The super lord of the island

Chapter 25 025 Transactions

Chapter 25 025. Transactions

The dimly lit warehouse was eerily quiet, the crackling of the torches lingering in my ears, and the black shadow cast by the iron bars divided the slaves in the cage into pieces.

In the shadows, yellow water filled with a stench flowed to the feet, making people uncomfortable.

After hesitating for a moment, Philip broke the silence first and said:
"Jialan, this world is not peaceful. The war between the Alliance and the Vauxas Empire has never stopped. They lost their homes and were displaced. The only way for them to survive is to become slaves and wait for the kind noble lord to buy them back. "

"So you're a nice guy?"

"No, at most I'm not a bad businessman." Philip said frankly.

"How much are they worth? My island is empty and needs to be developed by people." Jialan turned her head and asked.

Buying slaves was originally planned. Even if he didn't discover the secret of the warehouse, he would take the initiative to mention it. Now it is a coincidence.

"5 gold shells for a man, 3 gold shells for a woman, children don't count."

The price was cheaper than Jialan imagined, "Can you make money at this price?"

Feili smiled awkwardly, "I can earn some money. Originally, they were all voluntary slaves. Even if I didn't take them away, other sea ships would take them away. At most, they would waste some food and water on the way; They clean it up, and the price can be higher, since you need it, I will sell it to you cheaply."

After a rough estimate, there were about [-] to [-] slaves in the iron cage. Jialan asked Feili to bring all the slaves out, and then returned to the deck to get some air.

Looking at the boat passengers happily playing in the water on the beach, and then thinking of the slaves who lost their freedom in the cabin, Jialan only sighed that fate made people fool.

"Sir, are you alright?"

Seeing Jialan's sluggish look, Wali approached and asked.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired, just take a breath, you can complete the next transaction, you should know what to buy."

"Subordinates know."

Wally nodded instead of Jialan and continued to complete the remaining transactions.

After half an hour...

A group of slaves walked out of the cabin, stepped off the cargo ship through string ladders, and landed on the coast of the lightless island.

According to Wali's statistics, the total number of slaves is 42. Excluding the 3 children who don't need money, there are 16 male slaves and 23 female slaves, costing 126 gold shells.

Because they stayed in the cabin for too long, the glare of the sun made them a little uncomfortable.

Looking at the naked slave, Jialan frowned, and ordered: "Go and buy some more linen and needlework. Although this season is very warm, you must have the minimum clothes."

So Wally purchased another batch of cloth and tailoring tools.

In addition, Jialan bought a set of expensive special containers for refining medicine, a set of carpentry tools, three sets of fishing tools, 35 sets of metal farming tools for land reclamation, and a large number of seeds.

These cost 577 gold shells and 10 silver shells.

In the end, before saying goodbye, Jialan chose two books on one-level spells and basic knowledge about spell models and magic patterns, which cost 150 gold shells. The expensive price made him very distressed, but he had to buy it.

In total, a total of 8 magic shells, 79 gold shells and 30 silver shells were consumed.

When all the transactions are completed, under Jialan's line of sight, the system interface will update the asset data in real time [19 magic shells, 86 gold shells, 65 silver shells]

On the coast, Jialan stared at the Provence, waved goodbye to Philip, and it would be at least a month and a half before seeing him again.

"Are you the master of this island? Can we live here in the future?"

The immature child's voice came, and the little girl who had seen him at the bottom of the cabin was standing three or four meters away from him. If there were no wheat stones blocking her, she would come closer.

"Yes, this island is called Lightless Island, and I am a noble baron, the only owner of Lightless Island. Everything I see on the island belongs to me, including you."

Jialan faced the little girl and said with a smile.

"Then shall we starve to death?"

"Starve to death? Of course not." Jialan shook her head again and again, "I bought you with gold shells, and no one can die without my permission. Come on little guy, go back to your mother, we have to Back to the village."

"McGonagall, tell them my identity, forget it, let me do it myself."

Jialan rubbed her face, walked up to the crowd, held the contract and said loudly: "Listen! From now on, I am your master, the baron lord of the Lightless Island! Jialan Amethyst! You belong to me Anyone who disobeys or disobeys orders will be punished! Remember! Anyone!"

After finishing speaking, Jialan's tone softened slightly.

"You have also seen that I am not a rich lord, but at least I can fill your stomachs and put on clothes; you are the first residents of the Lightless Island, I hope you can create a better life with your hands, and Not reduced to the lowest coolie.

Now there are a lot of things here that need to be moved back to the village where we live. Whoever feels strong can stand up and resist on his shoulders. "

A lot of purchased food and tools were placed on the rocks, and Mag and the others would definitely not be able to carry them, but it was a test for Garan to let the slaves take the initiative to take on the task.

There are men and women among the slaves, some are weak and some are healthy. If those slaves who still have strength can take the initiative to stand up and undertake labor for the weak, then he will treat these people more gently in the future.

Unfortunately, no one responded.

Wali, who had experience as a slave, approached Jialan, trying to persuade Jialan to give up the so-called benevolence and fraternity.

"My lord, slaves will only obey power and violence. You can't drive them in this way. If you are soft-hearted, you can hand it over to Mag."

The muscular, armed Meg is perfect for driving slaves.

"…All right."

Facing the indifference of the slaves, Jialan was a little discouraged. These people had lost even the most basic friendship and mutual assistance, and not even a smart person could understand the meaning of it.

"I have strength!" The little girl stood up.

"Nicole! Don't go!" Her mother held her nervously, and looked at Jialan in horror, as if Jialan was a man-eating demon.

"Mother, we are slaves, the slaves of Lord Jialan. Uncle Endi, he didn't lie just now. We should make plans for the rest of our lives instead of trying to escape."

Nicole showed a calmness beyond her peers, and her words caused a commotion, and there were whispers in the crowd.

"My lord, this little girl can incite slaves, do you want to get rid of it?"

Mag stepped forward, as long as Jialan nodded, his ax would split Nicole in half in the next second.

"It's okay. Give them some time to adapt to the change of identity. It would be better if they can change their minds smoothly. I don't want to become that kind of cruel slave owner."

Jialan shrugged, watching the little girl's performance with interest.

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(End of this chapter)

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