Chapter 84
As a traveler, when Ed proposed the Salt Village Plan, the purpose was to strictly prohibit private salt, and making money was secondary. Once the Stark family in Winterfell had mastered the salt in the north, they could strengthen their control over the vassals in the north.

Ed proposed the Yantun plan after careful consideration.He knew that if the policy of strictly prohibiting the sale of private salt was implemented in the northern border rashly, not only the vassals in the northern border would band together to oppose it, but the common people would also oppose it.

When Ed was in Winterfell, in front of the northern nobles, he proposed the Yantun plan and promised that "Winterfell will take back the salt from Yantun at the market price." earn a fortune.Due to the lack of supervision in the salt village, merchants and northern lords can easily hoard salt from the people, and a lot of salt from the black market is mixed into the salt village and transported to Winterfell and White Harbor to exchange for coins.

The price of salt has been rising all the way, merchants and lords have made a fortune, and people's resentment is boiling. White Harbor and Dreadfort accuse each other of tampering with salt.Ai De seized the opportunity and began to announce the strict prohibition of private production and sales of private salt.

Ed believes that some vassals will protest, but now, when Ed thoroughly investigates the merchants who have raised the price of salt, he will inevitably implicate the lords. , they can't protect themselves, some lords will be glad that they are not punished, and will choose to accept the ban on private salt in Winterfell.

Some nobles would choose to protest in groups, but with White Harbor and the Dreadfort torn apart, the nobles in the northern border had already been severely divided on the issue of Yantun, and group protests were doomed to fail.

Ed dared to do this because the Stark family had ruled the North for thousands of years.The Stark family has ruled for thousands of years since the time of the King of Winter, and is the only guardian family of the ancestors in the Seven Kingdoms.

Like the Tyrell family in Highgarden in the Reach and the Tully family in Riverrun, they dare not implement policies that offend their vassals at all. If they can maintain the status quo, it would be good to suppress the vassals.This was because both Tyrell and Tully had too little qualifications. They were all guardian families promoted by Aegon the Conqueror after he arrived in Westeros.

300 years ago, the Highgarden Tyrells were only stewards of the Gardener King of the Reach.The gardener family was buried in the flames of the dragon in the battle of "Raging Fire", and their blood was cut off. After "Aegon the Conqueror" arrived at Highgarden with the dragon, Tyrell, the castle steward, bowed to the Dragon King, and Aegon the Conqueror appointed Tyrell The Lear family has become the governor of the Reach, and the Tyrell family has directly transformed from a steward to a guardian family. All other nobles in the Reach have to pay tribute to the Tyrell family.

Many nobles in the Reach can be traced back to "Green Hand" Garth, similar to the Florens family in Brightwater City, the Hightower family in Old Town, the Rowan family in Golden Tree City, and the Redwyne family on Arbor Island. Rich and powerful, with ancient blood.They were naturally dissatisfied with Tyrell's "mere butler".If the Tyrell family is allowed to enforce a strict ban on private salt in the Reach, it is doomed that there will be no cooperation from the vassals.

The Tully family in the riverlands, the natal family of Eddard's wife Catelyn, is in a worse situation than the Tyrell family in Highgarden.

300 years ago, Harren the Blackheart, the king of the Iron Islands, ruled the riverlands. He built Harrenhal and died under the Dragonfire of the Conqueror.Because the Tully family took the lead in surrendering to Aegon the Conqueror, Aegon the Conqueror was promoted to governor of the riverlands, and Tully was promoted to the guardian family.

However, the Tully family is the most embarrassing Guardian family in the Seven Kingdoms.

In terms of fiefdom and population, the Tully family is not as good as their neighbors the Vance family in Riverland. Historically, the Tully family was even a vassal of the Vance family. The land of Riverrun was first given to the Tully family by the Vance family; In terms of wealth, the Tully family is not as good as the Frey family of the Twins and the Mooton family of Maidenpool; in terms of castle, Riverrun is far less magnificent than Harrenhal, and Harrenhal is famous far and wide.
In terms of family history, the Tully family didn't do well in Riverland either.Many nobles in the riverland, such as the Bracken family, the Blackwood family, and the Vance family, have been kings in history, but the Tully family has never been kings, and their history is far less ancient than these families.

Caitlin's father, the Duke of Hoster Tully, is diligent, shrewd, and highly respected. However, the strength and history of the Tully family doomed Duke Hoster to be unable to implement policies that might offend his vassals.

The Stark family has ruled the north of the Neck for thousands of years. This is the unique advantage of the Stark family. The people in the north love the Stark family, and the loyalty of the vassals is high. Eddie dared to introduce a policy of strictly prohibiting private salt .

In the study, Ed finished reading the accounts of the financial advisor Clare, and said, "I asked you to find the Mill glassmaker, have you found it?"

Kral played with the sapphire ring on his hand, "Lord Ed, many glasssmiths in Myr are slaves, and it is difficult to buy them. However, I found a glasssmith who lives in Braavos. His name is Ott Gar, who was once a glassmaker's slave in Myr, was freed after his ransom, and came to Braavos, and the man's glass work is excellent, and his panes sell for a high price."

"I guess Ortega has arrived at White Harbor by now, and he will arrive at Winterfell in a few days."

With the glassmaker, Ed can start his glass farm project.

Ed left the study, walked towards the hall, and met Maester Luwin, "Winterfell got the unicorn horn from the rock species, and we have unicorn cubs here. I'm in Skag When I was in Si Island, I sent ravens to send letters to the Academy City, welcoming people from the Academy City to study in Winterfell City, but these people must stay in Winterfell City to serve. Has the Academy City replied?"

Maester Luwin nodded, "Lord Ed, the Academy has already given an answer. The Academy is very interested in unicorns, and they are willing to send three bachelors and a dozen apprentices to serve in Winterfell."

Ed smiled, "School City really doesn't see rabbits and doesn't spread eagles. At the beginning, I asked Xuecheng for more bachelors, but Xuecheng refused to give any. Now that I have a unicorn, Xuecheng is willing to fight with Lindong." The city cooperates."

Luwin smiled, "Lord Ed, Xuecheng has never seen a unicorn, and has always wanted to collect unicorn horns and bones. Now that Winterfell has this magical species, Xuecheng is of course interested. .It’s just that Mr. Ed wants to come to so many bachelors at once, is he not satisfied with my service?”

Ed patted Luwin on the shoulder, "Luwin, you delivered, raised, and educated my children. You are my family. How could I be dissatisfied with you? It's just that I need more bachelors, Join my brain trust. You are my family, and no other maester can replace you."

Maester Luwin showed a relieved smile, "Master Ed, I am relieved. The Academy reminded me in the letter that some of the three bachelors they sent were good at medicine, some were good at agriculture, and some were specialized in magic. But almost all of them are thorns, Mr. Ed is mentally prepared."

(End of this chapter)

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