Chapter 120 Electric Man, Frank

Sig was able to defeat the fifth-level black mage at the third level, and now he is a fourth-level knight, and his strength is even stronger than before. Anthony will inevitably have a whim.

"I haven't played, I don't know."

Sig shook his head and did not give a definite answer.

Everyone didn't talk much on this topic, and Reagan put on the blindfold again and entered the medical hall together with Jeff.

As soon as the two came in, they were stunned at the same time when they saw Frank's miserable appearance, and they were even more stunned after hearing White's explanation.

Ignoring the strange expressions of the two, Dr. White warned: "Mr. Frank, your external injuries are very easy to treat. You only need to soak in the potion I prepared, plus your physique, and you will be cured within three days. But the serious thing is inside you, which takes more time to heal and recuperate."

He paused, and continued: "Although I don't know what training method you used, I advise you to stop."

Afterwards, when Frank was carried back by the crowd, White looked back and shook his head.

Based on his experience in treatment, the kind of injury Frank suffered would have killed an ordinary professional. Thanks to his own strong body, he was able to resist it.

"Doctor White."

Jeff yelled, and White didn't think about it anymore, and immediately entered the healing state to check up on Reagan.

This is not the first time he has checked Reagan, because it is the first time White has encountered such a 'case', so he needs to determine the treatment method and the herbal medicine prepared, and prescribed some medicines several times before.

After a while, he asked about the other party's feelings, Reagan answered them one by one, and finally White came to the conclusion, "There is a special power remaining in your body, and it is because of this power that your strength has declined. However, I I have found a way to get rid of the special power left in your body."

Hearing this, Reagan showed joy, and immediately wanted to thank him, but White said: "To completely cure it, you need a lot of precious herbs. Others are fine, as long as you have enough gold coins, you can buy them, but there is one thing. It cannot be measured in gold coins."

The hearts of the two sank, not to mention the unknown and immeasurable herbal medicine, even those that can be bought with gold coins, he has no money.

When Reagan and Jeff were at a loss, White said again: "Fortunately, you are lucky, I just know where the last one is."

Hearing this, Reagan widened his eyes and asked, "Where is it?"

"In the lord's vegetable garden." White said in a pilgrimage-like tone, not to Ron, but to the vegetable garden full of hundreds of rare plants!

Reagan was confused, vegetable garden?


The fact that Frank was injured by his own strength finally reached Ron's ears.

When he asked the specific reason, he seemed very speechless.

The cause of the matter is very simple. It is no secret why Sig is strong. The knights of the round table all asked him how to become stronger——

Use the extremely hot temperature to temper your body and develop a physique far surpassing that of monsters!

This way of becoming stronger is only suitable for Sig himself. Others do not have such power, but Frank is an exception. He was given the power of [Thunder Envoy] by Ron and can use the power of thunder and lightning.

Ron also told him his understanding of thunder and lightning, and Frank imitated Sieg's way of becoming stronger, using the power of thunder and lightning to temper his body.

It was very smooth at the beginning, and Frank could clearly feel that he was getting stronger quickly, but then something happened, his body couldn't bear the power of thunder and lightning, and every time he used thunder and lightning to temper, it was very painful, but he continued Stick to it.

Hence, what happened later.The power went berserk, and I was almost caught by myself.

Ron was silent, and Thomas, who was called by him to inquire about the situation, was very nervous. If the lord wanted to punish Frank, he couldn't say anything, and he could only blame Frank for taking the blame.

Being endowed with such powerful power by the lord, he actually hurt himself, it would be embarrassing to say it!

They all use their own strength to temper their bodies, but the results are completely different.

There are several uncertain thoughts in Ron's mind. One is that the power of thunder and lightning is too strong. If you exercise your body in this way for a long time, it will have too much negative impact.

The second is that Frank's strength has improved some time ago, and Thunder's strength has also been strengthened, but his body can't keep up.

In other words, Frank was unable to fully control the power of Thunder and Lightning, causing the power to go berserk.

There were many other possibilities, and Ron didn't know which ones, but this never happened to Seager.

He remembered that at the beginning, he ordered Sig to assist Irene in making popsicles every day. Perhaps it was because of this experience that Sig mastered the ability to control the temperature proficiently.

Moreover, although Sig uses the extreme inflammation attribute to temper his body, he can also use the extreme cold attribute at the same time. Under the balance of yin and yang, there is no problem.

The two phases confirmed that Ron felt that this might be the answer.

"My lord, I'm going to punish Frank now!" Seeing Ron's silence for too long, Thomas couldn't help but said.

"People are like that, you still want to punish?"

Ron stared, and Thomas felt relieved when he heard his words. In fact, he didn't want to punish Frank, but he was not sure what Ron was thinking, and he didn't dare to speculate.

"I'll go see him."

Ron thought for a while and stood up. Thomas immediately followed after hearing this. After a while, the two appeared in the headquarters building of the Knights of the Round Table.

