The super lord of the island

Chapter 12 012 Camp Relocation

Chapter 12 012. Camp Relocation

Beside the fiercely burning bonfire, Mag was reporting to Jialan about the situation of the daytime exploration.

"Sturdy stone houses, neat roads, and wellheads covered by withered they really exist?"

The deserted village's statement was confirmed, but at this time Jialan still felt like a dream.

"Lord Jialan! This is a gift from the Moon Goddess! Let us no longer be hit by the cold wind at night!" Wally looked excited, and described the scene in the village excitedly, as if he had become the owner of the village.

Mag on the side is obviously much more stable. When it comes to the deserted village, he is more worried about the danger.

"My lord, the number of slime groups is still unclear, and the way to the deserted village needs to pass through a section of forest, which is even more dangerous. I suggest that you wait until a safe road is cleared before asking your lord to go."

Looking at the two subordinates in front of him, Jialan fell into deep thought.

The location of the camp is relatively safe, but there is a lack of food and water; the food can last for a week, but the fresh water is only enough for three days, oh no, today is about to pass, it can’t be forgotten, to be precise, it is only enough for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

In fact, these are not the main issues he considers. If a territory wants to develop, it is necessary to have a stable place to live, and the appearance of barren villages perfectly solves all the troubles of building a place in the early stage.

This is why Wall-E is excited to think that the deserted village is a gift from the gods.

"There is a well, which means there is fresh water in the village. We have no choice. The barren village is the only way out."

After pondering for a moment, Jialan made up his mind and ordered:
"Tomorrow morning, take all the things in the camp, move to the cliff, and then start cleaning up the slimes in the village. After cleaning up the slimes, we can settle in and become the masters of the village."

The camp is five kilometers away from the deserted village, and the cliff is four kilometers away.

The purpose of relocating the camp is to retain the function of the camp, and at the same time shorten the distance and save time between the two places. After all, it is easy to relocate the camp, and there is no need to waste time on the road.

After listening to Jialan's order, Mag and Valli understood the intention after thinking about it. This was the best choice that took into account the different opinions of the two of them.

Mag immediately said: "Don't worry, my lord, the subordinates must have made arrangements."

Wally also nodded, accepting the arrangement.

"Well, let's go to rest, it's getting late."

Back in the big tent, Jialan, who had spent the whole day meditating and practicing spellcasting, felt very tired, lying on the cold straw mat, feeling drowsy like a raging wave.

"Good luck tomorrow..."

Blowing out the oil lamp, darkness enveloped the world, Jialan couldn't hold on any longer, closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Today is the third day on the island.

When the morning star lights up and before the sun rises, Mai Duo gets up early to prepare breakfast.

Add fire, make soup...

Boil fish, grill…

It would not be so troublesome to make food for the servants, but she insisted on fulfilling the duties of the cook, and wanted to make more appetizing dishes for the lord.

After several operations, the sky gradually brightened, and other people in the camp came out of the tent one after another.

Because she went to bed early, Jialan, who was used to getting up late, also walked out of the tent.

"Your loyal servant McGonagall greets you."

Mag, who was guarding outside the tent, greeted Jialan immediately, and the rest saluted.

"Good morning everyone! Go ahead and start moving after breakfast."


The spikes that fixed the tent were pulled up, and the tent was rolled into bundles of leather bags. Except for Jialan, everyone in the camp was carrying a lot of items.

Fortunately, there are not too many things, just enough to take them all at once, so there is no need to make a second trip.

Everyone walked along the beach, and the relocation process went smoothly. Before the sun had fully risen above their heads, they walked to the cliff, and then found a flat open space to rearrange the camp.

"My lord, the new camp is only a hundred meters away from the woodland, and the probability of being attacked by wild animals will increase."

"It's okay Mag, we won't stay here for too long, just strengthen the night guard."


Jialan waved his hand and made arrangements casually. At this moment, his attention was attracted by the water jet sprayed from the cliff. As the water jet fell, occasionally one or two sea fish would be left on the beach.

"The sea that is not polluted by modern industry and domestic waste means that it is extremely rich in ecological products. If you make good use of this alone, you will not have to worry about no food in the light-free island."

He observed that the seawater is constantly pouring into the V-shaped gap, and its principle is like the muzzle of a high-pressure water gun, concentrating the driving force of a large area of ​​seawater on one point;
The tide receded, exposing the bare rock at the bottom of the gap, and then the tide rose, and the fountain reappeared.

After figuring out the principle of the water jet, Jialan also lost interest, turned his head to look at Wali, and said:

"Call Meg, it's time to start cleaning up the deserted village."

"It's not enough yet. Yesterday we ran through the jungle and used up the remaining scent-masking concoction. I just collected several plants at the edge of the woodland and fish oil extracted from wheat flowers. If I can use them to brew Apply the concoction to the body, and it will be safer to travel through the woodland."

"Then get ready, we don't have much time to waste."

"Yes, my lord, it won't take long."

Soon, under Wal-E's careful cooking, a pot of green mixed grass juice came out of the pot. Before it solidified, it was smeared all over the bodies of the three of them, McGonagall, Stone and McQueen, without even weapons and leather armor. let go.

"Paint me too."

"Huh? Sir, you don't need to paint it if you stay in the camp. It's not easy to clean, hehe." Wali thought that Jialan was worried about wild beasts attacking the camp, so he quickly explained.

"Who said stay in the camp? I'll go with you, don't talk nonsense! Come paint with me."

Although Wall-E and Mag both objected, they had to obey the lord's order.

Seeing that Jialan was going, Mag wanted to bring all the servants in the camp with him to ensure the safety of the lord, but Jialan refused because of insufficient medicine and guarding the camp.

It's not that he was too big, but in the jungle with complex terrain, a few more ordinary servants are not only useless, but also easy to attract other eyes.

Soon, a group of five people disappeared into the forest.


The concoction had a fishy and grassy smell, which made Jialan's scalp tingle and made him want to vomit.

However, the effect was obvious. Everyone walked through the woodland without any risk, and came to the deserted village on the other side of the cliff.

"Look, my lord, this is a deserted village."

"Very good! It's even better than I imagined! After winning this place, I will give you the first credit."

As a lord, it is very important to distinguish between rewards and punishments. The information on the deserted village was provided by Wali, and the medicinal juice is very effective, so it should be regarded as his first contribution.

"Divide into two groups, not too far apart, and take care of each other's horns. Clean up one by one and advance steadily. Listen to my orders at any time."



After confirming the plan, Jia Lan, Mag, and Wally formed a group of three, and Mai Shi and McQueen entered the village in a two-wing formation.

(End of this chapter)

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