Chapter 191 Newcomer Adventurer

The Olivia Empire has a history of more than two thousand years since its establishment. It has experienced many major events and is still standing.

Rumor has it that the founding monarch of the Olivia Empire founded the country under the Holy Mountain, and was protected by the Holy Mountain for thousands of years. No one knows what is in the Holy Mountain, and the royal family deliberately conceals it.

There is an endless ice wall there, which the royal family calls the Holy Wall. The palace is backed by the Holy Wall, and the light refracted from the ice wall shines on the entire palace, as if it is bathed in holy light. It is sacred and inviolable.

Ron was walking on the streets of the Empire, recalling the founding history of the Olivia Empire in his mind. There were many books in Joyce's annex, which Joyce had told him intentionally or unintentionally.

Interestingly, Joyce once mentioned that the "Holy Mountain" appeared in an ancient book. At that time, "Holy Mountain" was not called this name. It was the name of the Holy Mountain after the founding of Olivia. It's a bit intriguing.

Without thinking too much, Ron admired the customs and customs of the Imperial Capital. It was undeniable that the Imperial Capital was extremely prosperous and could not be compared to the current Miracle City.

The population capacity of Olivia's imperial capital reached tens of millions, the royal capital of Carlo Kingdom only had 50 to 20 people, and Miracle City only had more than [-] people. There was a huge gap.

After all, Olivia is one of the three great empires, and the Kingdom of Carlo is just a small kingdom in its southern part. It is infinitely more powerful than the Kingdom of Carlo. It is normal for the gap to be huge.

In other words, it is precisely because of this that Ron chose the Olivia Empire as the first stop of his tour. Reagan said that for adventurers, the team is the most important. Keep it simple.

After thinking about it, Ron headed in the right direction to the Adventurer Association to find his adventurer teammates!
at the same time.

Arnold Territory, Knights.

The knights looked at Harvey standing in the magic teleportation array. Knight King Abel said solemnly: "The time is almost up, get ready to teleport. In the next month, the safety of the lord will be left to you."

Harvey nodded solemnly and said: "King of Knights and everyone, don't worry, I will contact you every once in a while."

Under Thomas's detailed arrangements, the Twelve Knights of the Round Table performed a series of safeguards to ensure that there would be no accidents during Ron's travels.

One of them was to keep in touch with the knights who were secretly protecting him. The reason why Harvey was chosen first was because he knew magic and it was much easier to deal with some problems.

In front of everyone's attention, Harvey disappeared into the magic circle.

Then, Abel spoke slowly: "During the Lord's travels, most of the affairs of the Knights were left to his subordinates to train them. Marvin, you are responsible for contacting Harvey, don't miss any important events."

Marvin nodded slightly, "I understand."

"Let Anthony take over next. During this period, you will be familiar with the information sent back by Harvey. You must not expose yourself when secretly protecting the lord."

Albert confessed that he actually wanted to protect him, but unfortunately he couldn't leave Arnold's territory for too long due to his duties.

On the other side, Harvey suddenly appeared in a mansion in the imperial capital. Just as he was about to use magic to find Ron's location, the door to the hall quietly opened and a figure slowly appeared.

Harvey was so frightened by this situation that his heart stopped. Could it be that the lord was aware of their intentions and was waiting here specifically for him?
"Hey, Knight Harvey? Why are you here?"

There was a slightly confused tone in the cold voice, even though it could be judged from the voice alone that the person was of noble status, implying a sense of majesty.

Call ~
Harvey breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the owner of the voice. He bowed slightly and said, "I have met Her Royal Highness."

Amelia's doubts became even greater. A thoughtful look flashed in her eyes, and she tentatively said: "Knight Harvey, you seemed a little nervous just now. Are you worried about something? Maybe I can help."

Naturally, Harvey would not tell the truth, so he found an excuse to drop the topic and said, "Does Her Royal Highness come here often?"