Except for a few people who went out to perform tasks, the rest of the Knights of the Round Table came to salute Ron after hearing the news.

Ron nodded slightly. Under the leadership of Marvin, a group of people came to Frank's room. Frank was very excited when he saw the lord's arrival, but Ron stopped him when he wanted to stand up and salute.

Under the herbal medicine prepared by Dr. White, Frank's injury has improved a lot. At least the dead skin on the surface of the skin has fallen off and new ones have grown. It looks like people have turned a lot whiter.

Ron was about to reach out to touch Frank, and everyone was taken aback for a moment, exclaiming, "Your lord, no!"


As soon as Ron put his hand on it, a bolt of lightning like a silver snake emerged from Frank's body and wrapped around his fingers.

At this moment, not only the people behind, but even Frank himself turned pale with fright.

And Ron seemed to be fine, raised his eyebrows and raised his hand to observe, and soon the lightning dissipated.

When I came back to my senses, I noticed the faces of everyone, and smiled, "This little strength can't hurt me, so don't be nervous."

The double beads were tied in his hair, and the [absolute defense] carried by him can resist all damage and negative effects.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, as long as the lord is fine.

After seeing Frank's situation in person, Ron frowned, knowing that his condition was much worse than expected.

If this continues, Frank's body may collapse and disintegrate, turning into lightning particles.

Beside, Thomas saw the lord's expression, felt a sudden in his heart, and asked cautiously, "Lord, is Frank's condition serious?"

Ron looked up and glanced at them, and he saw worry in everyone's eyes.

He pondered for a moment, explained in words they could understand, and said, "Now Frank's power has been stimulated, but he can't control it himself. The lightning power is accumulating in his body."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and Ron's voice continued.

"Everyone's physique is different, but they all have a limit. Once this limit is touched, it will be dangerous."

Brush brush.

As soon as Ron finished speaking, the Knights of the Round Table knelt on the ground, everyone's face was full of seriousness, and Thomas said: "Please, my lord, save Frank."

Although this request is absurd, everyone firmly believes that the lord is omnipotent!

"Get up, I'll do it naturally."

Ron raised his hand slightly, and a branch with three leaves appeared out of thin air. The leaves were pink in color, and everyone saw that it was a branch of the Miracle tree.

The Knights of the Round Table are all people trusted by Ron, and the favorability of all members is above 98 points, so there is no need to cover up the use of storage methods.

This three-leaf branch is the entry item that Ron picked up. The Mirakel tree is a blue-quality item, but the branches that drop from it are only white items, so there is only one entry slot.

However, he was very lucky, and found a very useful entry, that is, healing.

——【Sweet Heart Lozenges (Green): Leaves with magical healing power, you can feel the sweetness as long as you put it in your mouth, the deeper you feel, the better the healing effect】

Ron picked off a pink leaf, stuffed it into Frank's mouth, and said, "Keep it in your mouth, don't chew it."

Frank nodded vigorously.

Then, Ron handed the branch with two leaves left to Marvin, and said, "It can heal the wound on the body, but it can't completely solve Frank's problem. After he recovers from the injury, release all the lightning power in his body." , once the physical damage is unbearable, give him another piece of this leaf."

"Yes, my lord."

In the process of Ron's order, Frank's face improved visible to the naked eye, and his expression was also a sweet smile.

"Did you find that Frank's smile is a little disgusting? I have goosebumps."

A small voice sounded in the room.

Thomas glared at the person who said this. He thought it was Anthony, but it was Cliff who said it. He remembered that Anthony had a mission to go out today.

Then Ron said a few more things to pay attention to, and left without waiting long.

After all, he is not a professional, this method can only be said to treat the symptoms but not the root cause, the power of lightning is extremely fierce, if you want to not be hurt by your own power, you can only rely on Frank to control his own power.

On the way back, Ron was lost in thought. Seeger and Frank also had purple entries, but the difference between them was visible to the naked eye.

It can be seen that there is a huge difference between the same quality of purple entries, even so, the worst purple entries are much better than blue entries.

The next day.

When Ron was dealing with official business, he received a special document with the name 'Jeff' on the applicant at the end.

Logically speaking, Jeff is a guest in the baron's mansion and does not have any position, so he has no right to submit documents to him.

But considering that he has made great contributions to the construction of the territory, those stones are the result of Jeff's daily work, and the other side begged hard, so Joyce finally placed this special document on the lord's desk superior.

At this time, Joyce was standing aside. Ron waved his hand and said, "You've done a good job. It's not easy to refuse. I didn't expect to ask for that thing, and I don't know how it looks now."

From the application documents, Ron already knew the cause and effect. In order to cure Reagan's illness, a special herbal medicine was needed. It was not accurate to say that it was a herbal medicine, but a fruit.

And that fruit was also the second fruit that Ron got from Ms. Monica, named Passion Flame Fruit.

