The super lord of the island

Chapter 16 016 Aurora Village

Chapter 16 016. Aurora Village

On the old stone stove outside the house, three large earthen pots were simmering, and the fish soup was boiling and bubbling. Mai Duo stuffed firewood into the hearth at the bottom of the stone stove to make the flames burn more violently.

A little smoke rises from the tall chimney next to the stove, and the smoke column rises all the way until it is level with the canopy of the surrounding forest. After passing the canopy, the smoke is blown away by the sea breeze blowing on the island.

In the surrounding forest, there are chirping birds from time to time, making the village a bit quiet.

"It's getting dark, and the lord doesn't know when he will wake up."

Mai Duo fiddled with the firewood sadly, even the strong fragrance wafting from the crock could not relieve her emotions.

"What a delicious fish soup! Sister Duo'er, when are we going to have dinner? I'm so hungry."

"Sister Duo'er's cooking skills are getting better and better!"

Mai Ze and Mai Fu came back from patrolling the outskirts of the village, and checked in at Captain McGonagall as usual. Since there was no new arrangement, they simply surrounded the stone stove and waited for dinner.

"If the lord is not awake, no one can take a bite first." Mai Duo said angrily.

"Is your lord still in a coma? What a disgusting slime. If I was by your side at that time, I wouldn't have hurt your lord!" The young Mai Ze waved his fists, wishing to kill a few slimes right away to show heartfelt.

"It's a pity that there are too few weapons in the camp, but I believe that your lord will be safe and sound."

Compared with the impulsive Mai Ze, Mai Bran was more rational.

"Stop yelling, you two. If you really have nothing to do, go and help me pick up some dry firewood. This is not enough."

"Leave it to us!" Mai Ze Mai Fu left in response.

The village is surrounded by woodlands. Because there is no human habitation on Wuguang Island, the surface of the soil is covered with a thick layer of dead branches and leaves. It doesn’t take long to collect a lot of dry branches. They are very good fuel.

The two had just left the open space in the center of the village when Mai Duo, who was guarding the stone stove, heard noises coming from the three-story stone house, and soon saw Jialan push the door and walk out of the stone house.

"The master is awake! Mag! The master is awake!"

Mai Duo's cry disturbed the birds resting on the treetops, and with the sound of flapping wings, everyone gathered around Jialan.

"Master Jialan, you have a slight bone fracture in your chest... why don't you go back to the house to rest first, and tell us to do something."

Mag wanted to help Jia Lan back to the house, but was rejected.

"A little injury, no problem."

"Compared to resting, I want to appreciate the spoils of this battle."

Jialan sighed, looking past the crowd, taking advantage of the last rays of the setting sun, to look at the solid stone houses in the village, unable to hide her excitement.

He is willing to take the risk to face the slime king head-on, isn't it just to occupy the village and become the master here.

The short-term goal has been achieved. With the shelter of the village, they will be able to gain a firm foothold on the Lightless Island and develop step by step towards the land of their dreams.

Since he is lucky enough to come to another world, he will create the richest Valorance plane!The most powerful!The vastest territory!
Now, he wants to make a famous name for his starting place.

"My island is called Wuguang Island, so this village might as well be called Aurora Village. It is likened to the aurora blooming in the dark night, bringing hope and fire."

After deciding on the name of Aurora Village, Jialan began to perform the duties of the lord.

"McGonagall, how long have I been in a coma?"

McGonagall replied, "About five hours."

"Fortunately, it wasn't the next day." Jialan breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked what they did in the afternoon.

"My lord, after you fell into a coma, I asked Wally to return to the camp and moved everything here. During this time, McQueen and I cleaned up the remaining slimes in the village.

I inspected the woodland near the village, and found no trace of wild beasts or monsters for the time being, oh yes!and this. "

Mag suddenly remembered, and took out a crystal clear magic core from his arms and handed it to Jialan.

"This is the magic core that fell from the slime king Mordo. I picked it up when it rolled down the stairs."


The price of the magic core of a third-level monster is not low. In addition, the rare magic core of the slime king may be even more valuable.

Jialan put it away carefully, and will use it in exchange for Mobei to recharge.

In addition, there are two bottles of the three bottles of magic potion received at the sign-in. Speaking of which, the potion can actually be sold, but the practical value of the potion is obviously higher than the money.

After understanding the general situation, the sky has entered the night, the sight has dropped a lot, and the stomach is also hungry.

"Raise the bonfire, let's fill our stomachs first, Maiduo is going to prepare, Mag, you call everyone back, the jungle at night is very dangerous, don't leave the center of the village."


Maiduo McGonagall trotted away.

After simply eating two bowls of fresh seafood and mushroom soup, Jialan returned to the three-story stone house closest to the central open space. He had arranged everything in the camp tent and could use it directly as a living room.

His bedroom is set on the third floor, the second floor is idle, and the first floor is temporarily occupied by Mag and Mai Shi, who mainly serve as guards.

After learning that the second floor was vacant, he ordered Wali to move in. As the only pharmacist in the village, his importance is self-evident.

It's sizzling!

The match was struck, and the oil lamp was lit.

The orange light casts erratic shadows on the wall.

"Sit." Jialan raised her hand to signal.

Meguali glanced at each other, looking at the only wooden stool in the room, neither of them dared to move first.

At this time, Jialan also reacted and smiled.

"May Lun probably made this. It's a bit rough, but he can make a stool with a weight of [-] catties with just a knife, which shows that he has a pair of skillful hands."

As soon as Merun was summoned, he showed his extraordinary talent as a carpenter, and most of the wooden utensils in the camp were made by him.

"Forget it, I'll sit down."

Jialan sat on the stool, moved her buttocks to find a comfortable position, and said:

"Occupying Aurora Village has solved the problem of housing and security. At least I don't have to worry about monsters breaking into the camp after sleeping until midnight, or blowing away the tent in heavy wind and rain, hehe."

Jialan smiled and continued talking.

"After solving the problem of shelter, the next problem is food and water. It is best to have a fixed source, so you don't have to worry about it all day long.

The two of you are my right-hand men and play an irreplaceable role in Aurora Village. If you have any ideas, you can tell me. I am not those pedantic noble lords or officials. At present, everything is based on the development of the territory. "

The last sentence was intended for Wally to hear.

After all, Wali was framed by officials of the principality and exiled to the island of lightless, and now facing him as the new lord, it is inevitable that he will be a little bit reluctant.

This sentence is tantamount to distinguishing himself from other traditional nobles, allowing Walli to make bold suggestions with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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