The super lord of the island

Chapter 272 271 krypton gold level 8 gift pack

Chapter 272 271. Krypton Gold Level [-] Gift Pack (please ask for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month)
The next day

Joachim and his men took over Camos Manor, and the Demon Snake Adventure Group also successfully received the reward for this mission.

Somewhat surprisingly, in addition to the 500 magic shells stated in the mission, Joachim purchased the rights to dispose of them, including the three dead ones, at a price of 50 magic shells per vampire.

According to the rules, the blood descendants are one of the trophies of the Demonic Snake Adventure Group. Even if Joachim does not spend money to buy them, the Demonic Snake Adventure Group will take them back to Lungozli City and dispose of them.

After all, to a certain extent, the blood itself is a kind of magic material, which is used by many research scholars in the fields of alchemy and blood lineage. Policies for all regions.

So it's not surprising that Joachim bought the right to dispose of the Bloodborn, but the price was slightly higher.

The leader, George, is the owner of all vampires in Camos Manor. You should know that vampires with level [-] strength are not common. It is possible that he has committed other atrocities in places unknown to the Demon Snake Adventure Group.

Maybe we can dig out more information from his mouth, and even find out that the higher-level vampire who first embraced George was the Viscount?Or a count?
But in front of Mo Bei, these are not important.

Joakim offered 200 magic shells to buy his grandson's life. Whether he was imprisoned or released was none of the business of the Demon Snake Adventure Group.

On the carriage returning, everyone sat together to sort out the harvest.

The basic reward is 500 magic shells + 650 magic shells for ten vampires including George, for a total of 1150 magic shells.

There are six people in the team, and each person guarantees 115% of the income, which is 460 magic shells; after removing this part, there are [-] magic shells left.

"Jia Lan, without you, the Devil Snake Adventure Group would have had another ending. I'll give you the remaining [-]% of the reward. Does anyone else have any objections?"

"No no."

Everyone shook their heads.

After last night's battle, they were completely convinced and even admired Jialan.

At the beginning, a three-ring spring rain spell that removed negative status and restored effects in a large area instantly shattered George's conspiracy. The subsequent ice armor spell, blessing spell, and healing spell all played a key role, making George at a disadvantage in every battle.

"Team fighting is definitely not the work of one person. I just achieved the abilities that an auxiliary magician should have, well..."

Jialan pondered for a while and continued:
"For the remaining [-]%, I personally take [-]%, everyone shares [-]%, but I want the mask I got from George."

"no problem!"

With a wave of his hand, Sonny divided out 345 magic shells and handed them to Jialan along with a piece of white cloth.

"By the way, where do you live? We can cooperate again if we have suitable tasks in the future."

"Uh... I live on Sunless Island. You can write to me. There are two round-trip ships in Victoria Harbor every month, called the Tuna. Captain Fili is an old friend of mine. Just give the letter to him. ."

"Okay, I remember!"

Sonny silently patted Jialan on the shoulder. For any team, it was a blessing to have such an excellent auxiliary magician. It was a pity that Jialan had no intention of long-term cooperation.

After arriving at Lungozli City, Jialan found an excuse to leave first.

Today was the fifth day of landing on the island, and there were still two days before the time agreed with the Tuna, so he was in no hurry to head to the port.

"Let's go see if Tinis is at home first."

Jia Lan casually stopped a horse-drawn carriage and disappeared into the busy street.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Tsk...I'm not at home again."

At the roadside, the iron door is firmly closed. Although there is no knock on the door, the spiritual force has already sensed that there is no one in the room.

As a last resort, Jialan had no choice but to leave a note and use magic power to stuff it into the gap between the door and window to sense that the other party had been there.As everyone knows, at this time, Tinis has already entered the Deteta Master Academy through family connections, and is also working part-time in the business of the Rose Tavern, so she doesn't have much time to go home.

Jialan left in disappointment and found a hotel on the street. After booking a quiet room, she locked herself in it.




Turn on the phone and the 50-inch big screen unfolds.

[Character] [vip] [Mall] [Achievements] [Assets] [Backpack Column] [Task] [Map]

The system function icons light up one by one.

Jialan took out her wallet and recharged the 345 magic shells obtained from this mission, and the total assets in the upper right corner jumped to 1612 simultaneously.

"Finally enough."

Looking at the wealth that was finally accumulated, I couldn't help but smile with joy on my face.

He is so busy, not because he hopes to become a krypton gold boss and strive to dominate the world as soon as possible.

"Enter the mall... enter the growth gift pack... the eighth-level growth gift pack, confirm the purchase!"

Total assets: 112 Mobei;

VIP level improvement progress: 4274;

[Congratulations on getting a growth gift pack, please check it in the backpack column...]

Jia Lan excitedly opened her backpack and counted the items.

As an eighth-level growth gift pack worth 1500 magic shells, it contains a lot of things. You must know that the price of the seventh-level gift pack is only 800 magic shells, which is almost double.

On the screen, rows of new items with red dots appeared in the grid.


"It's quite satisfactory, only the number of items has increased, so it's not bad."

Jialan nodded. After all, there is no other way in the whole system to obtain resources to improve strength so directly.

I put away the magic potion, I gave 10 bottles last time, but none of them have been used yet, so I am saving them.

There is no need to talk nonsense in the experience book, just use it directly.

In an instant, the room was filled with brilliance, and the magic power in Jialan's body skyrocketed. On the character panel in front of him, the progress of the experience bar also surged and skyrocketed.

He was promoted to level 8 last winter, and it took two or three months of meditation experience to increase to 6.88%. You must know that his talent and qualifications have reached the level of 8.0 after many improvements, and his meditation speed is far faster than ordinary people.

Even so, going from eight to nine is a long enough process, not to mention the many living beings who are less talented.

Soon, with the blessing of thirty intermediate experience books, the experience progress increased to 56.88%, filling half of the entire eighth level experience in one breath;
Immediately afterwards, the ten medium-sized qualification books were also used. In a period of ten months, they would push Jialan's talent qualifications to the terrifying height of 11.0, officially entering the ranks of genius-level extraordinary people.

Call ~
Lying on the bed, Jialan breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he seemed to be standing on the top of the energy tide, enjoying the pleasure of the magic power washing away.

It wasn't until a quarter of an hour later that this addictive feeling slowly faded away.

(End of this chapter)

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