The super lord of the island

Chapter 298 297 Tracking!interception on the way

Chapter 298 297. Tracking!interception on the way
Time was running out, so Jialan quickly opened the system map.

It was discovered that the position of the red dot representing Tinis had changed. Her original location was Ferro Manor, but now it was moving slowly. As expected, she would be sent to Bart Village.

Seeing that Charles' intelligence information was accurate, Jialan asked the question she was most concerned about.

"How strong is the Soul Palace on Diamond Island?"

“Currently, it has been confirmed that there is a high-level soul master who is stationed in Ferro Manor, and there are two elite-level dark soul masters. These two people mainly operate in Lungozli City.

In addition, there are hundreds of low-level soul disciples walking around the island and following orders. Bart Village is the base camp where soul disciples gather. This village is essentially controlled by the Soul Palace, including the nearest Bart Pier.

The Soul Palace robs people on Diamond Island, and a large shipload of slaves is sent away almost every week. "

"I have a question. Since the behavior of the Soul Palace is so evil, why doesn't the Adventurer's Guild take action to destroy them? You are fully capable of this. Is it possible that you are secretly cooperating with the Soul Palace?"

Hearing this, Jialan couldn't help but question.


Charles replied in the affirmative, but it was Bueller beside him who explained.

"Actually, you don't have to be surprised. I have told you a long time ago that the Adventurer's Guild is a purely neutral organization. We are not rulers, let alone judges. We abide by the rules of the extraordinary world.

Just like today another person came to the union and he wanted to know the information about Sunless Island. No matter what his purpose was, as long as he paid, we will provide it. I hope you can understand this. "


Jialan nodded. Since the union has chosen neutrality, it must practice the rules of neutrality. If the attitude continues to waver, other forces will not be able to tolerate the existence of such behemoths.

"This information is very important to me. Many thanks to Seniors Buhler and Charles."

"It's a small matter. I'd like to be able to help you. Do you want me to help you recruit some people?"

"Didn't you say neutral?"

"Haha, I don't know what you are recruiting people for. I only issue tasks and get the commission I deserve. I can't care about much else."

"I see."

There are rules within rules, and everything is reasonable as long as the limits are not exceeded.

"Help me contact the Demonic Snake Mercenary Group. I can't trust anyone else. If they are here, ask them to rush to Bart Village and wait for me. I will write a letter and deliver the content, and I will pay one hundred magic shells."

"No problem, they happen to be free."

In this way, Jialan spent one hundred magic shells to hire a powerful team of adventurers to deliver a message to him.

After returning to the hall and meeting everyone in the Demon Snake Adventure Group, Jialan quickly made arrangements.

"Karl, Funya and I will go first. You and Captain Sonny will take the carriage to Bart Village and wait for me there."

"Yes sir!"

"No problem, we will clear the place first." Sonny patted his chest and assured Jialan.

Splitting the troops into two groups was Jialan's strategy.

According to the guidance of the system map and Charles' intelligence, Tinis is on her way from Ferro Manor to Bart Village. The primary responsibility of the most powerful high-level soul master in the Soul Palace is to sit in the manor and escort Tinis. The person is most likely a low-level soul disciple, so it would be great to add a dark soul master.

Because he had already killed Fuxi, a dark soul user, there was only one dark soul user left in the Soul Palace.

Therefore, this period of transfer is the best time to take action.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the Soul Palace has hidden manpower, but as long as the great Soul Master does not appear, he is confident that he can take down the opponent.

After riding out of the city, Funia took off the cloak that covered her wings, grabbed Master Jialan's body and flew into the air, and soon disappeared into the sky.



Gululu... Two carriages were walking on a bumpy country road. The wheels left deep ruts on the muddy road. The axles groaned under the load and seemed about to break at any time.

The driver sat at the front and drove the carriage silently.

Nelson urged his horse to sit down and followed closely behind, cursing in a low voice.

"Damn rainy day! Damn mud! Why do you have to follow me when those idiots can do it? Don't let that woman touch you! Damn old thing! Sooner or later..."

He couldn't hear the rest of the words clearly. After all, he didn't know if any of the soul disciples around him had the ear of the teacher. It was better to be careful about this kind of thing.

As soon as he thought of Tinis in the carriage, Nelson's suppressed evil fire burst out, and his inner resentment became more intense.

Inside the carriage.

The unconscious meat tickets were packed in piles one after another in the carriage, and there were actually more than a dozen adult men and women packed in the small space.

Tynis was pressed in the middle, unable to move, and her consciousness was hazy. She only knew that she was about to be sent off the island and face an unknown end.

She wanted to call for help, but her whole body was weak and her body was suppressed, making it difficult to breathe, let alone speak.

Maybe this is life.

After struggling in vain, Tynis felt relieved. Her only regret was that she could not see Jialan again.

Diamond Island is very large. Butt Village and Butt Pier are located in the most remote northern part of the island. Fortunately, due to the continuous rain in the past few days, the carriage moved slowly. Funya kept her energy and flew for three hours, and finally arrived. They intercepted the Soul Palace team on the way.

"Sir, I found the carriage. Are you going to leave it?"


Jialan opened the system map and found that her position and Tinis's position were close to overlapping, confirming the target without a doubt.

"It's them. They fell in the woods nearby. Don't be discovered."

Funya folded her wings and glided to land in the woods behind the carriage, without attracting the team's attention at all.

"My lord, are you sure Miss Tinis is in the carriage?"

"Of course, one hundred percent."

Jialan took out his staff, summoned a lightning lizard, turned over and rode on it, looking back at Funia.

"What are you doing standing still? Come up quickly."


Funya grabbed the master’s outstretched hand and sat obediently behind her.

The lightning lizard stepped forward, shuttled through the forest, and easily caught up with the two carriages. However, Jialan did not appear immediately, but first observed the number of people in the team.

There was one person riding alone on the horse, two people driving the horse, and one additional person outside each of the two carriages, for a total of five people.

"so little?"

Jialan frowned in thought.

In most cases, one dark soul envoy and four soul disciples are more than enough to escort the meat tickets, and there will be no danger at all on the road. This is why Nelson felt that his participation in the escort was unnecessary.

Despite this, Jialan still did not relax his guard, and summoned two level seven dire wolf beasts on the spot. Under the long-term magic power accumulation in his body, every wolf fiber on their bodies was truly visible, and they were no different from the real dire wolf monsters. the difference.

"Go! Kill them."

There was a biting coldness in Jialan's eyes.

With two low roars, two dire wolves came out of the forest one after another and rushed towards the convoy.

(End of this chapter)

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