Chapter 51
In addition to the heir of the Driftwood Hall, Paulson Stern, the northern army also captured several other rock nobles, some from the Ice Dragon Clan, the Frost Clan, the Maple Leaf Clan, and one from the Abyss Castle Crow Clan.

The man named Donald Claure has brown hair. Unlike many tall and strong rock species with firm faces, Donald Claure is short in stature, has a ruddy complexion, and looks kindly.Ed's personal bodyguard, Dawson, captured him on the battlefield.

Ed looked at Donald Claure, and he was surprised to find that under Donald's chain mail was an exquisite velvet coat sewn with gold thread, and the coat of arms on his chest was black and red Zigzag line, this is the coat of arms of Claure Clan. "Are you really a rock species?"

Donald Klauer had a flattering smile on his face. Seeing Ed seemed to be a reunion with old friends, "It's true! Sir Ed, when I was born, it was a particularly harsh winter and there was a lack of food, so I He has been weak and sick since he was a child."

Ed frowned: "What's the relationship between you and Samuro Claure, the rock king who presumed to be the king?"

"He was my uncle," said Donald Claure. "My father died when I was three, and my mother remarried to Samro Claure, so I always regarded him as It's my biological father. I'm the manager of Abyss Castle."

This is a valuable captive.Ed raised his voice, "You are the rock king's nephew and the master of his castle. You helped the rock king rebel and killed the people in the north. I can take your head at any time."

The guard Dawson pulled out the Valyrian greatsword "Ice" of the Stark family, and Donald Klauer was frightened into a cold sweat, "Master Stark, I'm just a steward, not a warrior, please ,forgive me!"

This is a cowardly rock species.Ed said: "If you want to live, answer the question honestly. Why are you here?"

Donald Claure wiped the sweat from his brow, "The Rock King sent me to the Driftwood Hall to gather the warriors from the northern tribes to Abyss Fort. However, Billy Stern saw the northern army on the way , and began to attack. Recently, the sister male pirates and Pentos mercenaries plundered the fishing villages along the coast of the Stern clan, and Stern became angry when he saw the northern army, and he launched an attack regardless of my objection."

Catheron the Greybeard and his fleet of sisters and men, the Pentos mercenary ship, did not disappoint Ed. Ed's pirate plundering tactics worked, and successfully angered the Rockborn.However, the grain and grass brought by the pirates was very limited, and the grain and grass reserves of the army in the north were seriously insufficient, so they had to rely on Marlon Mandalay's fleet to transport them across the sea from the north.

Ed said: "How many rock species have you gathered in the northern clan tribe of Skagos Island?"

Donald Claure thought for a while, "More than 1000 people, and eighteen unicorns."

After the battle, Roose Bolton counted the battle damage of Rock Seed. Three unicorn corpses were left on the battlefield, and more than [-] Rock Seed fighters were killed. The loss of the northern army was almost the same as that of Rock Seed.If Donald Claure hadn't lied, the army led by Stern to Abyss Fort would have lost nearly half of it.

Ed continued to question Donald Claure, "How many troops does Abyss Castle have?"

Donald said: "Less than 800 people, too many warriors of our Crower clan died at sea. After all, the rock species is not good at naval warfare. But the rock king recruited new warriors, and Billy Stern took the remaining soldiers And the unicorn will also go to Abyss Castle."

"Is the iron bitch Helen Pike in Abyss Castle?" Helen Pike is the enemy Ed is more worried about.

Donald said: "Helen Pike is not in Abyss Castle most of the time, she often lives on the ship. When I left the castle, Helen Pike was summoning the pirate army, saying that he wanted to cross the sea and attack the grain and grass ships in the northern border."

And the Iron Bitch has already succeeded, Ed feels bitter when he thinks of Helen Pike suppressing the northerners in the naval battle.

Ed pondered for a while, "So, the Rock King plans to gather all the tribes to defend the city in Abyss Fort?"

Donald Claure shrugged, "I don't know much about it. The iron bitch and the rock king don't tell me many plans. I'm the master of the castle! I'm also the rock king's nephew, and the iron bitch actually excluded me from making decisions layer outside."

This can't be blamed on the Iron Bitch and the Rock King, because the cowardly Donald can hardly keep a secret. He just fell into the hands of the Northern Army and gave too much information to save his life.Ed would never let a coward like Donald appear in his battle meeting, let alone enter the decision-making level.

Donald Klauer's face was once again filled with flattering smiles.

"Master Ed, I have always opposed my uncle Samro wearing the rock crown. I persuaded him to swear allegiance to the North, but he didn't listen. It was that iron bitch Helen Pike who kept instilling rebellion in his ears." He just sent troops to attack the east coast of the northern border. As long as you let me go back, I will be able to persuade Samro to give up the crown and pledge allegiance to the northern border."

Roose Bolton smiled lightly, "Master Ed, how could Samro listen to this coward? This guy is so eloquent, who knows if he lied? Why don't you give Donald to me? They will be tortured and asked for secrets. You know, a naked person has few secrets, but a skinned person has no secrets."

Donald Claure was frightened, "Skinning? My lords, I'm telling the truth!"

Ed said: "Donald Claure, if the information you provided proves to be a lie, no one can save you."

Jory Cassel, Captain of the Winterfell Guard, dragged Donald Claure away.

Heir to Driftwood Hall, Paulyson Stern, son of the chief of the Stern clan, is brought in, and wounded on the battlefield, he is captured by Eddard's bastard son, Jon Snow.

Although Paulson Stern was only 15 years old, he was significantly tougher than coward Donald Claure.

Ed looked at Paulyson Stern, "Boleyson, I am Ed Stark, Duke of the North. How many horses does your Stern clan have? How many unicorns?"

Paulson Stern said angrily: "I would rather die than be a traitor who betrayed my own clan."

Ed said: "It's a pity that you, the Stern clan, became traitors from the moment you followed the King of Rocks to fight against the army in the north. You are the vassals of Winterfell, but you rebelled."

Jason Stern said with a sneer: "Winterfell has been unable to conquer Skagos Island since the time of the King of Winterland and the King of the North. Now the Stark family is just the northern part of the Seven Kingdoms." Guardian, how can you make the rock species bend its knees?"

Theon said angrily: "Lord Ed, kill this kid."

Ed smiled and said: "This is a young man with backbone, let's keep him!"

 Thanks to the book friend "Good Virtue and Kindness", "Book Friends 20191025132531254" for sending monthly tickets, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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