Amelia couldn't be convinced by the crude excuse, but she didn't plan to pursue the question as it would do her no good.

"Not really. I just happened to gather the magic stones to activate the magic circle recently, so I came here. Now it seems that I can save them."

Amelia looked at Harvey and smiled lightly.

Although she is a magician, she does not have enough magic power to activate the long-distance teleportation magic circle. She must rely on magic stones as the source of activation. However, her position in the palace is very embarrassing. It takes a lot of energy for Amelia to gather these magic stones. .

Hearing the words of the princess, Harvey changed. He knew that he could no longer hide it. The lord was no longer in Arnold's territory. Amelia would know it when he went there.

The most important thing was that he did not dare to delay any longer. If something happened to the Lord during this period, Harvey was trembling all over and did not dare to continue thinking about it.

"Your Highness, I'm extremely sorry. Actually, Lord, he..." Harvey briefly recounted the matter.

Hearing this, Amelia was slightly stunned. She suddenly recalled what Vivian had said.

"Your Royal Highness, of course you can change the trajectory of your own destiny, just like we work hard to keep the princess alive. However, some things cannot be changed. For things in the world, there will always be a replacement to make your destiny complete. "

Amelia changed the trajectory of her life through her own means. She no longer needed to escape from the palace and could not meet Ron as an adventurer.

So, who will be the replacement?

"His Royal Highness."

While Amelia was stunned, Harvey called out.

"I'll go with you." Amelia came back to her senses and said firmly.

Harvey hesitated for a moment and then agreed. The most important thing now was to find the Lord, and other things could be put aside.


Imperial City, Adventurers Association.

After asking passers-by, Ron took some time to find this place. He stood at the door and looked at it. The Adventurers Association in the Imperial City was also a branch. It was indeed very large, but it was slightly smaller in style and momentum than the Adventurers Association in Miracle City. insufficient.

According to Lun, the Adventurers Association is headquartered in the Alexander Empire, located south of the continent.

At this time, there were many adventurers in the association, doing various things. Some were drinking and chatting, some were gathered around the task board looking for suitable team tasks, and some were consulting the receptionist.

The latter are mostly clients or new adventurers.

Ron looked around, walked up to a receptionist, explained his purpose and handed over his adventurer's certificate.

The receptionist was obviously stunned for a moment. He took the adventurer's certificate with both hands and placed it on a special device. All the information recorded on the adventurer's certificate was displayed.

Adventurer: Nicholas Zhaosi
Adventure level: F level

Occupation: None
Level F is the lowest level for adventurers, and it is also the upper limit for those without extraordinary powers.

The receptionist was still wondering that the boy in front of her had an extraordinary temperament and was not like a child from a poor background. When she saw the F-level and the vacant career, a trace of regret flashed across her face.

"Sir, I'm very sorry. With your adventure level and lack of occupation, you cannot join a normal adventure party."

The receptionist patiently explained again that being non-professional means not being an extraordinary person. The average adventure team will not want such ordinary people, unless it is a bad team that needs a cannon fodder role.

The receptionist was able to explain this to Ron clearly because, in addition to his duty, he also didn't want to see the handsome young man lose his life in vain.

After listening to the receptionist's explanation, Ron looked astonished. This was something Reagan didn't mention. After all, Reagan didn't think Ron had no career, so it was impossible no matter what he thought.

"No need to worry."

Ron chuckled, and he quickly thought of a countermeasure, and then said: "Actually, I am an endowment magician, but for some reasons I did not record it."

He is now at the second level of Dou Qi and the first level of magic. Naturally, he is traveling as a magician in his plan. Forming a team is much easier and more convenient.

Magicians are also classified into categories, and magicians can use a variety of strengthening magic. Gerald is a third-level magician who can not only apply strengthening magic on weapons and armor, but can also use it on people to temporarily increase combat power.

To put it simply, imparting magic is to give people buffs, an important auxiliary role.

