Chapter 20 Melitia Arnold

Tabitha is not her original name, she was originally a prostitute who was bought because of her good looks.

Tabitha originally thought she could live a good life, but unexpectedly she entered the den of thieves again. The person who bought her ordered Tabitha and Benden to cooperate to gain the trust of the baron and achieve a certain purpose.

As for the purpose, the man did not tell her.

Egbert frowned and said, "So this woman is just a cover. If you really want to ask something, you still have to get it from that man."

Thomas nodded, "I asked Tabitha, the man who bought her kept his face covered, so he didn't know the truth."

"So cautious, maybe it's someone we know."

Egbert's eyes moved slightly, "Go and see Mr. Abel, I hope there is good news."

The two came to another room, and before they entered, they heard Benden's screams and the sound of bones breaking.

"Have you asked?"

Abel shook his head and said, "He still refuses to say who the instigator is, but the rest of the matter has been clarified."

Benden wailed, "I've told you everything I know, what else do you want?"

"That person has never shown his face. I really don't know who he is! However, I can be sure that he is a nobleman. He wears good clothes, and he is definitely not a commoner!"

Ignoring Benden's cry, Abel said to Egbert: "Benden is not his real name. He was originally doing some 'black things' in Gunnar Town. A man found him and gave him a lot of money. And showed him a letter, asking him to come to the baron's mansion to perform a play."

Abel told Egbert in detail about the information he got from Benden.

"Letter? What's inside, tell me every word!" Egbert noticed a detail, and then looked at Benden.

Ben Deng quickly said, "It's a letter from the illegitimate son of the baron. It doesn't contain much content. The person who wrote the letter hopes that the lord can take in her child, and said that it is the child of the previous baron."

Egbert thought that Melittoia's mother was just a commoner, uneducated, with little knowledge, knew few words, and indeed couldn't write many words.

"Can you be sure that the person who ordered you is a nobleman?"

Ben Deng begged: "I am sure, I am very sure. Can you let me go, I have no malice towards the lord, and I am willing to make contributions in exchange for my own life."

Egbert and Abel looked at each other, and the former nodded and said, "I'll report to the lord, and I'll leave this place to you."

Seeing the murderous intent in the eyes of the two, Ben Deng felt chills running down his spine, begging for mercy repeatedly.

Egbert sneered and said, "If you dare to poison the baron's mansion and murder the lord and Miss Melittoya, you will be punished with death!"

Ben Deng still refused to give up, and quibbled: "It wasn't me who poisoned it, it was that kid, it was him!"


Abel punched him hard in the abdomen, and suddenly spit out acidic water from Benden's mouth.

"How dare you poison me? Tired of living!"

Only then did Abel know what a heinous thing the guy in front of him had done!
Egbert left the dungeon and went to the lord's room. At the door of the lord's bedroom, he happened to meet Diana who was about to knock on the door and enter.

"Mistress Diana, have you checked it out?"

"Yes, Steward Egbert. You must have come to find the lord so quickly, and the result of the interrogation must have been obtained. You are worthy of it."

Egbert shook his head, "It's all thanks to Mr. Abel, I didn't do anything. Let's stop talking, let's go in together."

"Okay, Mr. Egbert, please go first." Diana stepped aside.

Egbert nodded, knocked on the door, and pushed in with Ron's permission, followed by Diana.

in the bedroom.

Ron sat on the sofa by the window, the room was a little dark, only illuminated by a floor lamp next to him.

After Egbert saluted, he began to narrate.

"Someone accidentally obtained a letter from Miss Melitia's mother, and used this information to find out that the three of Benden were pretending to be illegitimate children. It was supposed to follow the plan, and after confirming their identities, they would secretly murder you, so that the illegitimate son would be a logical successor." bit."

Ron continued his words: "But then a lot of unplanned things happened."

"The first thing is that the real illegitimate child appeared, and it was a girl. I guess the gender of the illegitimate child was not written in the letter, so a boy was found."

His fingers tapped the armrest of the sofa, crisp and rhythmic.

"And the second one is the person who reported the letter——Benden was left behind, so that their subsequent plans could not be carried out, and I heard that they sent people to investigate, and they took the risk out of desperation and adopted the strategy of poisoning .”

Egbert said in admiration: "Your lord is very predictable, just as you said. Benden jumped the wall in a hurry, so he poisoned the dinner tonight, and murdered you and Miss Melittoia."

