The super lord of the island

Chapter 278 277 Post-war meeting, labor shortage?

Chapter 278 277. Post-war meeting, labor shortage?

From this moment on, the dark web-spinner Melis, who occupied the apple forest, and the tenth-level monster Bisi Spider Mother with unknown ancient bloodline, fell into the jungle that raised her.

The green compound eyes lost their luster and turned gray.

The curse on Jialan's body also dissipated, and his strength returned to his body. He broke free from the restraints and walked to the giant spider, feeling quite emotional in his heart.

No matter how high-sounding the reasons are, the destruction of the apple forest spider clan is an indisputable fact. From the beginning to the end, he has been the aggressive party.

"Funya, go to the castle to pick up Elena and let her transcend the dead souls in this jungle."

"Okay." Funya nodded and flew away.

At this time, Brad seemed to have discovered something. He leaned into the giant spider's abdomen and took out a watermelon-sized, slightly pink crystal object.

"Sir! It looks like a spider egg!"

Brad brought the thing to Jialan and wiped off the mucus on the surface. Through the egg shell, he could see with the naked eye that there was indeed a developing young spider inside, and it looked very different from ordinary spiderlings.

"Maybe it's the blood she left behind."

"Are you going to be executed?"

"Forget it, we have brought enough killings." Jialan took the spider egg and decided to take it back to the castle. Whether it can hatch smoothly depends on its luck.

After Jialan left, Karl returned to the barracks and took all the soldiers who were not on duty, and began to clean up the apple forest thoroughly. No valuable limbs could be missed. They were all collected and brought back to the barracks for unified processing.

Elena, who was brought here by Funia, dutifully performed the soul-saving technique, allowing the remaining souls who were nostalgic for this forest to transcend.



A few days passed by in a flash, and it soon came to the fifth day after finishing dealing with the Bisilk Spider Mother.

It happened to be Monday, and considering the many things that had happened recently, Master Jialan simply held a formal town affairs summary report meeting in the castle. Senior officials from various departments in the city hall and senior officials from the corps came to attend.

First is Carl's post-war summary and loot count.

There is basically nothing to say in the summary of the battle, because all the arrangements were prepared in advance by the lord, and more than half of the combat power even came from Jialan's ten beast spirits, who played a decisive role in the fight against the spider swarm.

And with the various auxiliary magics such as blessing, healing, and spring rain spells cast by Jialan, they have the ability to fight against the giant spider guards.

In the subsequent battle, Jialan diverted Melis away, causing the spider threads attached to the giant spider guards to break. The Morning Sun Corps gained the upper hand and slowly concentrated their efforts to eliminate the spider swarm, and then supported Jialan.

The main point of winning this small-scale team battle is that Jialan has a wide variety of magic, which can restrain and counter the opponent at will. Of course, the magic recovery potion is indispensable, otherwise his magic power will be exhausted long ago.

As for the loot after counting, there are quite a few.

spiderlings, 135;
Green hair spider, 23;
Purple tooth spider, 16;
Giant spider guards, 11;
Bisilk spider mother, 1;
The corpses of so many spider monsters, the magic core alone is conservatively estimated to be worth thousands of magic shells, not to mention the value of the magic materials dismembered from their bodies will not be less than 30% of the magic core.

It can be predicted that Jialan will soon receive a huge wave of income, which will enrich his withered wallet.

Thinking about it this way, some of the risks taken seem to be worth it.

Moreover, this is only the apparent profit from the spoils. Such a large apple forest is the biggest hidden income.

As mentioned before, because the soil on each island is used to grow staple foods, products such as fruits and vegetables are relatively scarce. However, they are essential food for crews sailing at sea.Compared with vegetables that are difficult to preserve, fruits with a longer shelf life are more favored by crew members.

Judging from the system map, the area of ​​the apple forest is about the same as that of the barracks. The total area of ​​the barracks buildings is ten hectares. According to the conversion, the area of ​​the apple forest is 150 acres.

It is currently impossible to calculate how many fruits such a large fruit forest should produce each year. Specific figures can only be obtained after Agriculture Minister Mai He takes over the management and has production.

So the next meeting was almost all about how to deal with the apple forest.

"Sir, the apple forest is located outside the second ring fence. Although it is close to the dock barracks, it is adjacent to Thunder Lake to the north and deep into the lightless forest to the west. These two directions are very dangerous. Let alone ordinary residents, let the soldiers in the barracks The elites couldn't survive for long in the past, and a random monster could kill them."

"Mai He is right, but the spider jungle is the territory of the spider mother. Very few monsters are willing to come here, so in the short term, the orchard area is relatively safe."

"How long is this time?"

"Maybe two or three months, maybe half a year..."

"If it's not safe, we can't arrange manpower."

"I think we can build a fence to surround the orchard, or even connect it to the barracks fence and the second-ring fence, and incorporate it into the town to form a larger safety area."

"I agree!"

"Have you considered the manpower problem of the Ministry of Construction? The farmland fence in the south has not been completed yet, and now more fences need to be built. Even if the manpower is barely available, the construction speed will be very slow."

"Isn't the spring sowing over? We can mobilize manpower from Nanmai Village."

"No." Mai He immediately stood up and vetoed. "Although spring sowing is over, half of the forestland in the south of Aurora Town is still uncultivated. They need to continue this task until all the land east of the second ring fence has been fully reclaimed. until.

Moreover, the reed chickens in the farm are already six months old, and when they are about to lay eggs, additional manpower will have to be sent to the farm. By then, the apple grove will also need manpower, and there will be no spare labor. "

"Where's the collection department?" Mag asked.

Malt shook his head.

"No, the south is opening up wasteland. The cut trees need to be processed in time, peeled and tanned, sawed and spliced, dried and painted in the shade. Which part does not require manpower? Now we have to plan a new fence, and the demand for wood is only increasing.

Also, the newly built high-end residential areas require a large amount of stone, and the quarry is non-stop every day. I also want to add some manpower to our collection department. "

"The Ministry of Tourism...uh, forget it."

Mag shook his head. The tourism department and the terminal business together didn't have many people.

"Well, after all, there is still a problem of insufficient manpower. In this case, it is better to start a new batch of immigration plans. Aurora Town needs more labor."




Finally, with the approval of Mr. Jialan, a new round of immigration plan for the territory was determined, which not only supplemented the labor force for various industries in the town, but also prepared for the urgent development of 150 acres of apple groves.

Exterminating the spider swarm and harvesting the apple forest has had a very profound impact on Aurora Town, and can be regarded as an important part of the development node of Wuguang Island.

(End of this chapter)

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