperor’s Conquest, the Stark Empire

The royal fleet, the iron fleet, and the river fleet assembled in the plank town of Dorne and launched an attack on the Stepstone Islands.

The Iron Fleet was commanded by Asha and Victarion, the River Fleet was commanded by Lord Paxter Redwyne, and the Royal Fleet was commanded by "Sea Serpent" Corlys, "Oak Fist" Alyn and Iron Bitch Helen. Pike commanded.

The Westeros navy is equipped with artillery, and the old Lysian pirate Salladhor Saan serves as a guide, waiting for the fleet to send armies and mercenary groups from all over Westeros to the Stepstone Islands, and the Pirate Kings of the Stepstone Islands , in front of the Westeros navy with strong ships and powerful guns, it was simply a beggar fleet, and the pirates collapsed at the first touch.

King Weishui, Osmund Kettleblack, King Ruota and other pirates were all captured and executed with their heads stuck on spears and left to dry on the beach.

Every time an island was captured, craftsmen began to build towers, fortresses, and garrisoned troops on each island.

News that the Westeros army had captured the Stepstone Islands reached Tyrosh, Myr and Lys, and the Third Daughter City-state was shocked. Originally, Tyrosh and Myr were forming an alliance to go to war with Lys. After the Westeros army approached, the Three Daughters city-states were shocked. The daughter city-state immediately ceased fighting and formed an alliance.

In the Three Daughters city-state, Lys is famous for its brothels and bed slaves, Myr is famous for Myr lace, lenses, glass and other crafts, and Tyrosh is famous for dyes.

The three free trade city-states rarely risked the free people in the city during battles, and they were not confident about handing weapons into the hands of slaves. Therefore, the three daughter city-states mainly relied on mercenary groups to attack each other.

The Lord Tyrosh, the governor of Lys and Myr, knew that it was difficult to resist the Westeros army, so he sent envoys to Volantis for help.

However, because Ed sent an envoy in advance and contacted the Dothraki tribes on the steppes, Volantis was being attacked by the Dothraki Khal Zeko, Khal Pono and Khal Jako. Volantis There are no less than [-] Dothraki cavalry under the city, so naturally there is no way to rescue the Third Daughter City.

Emperor Eddard did not give the Third Daughter City a chance. The demon dragon Drogon flew over the city wall of Tyrosh in the dark night and burned the city gates and the guards on the city with dragon flames. Daario, the leader of the Stormcrows, The hunting dog Sandor, Brienne and other warriors entered Tyrosh, and the mercenary group hired by Tyrosh collapsed.

You can hire mercenaries to fight for you, but you can't expect the mercenaries to fight against the dragon for gold.

The army of Westeros captured the city, and Lord Tyrosh died in the rebellion.

A few days later, the Iron Fleet and the Royal Fleet, with the cooperation of magic dragons, giant eagles, and griffins, crossed the Myr Sea and captured the seaside city of Myr.

In the third daughter city-state, only Reese in the southernmost sea is left.

Reese was completely panicked and sent an envoy to ask for peace from Ed the Great, expressing his willingness to pay tribute of three hundred beauties and handsome men to Ed the Great every year, but Ed the Great refused.

The dragon and the army of Westeros captured Lys.

After defeating Tyrosh, Rees, and Myr, all the wealth created by these three free trade cities, relying on trade and slaves, fell into the pockets of Ed the Great. Countless gold, silver, and jewels filled the warehouses of the Moving Castle.

A total of 10 slaves were liberated in the three cities, including many shipbuilders, Tyrosh dyers, Myr glassmakers, Myr carpet and lace craftsmen, fair-skinned and beautiful Lys Ainus, bed slaves, etc.

Subsequently, Pentos became the next target of the army of Westeros.

Pentos is the free trade city-state closest to King's Landing. It occupies an important position in the spice trade and jewelry trade, but unfortunately it is a neighbor to the maritime overlord Braavos.

The Braavos fleet defeated Pentos many times, forcing Pentos to give up slavery, and passed a treaty, stipulating that Pentos should not have more than twenty warships, contract with any mercenary group, and not form a city garrison. Outside of the armed forces, this resulted in Pentos being considered the most vulnerable of the Free Cities.

The Valley Fleet, Northern Fleet, Royal Fleet, and Iron Fleet arrived at the sea off Pentos. The governors of Pentos immediately sent envoys with gold and silver, hoping to send away the Westeros people just like they sent away the Dothraki tribe.