Ron narrowed his eyes, "Oh? Are you sure he's killing me and Melittoia?"

Egbert was taken aback, nodded and said, "Yes."

Ron was silent, then looked at Diana who was waiting aside, and said, "What about you? Is there any result?"

"Yes, my lord."

Diana bowed and said, "After my investigation, the person who poisoned was Jonas. He found an opportunity during the food delivery and passed close to the food delivery truck."

Ron fell silent.

Let a 5-year-old child find an opportunity to poison, which shows how uneasy the baron's mansion is.

But it just shows that there is a certain talent in Jonas, and it is not easy to successfully poison him in such a situation.

Benden's order to Jonas was to poison Ron and Melittoia, but he was the only one with the poisoned fried meat.

A flash of consideration flashed in Ron's eyes.

"I see, you go down." He waved his hand, and Egbert and Diana bowed and left the room.

After sitting for a while, Ron got up and went to Melittoia's room.

When he came to the door, he gently pushed the door open, and Irene sat helplessly by the bed, but there was no sign of Melitia in the room.

Ron walked over and found that the quilt on the bed was slightly raised, and it was obvious that Melitia was hiding in it.

When Irene heard the movement behind her, she stood up and said, "Master, little Meili has been crying for almost two hours, and she doesn't eat anything, no matter how much she persuades her, it won't work."

Ron sat down on the edge of the bed, his eyes fell aside. In order to reassure Melitia, Irene even brought the pudding from the collection, but it was still there without moving.


Ron opened his mouth slowly, the quilt trembled visible to the naked eye, and not long after, a small head popped out.

Melittoya's eyes were full of tears, her two little hands were tightly grasping the edge of the quilt, and she hid half of her head in the quilt. This appearance made me feel pitiful and distressed.

"Are you afraid of me?" Ron asked in a very calm tone.

Melittoya shrank her neck and said in an intermittent voice: "No, I'm not afraid."

"That's hating me."

"Don't hate!"

This time, Melittoya answered quickly, and her voice was louder than before.

Ron smiled and said puzzledly, "That's weird, since you're not afraid of me, and you don't hate me, why are you crying?"

Facing Ron's question, Melittoia's little head crashed.

Melittoia's crying is obviously related to Ron, but this question is illogical, so it is impossible to give an answer. Melittoia is only 5 years old, and she doesn't even know the basics of common sense, let alone understand it. reason.

"Sit down quickly and dry your tears," said Ron.

"oh oh."

Hearing this, Melittoya did so in a daze, she even forgot to cry.Irene, who was behind her, watched the whole process, and was immediately shocked.

God, I coaxed me for two hours, but I can't say a few words as the young master?
Suddenly, Eileen felt like a failure in life.

Melittoya sat upright on the bed, and Ron frowned slightly. There were some red marks on both sides of Melittoya's face. It was the place where he pinched with his hands before. At that time, he was in a hurry and his strength was not well controlled, which caused It hasn't disappeared after so long.

"Irene, go and cancel the swelling medicine."

Ron ordered, and after a while, Irene fetched the topical ointment and handed it to him.Ron said 'don't move' to Melittoia, and then applied the medicine himself, dabbing on both sides of her cheeks.

Irene looked at the scene in front of her, her eyes sparkled, and she was inexplicably moved.

After finishing, Ron turned his head to Irene and said, "I'll let the kitchen prepare the food and deliver it later. Don't eat too much. If you eat too much, you won't be able to digest it."

"Yes, sir."

Ron nodded, then brought the pudding aside and put it in front of Melittoya, and said, "After eating and going to bed later, do you hear me?"

Melittoya's eyes widened, but without saying a word, Irene winked anxiously.

Ron frowned, raised his hand and lightly touched Melittoia's head, and said helplessly, "Why are you so dumb."

Only then did Melittoya turn around, her face blushing, she lowered her head and said, "I heard that, brother."

After getting a reply, Ron got up and told Irene a few words, and then left the room.


The next day.

Early in the morning, Egbert and Abel gathered in the study to discuss the follow-up issues with Ron last night.

"Now that they have been arrested, the person behind the scenes must hide deeper, and we will not let us find out." Egbert said worriedly.

Abel said, "My lord, my subordinates still think that Viscount Gordon is the biggest suspect. According to what Benden said, that man didn't dare to show up because of his status as a nobleman. You are also a nobleman of the Carlo Kingdom. According to the law According to the law, without the permission of the royal family, no war can be waged between two nobles for no reason."

