Chapter 45
On Skagos Isle, the Rockborn tried to drive the Northern army back to the sea, but their raid was stopped by the Northern army, and the Rockborn army retreated into the mountains.Some injured rock species warriors became captives of the northern army.

In front of the heart tree on the hillside, Ed began to interrogate the captive.It was chosen here because of the care of the old gods. Ed believed that it was easier for Yanzhong to tell the truth in front of the old gods.Otherwise, if the captives provide Ed with a bunch of false information, it will not only waste time, but may also cause huge losses to the northern army.

Morgan Riddle of the Mountain Clan was dressed in snow-white bearskin and chain mail. He was a resolute and strong warrior, the second son of Lord Riddle, the leader of the Mountain Clan.Many people called him "Middle Riddle" behind his back, but Morgan Riddle didn't like the nickname, and few dared to call him that in person.

In the middle, Riddle escorted a rock warrior.The rock species was stabbed in the face, and half of his ear was gone.Zhong Riddle said: "Master Ed, this guy claims to be a soldier of the Maple Leaf tribe, and he confided some news to us."

Ed looked curiously at the rock-species warrior in front of him. He was a weather-beaten middle-aged man, about 40 years old, with leather armor on his animal fur coat, stained with blood.Ed asked Riddle, "How did you get him to talk?"

The rock captives captured by the northern soldiers in the past were all tough and stubborn like rocks. Even in the face of severe torture, they refused to disclose information to the enemy.

Zhong Riddle said: "His name is Nongda Maple Leaf, and his two sons were captured together with this guy. If he doesn't say anything, he can only watch his son die in front of him."

The warriors of the Riddle clan brought in the two sons of Nunda, both of whom were fifteen or sixteen years old.

As long as there are seven emotions and six desires, human beings have weaknesses, even rock species that claim to be as hard as rocks.

Ed stared at Roundup in front of him, "I am the Duke of the North, Ed Stark of the Stark family. The rock king Samuro Claure colluded with the iron bitch, and Helen Pike, who betrayed I have violated the oath of the Rock Seed to Winterfell, assumed the title of king, and even went to the east coast of the northern border to burn, kill and loot, and I brought the army of the northern border to severely punish Samrow Claure."

"Rounda, your surname is Maple Leaf. It seems that you are not from the Crower clan. I believe that you and your clan were coerced by the King of Rocks and forced to participate in this war. In front of the Heart Tree, in front of the Old God Before you, I assure you on the honor of House Stark that if you answer some of my questions, your child and you will be safe and sound."

"In front of Xinshu, you must also answer my questions truthfully. You must know that lying in front of the gods will be punished by God."

Nongda was indifferent and speechless, Greatjon pulled out his dagger, and held down one of the sons of the rock-seed warrior, a blood flower instantly bloomed on the boy's face.

Greatjon said angrily: "Damn rock species, you have killed so many warriors and commoners of my Umber family. If you don't speak, I will kill your two sons."

Nongda's son may be afraid, but he doesn't say a word. Yanzhong is indeed a tough nation.Nongda looked at the knife on his son's neck, and finally said, "Let my son go, I say."

Ed waved at Domilik Bolton, the heir to the Dreadfort, "Domilik, write down what he said."

Domilik flipped through the parchment, sat at the table with a quill pen and prepared to record.

Ed said, "Ronda, where does the rock king Samuro Crowle live?"

"Abyss Fort, that's the home of the Claure Clan."

This is the first time that the army of the North has heard of the castle of the King of the Rock. The vassals of the North, Roose Bolton of the Dreadfort, the Great Jon of the Umber family, and Maggie Mormont, Countess of Bear Island The spirit was shocked.

Ed said: "Where is Abyss Castle? How far is it from here?"

Roundup thought for a while, "Crowle Grand Canyon, 10 leagues to the southeast."

