The super lord of the island

Chapter 232 Chapter 231 Listed for auction, initially established contacts

Chapter 232 231. Listed for auction, initially established contacts

"Blue Shark Pirates! They are not simple, are you sure they are Blue Sharks?"

Buhler knew a little bit of the inside story, and also understood that Blue Shark was different from the black mage Cliff. Their identities hidden on the surface were their best disguise, and the biggest difficulty in dealing with them was knowing their identities.

After listening to Jialan's narration, Buhler showed emotion.

"If that's the case, then they were really unlucky, they actually hit your gunpoint, um... Since you killed them, where are the bodies?"

"On my boat." Jialan smiled.

Soon, Buhler saw four ice sculptures, a charred corpse, and a mana-powered ship that looked like an ordinary small cargo ship but actually installed a nautical slate kit inside.

The accompanying trade union certification personnel studied the ice sculptures and the evidence on the ship, and finally confirmed that the five extraordinary corpses were indeed the blue shark pirates who had been hiding for a long time.

Surprisingly, the leader, Belinda, is a member of a well-known adventurer team in the local area, and her strength is not weak. Even Buhler couldn't figure out why she would organize people to secretly work as part-time pirates.

"Hmph, then there's no need to say, how fast money comes from being a pirate."

Jialan snorted and said, but he remembered that Belinda went to rob together in order to buy him off and talk about cooperation, and said that after it was done, he would easily share a thousand magic shells with him.

Zero investment, high return, and low risk according to the operation model of the Blue Shark Pirates, who would not be tempted by such a transaction?

Buhler shook his head and said, "People's desires will be magnified by power. Once an extraordinary person does evil, it will bring serious damage to an orderly society. One of the original purposes of the creation of the Adventurer's Union and the Extraordinary Professional Alliance is to hope for The control and guidance of the extraordinary group will have a positive effect on the entire human race."

"Look, after the comparison of my staff, these people have quite high status in Diamond Island. Roy Butcher holds a high-level position in the Harbor Supervision and Administration Bureau of Diamond Island. How much is Mei Ke Su Lisi?" Secretary of the mayor of Ge Town, Jirou is..."

Under the investigation of the trade union, the real information of the five members of the Blue Shark Pirates was exposed.

"Mr. Jialan, your handwriting will cause a storm in Diamond Island. The newspaper office will definitely not let go of such explosive news. The union has a member privacy policy. If you don't want to disclose your identity, we can keep it secret from you. , replaced by false names."

"Uh... keep it a secret for now, I don't want to be famous so early."

Galan shrugged.

"No problem, the body and evidence union needs to be taken away, the boat can be kept as your personal trophy, or it can be disposed of at a low price to the union."

"That's good, so I don't have to go to Flywheel Island to save trouble. By the way, I found this in the abominable giant summoned by Cliff last time when I was dealing with the Willow Pirates. Let's see how much it is worth?"

Jialan took out a gray crystal from his bosom, but it was actually taken out from the system backpack.

"Impure undead breath, the level of energy is not bad, the exact value of it will only be known after it is appraised by professionals, let's go, go back to the trade union first."

"it is good."



"The purchase price of the cargo ship is 5600 gold; there are two ways to deal with the crystallization of hatred, one is to hang it on the bulletin board for auction, and the other is to buy it by the trade union;

The price is lower if you buy it directly. The advantage is that you can get the money directly. The auction takes time. If someone takes the auction, the union will take a 1% commission, and the remaining money will be deposited into your account. "

After returning to the union, Buhler gave two options.

"How long will it take to sell it if it is listed for auction?"

"It's hard to say, the shortest is ten days and a half months, and the longest is two to three months. If the auction is really unavailable, the trade union can buy it."

Buhler described several situations, which can be described as very detailed.

"Then let's list it. Anyway, I don't need money in a hurry recently."

"No problem, I have already transferred the bounty and the ship payment to your account, a total of 556 magic shells."

"Okay, I'll trouble you again this time." Master Jialan smiled and reached out his hand to shake Buhler's hand.

"Where is it? The Adventurer's Guild needs a Transcendent like you who is willing to contribute to society. If there is any trouble in the territory, you can come to me at any time."

Although Buhler is in a civil position and his own strength is not strong, he can rely on the big tree of the Adventurer's Union to leverage good power.

Being able to say this promise proves that he already regards Jialan as a friend.

"Haha! I have time to visit the Lightless Island."

In this way, Buhler became Jialan's first contact in the outer islands.

After leaving the trade union, Master Jialan did not leave immediately after finishing the business at hand, but wandered slowly in the city of Rangozli according to an address.

As the main city of the Amethyst Islands, the area of ​​Rangozli City is large enough to stroll along the streets. There are a variety of shops on both sides of the road, and there is an endless flow of pedestrians.

In this city, the colorful alliance culture can be intuitively reflected.

There is a beautiful girl in explicit clothes showing a good figure, holding her boyfriend's arm and kissing like no one else;

There are serious and old-fashioned people in formal attire, their faces are calm, their eyes are straight ahead, and they are not easily swayed by foreign objects;

There are well-behaved half-old women who do grocery shopping;
There are small groups of young children chasing and fighting;

Even when the magician Jialan, who was wearing a plain robe and holding a short staff, walked among them, he didn't attract too much attention from people, as if he was used to it.

Call ~
Feeling that she was walking too slowly, Jialan stood on the side of the road and waved her hand, and soon a sharp-eyed coachman trotted over with a carriage.

"My lord, where are you going?"

Jialan glanced at the address on the palm of her hand, and read: "Amethyst District...Fox Street, No. 23 Huilin Road, do you know the location?"

"Of course I know, you should not be from this city."

"It's really not." Jialan got into the carriage without denying it.

It seems that the guests are more easy-going, so the coachman opened up the chatterbox while pulling the carriage.

"Hey! The Amethyst District is a residential area specially planned by the Amethyst family. Those who are eligible to live in it must be members of the family or members of their affiliated family members.

I heard that the environment inside is good, the public security is excellent, and several wealthy areas have developed around the Amethyst area. "

"Really? I heard that there is a wizard academy in Rangozli City, where is it?"

"Are you referring to Deteta Master Academy, which is adjacent to Beechburg Iron Sword Academy and located in the Green District of the West City. All wealthy families will find ways to send their children to school."

"Um... I can understand, but Chaofan's learning depends on talent, right? What's the use of sending it in if you don't have talent?"

"Hey~ This kind of college has special classes for nobles. I don't know what kind of theoretical knowledge it is said to learn. Anyway, I heard others say it's about social circles..."

Along the way, Jialan heard a lot of new things, and the carriage arrived at the address he reported before he knew it.

(End of this chapter)

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