Egbert frowned upon hearing this, but said nothing.

Through Abel's speculation, it does make sense, but Ron always felt that something was wrong, he waved his hand and said: "After this incident, the person behind it should be dormant for a while, and will not show up at will to expose himself You go to deal with the follow-up impact of yesterday's incident, and make sure not to leak the news, let the people know, and cause unnecessary panic."

It is a big event that the lord is poisoned and killed, whether it is those who support the lord or those who hate the lord, it will cause chaos.

He will be going to the capital in a few days, and at this juncture, Ron does not want any major problems in the territory.

"Follow the Lord's order."

The two obeyed, and Egbert said again: "My lord, there is one more thing. How to deal with the three of them?"

This time the matter was very big, and the two of them dared not make a decision privately.

Ron was silent for a moment, then asked, "What about the kid?"

"Shut up in a dungeon."

"Then keep closing it." Ron said indifferently.

The two looked at each other, and then exited the study. Ron didn't ask Benden and Tabitha just now.

Not long after, the door of the study was pushed open again.

It was Joyce who came in. She was startled when she saw Ron. Why did she come so early today?
"I'm very sorry, my lord, I didn't know you were here."

Ron didn't care, got up from his seat, and said, "No need to apologize, you came to the study so early because you want to deal with these official documents, come and sit down."

Joyce used to get up very early every day to deal with the documents placed here. When Ron got up and came to the study to check, Joyce had already left to clean the mansion.

Joyce didn't expect Ron to offer her seat, which made her feel overwhelmed and froze in place.

Ron looked up, and Joyce walked over to sit down in a panic, but Ron didn't leave. He sat down at the table with a book in his arms.

Although his eyes fell on the book, his thoughts were not there.

Melittoia is now 5 years old, and under the care of Irene during this period, she is no longer the malnourished appearance when she first arrived, and her hair color is gradually brighter, approaching Ron's hair color.

This is a performance of the body getting better.

But what worries Ron is Melittoia's mentality. Because of her living environment, she not only doesn't know a single word, she can't even speak a word well.

Every time he saw him, he couldn't speak, which made Ron very worried, and felt that he should find an enlightenment teacher for Melittoya as soon as possible.

You can't just grow your body and not your brain.

Thinking of this, Ron withdrew his thoughts. He needed to find a teacher with good teaching quality. When he was about to put down his book and leave, his gaze fell on Joyce who was crouching over his desk to review the documents.

Doesn't this happen to have one?

As if aware of the gaze, Joyce raised his head and met Ron's gaze.Her heart tightened, and she said, "My lord?"

Ron looked serious, and said in a serious tone: "From today onwards, I will appoint you as Melittoia's tutor as the lord, are you willing?"


"After becoming a teacher, I no longer need to do cleaning work."


"There are two days off a week, and I only work 5 hours a day."

Joyce fell silent, and she was shaken in the face of Ron's conditions.

Ron's next words made Joyce unable to refuse.

"As long as you agree, I will give you the right to buy books independently."

There are so many books in the world, the books collected in the Baron's Mansion are not worth mentioning at all, Joyce only needs to spend a little time to read them, but if she has the right to buy books, then she can use the name of the Baron's Mansion to submit Purchase desired books.

"It is my honor to be able to teach Miss Melittoia." Joyce immediately thanked the gift.

Until now, Joyce found that the person in front of him could always shatter his sanity again and again.

Let her have to do things she didn't want to do.

Without him, it is too much to give.

Joyce raised his head and asked tentatively, "What about these documents?"

"Of course it's up to you to handle it." Ron said as a matter of course.


It's breakfast time.

Ron arranged for Melittoya to sit on the seat next to him, and nodded slightly when he saw that there was no red mark on her face.

"You will always live here in the future, and you must have an identity. You should also be given a surname. From now on, your name will be Melitia Arnold, remember."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was surprised.

"Remember, remember, brother." Melittoya replied blankly, seemingly unaware of the meaning of being given the surname 'Arnold'.

"Why are you still staying like this? Forget it, it should be better when you study with the teacher for a while."

Ron waved as he spoke, and Joyce walked over and saluted the two of them.

"This is your future teacher, and she will be responsible for future study tasks. If you understand, let's start eating."

After Ron finished speaking, he ate breakfast on his own, not caring about the dumbfounded expressions of the people around him.

(End of this chapter)

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