The super lord of the island

Chapter 37 037 Request

Chapter 37 037. Request
Being in the center of the green leaves calmed down Jialan's original impatience.

It can be felt that the life essence emitted by the surrounding plants is at work.

“Good tea!”

A faint coolness entered the throat and melted in the abdomen, and the whole person was refreshed. Jialan did not expect that there were tea leaves in the other world, and the taste was not bad.

"Hehe." Auguste smiled, "This is a special gold leaf from the Golden Leaf Forest in my hometown. The market price of high-quality gold leaves is almost equivalent to gold."

Before Jialan opened her mouth to question, the coolness in her belly turned into warmth, and it tended to gradually heat up.

"This is this?!"

The gentle power emanating from the golden leaf injected vitality into the barren magic power in Jialan's body. After a short two or three minutes, he felt that the magic power in his body had doubled.

It's not a simple increase, but an increase in the upper limit of the magic power level. With just this cup of tea, his extraordinary level has been raised from level 2 to level 3.

"It's simply unbelievable! Could it be a high-level magic plant!"

Jialan wanted to have a drink, but Auguste stopped him by raising his hand.

"For junior magicians, drinking it for the first time has the best effect, and the improvement brought about by subsequent drinking is very weak. It is more used as one of the ingredients of advanced potions.

How about it, this cup of tea should be enough as your reward for entertaining me. "

"More than enough."

Jialan nodded, he chewed and swallowed the golden leaves in the cup, and found that the effect was not as good as before, so he put down the teacup and asked.

"Are you going to go out to find kindling today?"

Auguste shook his head, "The black mist on the west side is very strange, and I haven't found a good way to dispel it yet. I need more time to study the characteristics of the black mist until I find a solution."

"I hope you can achieve your goal sooner, but before that, there is something I would like to trouble you with. Aurora Village is too small and lacks fresh water..."

"The lives of the residents of Aurora Village are inconvenient, and food production will also decrease..."

"Of course, if you have any needs, just ask, I will never refuse if I can do it!"

In a few words, Jialan confessed all of her request with a sincere and sincere attitude, as if she was only for the people of the territory. As for the final guarantee, it was more like a blank check.

At the table, Augent raised the corners of his mouth. In his nearly thousand years of life, this was the first time he had seen such an interesting human nobleman.

Combined with the big prophecy, if the tinder that saves the world really exists on the lightless island, then there is likely to be some kind of connection between Baron Garan in front of him and the tinder.

It's not that he didn't think that Jialan was the tinder itself, and even squatted outside the bedroom on the third floor of the castle to monitor the other party's cultivation process for several nights in a row. Unfortunately, Jialan's magical aptitude was mediocre, and his talent was not satisfactory. genius.

After many observations, Auguste denied this idea, but Jialan's special status as the lord of the Lightless Island still has a lot of weight.

After thinking for a while, Auguste agreed to Jialan's request,

"I can arrange an elemental circle for you, but you have to promise me one thing."

"It's easy to talk!" Jialan looked happy, and got up unconsciously and asked, "Just say anything!"

Auguste laughed, shook his head and raised his hand to signal Jialan to sit down.

"Don't worry, you can't help me now, when the time comes, I will tell you naturally."

What a debt of favor, Jialan thought to herself, there is no idiot who can become a superhuman, and she wants to maximize her own value.

The request was made by himself, and there is no reason to refuse at this time, and no one can say for sure what will happen in the future, whether to help or not is not a matter of his own words.

"Okay, I promise!"

After weighing instinctively, Jialan quickly agreed.



Soon, Auguste fulfilled his promise and brought Jialan and his party to the beach. Looking at the soft sand slanting into the sea, Auguste gestured with his hand.

"If you want to convert fresh water, you must first dig out a pool to store fresh water, which should not be too close or too far from the sea, and then use a ditch to connect the pool with the sea.

A circular water pit with a diameter of five meters is reserved in the middle of the canal, and flat stone slabs are embedded around the bottom and walls of the pit as the base of the elemental circle.

After the magic circle is formed, all the seawater poured into the pool through the ditches will be converted into drinkable fresh water. "

"That's great, but the amount of work is a bit large, and it may not be completed in a short period of time." Jialan hesitated.

"It doesn't matter. I won't leave Wuguang Island in the near future. Besides, the elemental circle is an advanced function that only large towns can use. It is indeed a bit ahead of Aurora Village. You should think about it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Auguste turned and left. Instead of returning to Aurora Village, he went in another direction.

sea ​​breeze blowing
bring salty air

"My lord... the freshwater pool is not easy to dig."

"I know."

At the edge of the woodland, Jialan hesitated. Although the most difficult part had been solved, he did not expect that such a large amount of work would be required to arrange the elemental circle.

Then ask the housekeeper.

"Tell me about the current division of labor in Aurora Village."


Mag took out his small notebook and replied: "My lord, you have a total of 42 slaves, excluding 3 children, there are 39 slaves working for you.

Among them, Chef Mai Duo has 2 people under him;
There are 8 people in the logging camp managed by Mellen;
Apothecary Wall-E brought two apprentices;
The remaining 26 people are responsible for spring plowing;
Commander Karl told me this morning that he plans to apply for a few people to fill the corps..."


Jialan knew that the village was tense, but she didn't expect it to be so tense.

The task of spring plowing is already heavy, and it is impossible to complete it with only 26 serfs. If people are transferred to build freshwater ponds, it will inevitably lead to a sharp drop in autumn grain harvest.

"My lord, why don't you think about it after the spring plowing is over?" McGonagall suggested in a low voice.

"I'm afraid we have to wait."

Jialan couldn't help feeling a little discouraged, and finally persuaded Auguste to help, but ended up getting stuck on building a freshwater pool.

"Let's go back first. Master Auguste has left us plenty of time to prepare. It won't be too long before Captain Philip comes to trade next time. There will be a way."

Jialan's idea was to wait to buy the next batch of slaves sent by Philip. This was the most direct way to increase the labor force before the lightless island had no stable economic industry.

At this time, a bad idea came into his heart. It would be great if Auguste could stay in the lightless island forever to work for him.

"I wish tinder wasn't so easy to find..."

(End of this chapter)

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