Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 53 Arriving at Abyss Castle

Chapter 53 Arriving at Abyss Castle

In the hall illuminated by the torch of Abyss Castle, Billy Stern glared at the iron whore Helen Pike, "Why are you so sure? Ed Stark can get supplies from the sea as long as he wants to."

Helen Pike said: "There are some fleets in the north that have gone to the east coast of the north. Even if they bring food and grass, my iron people pirates will keep them out of Skagos Island."

Billy Stern sneered, "Iron bitch, you always brag about how powerful your iron people pirates are, saying that the northern navy is vulnerable to you, why don't you take your people to the sea to help How about we get rid of those sister male pirates and Pentos mercenaries?"

Helen Pike stroked Red Fire's hair, "Sister male pirates and Pentos mercenaries are not worth mentioning at all, can't you see that? Sister male and Pentos mercenaries were released by Ed Stark Bait, he wants to use my sister pirates and Pentos mercenaries to drain the strength of my ironborn pirates."

Billy Stern looked disdainful, "You can't even deal with the sister pirates and Pentos mercenaries, and you still want me to believe that your ironmen can stop the northern ships from bringing supplies from the sea? In my territory , the fishing villages along the coast are being looted, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Helen Pike put her hand on Billy Stern's arm, "Listen to my advice, evacuate all the people from the coastal villages to the deep mountains, and transport all the food and food that can be transported away, and those who cannot be transported away Burn it. We'll win if we keep the walls clear."

Billy Stern shook off Helen Pike's hand in disgust, "Burning the grain? Do you know how difficult it is to harvest grain in this barren land of Skagos Island? Will strong walls and clear fields win? We know, I I just know to do what you say, and when winter comes, my people will starve to death."

"Iron bitch, can you send the ironborn to drive away those sister male pirates and Pentos mercenaries? If you don't want to go, I have to take my warriors and return to the north to deal with those marauders myself."

Rock King Samro Claure said: "Billy, you must stay, don't forget the oath you swore in front of the Heart Tree at the tribal meeting of the Nine Clans, you must obey my orders and stick to Abyss Fort. "

Samuro Claure turned to Helen Pike, "Helen, take your ironborn fleet to stop the grain ships in the north!"

Helen Pike turned and left.

Billy Stern said angrily: "Why don't you let the ironmen's fleet protect the coastal villages?"

Rock King Samro said: "The northern army is approaching Abyss Fort. Although the mountain road is twists and turns, they will arrive soon. Ed Stark's goal is to destroy the ironmen's smithy and shipyard in Abyss Fort. He will definitely attack Abyss Castle. My castle is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The northern army will have to pay a heavy price if they want to attack the city. After a long time, the northern army will run out of food and grass, and the rock species will be able to attack and bury Ed Star K's army."

"As for the villages along the coast, we can only abandon them. Neither the ironborn nor my rockseed have the strength to protect those villages. This is how wars are, and something has to be sacrificed."

Billy Stern's anger rose, "It turns out that the target of the Northern Army is the Ironmen's shipyard and blacksmith shop. The Rock King, your nephew Donald and my son Paulson, all became prisoners of the North, Many rockborn warriors sacrificed their lives, our village was destroyed by fire, and the holy unicorn died in battle, all because of the damned ironborn!"

Rock King Samuro Claure patted Billy on the shoulder, "The Ironmen brought us longships, armor, and weapons."

"It also brought death and destruction." Billy Stern suppressed his anger and said coldly, "King of the Rock, I saw the army of the Northern Territory, and there are more than 7000 people by visual inspection, and the rock species cannot fight the army of the Northern Territory. Rockseed has lived freely in this land for hundreds of thousands of years, Winterfell is too lazy to care about us, it is the iron bitch and her iron people who insist on provoking Winterfell, which attracted the northern army."

"Why should the Rockborn pay for the desires of the Ironmen? As long as the King of the Rocks gives up his crown, surrenders the hostages of the northern nobles in our hands, presents the beautiful head of the Iron Bitch, and declares his knees to the Stark family of Winterfell Surrender, the disaster of the rock species can be resolved immediately."

The rock king proudly said: "The rock species will never bow its knees!"

Billy Stern said: "Then what about my son Paulason? He is the heir to Driftwood Hall! He is also my only son, the King of Rocks. Can you exchange the northern nobles in your hand for Paulie?" Where's Layson?"

"No." The Rock King retorted, "You don't have to worry, the army of the Northern Territory will smash their heads and blood under the city of Abyss Castle. They don't have enough food and grass, and they will collapse sooner or later. When we defeat the army of the Northern Territory, Paulson Nature is set free."

Billy Stern was dissatisfied, but he could only accept it.

There was freezing rain in the sky, and the air was damp and cold. Ed led the northern army and marched in the rain.Fortunately, the number of sneak attacks of rock-type slingers and crossbowmen has been significantly reduced.The villages encountered by the northern army were all empty, and the grain and food were all carried away.According to Nongda, the rock species guide, the Rock King probably summoned all the nearby rock species to the Abyss Castle to defend the city.

Three days later, the northern army finally arrived at the castle of Abyss Castle.

"Stronger than Casterly Rock and Storm's End, and more dangerous than Eagle's Nest." James Codd, a captive of the Ironborn, described the King of the Rock's Abyss Castle in this way. under the castle.

The castle is located on a cliff hundreds of meters high in the Kraul Canyon, and the huge stone gate is engraved with the totems of rock-species warriors and unicorns. According to the rock-species captive Donald Krall, Abyss Fort was originally a natural The caves, and subsequently the Crow's people, have been digging obsidian and iron in the caves for thousands of years.

Although the mining technology of the rock species is backward, and the amount of minerals such as obsidian and iron collected is very low, over the long years, the Claure clan has excavated hundreds of halls inside the Abyss Fort.

On both sides of the city gate are trebuchets and arrow towers. In front of the castle is the endlessly rushing Abyss River. The water of the river is dark red, forming a natural moat.

The Abyss River blocked the northern army on the opposite side of the Abyss Fort. Above the Abyss River is a crumbling cable bridge, which is made up of pieces of wood and is hundreds of meters long. It can only accommodate two people at most. The cable bridge faces the Abyss Fort. The direction is still uphill.Because the cable bridge is right on the mouth of the Grand Canyon, the cable bridge swayed violently in the wind.

Domeric Bolton, Theon Greyjoy, and Jon Snow all looked dumbfounded.

Roose Bolton, the Earl of Dreadfort, looked at the bottomless abyss and the rushing river under the rope bridge, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his ice-like eyes.

"Master Ed, don't talk about attacking the castle. I doubt whether we can cross this cable bridge. Since the Rock King chose to hold on, it is logical that he should demolish this cable bridge, but he doesn't even bother to cross the bridge." Demolition, it seems that there is no fear."

Earl Mitch Seven shrugged, "Is it necessary to demolish the bridge? As long as the warriors in the north attack, the crossbowmen on the opposite arrow tower will shoot, and then the warriors in the north will fall off the bridge screaming. Fell into the rushing river under the bridge. If the rock species really wanted to tear down the bridge, a stone from their trebuchet could smash through this crude rope bridge."

 Thanks to "ygc0000" and "Dingdingdingdangdang" for the monthly pass, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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