Chapter 155 Fairy
One person and one dragon sat down in the small pavilion. On the table was a plate of delicious dragon meat with a fragrant aroma.

Erin put food and drinks on the table. Behind Ron, Abel and Diana looked at Nidhogg warily.

"Go down and don't let anyone disturb me and Lord Nidhogg."

Ron said to Diana, with such a big movement happening here, other people must be coming here. The black dragon in front of them is at least level seven or above. It is useless for them to come, and they may also attract Ned. Hogg was unhappy.

On the other hand, just now Nidhogg turned into a human form, and the witch power representing Diana was ineffective against him, and the other party obviously didn't like the witch, so it was right to let Diana leave.

"Yes, my lord."

Diana bowed and left.This scene made Nidhogg's expression change slightly, and he looked deeply at Ron.

"Your Excellency, please have a taste."

Ron said enthusiastically, and Nidhogg did not refuse. In the dragon family's concept, sharing food is a proof of friendship.

Although he didn't think the human in front of him was qualified to be friends with him, this time he broke the contract first, and he had to show something.

Coupled with the fact that the other party had a good attitude and was not as arrogant as Lilith, Nidhogg felt relieved in his heart.

Nidhogg picked up the knife and fork and was about to taste the food, when Xiaobai called out from beside him, his voice carrying a hint of urgency and sadness.

"Oh~ Xiaobai, I will make you another dish later, please don't offend the guests." Irene was startled and quickly comforted her.


Xiaobai barked again, this time with joy in his voice, and wagged his tail at Erin to express his emotions.

Nidhogg put down the knife and fork again, and his eyes finally paid attention to Irene.

As the king of the Dragon Clan, he would not care about the ants that could be feared to death. Even if they were in front of him, he would not take a look at them.

During the previous confrontation, it was only later that I noticed the difference between Abel and Diana.

"It's interesting that the proud Fenrir family would actually listen to a human."

Nidhogg showed an interesting expression. He was not offended. He also heard what Irene said just now. He even shared the dragon meat with Xiaobai, which showed that Xiaobai was not treated harshly.

He cut off a portion of the meat on the plate with a knife, moved his fingers slightly, and a plate containing part of the dragon meat appeared in front of Xiao Bai.

Seeing Nidhogg's behavior, Ron got to know him better. Watching him taste a mouthful of delicious dragon meat, he smiled and said, "Sir, how does it taste? Do you like it to your satisfaction?"

Nidhogg's eyes widened for a moment, but he quickly calmed down. He wiped his mouth elegantly with a napkin and said, "It's indeed good. It ranks among the top ten of all the delicacies I have tasted."

Beside, Eileen pricked up her ears and stared at Nidhogg with twinkling eyes.

Ron chuckled, complimented in an envious tone, continued to lift the other person up, and then pushed the juice drink on the table.

"Sir, this cup is called milk tea. It is a local specialty. I can guarantee that it is not available elsewhere. Would you like to taste it?"

Ron said this deliberately, with a sense of generosity in sharing his treasures.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, Nidhogg did not refuse. He stretched out his hand and the milk tea instantly appeared in his hand. After taking a sip gracefully, he frowned.

"You don't seem to like it?"

Ron asked pretending to be nervous.

"It's okay, but the taste is too bland for me."

"I see. It seems that these fruit drinks are not your favorite. Do you like wine?" Ron asked again.

Nidhogg couldn't be more happy to see the human in front of him taking such good care of himself and being a descendant of the Flame Witch.

He nodded.

Seeing this, Ron told Abel, "Go to Master Hadey and ask for some jars of fine wine. Be sure to choose the best! The best!"

".Yes, my lord."

Abel was startled for a moment, and then he bowed and accepted the order. He knew that the lord's order must have deep meaning in it.

Nidhogg's eyes followed Abel until his back disappeared.

After a long while, he smiled and said: "You are surrounded by some extraordinary beings."

Ron's heart moved. He was not surprised that Diana was revealed to be a witch, but Abel was noticed by Nidhogg. This was worth pondering.

Nidhogg continued: "Witches, people with strange powers, descendants of Fenrir, and a legendary race, elves."


Ron was startled, could it be referring to Sloya?
"Oh? You don't know? He lives in the lake over there. You can feel the moist breath from a long distance away. He should be a fairy of the water clan, and he is also a royal clan."

Perhaps because he was in a good mood, Nidhogg spoke more and gave Ron a lot of information that he didn't know.

"Guest, you are talking about her. Every night she comes to disturb my sleep and says she wants to sign a contract with me. It annoys me to death."

When it comes to Sloya, Irene becomes very angry. Even she has a temper. She accuses Sloya of her 'crimes' like a treasure trove of treasures, "And she bullies Xiaobai every time. Xiaobai bullies Xiaobai every time." You can’t defeat them, and I can’t persuade them.”

Ron: "."

