The super lord of the island

Chapter 203 202 Being Targeted, Sophia's Hatred

Chapter 203 202. Being Targeted, Sophia's Hatred

The jerky hinges turned and made a toothache sound, and the light outside the door shone into the dim room. Behind the counter lay a slightly obese uncle with half a bandage on his left leg.

Seeing someone enter the door, the uncle got up in a panic, picked up the wooden stick at his feet and raised it above his head.

"Get out! Otherwise you will taste the taste of blood!"

"...Uncle Leib..."

There was a soft greeting from the door, and Jialan walked in, revealing a slightly youthful face.

"Ha! It turned out to be Jialan kid. I haven't seen you for more than a year. Where did you go?"

Seeing that Leib didn't know what happened to him, Jialan didn't want to reveal the identity of the baron lord for the time being, so he replied.

"Going outside for a while, I have a business to come back to deal with, so I came to see you when I thought about it."

"Business, the town is not peaceful recently, so be careful."

"I saw it, don't worry uncle, I'm bringing guards, by the way, how many rooms do I want, should there be any available?"

Leib shook his head and smiled wryly, "You guys are my only guests this month, please stay as you like, it doesn't matter how long you want to stay."

After finishing speaking, he took out a bunch of keys, and then lay back on the armchair to take a nap, but the next second Leib sat upright as if being shocked by an electric shock, staring at the extra gold coin on the counter.

"Hehe, I like quietness, so it's okay to rent out the whole hotel, and... Uncle, your legs."

As soon as Jialan finished speaking, a white light lit up at the fingertips, and the fingers landed on the bandage-wrapped left leg. Then, regardless of Leib's expression, he took the key and went upstairs.

The hotel is on the first floor of the second floor. It is along the street, close to the port, and has a wide view. It is a good location.

After staying in the hotel, a few people were left to guard the hotel, and they took Carl and little Lanna out for shopping.

It is said to be shopping, but actually observing Mulun Town is the real purpose. After all, they used to rely on Fei Li or Hasen to pass on the news, and thus learned the secrets of Mulun Town in person.



Green Street, City Hall.

In the mayor's office, Sophia appeared majestically and sat in the main seat calmly, as if she was the mayor of Mulun Town.

After Raguel lost power, the luxurious mansion was taken over by the Deputy Chief Executive Bart. Sophia, who should have been private property, disappeared mysteriously and faded out of sight.

However, not long after, the two former mayors of Mulun Town died strangely one after another, and after driving away a group of hired mercenaries, Sophia became the uncrowned king of Mulun Town.

"Smelly cigars, I really don't know why humans in the Alliance like this kind of thing, I'll give it to you."

"Thank you for the reward, my lord."

Weiss nodded his thanks, and then reported: "The Ratman came to report just now, saying that a stranger appeared in the port, and his subordinates went to check it out, and confirmed that it was Baron Garland of the Lightless Island.

Including him, there were a total of six people in the entourage. There were several familiar faces and some unfamiliar faces. Although they didn't observe closely, judging by their demeanor, they should all be extraordinary. "

""oh?What is that kid doing in Mulun Town? "

Sophia suddenly became interested, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Facing Sophia's question, Weiss shook his head to express his ignorance.

"If it's a general task, there's no need for Baron Garland to do it himself. The subordinates think it must be a very important thing."

"Then send me someone to keep an eye on it, you go and watch it yourself, I want to know what he does every minute! Go!"


Weiss bowed and left.

Looking at the empty office, Sophia couldn't help clenching her fists, and the fiery red foxtail swayed frequently behind her. There was a reason why she paid so much attention to Jialan.

She was defeated by Jialan twice.

The first time was the Cape Coral team disguised as slaves. They were all wiped out within two days of landing on the island, and they gave some infiltration information. Although that mistake was more due to the low quality of the Cape Coral team itself, it was her Errors that occur within the infiltration site;
The second time was to send the secretly controlled Sailfish Pirates to raid the Darkness Island in an attempt to occupy the Darkness Island and expand its power. Unfortunately, the raid failed, the pirates were all wiped out, and the fifth-level stalker Solo died;
This blow was equivalent to cutting off an important auxiliary arm of Sophia, which directly led to the near collapse of the water bird plan.

It is precisely because of this that she had to sacrifice her body to please Raguiel and win the opportunity to get close to Rommel in the future.

You know, she is actually a princess from the red fox tribe, one of the three fox tribes of Vauxas, with outstanding talent and beauty.

On the one hand, joining the underworld organization is dictated by imperial policy, on the other hand, she needs enough merit and connections to pave the way for her future as the patriarch of the Red Fox Tribe.

Selling her body is a shame that she can't wash away in her life, so she hates Jialan, and she also approves of Jialan's methods of managing the territory.

The two contradictory emotions of hatred and admiration were intertwined in her heart, and she was bound to seize Jialan, enjoy it first and then torture it, and finally dig out her heart and let him watch her eat it to dispel this obsession.

At this time, Jialan didn't know that he had been targeted by Sophia, but instead wandered aimlessly in the town, trying to find the source of the chaos.

In Jialan's understanding, the Vauxas were involved in Rommel's death and the chaos in Mulun Town, who played a role in fueling the flames, and even were the masterminds.

He really hoped to find this group of unstable elements hiding in the dark, not to mention eradicating them, at least he had to know who they were.

It's a pity that Jialan doesn't have any investigative experience. After a round, except to witness Mulun Town from prosperity to decline, Jing Cheng wandered around.

The only thing that makes him feel wrong is that there are too many rats, they are fat and big, and they are not afraid of people.

Although it is a very common small animal, it is indeed very unusual to have such a large number.

"Rats can carry viruses and plagues. They usually come out at night, and it's getting late. Let's go back to the hotel."

Jialan turned and returned, and accidentally saw a black figure rushing out of the sewer at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared into the narrow alley in the blink of an eye.

"Is it a mouse?"

"It's a bit like it, but it's bigger and looks more like a thief or something." Carl replied.

"The thief doesn't have a tail. I suspect it's a rat man."

Little Lanna also saw it, and her guess was more inclined to a humanoid race.

"Hehe, it's getting more and more interesting~"

In the entire Mangala Pancontinental Islands circle, the only skaven tribe that exists lives on the Plague Island in the Vauxas Empire.

This rat people race is extremely mysterious, and the outside world knows very little about them, and there are only a few descriptions of the race.

The scientific name of the Ratman tribe is Skaven Ratman. It has continued from ancient times to the present. Their coat colors are mostly black and gray. They are good at sneak attacks, poisoning, spreading plagues and other despicable means;

(End of this chapter)

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