Chapter 1 The Baron Lord
On a luxurious big bed, there were beads of sweat on the forehead of a teenager who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, his dry lips opened and closed, and sleepy sounds could be heard from time to time.

The young man wanted to open his eyes, but he heard a language that he could understand although he couldn't identify the language.

"The young master is awake, that's great. Thank God Norns."

A girl dressed in a maid costume stood by the bed, weeping with joy.

At this time, the old man next to him yelled, "Irene, how many times have I told you, you should be called Lord Young Master now!"

"Mr. Egbert, yes, I'm sorry, I will remember." The maid named Irene seemed to be very afraid of the old man, because Egbert was the housekeeper of the house, and he had been serving the old man since his ancestors. The family of teenagers on the bed is now the fourth generation.

Egbert stared at the girl for a while, sighed, and then looked at the boy, the worry in his eyes disappeared a bit, and the boy's awakening eased his uneasiness a little.

"My lord, are you better? I have ordered someone to cook some meat and it will be served later." Egbert said softly with a kind look on his face.

Ron, who just opened his eyes, was dumbfounded.

Everything in front of me is so strange.

After three seconds, he made up his mind.

I have crossed over.

Facing Egbert's inquiries, he was as witty as he, knowing that the best way to deal with it now is to say less, do less, and watch more.

Feeling panicked, Ron nodded sullenly, then closed his eyes, he was afraid that the people present would see something in his eyes.

Seeing that Ron didn't want to say more, Egbert sighed and said in a low voice: "Master and Mrs. passed away unfortunately. I know the young master is heartbroken, but the glory of the Arnold family and the people of the territory need your courage and courage." wisdom."

"Right now, you are the only legal heir to the barony. If you don't stand up, who else can?"

"...Cheer up, my lord."

Egbert said some encouraging words, and then led everyone in the house to leave the room. There were still many government affairs in the territory that he needed to deal with. Before leaving, he told Irene to prepare food, and wait for the young master to eat before serving.

Hearing the closing of the door, Ron opened his eyes slightly, and he was greatly relieved when he confirmed that he was the only one left in the room.

"Fuck! It's really worn!"

Ron's heart was pounding, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Now all kinds of doubts are constantly popping up in his mind, such as why he traveled through time, those people just now looked like foreigners from the West in the Middle Ages, how could he understand their words, and he seemed to be able to communicate normally look.

The most, most important thing is myself... No, it should be the name of the owner of this body.

"According to what the old man said, he is the heir of Baron 'Arnold' family, and he is the only one."

According to Ron's limited knowledge, the titles of Western countries are divided from high to low: Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, and Baron.

"Well, the lowest."

Ron held his forehead with one hand, but it was much better than transmigrating into an ordinary citizen. The noble status is noble, and he has everything to worry about in food, clothing, housing and transportation, and there are servants to take care of daily life. I dare not even think about it.

Ron could imagine that the life of Mibug in the future was beckoning to him.

The premise is that his identity as a time traveler has not been revealed.

Facing this question, Ron fell into deep thought, squinted his eyes, and whispered: "It seems that we need to think about how to make the people around us not suspicious."


Not long after, Ron, who was thinking about countermeasures, was startled by a knock on the door. He didn't speak, and quickly lay back on the bed, just like before.

The knocking on the door stopped, and Irene pushed the food delivery cart in. Seeing Ron struggling to get up, she hurried over to help him.

"My lord, let me help you."

With the help of Irene, Ron sat on the head of the bed, and added a few more layers of cushions behind him. After that, Irene went to prepare Ron's food. Ron's eyes were on her, his eyes revealing his thoughts.

Irene is a maid in the mansion, she looks younger than Ron, about 14 years old.

She was careful and well-educated as a maid, but her lips were a little fluttering. When Ron was awake, he heard Irene call him master several times, and it was obvious that Egbert had scolded her.

"It seems to be a good source of information." A light flashed in Ron's eyes.

"My lord, what are you talking about?"

Ron was startled, are you a rabbit?Are your ears so sharp?
Irene was ready, and Ron looked at the delicious food in front of him, and he was really hungry, and wanted to eat it, but he must not do this!

Because he doesn't know the nobleman's eating posture, he has no education in this area, and he doesn't know the character of the original owner at all.

This is just the beginning, no mistakes can be made, Ron is a person who pays attention to details.

He didn't do anything, but looked at Irene next to him with a flat look.

Since you can't solve the problem, just give the problem to someone who can solve it, and it will naturally give you the answer you want.

Seeing Ron's gaze, Irene suddenly realized, and said, "Your lord, you have been in a coma for several days. You must have no strength in your body. I will serve you."

As he spoke, he picked up the bowl and spoon and began to feed Ron.

