Chapter 42
Standing on the beach, Ed looked at the northern fleet in the ocean.

"Sir Marlon Manderly, can our big ship stay in the nearby waters?"

In this way, if the battle is unfavorable, the northern army can withdraw to the ship.Although Ed believes that the rock species of the rock lord Samuro Klauer, the iron bitch and the iron people pirates of Helen Pike cannot face the northern army with a number of more than [-], but it is always right to think of a way out .

Sir Marlon Manderly frowned, "Anchoring in the nearby waters? Lord Ed, I'm afraid not. We have already seen the dangers of the nearby reefs. If a large ship anchors here, it will be fine during the day, but a storm at night will make many The ship hit a rock and sank."

Ed said depressedly: "Then we can only let the fleet return to the seaside of Amber's territory, Sir Marlon Manderly, you can return with the big ship! Go and take the remaining supplies and supplies to Skaggs island."

Today, there are still two-thirds of the food and grass, and the luggage stays on the seaside of the Amber's territory opposite the Seal Bay, under the command of Sir Herman Tauhar of Torun Square City, Willis Mandler and Wendell of White Harbor Mandalay was there too.There are more than two thousand soldiers under Herman Tallhar's tent, which is a mixed team of Winterfell, White Harbor and Torrhen's Square.

Once Herman Tauha and the Mandalay brothers arrive with the remaining 2000 men and supplies, the number of the Northern Army will exceed [-]. The nine major clans and tribes on the island were also unable to stop the attack of the northern army.

Sir Marlon Manderly said: "Lord Ed, after I leave with the big ship, what if there is a long pirate ship blocking the nearby waters?"

Ed said: "I will not hand over the hard-won sea control easily. I will let the sister-boy's ship and the Pentos mercenary ship patrol nearby."

With Ser Marlon Manderly gone, Ed sent Jon Snow to find Catheron the Greybeard.

Casselen the gray beard watched the big ship sailing towards Amber's territory on the opposite side of Seal Bay, he said worriedly: "Master Ed, you have transferred all the big ships away, in case the Ironborn pirates come to kill on a large scale, my sister The men's longships may not be able to repel them. Once the ironborn longships block the beach, the northern army will not be trapped on the island?"

Ed said indifferently: "At present, the pirate longship does not seem to pose too much threat. Don't worry, the sister and male fleet will not fight alone, and the mercenary ship of Pentos will be with you."

Greybeard Casselun smiled, and Ed said, "Greybeard, I heard that you have been sailing in the Narrow Sea all year round, and you have been a pirate in the Stone Step Islands for a long time."

"Who said that?" Catherine the Greybeard immediately denied. "Greybeard is a decent man. I've never been a robber."

Ed smiled, "I know you are a smuggler and a robber, and the Three Sisters Islands have always been a den of smugglers and robbers. In fact, I have a deep affection for the Three Sisters Islands. When Robert rebelled, Mad King Yi Rhys put a bounty on my head in the Seven Kingdoms, I escaped from the Eagle's Nest, found a ship in the Three Sisters Islands, and fled back to the North."

Gray Beard smiled and said, "I heard this story in Sister Village. Many people in Sister Village rumored that you had a relationship with a certain prostitute there, who was the mother of your illegitimate child. In those years, many prostitutes claimed to be Ai. The lover of the Duke of De, so as to attract patrons!"

Ed was a little worried that Jon Snow on the side heard these topics, and he said: "Don't mention the whore thing. Let me ask you, you have been wandering in the narrow sea for so many years, have you heard of Iron Bitch and Helen before?" Parker's name?"

Catherine the gray beard stroked his beard, "I've never heard the name of the iron bitch, as for Helen Pike. I heard her name in the Stone Step Islands, it seems to be from King's Harbor in the Iron Islands. The Stone Step Islands There are a large number of iron pirates, and Helen Pike is a little famous in it. A few years ago, I heard that she was defeated by the Rhys pirate Salado Sann. Since then, Helen Pike has disappeared from the Stone Step Islands .”