Emperor Eddard accepted the gift, but did not stop the march. The iron fleet easily destroyed the Pentos fleet. When the troops came to the city, Pentos had no choice but to send an envoy to ask the Sea King of Braavos in the north for help.

The dragon, the Golden Company, the Second Sons, the Winter Wolves, the Golden Wolves, the Young Eagles, the Stormcrows, and the Unsullied began to attack the city, and Pentos fell within a day.

Governor Illyrio was captured and escorted to Eddard and Daenerys. Illyrio said pitifully: "Eddard, I helped Daenerys back then, please spare my life."

Emperor Eddard ordered the imposter Prince Aegon to be escorted.

"You are just a conspirator. Varys has already confessed your conspiracy. This fake Prince Aegon was born to you and your wife Silas. You used your own son to pretend to be the son of Prince Rhaegar in an attempt to If you get your hands on the Iron Throne, this alone is enough to kill you."

Aegon Broung was beheaded, along with Governor Illyrio, and their heads were hung on the walls of Pentos.

When the Pentos envoy arrived in Braavos, news of the fall of Pentos came together. Sea King was shocked and immediately summoned members of the think tank for discussion.

Neptune said: "Ed borrowed money from the Iron Bank to make a fortune. Now he is the king of the Iron Throne. He leads an army to attack the Free Trade City. The Westeros army is approaching the city. What should we do?"

An old man said: "Emperor Eddard destroyed Tyrosh, Myr, Lys and Pentos, and the army was directed towards Braavos. Our iron bank should support the rebel forces in Westeros. Tywin The Duke is serving in the Night's Watch, and if we pay, Lord Tywin will definitely rise up."

A fat man said: "It's too late. We should find the House of Black and White and send out the Faceless Men to assassinate Emperor Eddard. Once Emperor Eddard dies, Westeros will fall apart and there will be another conflict among the kings."

The King of the Sea was convinced and immediately sent an envoy to deliver the order to the Court of Black and White.

Jaqen H'ghar of the House of Black and White, the Kind Man, the Wanderer, etc., met together to discuss.

The kind man said: "Emperor Ed has become almost a god. He has the Three-Eyed Crow, the Son of the Forest, and the Red-robed Woman beside him. They are all good at predicting the future. If the Faceless Men assassinate him, they will most likely be killed."

Jaqen H'ghar said: "Despite this, Emperor Eddard led the fleet and the dragon to attack Braavos. As a citizen of Braavos, I should defend the city. It is difficult to succeed in the assassination, but we still have to try, I am willing to take on this task, as all mortals are mortal."

However, Jaqen H'ghar's assassination attempt failed from the start, as the Westerosi fleet had blockaded the nearby bay.The fleet of the Sea King of Braavos was recognized as the number one in the world before the spiritual energy was revived. Seeing the Westeros fleet approaching, the purple rowing warship of Braavos chose to take the initiative and actually defeated the vanguard of Westeros. fleet.

However, the Braavosi victory was only temporary.

The giant Wangwang blew the storm horn, and the wind roared, setting off waves of more than ten meters, instantly destroying many ships in Braavos. After the storm subsided, the giant king Mag blew the sea monster horn, and the golden sea monster and Naga emerged from the sea. Appeared under the sea and destroyed the Braavos Sea King's fleet.

Braavos is located on more than a hundred islands and has no city walls. The fleet is their city wall. When the Braavos Sea King fleet was destroyed, the Sea King still wanted to fight. However, after seeing the magic dragon, Braavos fell into Amid great fear, the ancestors of the Braavos people fled to Braavos to escape the enslavement of the dragons and Valyrian people.

Now that the dragon has come again, the fear in the blood of the people of Braavos has been awakened.

Neptune came to the Court of Black and White and prayed to the God of Many Faces. Finally, Neptune decided to surrender.

The direwolf's flag was raised in the Sea King's Palace, and Braavos was merged into the territory of Westeros. The Braavos people announced that they had deposed the Sea King and honored Eddard the Great as the Sea King of Braavos.

The army of Westeros continued to bypass the Shivering Sea and attacked Loras. Loras was the poorest and weakest in the Free Cities. The Lorathians chose to surrender.

During this period, conflicts broke out between the Dothraki and the Westeros people on the prairie. The Dothraki were unable to resist in the face of the death knights and dragons, and fled to the east.

