Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 39 Approaching Skagos Island

Chapter 39 Approaching Skagos Island

After the order was given, a Pentos captain looked at the skylight.

"Lord Ed, it's getting dark now, if you cross the sea at night, you may be attacked by pirates."

Ed said: "Pirates can also attack during the day. If we set off during the day and go to the shore of Skagos Island, we will be attacked by pirates after dark, and it is easier to hit the rocks."

Next, Ed began to assign tasks to the vassals.

"Greatjon of the Umber family, you and your sisters are ready to lead the charge. 'Barrel' Wall, Middle Riddle, Donal Flint, you take the warriors of the mountain clan and get ready, to the island The warriors of the Shangshandi clan are the fists of the North."

Next, Ed arranged for Roose Bolton from Dreadfort, Mark Rythwell from Streamland, Marlon Manderly from White Harbor, Maggie Mormont from Bear Island, and Geoffrey from Deepwood Motte. Rickard Karstark of Kahoe City, the Lovell Brothers.

Finally, Ed turned to Wendell and Willis in White Harbor.

"Willies, you've worked hard. You, Sir Wendell, and Sir Herman Tallhart of Torren's Square stayed on the shore together, loaded food and supplies on board, and guarded the ships and rations."

Sir Herman Tall was right in front of Ed, but he was always ignored by Ed. He was a little unhappy, "Lord Ed, Sir Willis and Sir Wendell are enough to guard the luggage. I should lead the soldiers to charge forward. I can't I don’t want to spend the entire war guarding the convoy.”

As a rare knight noble lord north of the Neck, Sir Herman Tallhart is a proud man, he is eager to prove himself on the battlefield, when he sees the woman from Bear Island, the leader of the mountain clan, the sister servant The soldiers were all arranged to go to the front line, so naturally they didn't want to stay behind.

Ed waited for Willis and Wendell to leave, and said to Herman Tauha: "Why is it a trivial matter to guard the luggage? I will take the main force of the elite to cross the sea. In case pirates attack the fleet on the side of Seal Bay, our military rations will be reduced." , the luggage has been destroyed, how can this battle be fought?"

"Wendell and Willis are loyal, but I don't trust their abilities, so I entrust this task to you. If you treat it as a joke, I have no choice but to replace it."

Only then did Sir Herman Tallhar understand Ed's intentions, and he was a little ashamed. "Lord Ed, I will definitely live up to your high expectations."

Ed led two-thirds of the Northern Fleet across the sea under the cover of darkness, without being attacked by pirate ships overnight.

In the early morning light, Ed and Marlon Mandler stood on the bow of the merchant ship "Son of the Silversmith" in White Harbor, overlooking Skagos Island. An endless coastline unfolded in front of Ed. Skagos Island The rocky mountains above stand proudly in the mist.

Breathing the smell of salt in the air, Ed remembered the famous words of the famous King Kerry of the Iron Islands, "Where you can smell the sea water or hear the sound of the waves, it is my territory."

Skagos Isle is the territory of the North, but the damn rock species never seem to have given their allegiance to the Starks of Winterfell.The northern border may not have the ironmen's ambition to conquer the sea, but the Skagos Island in front of them must be taken.

Big ships can only go here at most, and there is a risk of hitting the rocks any closer to the coast.Although Ed ordered the captains to be careful, two merchant ships from White Harbor and a fishing boat from the old city ran aground. One ship sank quickly, and the crew jumped into the sea and swam to other ships. The remaining two ships had to turn around and return. , and return to the shores of the North to mend.

"Greybeard, take your men and go to the island to scout." Ed shouted to Graybeard Casselen on the deck of the "Sister Boy" longship "Sister's Hammer".

Casselon the gray beard showed a sly smile, "Lord Ed, this is a cursed sea area, and Skagos Island is even more a cursed island. It is said that the rock species will sacrifice blood to the old gods under the heart tree and take away the foreign lands." Human ghosts! Lord Ed, our Three Sisters Islands are not believers of the old gods, so we dare not be the first to set foot on this cursed land."

Marlon Mandler was a little angry, "Greybeard, don't forget that Baigang only settled half of your money and bet half of it for you. You dare to refuse Duke Ed's order. You don't want the rest of the money?"

The gray beard laughed and said: "Sir Marlon, don't be angry! I love money, but I cherish this old life even more. If my life is gone, no amount of money will be of any use! I'm not getting cold feet, Bai Hong Kong hired me to deal with pirates, and you didn’t say that when you go to the island to fight, let the sisters and men take the lead.”

Ed understood that Gray Beard said he was afraid of the curse, but he was actually afraid of the enemies ambush on the island.Mercenaries will have a fighting spirit in the face of rich cities, because they are supported by the vision of looting wealth.

Skagos Island is a barren and desolate island. Greybeard and his mercenaries obviously don't expect to gain much wealth by looting on this island. They are naturally unwilling to take the lead. After all, the first batch of soldiers who landed on the island Warriors are almost certain to be attacked by ambushing enemies, and the casualty rate is astonishingly high.

The Greatjon next to Ed had already put on his plate armor and helmet, "Master Ed, we don't need the sissy 'sister boys' to lead the battle for us, leave it to me and my soldiers."

In the coastal area of ​​Amber's territory, many farmlands, salt villages, and fishing boats were destroyed by pirates, and hundreds of women and children were taken away.Greatjon and the men of the Umber family would like to eat rock seed and ironborn pirates alive.

Ed patted Greatjon on the shoulder, "Okay! Take the Umber family and charge, be careful."

The merchant ship "Son of the Silversmith" put down its small boat, and together with the longboat of "Sister Boy", it loaded a hundred warriors of the Umber family and sailed towards the coast.

The longships of the Three Sisters Islands are similar in shape to the longships of the Iron Islands. They can hold more than 30 people at a time, and the small boats put down by merchant ships can only squeeze less than ten people.

The second White Harbor merchant ship "Light of the Seven Gods" in White Harbor also put down the boat.Ed shouted to Ferran and Robert Glover on the "Light of the Seven Gods": "You transport the horses and scouts to the shore, and charge when you see the enemy."

Robert Glover and Phelan have been in charge of the scouting force in the north. At first, Robert Glover was very dissatisfied with Ed's appointment of him to work with Phelan, because Phelan was a poacher.But now, Phelan has won the trust of Robert Glover by relying on his powerful archery ability.

Phelan and Robert Glover began to board the boat with the steeds.

Domilik beside Ed said: "Lord Ed, is it too early to send cavalry over at this time?"

A seagull passed over Ed's head, and Ed said: "If the rock species or iron people pirates choose to block when they land on the beach, there is a high probability that they will use crossbowmen to shoot arrows. The impact of infantry is difficult to be effective. The charge of the armored cavalry will scare the crossbowmen, and the cavalry can help us drive away those pesky archers."

(End of this chapter)

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