"Some say that Helen Pike has returned to her hometown of the Iron Islands, some say that Salado Saan sold Helen Pike to Rhys's brothel, and named him 'Pirate Queen' to attract patrons, and some say that Helen Pike has gone to King's Landing, was hanged by Sea Lord Stannis. The last theory is that Helen Pike came to Skagos Island to serve the Rock King Samuro Claure."

"Pike is the surname of an illegitimate child of the Iron Islands, and the name Helen is very common. I just don't know how many Helen Pikes there are."

What a mystery.Ed patted Graybeard Casselen on the shoulder, "In any case, the information you provided is still very valuable. Greybeard, if you encounter any trouble in the northern seas or ports, just report my name."

Greybeard Casselon said excitedly: "Duke Ed's words are much better than the little commission I earn from White Harbor. If Duke Eddie is in the Three Sisters Islands, Greybeard Casselen is needed, and you are too." Just open your mouth. Duke Ed may not forget that our Three Sisters Islands once paid tribute to Winterfell!"

The Three Sisters Islands are the fief of the Arryn family in the valley, but the sisters don't love the Arryn family.Historically, male and sister pirates once captured the former Wolf's Lair of White Harbor, and went up the White Knife River to plunder. The King of the North of Winterfell not only expelled the pirates, but also captured the Three Sisters Islands, forcing the sisters Men submit.

Today's Three Sisters Islands are just barren islands, eclipsed by White Harbor, but no one can deny the strategic value of the Three Sisters Islands. Whoever controls the Three Sisters Islands controls the Bite Bay, and whoever controls the Bite Bay People's Bay has strangled the throat of the North.

When Ed came to the camp on the hillside, he saw a heart tree, a weirwood with a human face painted in scarlet sap.The heart tree faces the sea, and the surrounding land is sandy red. Could it be that the terrifying tradition of blood sacrifice to the heart tree is still being performed on Skagos Island?
Like most people in the north, the rock species of Skagos Island believe in the old gods, and this is the land under the care of the old gods.The tent of the Duke of Winterfell, embroidered with the coat of arms of the direwolf, was set up not far from the heart tree.

Ed and his vassals walked into the tent, and the Winterfell guards led by Jory Cassel, the captain of the Winterfell guards, had already placed tables and maps in the tent.

The guard Dawson held the Valyrian steel sword "Ice" and stood on Ed's left hand. The Braavos water dancer Syrio Forel stood on Ed's left. Roose Bolton of Dreadfort Earls, Lord Rickard Karstark of Cahoe City, Lord Galbert Glover of Deepwood Motte, Lady Meggie Mormont of Bear Island, and other vassals gathered around the table.

There was a usual smile on Theon's face, "Lord Ed, the Rockseed fled, and those Ironborn pirates who tried to stir up disputes between the Iron Islands and the Northern Territory also disappeared. Soldiers are precious, we should march immediately .”

Ed said: "I have ordered Ferran and Robert Glover to take scouts to scout around the camp. When Herman Tauha's supply and food fleet arrives, we will advance inland."

Greatjon Amber said: "Master Ed, those barbarians are not our opponents at all. We should catch them by surprise before the King of Rocks reacts."

Ed sighed, "If there is a map of Skagos Island, I would rather use the light cavalry to go straight to the rock king's lair, but this is a completely strange land. We don't know the island, which castles are there, which castles are there. Strongholds, which rivers, we don't even know where the King of the Rocks lives."

Domilik Bolton, the heir to the Dreadfort, said: "Lord Ed, leave the drawing of the map to me!"

Roose Bolton said: "Lord Ed, we have captured a lot of rock captives, and they should be interrogated strictly. As long as you find out where the Rock King is hiding, half of the war will be won. Once the Rock King dies, the agreement he concluded The Covenant will crumble, the Rockborn will kill each other, and so will the Ironborn Pirates."

"Woo--" the horn sounded in the northern border, and the camp was filled with shouts of killing.

(End of this chapter)

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