The super lord of the island

Chapter 208 207 Crisis!Unexpectedly powerful

Chapter 208 207. Crisis!Unexpectedly powerful
"I'm sorry, Lady Sophia, we tried our best, but there are too many sharks underwater, and even sea beasts have been attracted, so we can't continue."

"A bunch of trash!"

Sophia cast a cold glance at General Kuyan.

She brought most of the Ratman army on purpose this time, just to scuttle Jialan's ship quickly and entangle him so that he couldn't leave. As a result, she was too unlucky to kill a ship of pirates on the way.

Although the appearance of the Bloodaxe Pirates attracted the attention of Jialan and others, giving the Ratman an opportunity to take advantage of it, but the corpses and blood of the pirates had the opposite effect, attracting predators in the surrounding sea area.

After all, even General Kuyan, who is a level [-] giant rat, cannot fight a level [-] or even level [-] sea beast underwater, let alone an ordinary ratman.

Due to the weakening brought about by the environment, the Ratman team suffered heavy losses, and could only barely return after scuttling the Tuna.

"I'll give you a chance to make amends. Call all the Ratmen to entangle that knight and female mage. I'll deal with him myself."


Ku Yan bit the bullet and took the order, squeezed his fingers and whistled in his mouth, and suddenly a large number of ratmen surged from the bottom of the cabin, divided into two waves and rushed towards the bow of the ship.

"Ice Wall!"

Little Lanna raised her arms, and the spells that had been prepared appeared in response, and quickly condensed into a wall made of ice crystals; Karl calmly drew out his long sword, and swung two waves of fighting spirit to slash into the rats.

In an instant, blood was flying, and the ratmen fell in pieces.

However, there were too many ratmen, the ones in front were dead and the ones behind continued to make up, and soon rushed forward.

"My lord! Please retreat to the Blood Axe first, and leave it to me, Mai Shibrad! Hurry up and help!"

Carl worried that Jialan would be affected, so he hurriedly said.

"No, the Tuna is destroyed, and the Blood Ax is the only ship we have to return to the Lightless Island. Let's use this place as a battlefield."

After finishing speaking, Jialan's body burst into phantoms, transforming into various monsters on the deck, rushing into the rat tide to kill wantonly, there were huge brown bears, green spiders with rough skin and thick flesh, and some remained motionless. The phantom lizard...

With the addition of this new force, the Ratman army, which had only the fur of minions, was quickly dispersed, and the situation fell.

"Beast spirit possession!"

Jialan opened her arms, and the spirit bear who was stirring up the wind and rain among the rat crowd turned into a ray of light and shot back, directly sinking into the chest.

Ka Ka Ka!
The physical body is expanding, and the power is growing...

In the blink of an eye, the loose robe on Jialan's body became tight, and the cold wind staff was like a thin wooden stick in his hand.

With the double blessing of strengthening potion and bear spirit, his physical strength is comparable to that of a real fourth-level violent bear.

It's not over yet. Taking advantage of the transformation time, Jialan took the time to build the spell model of the blessing of power. As the golden light fell, the already strong body swelled up again, and the staff was held in his hand like a bean sprout. , Compared with the overly broad shoulders and chest and the unchanged head, the body proportions are somewhat deformed.

"Such a wonderful power..."

The most primitive brute force fills every corner of his body. This is a completely different experience from magic power. When his ankle is lightly crushed, the thick wooden deck groans under the load. He even feels that now he can blow up mountains with one punch.

"What are you waiting for? Don't you want to kill me, please start your performance!"

The fox girl Sofina, who was watching all the time, licked the corners of her mouth, looking dismissive.

"Pride will make people conceited, and ignorance will bring bloody lessons. I will let you understand what true power is!"

Sophia stopped talking nonsense, and transformed into a huge fox beast, pounced on the ground, leaped across the messy battle group under her feet, and used her sharp and long claws as a hood, tearing the airflow and making a whining sound, vowing to smash Jialan's head .

Accompanied by it, there was also terrifying pressure. The sense of stagnant space made Jialan extremely uncomfortable. The cold breath of death enveloped his head. He raised his arms vigorously to meet the sharp claws of the fox beast.

The deck was shattered, the burly figure smashed through the bow guardrail, blood flew in an arc in the air, the body flying in the air shrunk visible to the naked eye, the spirit of the bear dissipated, turned into a rune and returned to the tattoo on the back.

With just one blow, Sophia broke up the two growth states of Jialan's Spirit Bear Possession and Power Blessing.

"Lord Lord!"

Cavalier Karl's eyes were tearing apart, and he roared and rushed towards the fox beast. The other ratmen, driven by General Kuyan, used their bodies to form a flesh wall to block Karl's way regardless of their lives.

"Kill kill kill!"

The earth-yellow grudge spewed out unreservedly, and the sword light skyrocketed, condensing into a ten-meter-long sword and slashing at Sophia. The eyes of the ratmen standing in the middle burst out, and before they touched the sword light, their flesh and blood were like a turtle. crack.

Even Sophia couldn't help but stare sideways at the powerful power of this battle qi slash.

"So strong...but that's all."

The fox beast raised its arms to the sky, and the animal armor at its fingertips faintly glowed with gray light. Just before the blade came close to it, its fingers interlocked, and it grabbed the sword blade with the condensed fighting spirit tightly, and could not make an inch of it.

" is it possible...she actually caught the leader's full fighting spirit attack with her bare hands."

At this time, everyone watching on the Blood Ax became uneasy, and Sophia's strength had exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Ho ho! This level of slashing is not enough to defeat me! Beast shape! Tooth attack!"

A phantom of a fox's head made of red lines appeared in the air. In the eyes of everyone, the phantom opened its fangs and bit the blade fiercely.

In an instant, Karl's sword blade, formed by the condensed half of his fighting spirit, shattered into countless fragments, disintegrating into the original earth elemental energy light and dissipating invisible.

Sophia only took two shots, and crushed the two strongest battle forces of the Tuna. As the magic power of the beast spirits that had been fighting on the deck was exhausted, everyone fell silent, and the air fell into an unprecedented solemnity.



scarlet sea
The splash of heavy objects falling into the water attracted nearby sharks and sea beasts, thinking it was new food, they rushed to swim to Jialan, expecting to bite the first piece of meat.

Under the surface of the water, Jialan opened his eyes. At this time, his eyes showed a strange indifference, without any emotional fluctuations, quietly watching the predators rushing towards him.

They were getting closer and closer, and through the bright red sea water, one could clearly see the pale teeth that were constantly opening and closing.

Right now, Jialan opened the palms that were attached to the chest, and a touch of fluorescent emerald green melted into the water, and spread around at an extremely fast speed.

Sharks and sea beasts that touch the fluorescent green sea water seem to have lost power as their fins frantically sway, and they stay stiff in place, allowing their bodies to float up and down.

Even distant sharks were affected, sluggish and unable to move their bodies and fins.

For a moment, the boiling sea fell into calm, only the sea water mixed with blood red and fluorescent green slowly spread to the wider sea.

It's the end of the month!Recycle unused monthly passes!

(End of this chapter)

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