The super lord of the island

Chapter 236 Chapter 235 Sort out the harvest, McGonagall's government affairs report

Chapter 236. 235. Organize the harvest, McGonagall's government affairs report
After settling the two of them, Jialan returned to the cabin to inspect today's harvest.

The bounty and ship payment from the adventurer's union add up to 556 magic shells. In addition, he also exchanged the 1000 gold shells he cheated from Belinda when he was fighting the blue shark pirates before at the union counter for 10 gold shells. magic shell.

In terms of system assets, it cost 160 magic shells to unlock the blue shark sea area last time, and 800 magic shells to buy the growth gift pack, leaving 1 magic shell.

Counting this, his total assets are 567 magic shells.

However, Fossey, Colin, and Tyke contributed some odds and ends to him, adding up to more than 100 gold, but it is a pity that there is no magic shell.

This is normal, no one would carry a huge sum of money with them, even if Colin and the others entered and exited luxurious places, the gold coins were enough for consumption.

There are six pieces of magic equipment.

The first is the ring on Fossey's body. The ring is made of polished bones. It is pale in color and has a cold air on its upper hand. On the face of the ring is a strange black face with sharp teeth, like some kind of alien.

The second is the longsword Tek holds.

The shape of this sword is more delicate, the blade is flexible and flexible, not the kind of heavy sword used by Karl and the others; the blade is sharp, it is extremely light in the hand, and it is easy to swing.

"It should be some kind of special metal material, quite suitable for Fania."

Thinking of this, Jialan called Fania and handed her the sword directly.

"This sword is a trophy captured just now, you can try it."

Fania took the long sword curiously.

The silver sword body, the hilt is green and black, engraved with complicated patterns, it feels warm and full in the hand, as if it is light.

"Good weapon!" Fania immediately fell in love with it.

"It's good to have a good hand. This sword has more than one attribute, so you can get used to it slowly."

"Thank you sir!"

Fania excitedly played sword poses on the deck. As a weapon connected to the owner's life, she would sense all the attributes of the weapon after grinding.

Another method is to let the appraiser directly appraise the attribute effect of the equipment, which can be done with a little money.

There is also a chest armor on Taike's body, densely packed with silver scales, which are soft and tough, and it is at least an exquisite piece of equipment in terms of manufacturing technology, which is rare.

Jia Lan thought about it and gave it to McQueen.

Because McQueen is a shooter, he must be flexible and maneuverable, so it is not suitable to wear heavy armor. This breast armor is light and has a good defense, so it is suitable for him.

The remaining three pieces of equipment were looted from Colin, known as the basic three-piece set necessary for mages.

Robes, staff and rings.

This is the standard equipment for magicians, even in daily life, they will wear it with them.

Jialan can only see that these three items are suits, and the specific effects cannot be known, so they can only be put away first, and then rewarded to Xiaolanna after being appraised.

"Fuck! Looting is really fast."

The six pieces of high-quality magic equipment are worth at least three or four hundred magic shells, or even more.

The so-called blessing and misfortune depend on each other, when the misfortune cannot defeat him, it is the moment of his harvest.

Finally, there was a piece of animal skin that was found on Fossey's body. At first, it was thought that some kind of magic was recorded, but after identification, it was discovered that it was a token that recorded identity information.

Among them is a symbol that looks like ≮, and a string of words.

〔Fosci·Dark Soul Envoy·Walker of Soul Hall〕

"Walker of the Soul Palace, what do you mean?"

Jialan pondered for a while, no matter whether it was the current memory or the memory of the previous life, there was no information about the Soul Palace.

"Oh, it looks like it's a part I haven't touched yet."

Put away the animal skin and put it in the backpack. As his strength improves, he will meet more people, and it is inevitable that various things will break into his vision.

Keep a normal mind.

The next day, the Narwhal set sail and returned to the Lightless Island.



After Diamond Island came back, Master Jialan did not continue to act, but practiced step by step in the castle to improve and manage the territory.

As the weather gets colder, there are fewer and fewer monsters in the Leihu area. In order to maintain the forest ecology, Jialan ordered the barracks to suspend the trial activities and resume them in the next rainy season.

The Warcraft materials harvested from the trial are one of the sources of income. Although it was broken, the upgraded brewing workshop made up for this loss, and there were even more.

According to the brewing cycle, Feili's trip to Diamond Island every half a month can bring Jialan two thousand gold in profit, which is 40 magic shells a month when converted into magic shells.

Because Jialan was not at home during this time, Yi Lianna helped him put it away and stored it in a secret compartment in the bedroom on the third floor.

Jialan didn't move for the time being, and kept it there slowly.

One Monday.

Meg visits.

Master Jialan met him in the study for a weekly government report.

"The number of self-employed households in the town has exceeded 100, and the number of self-relocated residents is increasing..."

"More than half of the single-family two-story wooden houses in the first ring area have been sold, and there are less than ten houses left..."

"The tavern's performance has increased, and it has been able to maintain a balance of revenue and expenditure. There is no need for financial allocations to maintain it. According to the judgment of the person in charge, Mike, the tavern will be able to feed back funds to the finances starting next spring..."

"The northern woodland is about to be opened up. There are currently 120 acres of available arable land. It is expected that the arable land will be completely completed before mid-October. The total area is about 150 acres..."


Master Jialan nodded repeatedly while listening to the report.

Wuguang Island has resources and talents, and it is developing rapidly under the framework of the management system he established, as evidenced by the number of self-employed households and self-relocated residents.

"My lord, after the northern woodland is developed, where should the next focus be?"

McGonagall asked.

You must know that the number of residents in the new village is [-], and the northern forest land can be developed so quickly with so many people working hard to cultivate it. But after the development is completed, it is impossible to leave so many residents in the new village to plant farmland.

"According to the data provided by Minister of Agriculture Mai He, 150 mu of arable land can be well managed by only [-] agricultural workers."

"So there will be an extra [-] labors..."

Master Jialan frowned, turned on the system, and called up the high-definition bird's-eye view of the territory.

It can be seen that the northern woodland is indeed developing to the end of the coastline, but the cultivated land in the south is still a long way from the southernmost coastline.

He remembers very clearly that the reason why he stopped developing south was because the distance was too far, and the farmers living in Fengchao high-rise buildings had to spend a lot of time on the way back and forth every day, and the planting efficiency was low.

Because of this, Jialan established a new village north of the pier as a base for opening the northern woodland.

"If you can do this, why can't you do that?"


Mag, who was waiting quietly in front of the desk, was slightly taken aback, not understanding what the lord meant.

"Well... I mean, since there is a village, why not a second village to the south?"

"The second village!"

"Yes! Just like the town structure of other islands, a large town is surrounded by several villages. They are responsible for collecting planting resources and providing supplies for the town."

Jialan described it vividly.

(End of this chapter)

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