Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 74 Capture of Wildlings and Night Watchman Deserters

Chapter 74 Capture of Wildlings and Night Watchman Deserters
In the camp, Helen Pike strongly encouraged Ed to fund the ironmen to plunder the rich south.

Ed looked at Helen through the flames, "Your courage and adventurous spirit are worthy of recognition, but you underestimate the strength of the southern princes. The ironmen's naval warfare capabilities are indeed unique in the Seven Kingdoms, and they have ravaged all coasts, but Now the Houses have learned how to deal with the Ironborn."

"The Mallisters of Seagarden defend the coastline in the Riverlands, the Farmans of Fairy Isle defend the Ironborn in the west, and the Shield Islands guard the mouth of the Mander River in the Reach. Don't forget that the Reach also has The Arbor Island Fleet of the Redwyne House, the Old Town Capital Guard."

"The Iron Islands have tens of thousands of longships, but they are still unable to dominate. King Balon has proved this. The competition in war is the comprehensive strength of economy, population, military, mobilization ability, etc. That's why, Braavos The reason why Neptune's fleet can dominate the sea, but the Iron Islands fleet cannot."

Helen Pike thought deeply, "It seems that Lord Ed is still considerate. I, a female pirate, can't think about these things."

Ed smiled and said, "Helen, if the northern border builds a powerful fleet in the future, isn't it better for you to be a fleet commander than a pirate queen?"

Helen Pike showed a sweet smile, she stretched herself, "Master Ed, I have to go to bed, there may be a fleet in my dream!"

The Winterfell Guardsmen had begun their vigil.Ed and Helen Parker returned to their tents, and Ed soon fell asleep.

Suddenly, a violent fighting sound woke Ed up from his dream. He got up hurriedly, put on a woolen coat and walked into the night.

When Ed arrived outside the camp, the battle was over.Three men in black clothes fell in a pool of blood on the ground, and two women died beside them.A man in black with a mouth full of blood was subdued by guard Dawson to kneel on the ground, and a woman was kneeling to Helen Parker begging for mercy.

After a while, Theon, Domeric, Jon and Ferran all arrived one after another.

"What's going on?" Ed asked.

"Duke Ed, it's the night watchman deserter and some wildlings." The guard Dawson was as strong as a buffalo, he held the night watch deserter beside him, "I'm going to pee, these guys dare to attack me."

Ed took a closer look, and the three black-clothed men who fell on the ground were indeed night watchmen, all dressed in black, and the dead women were all wildling spearwives.Helen Pike took a wildling woman captive, and Dawson took a deserter from the Night's Watch.

Ed looked at the night watchman deserter in front of him, "You are the night watchman deserter who swore an oath, what's your name?"

The night watchman deserter was bald and skinny, and he spat out blood, "My name is Steve."

"Steve, you should stay on the Great Wall to guard against the savages. Why did you break your oath and run away with the savages?" Ed questioned.

Steve shook his head and pointed at the female savage beside him, "Ask Osha! You can't stay in that damned place on the Great Wall."

The wild woman Osha is tall and slender, but full of strength. She stared at the direwolf crest on Ed's chest in the firelight, "You are the wolf king of the Stark family? Duke Ed, the cold wind has blown, and the White Walkers are Killing outside the Great Wall, we crossed the Great Wall just to survive."

Theon laughed, "Woman, you will really find a reason for yourself. Killing the White Walkers? Hehe! This reason is really good, why don't you say that the old gods guided you to cross the Great Wall? Lord Ed, kill this liar!"

For people in the Seven Kingdoms, the Long Night has been around for 8000 years. People have long regarded the White Walkers as legends. No one believes that the White Walkers, the Children of the Forest, and giants are still alive.However, as a time traveler, Ed knew very well that the White Walkers and the Night King were real threats beyond the Great Wall, and he believed Osha's words.

One of the purposes of Ed's visit to Castle Black this time is to discuss the possible future threat of White Walkers with Mormont, the commander-in-chief of the Night Watchman Corps.

"We can't prove that the wild woman is lying, so first tie Osha and Steve and take them to Castle Black."

After dawn, Ed took his entourage and two captives and headed towards Castle Black. Two days later, they arrived at Houcrown Town in Zengdi.

Due to the invasion of savage raiders all the year round, Zeng Land has long been deserted, and Houguan Town is also deserted. However, Ed has set up a military camp here, and the residents of Houguan Town usually farm and practice in slack to deal with wildling raiders. .Their taxes are shared between Winterfell and the Night's Watch.

Now the town of Houcrown is in charge of Winterfell's personal soldier Tomard. He is nicknamed "Fat Tom" and is an amiable man.Today, Houguan Town has more than [-] residents apart from the soldiers in the military settlement. Ed was delighted to find that many farmlands had been sown and green, and there were also mills, blacksmiths and beehives in the town.

Ed stayed in Houcrown for one night, and continued towards Castle Black the next day.When the [-]-foot-high Great Wall appeared under the gray-blue sky, Theon, Jon, Domilik and others were all shocked.

They passed the famous Mole's Village and finally arrived at Castle Black.

The commander-in-chief of the Night Watchman Corps, Bear Old Mormont, and the chief ranger, Benyan Stark, were overjoyed at Ed's sudden visit. They immediately summoned the senior officials of the Night Watch to welcome Ed and his entourage.

Blind, emaciated and aging, Maester Aemon was nearly a hundred years old, but he was still vigorous and clear-headed.Bursar Bowen Marsh was there too, so rosy-cheeked and fat-cheeked that the Night's Watch soldiers called him "Pomegranate Man" behind their backs.

There was also Orthel Arwick, the chief craftsman with a lantern-like jaw, and Ser Alliser Thorne, the lean, stern and ruthless Castle Black coach.

Elder Xiong held Ed's hand excitedly, "Duke Ed, I heard that you are leading an army from the north to fight against the rebellious rock species on Skagos Island, how come you have time to visit Castle Black?"

"The major tribes of the rock species have declared their surrender, Skagos Island has returned to Winterfell, and the war is over." Ed announced.

Benyan Stark hugged his brother, "Ed, you should say hello in advance, we are ready for the welcome banquet."

"Everyone is their own person, there is no need for a welcome banquet."

In the hall, the brothers in black brought buckets of ale, and took out roast chicken, roast wild boar, onion beef soup, squirrel meat, goose eggs, etc. to entertain Ed and his followers.

"Eastwatch Commander Carter Pike mentioned the Rockseed Rebellion in his letter." Old Bear Mormont tore off a chicken leg and held it in his hand," said Carter Pike, Greatjon Umber asked Eastwatch to send out the Night's Watch Fleet, help the Umber family deal with the Ironborn pirates. The Night Watchman is impartial and cannot participate in the disputes within the Seven Kingdoms, so he can only refuse."

"The refusal to help the North is embarrassing for our Night Watch brothers. After all, [-]% of the donations of the Night Watch Legion come from the North, and the Amber family has always been generous to the Night Watch. We really want to help the North deal with the rock species, but there is no way , our vows bind us.

Ed took a sip of the ale, "I fully understand Carter Parker's decision, it doesn't matter, we can cooperate in depth."

 Thank you for the monthly ticket sent by the book friend "loyal nerd", thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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