Look, what a caring little maid, Ron was very relieved to find such a good reason.

Afterwards, Ron ate all the food under the service of the maid Irene, and experienced the noble life of being cared for.

During this period, Ron remained expressionless and silent. It was not until Irene was about to push the cart out that Ron stopped her.


The sound was not loud, but it was just enough for Irene to hear.

Hearing this, Irene was pleasantly surprised that the young master finally spoke. She turned around and asked, "Lord, do you have any other orders?"

Ron lowered his tone and said, "During the time I was unconscious, Territory, are you okay?"

With a slightly hoarse and deep voice, one can tell that the speaker has hidden worries in his heart.

When Irene looked at the young master who pretended to be 'strong', her heart began to ache.

Sure enough, as Ron expected, he immediately told him the situation of the territory in detail.

Although the information is messy, Ron can always find the information he needs in it.

"Master, let me tell you, the head maid went out of the house privately the night before yesterday, and she was always sneaky. Ah, I definitely didn't report it because she often cheated us maids."

Irene babbled a lot, and the large amount of disorganized information made Ron feel a headache. He had basically grasped the information of the people in the house. When he woke up, before his body recovered, Ron sent Irene away. Lie back on the bed and collect your thoughts.


In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

During these seven days, Irene was taking care of Ron's daily life. Ron didn't stay in the room all the time, but walked around the mansion. The place he visited most was the study.

Everyone he meets can be matched by Irene's story, which makes him feel that this personal maid is extremely useful, although she has the problem of talking too much.

Ron divided the relationship between the characters in the mansion into three parties.

One, the butler Egbert, the old butler was the highest ranking person in the baron's mansion besides him.

In charge of the government affairs of the territory, after the death of the previous baron, he will manage the territory on his behalf.

The second is the knight.
"My lord, are you going to the study again?"

Ron was walking in the corridor covered with expensive carpets, and saw a group of knights practicing swinging in the backyard. A tall and strong knight's eyes lit up and he shouted at him.

"It turned out to be Abel."

This knight is the 'second', named Abel Gay, with a hearty blond hair and a smile on his face. He looks like a warm-hearted uncle.

According to what Irene said, her force value is very high, and she is the most capable of fighting among this group of knights.

"Lord, would you like to stay and see our training results." Abel looked at him expectantly, like a golden retriever.

"Abel, I have a very important thing to go to the study now, next time, definitely next time."

What's so interesting about a group of men training, Ron declined and walked away.

On the way to the study room, you can see maids cleaning, and the third one who manages them is the head maid 'Elva'.

Compared to the housekeeper Egbert and Cavalier Captain Abel Gay who are often seen in the mansion, they will often come to greet him.

And this head maid, Ron only met once, which is very abnormal. The only meeting gave Ron a very strange feeling, but I can't tell, maybe it has something to do with her often sneaking out.

Ron paid close attention to that.

Not long after, Ron pushed open the study door and casually ordered to Irene, "Go get ready."

Erin was moved by the sound, and prepared desserts and coffee for Ron in the study.

During this period of time, Ron has gradually adapted to his new identity. Although there are more or less differences in his words and deeds before and after, anyone who has experienced the blow of losing his parents and bears the burden of the entire territory will not be able to bear the burden of the entire territory. Some changes are justified.

This is also the reason why Ron often sneaks into the study. Apart from collecting information, he also avoids too much contact with people and creates a smooth transition period.

But he had to contact others, and Ron mastered the middle point very skillfully.

Ron opened a book. He had never seen the words on it, but he knew them all and could read and write them.

"The Three Great Empires of the Osna Continent, the Kingdom of Carlo."

Ron read softly, and heaved a long sigh. These strange names made him understand that he came to a different world, not a certain period of time in the past history.

He looked carefully, and found that there were three major empires on the continent of Osna, among which the baronial land belonged to the Kingdom of Carlo, a subordinate country of the Olivia Empire, one of the three major empires.

The Kingdom of Carlo is located in a barren area with a weak national strength and a small population. It is very inconspicuous in the Olivia Empire. It belongs to the kind of kingdom that is not beneficial even if it is attacked.

And the barony is in the 'countryside' of the Carlo Kingdom, which can be said to be the best of the best.

However, this is all relative to the entire Olivia Empire. Compared to other baronial territories in the Carlo Kingdom, is it not bad?
Ron shook his head and didn't bother much about it.

He roughly read through these books, but he didn't find any information about his name. Yes, he has been looking for his name for a week. . .

If you don't look for it, you don't know, there is not even a letter or object that proves your name in the entire mansion.

Simply outrageous.

Ron held his forehead and thought, "If only there was something that could know my name."

The next moment, a transparent screen appeared in front of his eyes.

This is? !
(End of this chapter)

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