Chapter 72
Ed turned over and got off the unicorn, and all the leaders of the rock species presented gifts one after another.The gift presented by Ace Ice Dragon was a dragon carved in obsidian, Billy Stern directly dedicated the unicorn cub to Ed, Raison Magna presented an ivory bracelet, and the leader of Maple Leaf presented amber ornaments. Gwen Frost offers wild blueberries.

Gwen Frost said: "Master Ed, the Blue Noble is a wild blueberry from Skagos Island, very delicious."

Ed took a bite. Compared with ordinary blueberries, wild blueberries had a bursting taste.Ed knows that blueberries grow in alpine regions and are rich in nutrition. They are noble fruits and have great potential for economic value.

Ed didn't expect that the barren Skagos Island actually produced wild blueberries.Once the wild blueberries are sold to the Reach, King's Landing, and the Free Trade City, they can help the northern border make money. Ed quickly asked the leader of the rock species for two bags of blueberry seeds.

Ed saw that the rock species was feeding the unicorn a kind of green grass, and asked curiously, "What kind of grass is this?"

The rock species guide Nongda said: "This is the beast grass. The stems and leaves of this grass are thick and grow fast. The beast grass can survive on rocks and land, and it can survive cold winters. It is very cold-resistant. In winter, this grass A beast grass that can be used to feed unicorns."

Agriculture in the northern region relies heavily on animal husbandry. In winter, when the land is covered by heavy snow, there is almost no green in the fields, and animal feed becomes a big problem.Now Ed has built a breeding farm in the winter resort town, and started to store feed early, but it is far from enough.

This kind of beast grass can survive and grow in severe winter, and there is no beast grass in the north.If the beast grass is introduced to Winterfell and spread to the northern border, there will be feed for the breeding industry in the future.

Ed asked the leaders of the rock species for a few bags of sacred beast grass seeds, and then said: "Leaders, when you go back to your hometown, you can let your rock species collect more amber, blueberries, and obsidian, amber, blueberries, and obsidian. I will buy as many of these things as you have."

The leaders of the rock species were very happy when they heard that there was money to be made.Billy Stern said: "Master Ed, amber can be used as decorations, blueberries can be eaten, this obsidian, what do you want it for? Don't soldiers in the north use steel armor? Obsidian is sharp, but fragile, Back then, the children of the forest relied on obsidian weapons, and they couldn't even defeat the ancestors who used bronze weapons."

Ed smiled mysteriously, "You can just collect obsidian. From now on, rock species are part of the northern border, and I will lead you to live a good life."

Rockborn would not know that obsidian is a powerful weapon against the White Walkers.It is still summer now, but as a time traveler, Ed understands that sooner or later in the future, the Night King will bring an army of icy ghouls and aliens to attack the Great Wall.If the North doesn't make obsidian weapons as soon as possible, it won't be able to stop the Night King's army from going south.

After the rock species surrendered, Ed led the northern army and began to evacuate.

The sweep of Skagos Island was undoubtedly a success. The largest island in the north has returned to Winterfell, and Winterfell will be able to receive taxes and tributes from all clans and tribes every year, except for Skagos Island. The main island, Donggus Island, also returned to the rule of Winterfell. This is a long and narrow island from north to south, and its area is about twice that of Bear Island.

The sparsely populated Skaine Island in the north of Skagos Island, and all the surrounding subsidiary islands, have all returned to Ed's control.The wildlings beyond the Wall and the conspirators of the Free Cities, the enemies of the South, will not be able to use Skagos to attack the North anytime soon.

In addition, Ed also discovered blueberries and mythical beast grass, these plants will play a role in the future development of the northern border.Skagos Isle produces obsidian, no doubt a valuable mineral.

After the surrender of Skaggs Island, there was another source of troops in the north.Rockborn are brutal and vulgar, but their combat prowess is undeniable.

Helen Pike and her iron people pirates, blacksmiths, and shipbuilders are another harvest of Ed.Ed had asked his adopted son Theon Greyjoy to write to King Balon, hoping that the Iron Islands would send some blacksmiths and shipwrights, but King Balon was very perfunctory and dragged on for several months before sending them. Give some apprentices to Winterfell.

Now Helen Pike has more than a dozen blacksmiths and two shipwrights under his command, many of whom are masters like the blacksmith Walter and the shipwright Mogul, and Winterfell will get a bunch of skilled craftsmen.In addition, more than 30 longships of the ironborn pirates all fell into Ed's hands.

Roose Bolton praised: "Lord Ed, when the food and grass of the northern army were burned, the vassals in the northern border thought that our army would definitely be defeated and should retreat. Lord Ed led the army over the mountains and mountains, Going deep into the interior, it turned out to be a success.

Rickard Karstark said: "Master Eddard smashed the rock species and the iron people in one fell swoop in adversity, and he is worthy of being a famous general in the universe."

Ed said indifferently: "This is all thanks to the soldiers."

Before the army set off, Ed asked Maester Uther of the Dreadfort to send ravens to the school city.

"Bachelor Uther, tell the Academy that I have not only the horn and bone of the unicorn, but also the cubs of the unicorn. If the Academy wants to study unicorns, it will send a bachelor to serve in Winterfell. I want talents who are good at medicine, agriculture, history, geography, assistant bachelors, and apprentices, as long as they can read and write, I will accept them all."

Bachelor Uther smiled, "Lord Ed, the Academy has always lacked research on unicorns. The Academy has been buying unicorn horns with a lot of money, but they have not found any. Now Lord Ed has a unicorn in his hand." Beast cubs, I believe they can attract some bachelors to come to Winterfell to serve."

Ed and Jon Snow, standing on the beach by the sea, watched the northern army board the ship one after another. They came from the northern mountains, the Dreadfort, Kahoe City, White Harbor, Barren Mound, Deepwood Castle and other places in the North. Warriors, will return home.

Jon Snow said: "Father, I heard some lords say that the North should garrison on Skagos Island."

Ed said: "Skaggs Island is the largest island in the northern border. Once the troops are stationed, it will be a huge expense. The rock species has just surrendered, and leaving a large army to garrison will only make the rock species disgusted."

Jon Snow whispered: "I always thought you'd let Billy Stern of Driftwood Hall, or Rayson Magna rule Skagos. Billy Stern helped The Northern Army captured Abyss Fort, and Raisen Magna led the warriors of the Magna Clan to surrender directly. Since the Northern Army landed, they have never attacked the Northern Army directly."

Ed smiled, "Jon, you have observed carefully, but unfortunately there are some truths you still don't understand. Billy Stern and Rayson Magna are both brave and skilled fighters, Skagos Island Once it falls into either of the two of them, after a long time, under the instigation of the rock species under hand, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not have the idea of ​​rebellion."

"Now, I let the major clans of the rock species govern themselves, pay taxes to Winterfell, and accept the protection of Winterfell. In this way, whether it is Billy Stern of Driftwood Hall or Rayson of King's Hall Magnar, there is no way to dominate the rock species. The leaders of the rock species will compete with each other and guard against each other. In this way, Stark strengthens his rule over the rock species."

Jon Snow praised: "Father is really considerate. We can go back to Winterfell soon. I miss my brothers, sisters and Robb."

Ed said: "I miss them too, but we have to go to Castle Black first."

 Thanks to "Mengxinaixiaobai" for the monthly pass, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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