The receptionist's eyes fell on Ron's hands. The magician didn't have a wand?

Ron naturally noticed her gaze and didn't pay too much attention. He smiled and said: "I don't need to lie about this. Doesn't the association have a process for certifying professions? Let's arrange it."

"Sorry, the date has been scheduled for three days. You need to wait for a while before your certification process can be processed." The receptionist apologized.

Ron suddenly realized that this was the imperial capital. There were so many adventurers that it was unimaginable, and there were even more powerful people hiding there.

You may not meet a fifth-level powerhouse even if you stay in a small place for a few years, but if you stay in the imperial capital for a while, you might be able to meet a legendary powerhouse.

Three days is not a long time. Ron filled in the information and told the receptionist that he would come back in three days.

He did not leave immediately, but sat down somewhere in the association hall, watching the adventurers interact and looking for a suitable team among them.If we can find a better adventure team, we don't have to wait three days in vain.

Just as he was thinking this, a thin man came forward, looked Ron up and down without concealment, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Boy, are you a newbie who has just registered as an adventurer? Do you want to find an adventure team? "

Without waiting for Ron to answer, the thin man sat down next to him familiarly. Ron looked at him with indifferent eyes, and the man suddenly trembled inexplicably.

"Are you going to tell me how great your team is and give me, a newcomer, a chance to join as long as you pay 10 silver coins?"

Ron said slowly, this is what Reagan calls the scam for new adventurers. The thing about joining is naturally true, but it is just to help these guys carry their bags. If you are unlucky, the money will be spent and the people will be gone.

After the words fell, the man's pupils shrank and he opened his mouth and said, "Now you have to pay 30 silver coins. No, you are not a newcomer. Sorry to bother you."

The man left decisively, and Ron watched with his own eyes as he went to the other side of the hall, talking to a strong man and pointing vaguely here.

Ron looked bored and continued to secretly observe the adventure team. Generally, the profession of the adventurer could be inferred from the adventurer's attire. Those wearing heavy armor were generally considered to be warriors. From his game perspective, he understood them as front row and human shields.

The light-robed adventurers holding magic wands may be combat magicians, or they may be auxiliary healing magicians.

There is another type that is easy to distinguish, and that is the priests of the church.Their clothing is relatively uniform, symbolizing the followers of 'God', and there are obvious church symbols on their clothes.

Other professions are very free. They dress up differently according to their own habits, and it is impossible to tell them specifically.

Ron set his sights on teams with priests, and teams with healing teammates were naturally his first choice.Moreover, since a priest believes in gods, he shouldn't be able to betray his teammates, right?
Relatively speaking, this kind of team with priests is also particularly difficult to enter. Ron feels that since he is taking risks as a magician and can use enhanced magic, he should have a better chance than others.

Just when he was thinking about how to talk to the team he was looking for, the thin man from before came over with his teammates, and they all gathered around.

The strong man at the head said with a smile: "Boy, you are not from the Imperial City, I can tell from your clothes. It is not easy to become a qualified adventurer, and you will be able to meet us for the rest of your life." Luckily, we’ll help you.”

The others stared at him eagerly, but Ron looked at him coldly, showing no fear.The adventurers at the next table all looked like they were watching the show and had no intention of helping. This was the basic quality of a senior adventurer.

Helping others doesn't do you any good.

Ron said indifferently: "I'd better forget about the help I got from giving you 30 silver coins."

The strong man shook his head and said with a determined expression, "No, no, no, you misunderstood, it's 10 gold coins!"

"Oh? Do you think I can get 10 gold coins?"


The burly man was extremely certain and had some discernment. Ron gave him a high look.

These people in front of me are undoubtedly the low-level adventurers that Reagan calls them. Although they are weak in strength, they have sharpened their ruthless vision and mastered extraordinary means of survival in the process of hard work.

Ron: "Get out of here while I'm in a good mood."