After all, Skagos Island is the largest island in the north. Ed once worried that Abyss Fort was far away from the landing site of the northern army, but he didn't expect it to be so close.

Roose Bolton said: "Master Ed, since Abyss Castle is so close, our light cavalry will attack at full speed and we will arrive in three days. I just don't know how strong this castle is?"

Roundup smiled like a beast, "That may be the strongest castle in the world."

The grumpy Earl Rickard Karstark said angrily: "This rock species is lying! Can a stone castle be built with the rock species' ability?"

Nunda said: "The Abyss Castle is a castle built on the basis of a natural cave. The people of the Claure clan firmly believe that the old gods helped their ancestors build this castle."

A disdainful smile appeared on the face of Countess Meggie Mormont, "Barbarian, you dare to lie about the old gods. You may have forgotten that the descendants of our ancestors in the north also believe in the old gods."

"It's a pity that you have long forgotten the name of the old god." Upon hearing the old god, Nongda looked devout, "Perhaps the descendants of the ancestors in the northern border have long forgotten the name of the old god, but we remember that they are The gods of the land, the mountains, the streams of the forest, the children of the forest, the green seers, the wood dancers, the earth dancers are all legends to you, but to us rock species they still exist, and they are watching us through the heart tree Woolen cloth!"

Ed suddenly felt that the face on the heart tree in front of him was a little gloomy.

In Westeros, there are many legends about the old gods, children of the forest, and green seers.Legend has it that the ancestors arrived in Westeros through the Arm of Dorne. The ancestors with bronze weapons made it difficult for the children of the forest who used obsidian weapons. In order to prevent the ancestors from expanding in Westeros, the children of the forest used magic to make the sea The plane rose, the tsunami tore the earth, and destroyed the Arm of Dorne, which is now the Broken Arm of Dorne, the Stone Step Islands and other places.

Could it be that the rock species has mastered some kind of old god magic?Help the Claure clan create Abyss Fort?What a strange thing.

Roose Bolton said: "I don't believe the Old Gods help the Rockborn build castles, it's just a bedtime story."

Ed said: "Who can say for sure? I think the legend of the rock species means that a character like 'City Builder' Brandon helped the Claure clan build the castle."

Roundup said: "The Claure clan got the help of the old gods, got the cave, and then they started digging, and completed the construction of the castle under the guidance of the old gods, that's it."

"Mining?" Ed frowned, "What mines are there in Abyss Castle?"

"Obsidian." Nongda bared his rotten teeth, "It's a sharp arrow used to shoot people in the north! Even iron blacksmiths can't make obsidian weapons, we can!"

Ed said: "Besides the Claure clan of the Rock King, which clan is powerful?"

Roundup thought for a while, "Clan Stern of Driftwood Hall, and Clan Magnar of King's Hall in southeast Skagos Island."

"Magna?" Ed was curious.

Domeric Bolton stopped writing, "Lord Ed, Nunda is lying. The Magnar is the lord of the Thenns, a savage tribe outside the Great Wall. Where did the Magnar come from on Skagos Island?"

Nongda laughed and said, "Young man, 'Magna' means 'Lord Lord' in the ancient Chinese language."

With a wave of Ed's hand, he met Riddle and the soldiers, grabbed Rounda and his two sons and left.

Ed was full of confidence, "As long as the Abyss Castle is captured and the Rock King is killed or captured, the clan alliance of the rock species will collapse, and they will kill each other. I have decided to send light cavalry to take the Abyss Castle directly."

"Lord Ed!" Marlon Mandler rushed in, panting.

"The iron bitch led the ironmen to attack our fleet moored opposite the Seal Bay. Herman Tauhar, Wyman Mandalay, and Wendell Mandalay were all captured, and the fleet was burned. We stayed in the seal The luggage, food and grass on the other side of the bay are all gone."

Ed suddenly felt like falling into the abyss, and the gaze of Xinshu's face was filled with a trace of mockery.

(End of this chapter)

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