Chapter 59 059. Quiz
A public toilet of this size needs to be built in two, one for each sex.

In addition, according to Jialan's idea of ​​transforming waste into fertilizer, a fermentation pit needs to be dug nearby, and the full waste piled up under the public toilet needs to be taken out every once in a while, mixed with auxiliary materials and put into the fermentation pit for fermentation.

After the fermentation pit is full, the fermentation time will take 2-3 months. After the fermentation is completed, it can be taken at any time. During this time, the dirt pit at the bottom of the toilet has almost accumulated again, and so on, forming a perfect waste utilization ecological cycle.

The fermented manure is a very rare organic fertilizer with a variety of nutrients. It can quickly restore soil fertility when sprinkled on farmland, increase crop yields in the coming year, and even feed fish in fisheries.

All in all, the construction of public toilets has both advantages and disadvantages, and it is a long-term consideration for the development and growth of Aurora Village.

Fortunately, the number of these newly joined slaves was large enough, more than 90 young and strong laborers went to battle, felling trees, digging pits, mining stones, relying on the purchased metal farm tools, building sites One day at a time.



While the villagers were busy working on the project, Jialan was learning knowledge in the stone house where Augente lived.

"Teacher, you said that the elves live and depend on nature, and their residence is a tree house with canopy growth, and the dew is collected from the leaves for bathing. What about the filth? They can't be as random as humans, right?"

Thinking of Aurora Village spending a lot of manpower and material resources to build public toilets, Jialan couldn't help but wonder how the wood elves, who are known as pure and forest darlings, dispose of domestic waste.

Facing Jialan's question, the gray-bearded Auguste chuckled.

"In the forest of elves, my people will raise a small animal that feeds on rotten filth to purify the forest. Moreover, the pure wood elves eat tree fruits, drink nectar, and excrete filth from their bodies. rare.

People like me are even more able to maintain their vitality with magic power, and even save food. "

"Okay, let me check how you're doing with your homework and answer the questions as thoroughly as possible."

"The Racial Patterns of Pangea Mangala..."

"What are the consequences of the battle of the twilight of the gods, please give an example..."

"The origin of magic power, and the nature of energy..."

"How many categories of magic patterns have been discovered, and the number of magic patterns in the natural category..."

"The difference between a magician and a warlock, and how to choose a high-level professional direction for a mage..."

There are many books in Augustant's space ring, most of which are written in Elvish script. The usual study is that Augustante teaches Elven script, while Jialan is reading books by himself.

Hearing the teacher's question, Jialan's expression froze, knowing that this was August's test of his learning achievements during this period, and if he answered badly, he might suffer.

Immediately comprehend it, and answer the question with [-] points of energy.

"Hey, the Mangala Pangea Islands is a dense cluster of islands formed in the east of the plane after the Valoran continent was broken. There are six intelligent races living in this island cluster, namely Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Barbarians. , Fishermen.

In addition to these, there are more than a dozen endangered intelligent races, such as wingmen, tree people, sub-dragons, ogres, crab people..."

"The human race has the largest number, among which the Holy See of the Holy Light is the richest, the Vauxas soldiers are the most powerful, and the Ionina Alliance has the largest population. These three forces occupy [-]% of the islands of the Pangea Islands."

"The elves are located on Hengdao in the middle of Yamashisu, and they have a neutral attitude..."

"The dwarves are located in the mineral-rich Silverspear Mountain Islands. They are good at smelting castings and belong to one of the members of the Io Alliance..."

While listening to the answer, Auguste sipped the tea and nodded from time to time to signal Jialan to continue.

"The battle of the gods directly led to the fall of a large number of gods, and the divine power in their bodies dissipated in the plane, gradually lost control, and was detonated by the subsequent battle of gods.

Because that war took place in the holy mountain of Tunguska, it was called the Tunguska explosion by later generations.

The Tunguska explosion also officially brought an end to the battle of the gods. "

"very good."

Augente glanced at Jialan approvingly, and asked, "Which two gods caused the explosion that day?"

"'s the God of Light and...Mom of the Moon."

Mother of the Moon is the god of the moon and also the god of elves. This topic is very sensitive to Oguente, who is the elder of the elves. Jialan doesn't know why the teacher specifically mentioned it.

"That's right, in the explosion that spread across the entire continent, Mother Moon was severely injured, she fell into a deep sleep in an unknown place, lost her protection, and the elves completely lost two bloodlines in the ensuing tens of thousands of years of submersion. "

"Teacher, you are a wood elf, what are the two lost branches?" Jialan asked.

Auguste went to the window, recalling the records he saw from the ancient books.

"One is the blood of the orthodox royal family, named high elves. Just like the name, their innate arrogance makes them look down on even the giant dragon. They consider themselves the center of the world, and regard honor as life. Although the disaster is approaching, the nobleness flowing in their bones They are not allowed to take half a step back."

"So, they quickly became extinct..."

"The other one is the night elves. They are rare and mysterious. It is said that they are the offspring of the mother of the moon, and possess all kinds of incredible power in the moonlit night."

"Mother of the Moon's heir? Why do you say that?"

What Auguste said now was not in the books given to him at all, and his curiosity drove him to find out.

"That's because the birth of night elves is unusual, and they appear among newborn elves with a very low probability. Their skin is born with lavender patterns, and the patterns gradually deepen and spread all over their bodies as they grow up, turning into dark purple.

Adult night elves have purple pupils, can see through any hidden objects, and can communicate with spirits. It is said that the high priests of the elves in ancient times were all served by night elves. "

"So that's the case. If this is the case, it shouldn't be considered extinct. After all, it can be born from ordinary elves."

Auguste smiled wryly, "Yes, but do you know how long it has been since there were no night elves in today's elves? In ten thousand years, there have been more than a dozen generations of elves, but not even a night elf has been born. Maybe Mother Moon..."

He didn’t say the final guess, even if Auguste told him now that the search for the fire of salvation is out of selfishness and has nothing to do with the life and death of other intelligent races, he can fully understand the teacher’s mood, after all, shouldering the burden of race survival is everyone The responsibility of the strong elves.

"Let's stop here today, I'm a little tired." Auguste issued an order to evict the guest.

"Yes, the teacher rests earlier."

Jialan nodded, saluted respectfully, and then got up to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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