The super lord of the island

Chapter 251 Chapter 250 Reed chicken and farm

Chapter 251 250. Reed Chicken and Breeding Farm (1)

Master Jialan, who is far away on the lightless island, naturally doesn't understand the many messy things happening in the outside world. In addition to daily practice, meditation and management of the territory, what he cares most about is what kind of rewards can be opened in the annual card treasure box.

When the day came to December 12st, it was the time of the year when the temperature was the lowest. It was rare that there was heavy snow, and the sky and the ground were white.

Outdoor work in cities and towns has been completely suspended, the market is closed, the docks are closed, no one can be seen on the street, and even the outer fence gates are closed and closed, prohibiting anyone from entering or leaving the forest.

The only ones who insist on being on duty are a few sentry towers and the gates in the city. Vacations are also arranged at the barracks, and [-]% of the troops are kept on duty in rotation.

In addition, the city hall, library and tavern remain open. The library can allow residents to learn knowledge, and the tavern can provide entertainment to promote consumption.

Fort Aurora, bedroom on the third floor.

Two bodies were entangled on the soft velvet bed, listening to the cold wind whizzing by outside the window, half asleep and half awake, Yi Lianna subconsciously hugged the fiery male body around her even tighter.

"This girl..."

Master Jialan who just woke up rubbed his eyes, slowly rubbed his body, and changed his position leaning against the head of the bed without waking her up.

"Huh~ It's really cold outside. When you grow up, it's better to sleep more."

It is said that since changing jobs for Elena, she has absorbed magic power every day, and her small body has started to grow again, and her figure has become more and more exaggerated.

If it weren't for his strong concentration, he would definitely not be able to resist the temptation and indulge in female sex all day long.

After sighing for a while, Jialan raised her hand to cover Elena with a quilt, and then opened the system to receive today's reward.

Before the screen was opened, a system notification sound came from the ear.

【Ding!Dear S-level annual card users, you will receive quarterly rewards this month, please pay attention to check! 】

[Obtain gold treasure chest × 2]

[Acquire Silver Treasure Chest × 5]

On November 11st last month, he also received 1 silver boxes and found 5 dream cards, two job transfer books, two contracts and 3 acres of farmland, all of which were left in his backpack and not used.

This time, he got seven boxes in one go, and the key is two gold boxes. This is the big part of the annual card rewards. According to past experience, there is a high probability of building cards, and he is still looking forward to it.

With her eyes fixed on the five silver treasure chests, Jialan thought and the treasure chests opened with a sound, emitting a vast silver light.

The light dissipated, and the items obtained this time appeared in the center of the screen.

[Ten-hour dream card × 2] [Natural fishing ground × 4 hectares]

【Perilla grass × 5 mu】【Medium-sized quarry × 1 block】

Unsurprisingly, the things out of the Silver Treasure Chest are old friends. Although it is the first time I have obtained Perilla Grass, it is a magical plant just like Flame Crystal Grass. Occasionally, it is found out of the Silver Treasure Chest. It is very valuable .

The quarry came out of the bronze treasure chest before, but it was small, but now it is medium-sized, and the quarry content has increased from 10 cubic meters to 30 cubic meters.

Stone is an important and indispensable raw material for urban development. At present, most of the mined stones are used to make slate bricks for laying the ground, drainage channels, irrigation ditches and other infrastructure.

It is also thanks to the repeated acquisition of quarry resources that Aurora Town, no matter the street houses or the fields, no matter the avenues or paths, are all neat and smooth stone roads.

The natural fishing ground has not been opened for a while, and the silver treasure box was given 4 hectares at one time, which is equivalent to four bronze boxes.

"Hey! The fishing grounds have provided them in a timely manner. Recently, there have been two thousand more immigrants. According to Mai Duo, the appetites of those guys are getting bigger and bigger. It seems that the original catch is not enough.

Fish, shrimps, crabs and shellfish are high-quality foods, rich in protein and multiple vitamins. Moreover, it is easy and hassle-free to catch them in natural fisheries. The more fishery resources, the better. "

The remaining two Dreamland Kajalan were not used, but were put away first. The total number left last month was five.

As for why he is not using it for the time being, the reason is very simple. He has just reached level eight and is far away from level nine. If he uses the dream card for meditation, the short-term benefit will be zero. It is better to save it and use the dream card when he encounters a suitable third-level spell. The powerful learning effect elevates proficiency to the level of proficiency in one go.

This method has an immediate effect on improving strength.

After handling the silver treasure chest, Jialan moved his body and touched Elena's smooth back.

"Goddess of Luck blesses you with good things, open!"


On the screen, two bright yellow treasure chests shook violently, the chains shattered inch by inch, and golden light bloomed.

【Ding!Congratulations on opening the annual card quarterly rewards and getting the following items】

[Breeding Card: Reed Chicken Cubs x 1, with Breeding Knowledge Manual]

[Building Card: Poultry Farm × 1]


Jialan couldn't hide the joy on her face.

What appeared on the screen were two cards with gold borders, and the upper half of the cards showed a pattern.

One of the pictures depicts a group of roosters. They are large in size and have plump black feathers, but the gaps between the feathers reveal tiny white downs. Overall, it looks like the black feathers are dotted with mottled white stripes. Shaped like an ingot, the neck is erect, the tail feathers are high, and the posture is extraordinary;
Another picture showed a rather complex building, and the specific details could not be seen clearly. Fortunately, there were detailed text annotations in the lower half of the card, and Jialan checked them one by one.

[Reed chicken, family Juidae, genus Jungle Fowl, is also called horizontal spotted chicken because its body feather patterns are mostly black and white horizontal stripes;
Docile, inactive, food-dependent, need sufficient and nutritious feed, fast growth and development, six months to adulthood, firm and tender meat, six months after egg production, one chicken can produce eggs every year It produces 200 eggs, and the shell is brown. Both the reed chicken itself and the eggs have high nutritional value.

This card can summon a thousand three-month-old reed chicken cubs. Before summoning, you need to take care of the environment and breed them. Please use them with caution]

[Poultry farm, captive multifunctional breeding base, covers an area of ​​2 square meters, and the maximum breeding limit is [-];

The base is equipped with a large area of ​​free-range breeding area, chicken coop, hatching room, seedling area, growth area, egg production area, slaughter area, water storage pond, worker's residence, closed fence, fly-blocking net, freezing room and other functions. It has the ability to handle all stages from egg laying, hatching to feeding and slaughtering;
The building will be built for ten days, and the natural environment is more conducive to the life and breeding of poultry. The construction site should be as far away from towns and villages as possible, so that high-quality meat and eggs can be produced]

The system described the farm in great detail. After reading it, Jialan felt that it was worth the money. For the development of the territory, this farm was no less important than a barracks.

In addition, the hatchlings from another golden treasure box fully fit the function of the farm, and technical support is also provided.

Although the value of a thousand chicks is far inferior to that of a farm, excellent chicken breeds and breeding knowledge are the hidden value embodied in this treasure box.

(End of this chapter)

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