Nidhogg was shocked when he heard Irene's words.

"You said that the goblin wanted to sign a contract with you? And you haven't agreed yet?"

Ron noticed that Nidhogg had a wonderful expression, one of disbelief.

Eileen nodded and said: "Yes, I definitely disagree. She always bullies Xiaobai. I hate her the most."

Nidhogg looked at Erin seriously, then at Xiaobai at her feet, without saying anything else.

At this time, Ron put on a humble posture and asked: "Sir, can you tell me what race the goblins are?"

This time he wasn't lying, but he really wanted to know.

"Elves are the race that loves humans the most. Elves only sign contracts with humans. This is proof."

Nidhogg said slowly, "If the dragon race is the race closest to elemental life, then the goblins themselves are elemental life. They will only show their bodies in front of people they want to get close to. Under normal circumstances, they cannot be Saw it.”

He didn't talk about much information about the goblins, but Ron had some understanding of the goblin race.

Elemental life!

In the concept studied by magicians, the closer to the life of an element, the longer its lifespan.

The dragon race is one of them. They are ancient intelligent beings with powerful wisdom and long vitality far beyond ordinary races.

The lifespan of pure-blood dragons starts at least a thousand years, and can exceed ten thousand years.

The goblins are a very special race. Except for the royal family, they are all very small, no larger than a palm. Because their body size is limited, their lifespans also vary.

Even so, the lifespan is much longer than that of the human race.

"Everyone who signs a contract with a goblin can obtain the power of the goblin and can use the power of the goblin without restriction, without any consumption on his part."

Nidhogg said leisurely, and used his peripheral vision to examine the changes in Irene's expression. Unfortunately, she just listened blankly, without any thoughts.

"If you can make a contract with the Fairy King, you can grow up to be comparable to the Dragon King." Nidhogg said again.

Eileen finally reacted. She picked up a cup of milk tea and placed it in front of Xiao Bai while no one was paying attention.

Nid Hogg: "."

To Ron's ears, goblins are simply model workers. As long as they sign a contract, they will work for you for nothing.

"Mr. Nidhogg, are there many people who have signed contracts with goblins? This is the first time I have heard about goblins."

Ron changed his title and asked doubtfully. "The range of goblins' activities is very small. I remember that the goblins lived in the Dream Forest area 200 years ago, which is probably within the Kazlant Empire of your human country." Nidhogg said.

Within the Kazlant Empire, Ron remembered it in his heart.

"Only those who meet the requirements of fairies can sign a contract. Such people are very rare. People who sign a contract with the Fairy King may only appear once every thousand years. That's why fairies are called a legendary race."

When he said this, Nidhogg glanced at Irene again, and her attention had already gone elsewhere.

Ron knew clearly in his mind that in his opinion, people who signed contracts with goblins had certain characteristics. They did not necessarily need the power of goblins, and those who needed the power of goblins could not see the goblins and could not be recognized by the goblins.

Therefore, there are very few people who sign contracts with fairies.

"I have benefited a lot from Mr. Nidhogg's words."

Ron flattered that he didn't ask any more questions, otherwise the topic would deteriorate, and he had to learn to stop in moderation.

Not long after, Abel came back with several large jars of fine wine and opened the seal. The aroma of the wine was so mellow that Nidhogg took a sip and his eyes lit up.

"This seems to be wine brewed by the dwarves."

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from Mr. Nidhogg. Yes, these fine wines are brewed by Master Hadey of the dwarves." Ron flattered without any trace, without hiding anything.

Nidhogg didn't like fruit drinks, but he loved fine wine, especially the fine wine brewed by the dwarfs, who were experts in brewing and forging. It was his favorite.

But when he drinks, he doesn't taste it carefully like others. He drinks it directly, which is particularly bold and wasteful.

Nidhogg drank all the large bottles of wine and all the food on the table. He stood up with some unfinished thoughts.

"Is Mr. Nidhogg leaving now? Why don't you stay a little longer. It's almost meal time. I'll ask Irene to prepare some of your favorite delicacies, and then go to Master Hadey to ask for some wine."

Ron had a reserved look on his face, which made Eileen wonder. Viscount Gordon had never seen the young master like this when he came.

Hearing this, Nidhogg felt a little moved, but he still shook his head and said: "I've been here long enough, you, you called..."

Nidhogg was a little embarrassed. He had been entertained by the other party, had been friendly with him for so long, and had heard so many kind words from the other party, but he didn't even know the other party's name.

This reflects the arrogant side of the Dragon Clan, who disdain to know all the information about the other party.

But when he asked this, it meant that it caught his eye.

Ron pretended to be surprised and said: "Ron Arnold."

"Well, I remember."

Nidhogg nodded, his eyes fell on Xiaobai, and said: "He should stay here. I will inform his parents when the time comes."

