The super lord of the island

Chapter 257 Chapter 256 Unpacking, Sun Salt Factory

Chapter 257 256. Unpacking, drying salt factory

next day
Jialan woke up from the bed, subconsciously touched the girl next to her, and found that it was still a familiar touch, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and slowly got up and changed her clothes.

I went to the next room to have a look, and found that Fania and Feimanman were sleeping together, and the room was full of spring.

"Tsk tsk..."

Jia Lan shook her head and went downstairs. Today is the first day of the new year, and the leader has a holiday, but he doesn't.

"Turn on, sign in."

With a buzzing sound, the translucent screen expanded in front of his eyes, and the annual card monthly sign-in was automatically completed, and a pop-up window reminded him to get five silver treasure chests.

"All on."

Dazzling silver light filled the screen, and Jialan narrowed her eyes, quietly waiting for the light to dissipate.

After a while, the line of sight refocused.

[Ten-hour dream card × 2] [Salt drying factory × 1] [Hop planting land × 20 acres] [Random skill card × 1]

"There are seven dream cards."

The two opened today plus the five saved from the previous two waves of unboxing gave him a total of [-] hours of dream training. As usual, he would keep it until he had no suitable spells.

The Salt Factory is a building reward. Although it is certainly not as valuable as the Farm Barracks, you are lucky to be able to get it from the Silver Treasure Chest.

Lock items to view detailed introduction.

[Salt drying factory (small), composed of several salt pans with gentle slopes, and multiple process structures such as sedimentation tanks, crystallization tanks, and filter tanks, with a total area of ​​5000 square meters and a maximum annual output of 200 tons of refined salt or 1000 tons of crude salt Grain of salt, build time is three days.

(Based on actual climate factors, excluding the rainy season and winter, the actual output of Wuguang Island Coastal Salt Factory is only 50%)]

With the rich marine landforms of the Mangala Pancontinental Islands today, there is no shortage of salt. Even refined salt with complicated processes can be bought in the market at will, but the price is slightly more expensive than coarse salt.

"Well... With the salt factory, we don't need to import salt from the outer islands in the future. We can produce and sell it ourselves. It saves a lot of money and creates a lot of jobs at the same time. It's great."

Jialan opened the three-dimensional view of the system and began to think about where to place the salt factory.

"The breeding farms in the south will cause slight pollution to the surrounding water bodies. Although the pollution is negligible at the current scale, other types of farming may develop in the future and expand the scale. It seems that they have to be built in the north."

The northern part has been fully developed. Fortunately, the salt field was built on the beach, and it was narrow and rectangular. After several times of dragging and adapting, it was finally settled on a beach in the north.

On the map, a white light falls from the sky, covering a beach of [-] square meters. Three days later, this beach will become grid-shaped salt fields, supplying high-purity fine sea salt to Aurora Town. The island can’t finish it. Can be shipped to nearby islands for cheap sale.

The rewards for opening the treasure chest this time are quite good. In addition to the salt factory, there are also [-] acres of hops.

[Hops, herb of the Cannabis family Humulus genus, bitter in taste, slightly cool in nature, contain natural antiseptic ingredients, have the effects of invigorating the stomach and eliminating food, calming the nerves and diuresis, and can be used for brewing beer; the special ingredients can stimulate the aroma of malt in the wine, Balance the sweetness of malt, enhance the mouthfeel, and improve foam stability]

At present, the brewing of Snow Beer in the workshop does not contain hops. Although the taste is very good, it is only one hop away from the perfect quality.

"After the temperature officially warms up, it can be used together with another 20 acres of high-quality cultivated land. At that time, the Snow Beer produced on Wuguang Island will completely conquer the Amethyst Islands! It will become a unique pillar industry!"

Jialan excitedly unlocked the last reward, a random skill card.

Oh oh oh!
A row of horizontal rotating squares appeared in the center of the screen. This drawing was uncontrollable. After three seconds, the screen automatically froze, and the only option was marked by a red frame.

【Basic Swordsmanship】

"Why is this?"

Swordsmanship represents the skill of using a sword. Jialan did not expect to open a swordsmanship book. In the ability column of Brad's character panel, there is a display of basic swordsmanship. It is indeed superior in technology.

"Maybe it can be used by Karl, and after learning it, he will pass it on to other soldiers in the barracks, so that all members of the Morning Light Corps can master elementary swordsmanship."

Jialan quickly implemented this good idea, and determined that the target of this skill book was Karl Jushi. After a while, there was an extra elementary sword skill in Karl's skill column.

After processing the rewards, Jialan checked other functions of the system and found no signs of new activities.

"It's a pity, there was a treasure house of the god king at this time last year. Could it be that the treasure house has not drifted to the space node?"

Jialan checked the assets while making idle guesses.

[Total assets: 1097 magic shells]

[VIP3 level promotion progress: 2774/5000]

The liquidation process of yesterday’s event cost 120 magic shells, so the amount of assets has decreased a little. However, Philip’s tuna ship is carrying wine barrels, and it will set sail tomorrow to sell them on Diamond Island. Half of the share will be given to the Rose Tavern under the name of Tinisi , and the other half is shared equally by other taverns.

It is expected to bring back 80 magic shells.

Three days later...

The salt drying factory was officially completed, and Jialan took a group of officials from the city hall to conduct a field inspection.

"Meg, have you memorized the salt making steps clearly?"

"Remember clearly, my lord, according to what you said, first pour water and dry it. During the drying process, it enters the next salt field step by step according to the concentration of seawater. When the concentration reaches saturation, the brine on the surface is taken out and the impurities are separated with multi-layer filter cloth, leaving Inject clean brine into the crystallization tank;

At this time, the crystallization pool continues to dry and condense to form coarse salt with coarse particles, and then the workers scoop up the salt and put it into the container to crush it to further remove impurities and become fine salt.

After returning, his subordinates immediately recruited people to try to make salt. "

Holding the small notebook in her hand, Mag repeated in detail what Jialan said just now.

"Well, that's almost the case. You can adjust the details yourself. For example, the filter cloth can be replaced by multiple layers of cotton and linen. The effect is almost the same. If you need any tools and utensils, please notify Hasen to purchase them and start working as soon as possible."

"Yes." Mag said respectfully.


Jialan turned her head and looked at Malt, "The essence of salt production is also a way of resource collection. From now on, the salt factory will be handed over to your resource collection department, and the newly recruited personnel will also be managed by the collection department.

The prepared salt is first supplied to the catering department of the canteen, and then a part is sold in the square market, and the rest is handed over to Philip to be transported to other islands for sale, and the proceeds go to the city hall. "

With a few words, Master Jialan arranged the rules and regulations of the salt factory. From production to use to profit, everything went according to plan.

As a daily necessities, although the value of salt is not high in the market, as the lifeblood of the people, having one's own salt-making ability is one of the necessary conditions for the development of the territory.

Moreover, the salt drying cycle is very short. Under fine weather conditions, salt can be produced in five or six days. Counting finishing and packaging, one week is enough to produce high-quality finished salt.

(End of this chapter)

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