Subsequently, the army of Westeros attacked Norvos.

Norvos is a theocracy, ruled by bearded monks from fortress temples, carrying out the gods' orders.

The army of Westeros was spearheaded by the Golden Company. The slave guards of the bearded monks were armed with long axes and used the terrain of the Norvos hills to defeat the Golden Company.

However, after Emperor Eddard sent out giant eagles and griffins, the bearded monk guards collapsed, and six magic dragons pulled the moving castle overlooking Norvos on the hills.

The bearded monk immediately declared that the gods had descended on Norvos, and Norvos surrendered, voluntarily freed the slaves, and became part of the Stark Empire.

The dragon and the Knights of Westeros attacked Qohor. Qohor originally expected to rely on the Unsullied and wizards to resist Emperor Ed. However, the Unsullied Guards rose up in battle, and the wizards murdered the governor of Qohor. The city surrendered, and Westeros annexed Qohor without a fight.

Emperor Eddard collected the river fleet of Norvos and commandeered the ships of Pentos, sailing south along the Rhoyne to attack Volantis.

Along the way, Ed witnessed the ruins of the cities of Rhoyna, Chajon, Nassa, and Anoi. These cities were all destroyed by the wrath of the Valyrian dragon.

Volantis sits on the fertile land of the lower reaches of the Rhoyne River, and the surrounding satellite cities of Sehoru Town, Valissa, Velonthes Town, etc. are larger than King's Landing and Oldtown.

Volantis finally drove away the Dothraki tribe, but was greeted by dragons and the Westerosi army.The Tiger Party of Volantis advocates resolute resistance, while the Elephant Party advocates seeking peace and fighting opportunities.

In the end, the Tigers gained the upper hand, and Volantis sent an army to fight, but was defeated by the Unsullied, and Volantis had to flee back to the city.

Volantis began to spend a lot of money to find the dragon slayer, and the slaves began to revolt. From Velonthes Town, Sehoru Town, Valissa, to Volantis, the slaves broke the shackles, killed the slave owners, and burned the gods. Temple, mansion and city hall, the army of Westeros took the opportunity to capture the city.

A few days later, Eddard's moving castle arrived over Volantis, and the freed slaves chanted the name of Eddard the Great.

Since then, all nine free trade city-states have fallen into the hands of Emperor Ed.

Later, Daenerys led a fleet to attack Slaver's Bay, which she had dreamed of liberating. Along the way, Toros, Elia, Mataris, and New Ghis surrendered.

After the army arrived at Slaver's Bay, Meereen, Yunkai, and Astapor surrendered without a fight. The slave owners knelt in front of Ed the Great and Daenerys, trembling.

A few months later, Emperor Ed took the moving castle, the dragon and the Knights of Westeros, under the guidance of Khal Drogo, to sweep the Dothraki prairie, and the Dothraki were defeated repeatedly.

In the end, the army captured the Dothraki's holy city of Vaes Dothraki. The old woman of Doshkarin announced that Emperor Eddard was "the horse that rides the world", the spokesperson of the horse god in the world, and the Stark Empire was merged. In the vast Dothraki prairie, Ed became the supreme horse king, with hundreds of thousands of Dothraki cavalry warriors tied with bells.

Later, Ed sent [-] Dothraki to attack the grasslands of the Raza people. The Raza people were called "goatmen" and were not good at fighting. Soon, the Raza people surrendered.

Dragons and warships captured Qarth, and the Stark Empire took control of the Jade Sea Gate.

At this time, the entire East felt threatened.

Emperor Eddard rebuilt the ruins of the Lorne River Basin and purified the earth. The Lorne River Basin was filled with Stark Manor. The orphans on the Green Blood River of Dorne returned to their homeland of Rhoynar to settle down. The Lorne River took on a new look and was filled with flowers.

The Dothraki also began to settle down, and they became the ace cavalry of the Stark Empire. Under the rule of the dragon and Emperor Ed, the Dothraki no longer killed each other as before, but followed the ice plains. The flag of the wolf protects the vast territory of the empire.

Ed the Great rules his vast empire from the Moving Castle, Jon and Daenerys rule the East from Volantis, and Robb rules the West from King's Landing.

Many years later, Ed and his children became gods, living in a moving castle and watching over the lands they once conquered.

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(End of this chapter)

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