Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 47 The Confessions of James Cowd

Chapter 47 The Confessions of James Could

James Could, in his 30s, was captured in the territory of the Amber family, because he was one of the few captives captured by the Northern Army with the noble surname of the Iron Islands, so Ed decided to ask him More on Ironborn Pirates and Helen "Iron Bitch" Peck.

Although the Codd family is the descendant of slave labor in the Iron Islands, many nobles and even commoners despise them. The family language of the Codd family "disdain and despise" confirms this, but the nobles are nobles after all.

As night fell, under a burning bonfire, James Coulder knelt before the heart tree with his hands chained.

Ed's figure enveloped James Could, "How many Ironborn pirates does Helen Pike have under his command?"

James Could showed a ferocious smile, "You suffered a great loss at the hands of the Iron Bitch? I already knew that sooner or later Helen Pike would lead the Ironborn pirates to teach you Yankees a lesson."

The Greatjon kicked James Coulder on the back, and James Coulder's face fell to the ground, his lips were cut and bleeding trickles, but he laughed even more.

Ed said coldly: "James Could, as a prisoner, you are too proud. Are you really not afraid of death?"

James Coulder spat out blood, "Then do it quickly! I'd rather die cleanly than rust in a prison, and the ironborn hate rust the most. If you don't kill me, wait until Helen Pike takes the ironmen The pirates beat you, open the cage and let me out, and I'll kill more northerners."

Greatjon took out a sharp dagger, "Lord Ed, just grant this guy's wish and let me slit his chest open to see what his black heart looks like!"

Ed waved his hand to stop Greatjon, and he said to James Could: "You died very happily yourself, aren't you afraid of implicating your family?"

The smile faded from James Coulder's face, and he said: "My family died during the Greyjoy Rebellion. I have no family."

Ed said: "You are lying, you are taking risks outside as a pirate, isn't it just to bring back property and make life easier for your parents, brothers and sisters? James, you are from the Cowd family, I can pass your Last name, if your family members are found out in the Iron Islands, even the Cawdor family will suffer because of you."

James Could said disdainfully: "Are you bluffing me? Across thousands of mountains and rivers, what can you find out in the Iron Islands? What power does the Duke of the North have in the Iron Islands?"

Ed said indifferently: "If you really think so, you are too stupid. As we all know, I am a friend of King Robert, and we are like brothers. When Balon Greyjoy bowed his knees to King Robert, in the Before the Drowned God and the old and new gods, he swore an oath, and he swore that he would restrain his ironborn, and that anyone who dared to plunder in the Seven Kingdoms would be punished with death."

"You ironborn pirates are plundering the Stepstone Islands, and King Robert has nothing to do with it, but you actually came to the north and colluded with the rock species on Skagos Island to plunder. King Robert will definitely punish you ...your family will pay for you."

Ed pointed to Theon beside him, "Theon is my adopted son, and he is the legal heir of the Iron Islands. I will write to King Balon, and King Balon can also help me find your family and punish the Cowd family severely." .”

King Balon's name was obviously more frightening to James Could than Robert's name. After all, Robert was separated from the Iron Islands by thousands of mountains and rivers, but King Balon, who was sitting in Pike City, could put the golden sea monster's The tentacles easily reach every corner of the Iron Islands.

James Codd was a little scared, and Ed said: "I know that the Codd family was born as a slave laborer. After many generations of struggle, they have achieved their current status in the Iron Islands. But, because of you, the Codd family has offended you." North, they all have to pay the price."

James Coulder was angry, "It's my freedom to be a pirate, why should you go after my family?"

Weaknesses emerge.Ed said: "You don't want your family to suffer, why don't you tell me how many ironmen Helen Pike has under his command? We can all hear the sound of the waves and smell the salty sea water. The Drowned God is very powerful here , James, if you lie, the Drowned God will not forgive you."

James Coulder pondered for a while, "Less than 1000 people."

Ed said: "What kind of answer is this called? From one to nine hundred and ninety-nine, it's less than a thousand."

"More than 900 people." James Could stared at the ground, "Anyway, she still had so many people before I was captured."

Theon frowned and said, "Iron Bitch has so many people under his command?"

James Could sneered and said: "Back then, your father Baron couldn't defeat King Robert's army. He just knelt down by himself. He insisted on making all the iron races in the Iron Islands kneel with him. Many people, in pursuit of the ancient road, Choose to go to the Stone Step Islands to be a pirate, after all, the Stone Step Islands are an illegal place, and no one cares what you do there."

"The Stepstone Islands are a den of pirates. There are many ironmen there. Helen Pike gathered her pirate team there. Helen Pike is a natural leader. In the Stepstone Islands, not only the Ironborn pirates, but also many sisters and boys , Myr, Rhys, and even the pirates of the Summer Isles and the Basilisk Islands are willing to serve her."

Ed said: "Then why isn't Helen Pike in the Stepstones, being her pirate queen, but coming to Skagos?"

James Could said: "It's not because of the damn Salador Thorn, this is a pirate of Rhys, and Salador Thorn's fleet is powerful, with the support of Governor Rhys behind him, and even the Sea Minister Stannis It seems to cover him too."

Roose Bolton chuckled: "Stannis will cover up a Lys pirate? He is a rigid person who never forgives anyone. Will he cooperate with the Lys pirate?"

James Could said: "Anyway, Stannis's men are friends with Sallador Thorn, that is, the onion knight, and his name is Davos Seaworth. With the support of Governor Rhys and Stannis, Salado Sann can get supplies from Reese, Myr, and Dragonstone, but Helen Pike can't beat Salado Sann, so he has to come to Skagos Island."

"Sister Boy" Captain Greybeard Casselen also mentioned that Helen Pike was defeated by Sonrado Sann. It seems that James Could's words are highly credible.

Ed said: "I know that Helen Pike made an oath with the Rock King Samrow Claure on Skaggs Island. She has a shipyard and a blacksmith shop on the island. Where is Crow? Clan Abyss Hold? Clan Magnar's King's Hall? Clan Stern's Driftwood Hall?"

James Could smirked and said, "In the King of the Rock's Abyss Castle, but you can't capture Abyss Castle. That castle is stronger than Casterly Rock and Storm's End, and more dangerous than Eagle's Nest City!"

(End of this chapter)

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