The super lord of the island

Chapter 55 055 The Name of Mercy

Chapter 55 055. The Name of Mercy
"Huh, what did you say to let us go shopping around, and we must have done some shady transactions behind our backs."

Just after walking out of Aurora Fort, Feynman complained in a dissatisfied tone.

"It's probably to discuss something very important with your uncle. After all, he is now a baron. There are so many residents and soldiers in the village to support. We took the liberty."

The considerate Tinise comforted her friend and looked around, appreciating the ancient features of the village.

In the area around the Amethyst Islands, there is abundant rain in the rainy season, and the construction of houses requires excellent drainage performance. These stone houses are very different from the architectural style of Gemu Island, and it can be distinguished at a glance that they are not buildings of that era.

It was getting dusk and the sun was setting.

Returning farmers appeared one after another in the village. They were dressed in plain clothes and held shovels or hoes in their hands, with visible smooth lines rubbed on the handles.

They put away the farm tools neatly, gathered in front of a stone house and lined up, and the people behind the line stood on tiptoe to look forward from time to time.

"I heard that the lord ordered the wild boar to be slaughtered. Maybe there will be meat to eat tonight!"

"I'm tired of eating big lobster!"

"It really is roasted wild boar, long live the lord..."

The people who lined up at the front had already sat down with their food and started to eat. The wheat cake in their hands was wrapped with smoked and roasted wild pork, and then wrapped with a few tender green vegetable leaves. After biting down, the smell of burnt fat exploded on the tip of the tongue. , After chewing several times, the sprinkling of spices brings a rich taste level.

Mixed with strong wheat cakes and tender vegetable leaves, it is enough to dispel the exhaustion after a long day of work.

"They taste delicious..."

He stopped and looked at it for a while, and felt hungry for Tinisi and Feimanman.

"Don't the residents of the village pay for food? Didn't you see that they paid for it?"

Mai Ze, who followed the two of them, explained casually: "These people are the Lord's slaves, and the Lord rewarded them with food, of course they don't need to pay."

"Slave? He actually wants to become a slave owner noble!" Feynman said in surprise.

"In fact, Master Jialan is very kind. These people lost their homes due to the war. In order not to keep them in the dark cabin, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to rescue them, and gave them food and water, as well as a safe house and shelter. clothes.

And they only need to pay a little labor to live very well on the island. "

Mai Ze's tone revealed admiration, and continued to praise the virtues of his lord.

"This village is where Master Jialan personally defeated the evil King Slime. It gave us a place to stay and let the slaves plant wheat fields. It is also for the hope that there will be enough food in the coming year, so that we can spend less money on food."

Hearing Mai Ze's explanation, seeing the satisfied smiles on everyone's faces, the image of a benevolent, fraternal, brave and tenacious great leader emerged vividly.

"He actually..."

Hearing about Jialan's deeds, Tinis was deeply moved, "After returning to the family, I must clarify his charges!"

Unlike the emotional Tinys, Freeman is more rational and considers issues more comprehensively.

"Let's take a long-term view on this matter. Besides, he is living a prosperous life as a baron. It is not beautiful to stir up old affairs rashly, and the family will intervene."

"We can't let him live a lifetime of crimes."

"I think we should at least communicate with Jia Lan and get his own opinion."

Seeing her friend's serious face, Tenise nodded hesitantly. She also saw that not only did Jialan not suffer from exile, but she was doing well, and she had a beautiful maid by her side. In fact, she wanted to know more about Jialan's life. did it.

After wandering around, the two returned to the castle. At this moment, the deal between Jialan and Feili was over.

"It's getting late, everyone should be hungry."

Having just received a huge sum of 22 magic shells, Jialan is in a good mood and invites everyone to have a sumptuous dinner.

The maid Yi Lianna brought delicious food over and over again, including red crayfish, steamed sea crab, grilled bear meat, beer rewarded by the system...,
Don’t look at the slaves claiming that they are tired of eating shrimp and crab. In fact, shrimp and crab are still a good and rare food for other island residents. The reason why Aurora Village can openly supply shrimp and crab is mainly due to the small population, and the fishery sends some output every day Going to the beach is enough for residents, not to mention the Warcraft meat that only rich people can enjoy.

This dinner made the three guests from Gemu Island fully feel the hospitality of Jialan.

After arranging the guest rooms for everyone, Jialan went back upstairs to rest, and told Elena to keep an eye on the guests' movements and contact him whenever she had any questions.

"My lord is really worrying too much."

Feli was drunk like a dead pig, and fell asleep when he returned to the room. Tinys and Feynman shared the same room, so what could be wrong.

"Unless those two girls want to seduce the master."

Elena thought about it, and found that this was the only possibility that something could go wrong, and the master's order clearly meant that nothing would happen.

"It's so strange. Could it be that the master doesn't like women...?"

Thinking of this, Elena fell asleep with deep curiosity.



All night.

At dawn, things continued in an orderly manner as planned yesterday.

In order to move the goods, the housekeeper temporarily dispatched a group of serfs to carry the goods sold to Philip on the Provence, and then brought the goods purchased by the lord back to the village.

Because the quantity is too large, it needs to be transported back and forth multiple times.

"My lord, there is too much wheat flour, and the stone house used as the kitchen can't hold it."

Outside the castle, Steward McGonagall, who was in charge of the overall arrangement, reported the latest situation to him.

"Then use a stone house next to the kitchen to store food alone."

"Good sir."

Mag nodded and immediately went down to make arrangements.

Speaking of the stone houses in Aurora Village, there are 32 in total. Before there was a castle, he shared one with Butler Mag, and several other system servants occupied two.

Later, when Aurora Fort came into being, he moved into the castle to live. His personal maid, Irina, lived on the second floor, and Knight Karl and Butler Mag lived in the room on the first floor.

As for the stone house, Mai Ze McQueen, who is a member of the Morning Light Corps, lives in one;
One was transformed into a large kitchen, where Chef Maiduo and two slaves helped cook;
One was converted into a pharmacy, which was used to refine medicines, and lived in by Wali and his two slave apprentices.

These three stone houses are the closest to the castle.

One of the stone houses on the outer side was the residence of Mellen and his five lumberjack slave laborers.

The remaining 29 slaves were crowded together in three stone houses at the edge of the village. It was indeed a bit crowded, but it was convenient for centralized management. As long as the daily cleaning was done well, there would be no problem.

In addition, Jialan's mentor Auguste occupied a stone house, and even transformed the inside of the stone house into a magical forest, which greatly changed its appearance.

In total, seven stone houses were used up, leaving 24 idle.

(End of this chapter)

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