Unexpectedly, it was such a cherished fruit. Ron was amazed. He remembered that Ms. Monica once said that she had eaten three fruits from her grandmother, and now there is a third one that I don't know what it is.

But according to the preciousness of the first two, the third one is naturally not bad. Thinking of this, Ron even looked forward to it.

After finishing his official duties, Ron went to the vegetable garden. Before he got close, he heard the group of plant experts whispering, and he couldn't hear what they were talking about.

"Have you heard? Colin from the construction group has resigned. Does he plan to return to Alfred?"

"I've known it for a long time. Not only him, but most of the others have also sent a letter of resignation to Lord Marquis, and I'm about to write it too."

"What, even you."

"Hey, are you doing this to the Marquis?" One person said dissatisfied, as if he was criticizing everyone.

And the other person sneered, "Do you want me to dig out the resignation letter you hid under your pillow?"

"Hey, you found out." The man smiled awkwardly.

"It's Lord Lord!"

I don't know who yelled, and everyone turned their heads to look, and then swarmed up to say hello to Ron.

Ron responded briefly, and then explained his purpose.

Hearing that the lord came to ask about the passion fruit, everyone looked at me and looked at you.

It's interesting to say that they still know the name of the passion fruit from Ron. These plant experts have never seen this kind of fruit, at least not in the Kingdom of Carlo and the nearby kingdoms.

So they don't know how to plant this fruit, they can only let it grow, at most, pay more attention to it, maybe because the soil quality is good, the growth of passion fruit is not a problem.

"what happened?"

Ron asked suspiciously.

A famous expert took out a notebook, leaned forward and said, "My lord, it's like this. We don't know the characteristics of the Passion Flame Fruit, so we have been observing and recording these days for future use."

Ron understood the meaning of his words, took the notebook and looked at it, it was a detailed and clear document.

Returning the notebook, he asked, "According to your experience, how long does it take to mature? Actually, a friend of mine is sick and needs to use this fruit as medicine."

They answered this question very quickly.

"Return to Lord Lord, according to this growth rate, it will take at least four months."

Four months?

Ron nodded, chatted with the experts about plants for a while, and then left.

Reagan, who lived in the blacksmith's workshop, received the message quickly. Jeff was happy for him and said, "That's great, Reagan."

"Yes, I will recover in four months. After all these years, I can afford to wait." Reagan also smiled.

Seeing the happy faces of the two, Hadey smiled, then turned and entered the workshop. He received an order from the lord himself to complete a big thing as soon as possible.


Five days later.

The headquarters building of the Knights of the Round Table, a newly built special building next to it, why should it be described as special?

Because this is a large magic tool jointly produced by Hardy and Harvey!

It's not a magic item, but a wizard!
Frank was brought here, and Marvin told him, "This is where you will train from now on. The lord said that you still can't fully control your own strength, and you need to practice more."

"I'm giving you trouble."

Frank looked guilty, and then walked into the building under the eyes of everyone, and the door was closed with a bang.

The space inside is large, without any decoration, and metal sheets are pasted on the surrounding walls.

Frank heard from Marvin that how to train is to fully release the power of lightning in his body.

Because his power was fully stimulated, Frank would accumulate a lot of lightning power in his body every once in a while, and he had to release it so as not to endanger himself.

This kind of accumulation process will also make the body feel 'tired' if it goes on for a long time, and it will be damaged.

The sweetheart lozenges have been consumed, and Ron cannot specify to spawn such entries, and those defensive entry items have no effect on this situation.

Dr. White's treatment is also difficult to be effective. In the final analysis, Frank's condition is not a real injury, but a conflict between body and strength.

Outside, everyone gathered around the building, and Hadey was also here. He came to check the magic device, and if there was any problem, he could repair it immediately.

Suddenly, there was a violent crackling sound inside. It was the sound of thunder and lightning hitting the wall.

"He started."

Everyone started chatting, and Sig said: "This power is very close to the fourth level."

Hearing his words, the others were astonished. Frank became so powerful after fully mobilizing his strength?
But Hardy only focused on other issues. He looked up at Harvey and said, "It seems that we need to continue to strengthen it."

"Well, the energy-absorbing magic circle I depicted in it seems to be a bit unbearable. I'll go and have a look when Frank comes out later."

Hadey clicked his tongue twice, and said: "Thunder can produce fire. If I can use this thunder fire to smelt those extremely hard ores, it will be much easier for me to forge."

When Harvey heard his words, various thoughts appeared in his mind. He smiled and said, "Then let me connect an energy supply conduit to your workshop."

The headquarters of the Knights of the Round Table is to the west of the mansion, and the blacksmith workshop is also to the west. The distance between the two is less than [-] meters, which can be said to be very close.

"That's great."

Hearing this, Hadey was overjoyed.

 The layout of the baron's mansion.

  On the far left, the blacksmith workshop and the headquarters of the Knights of the Round Table.

  On the right, the inner lake of the mansion, the four-color leaf season forest, and the alchemy workshop.

(End of this chapter)

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