The people around him suddenly changed their expressions. The strong man sneered and left with a group of people. They were not stupid enough to take action in the Adventurers Association.

Later, Ron tried to recommend himself to join the team, but when he showed his adventure level, everyone chose to refuse.

Is the F class so inhumane?
These people really have no vision, it’s okay if they don’t join this team!

Ron left the Adventurers Association in a disgruntled mood. After walking for a while, several bugs followed behind him.

Know who it is without thinking too much.

He suddenly felt that some people really didn't know how to live or die. As an adventurer, these things were inevitable, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

"Boy, you have nowhere to run, right?"

The burly man and his companions blocked Ron in a dead end of an alley, each holding a weapon in their hands and looking fierce.

Ron looked indifferent: "Oh, there is no way but you."

Seeing that the lamb waiting to be slaughtered was still looking calm and composed, the thin man's heart tightened and he couldn't help but said: "Let's forget it, this kid is a little evil."

"Humph, are you scared? Don't take any advantage later, just get out of here." The strong man snorted with great disdain.

The thin man trembled all over and began to waver. The hand holding the weapon trembled, as if he was struggling to make a decision.

The rest of the companions responded and couldn't wait any longer. Someone asked: "Boss, how should we deal with this kid?"

"Tie them up and take them outside the city."

Before the strong man finished speaking, he flew out upside down and landed on the ground. His chest was visibly dented, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He tilted his head to the side and died.


The others were so frightened by this scene that their hands and feet began to shake uncontrollably.

"Your plan is too troublesome, why not follow my method? This is where your bones will be buried."

Ron's voice was emotionless, as relaxed and casual as squeezing a few ants to death.

However, it was his attitude that frightened everyone so much that some even turned around and ran away, only to die tragically on the spot the next second.

Wails and screams intertwined, and the image of a card suddenly stopped. In just a short moment, only the thin man was left.

He didn't make a sound from the beginning. He was trembling and froze in place. Only the slightly twitching eyelids could confirm that he was still awake.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and several knights in uniforms appeared. Seeing the scene in front of them, they suddenly became angry.

Ron's face straightened and he said, "Actually, I can explain."

"Take down the prisoner!"

At the command, the knights swarmed over.

Without hesitation, Ron chose to run away. If the thin man died, he could still get away with it by relying on the fact that he had no evidence to prove it, but he could only run away if he was still alive.

After all, there is no word for self-defense in the laws of the Olivia Empire.

Ron found that no matter how he ran away, he couldn't escape the knights chasing behind him. There were many third-level powerhouses among these people, which was really terrifying.

These characters are just knights on daily patrols?It deserves to be the imperial capital.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of it, Ron's eyes flashed slightly and he activated the fourth item of his twin beads - Fallen Angel Wings and Jet Black Wings.Then he disappeared in front of everyone, leaving the chasing knights stunned, at a loss as to what to do.

In addition to them, Harvey and Amelia were also following. They had different expressions. Harvey's body began to shake, and his eyes were staring at the group of knights as if they were dead people. Amelia noticed his intention in advance and quickly stopped him. .

"Knight Harvey, please control your emotions. They are patrol guards in the imperial capital. Everyone has their identity information registered. We cannot conflict with each other."

This sentence had no effect, and Amelia said helplessly: "You are secretly protecting Baron Arnold, you cannot expose yourself, and he should be fine now."

After hearing this, Harvey gradually calmed down and used magic to determine the location of the lord. He raised his hand and pointed to a place and said: "Although it is a little blurry, I can be sure that the lord is there."

Amelia turned her head to look, and then her expression changed.

at the same time.

After Ron was randomly teleported, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. He immediately looked around and felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

When the picture in his mind gradually reflected the scene in front of him, a beautiful voice that could not be described in words came to his ears.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

Ron turned his head with a stunned expression, because he knew the person in front of him very well.

 5000 words.Not much.

(End of this chapter)

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