As the king of the black dragon clan, he had already seen that Xiaobai's growth rate was astonishing, he had extremely strong talents, and he had also awakened special abilities that the Fenrir clan did not have, which showed that he had gained many opportunities.

Staying is the best choice for Xiaobai.

"Of course it doesn't matter, please rest assured Mr. Nidhogg."

As Ron spoke, he held a mirror in front of him, shining the light on Nidhogg.

"you are"

Nidhogg was stunned and didn't understand what he meant.

Ron seemed to react and explained: "This is a custom of my family. It is only used when bidding farewell to the most distinguished guests. It means that I have you in my heart! Although I met Mr. Nidhogg not long ago, I think you are the most distinguished guest!”

His tone was sincere, which really benefited Nidhogg. Recalling the losses he suffered at the hands of Lilith, he had the illusion of making money back.


There is a huge difference from that crazy woman. This is the real treatment of the Dragon King.

Nidhogg straightened his body unconsciously, looked at Ron with admiration, and nodded slightly.

"Mr. Nidhogg, you must come tomorrow. I want to continue to entertain you, and there are many things I want to talk to you about."

Nidhogg was a little hesitant to be invited by Ron so enthusiastically, but when he thought about it, he didn't want to break the contract. It was the descendants of Lilith who invited him as a guest. This was different.

"Okay, I'll come back tomorrow."

After thinking about it, Nidhogg showed an elegant smile, and a black light suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The next moment, the man turned into a black dragon. Irene was so frightened that she froze in place.

A piece of information appeared in Ron's mind, and he had confidence in his heart. He said to Nidhogg in the air: "Mr. Nidhogg, can you not let my people notice you? How can they have the right to pay homage to you?" Your form.”

He flattered you with a lie that was easy to see through. Nidhogg didn't care about this at all. Besides, the other party entertained you kindly, and you deliberately tried to intimidate the other party's people. That was not elegant and not the style of a dragon king.

Nidhogg nodded slightly, and in the next moment, he turned into black light and disappeared into the air.

Because the black dragon disappeared, the sky became bright again. Ron exhaled and put away the mirror, and the tension in his heart gradually calmed down.

He is not as calm as he appears, there is still a certain amount of pressure.

"Lord, look here."

Abel pointed to a place on the grass and said. Ron looked over and saw that the grass had turned black, as if he had seen black stones in the Black Valley Forest, which were turned into black mud by Nancy for fertilization.

The dragon's breath that Nidhogg spewed out just now was from here.

At this point, Ron finally understood why there were so many black stones in the Black Valley Forest. It turned out that they were infected by Nidhogg's power and turned into elemental crystals.

Ron withdrew his gaze and gave a serious order: "Don't let anyone get close in the next few days. Let Master Hadyi prepare fine wine, the more the better. He will give him whatever he wants from my vegetable garden."

The raw materials for the wine made by Hadey were all freshly picked from Ron's vegetable garden, so Nidhogg drank it to his heart's content.

"Yes, my lord."

Abel looked solemn, bowed and left. Outside the side yard, Thomas and others were stopped by Diana. After seeing Abel, they hurriedly asked the lord about his situation.

"Lord, it's okay. We'll talk about the specific situation later. Now quietly listen to me convey the Lord's order."

Ron sat back in his chair, frowning and thinking, recalling whether there were any mistakes or omissions when entertaining Nidhogg just now, and whether they aroused the other party's vigilance.

Nidhogg is very familiar with human etiquette, so he understands that each kingdom has different etiquette methods, and any family customs and rules are very reasonable.

It was by taking advantage of this that Ron dared to use the mirror to reflect the prison slave.

It was only the fifth day since it was used on Xiaobai, so it is not considered effective and can be used on Nidhogg again.

After sorting out his thoughts and finding no mistakes, Ron looked at the lake from a distance. He didn't expect that Sloya was a water fairy and a member of the royal family.

However, now is not the time to pay attention to her. Nidhogg must be dealt with. It is really unreasonable for a giant dragon that is at least the seventh level to come to your door and not accept it as a pet.

The next day.

Nidhogg appeared on time in the small booth in the east courtyard, and Ron greeted him with a smile and enthusiasm.

This time, he and Irene were the only ones keeping company. Xiaobai was playing aside, and in the distant lake there was a goblin trembling at the bottom of the lake.

"Mr. Nidhogg, this time it's pan-fried steak. Please taste it."

After serving the food and wine, Nidhogg tasted it elegantly and left with Ron's "sincere" invitation and farewell.

Day three.

“Today’s schnitzel is made with the specialty of my territory, sunflower oil!”

Ron said with a serious expression, which aroused great interest in Nidhogg.

I thought it would continue like this until the last day, but on the fifth day, Nidhogg suddenly became angry.

"Ron, are you hiding something from me? Tell me! What are your hidden intentions!"

Ron's heart trembled, exposed?
(End of this chapter)

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