Chapter 42 Storytelling

This rude sentence made the three of Michelle slightly stunned.

As soon as the words fell, Ron strode to the center of the ball. His sudden action attracted some people's attention. Baird on the steps could see it more clearly. He was slightly displeased to see the strange face.

Since it's someone he doesn't know, it must be a little nobleman who wants to sneak into the ball to seek connections. He must be punished a bit. Can anyone participate in the ball I host?

And the family behind him will also be punished together!
"Which family are you from?" Baird stared at Ron condescendingly, showing the majesty of his royal family to his heart's content.

Although Ron didn't like this foolish prince, he was a prince after all, and he had to abide by noble etiquette. After a simple and casual salute, he said flatly: "Your Highness Baird, I am what this gentleman said Lord of Arnold's territory."

Dennis was taken aback, and the others looked at Ron with sizing eyes. Is this the lord of Arnold's territory?
Too young!
"No, if he is the lord, it proves that he has inherited the title?!" Someone came back to his senses with surprise in his eyes.

"It seems to be the case. What kind of title is the surname Arnold? I haven't heard of it."

Baird hadn't heard of it either, so he gestured to Dennis with his eyes. Seeing his eyes, Dennis said, "Baron Arnold, what do you want to say when you stand up?"

It turned out to be just a baron, Baird's eyes became contemptuous, a mere baron dared to disturb my ball, damn it!

Ron glanced at him indifferently. This guy will really exaggerate and discredit Arnold's territory in front of so many people. These people are all descendants of famous families in the Carlo Kingdom. , Then his territory should not be developed.

His heart can be punished!
"What do you want to say? Of course it is to refute your words! If you keep talking nonsense, there will be no one in Arnold's territory next year, and my lord will become a lord who starves to death without food in your mouth." Ron He made a little joke, which caused everyone present to smile, and they had a good impression of him from the bottom of their hearts.

On the contrary, Dennis and Baird looked gloomy.

Dennis: "Aren't you talking nonsense? You'll know it after reading the territory information submitted every year."

He seemed very confident, because his father was the minister in charge of this area, so he was able to obtain information in this area.

Ron ignored these, and said lightly: "I am the lord of Arnold's territory, do I know better than you? It's ridiculous."

"Ha ha."

Hearing this, some people laughed, and the laughter reached Dennis' ears, as if they were laughing at him.

"Baron you"

Ron didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and turned to many noble children, and said loudly: "Now Arnold's territory is developing rapidly, everyone who is interested can invest, don't worry about losing money, because we have top forging masters and top alchemists Warlocks, they were all invited from the Olivia Empire."

"Come from the Empire? Baron Arnold, aren't you lying to us?" Someone obviously didn't believe it.

But Ron didn't panic, and showed a sincere smile, "How could it be? It's also a coincidence. I went out to patrol the territory that day and met an ordinary man, but I thought he was not simple at first glance. We chatted before, but after chatting, we found out that the other party is a blacksmith from the empire who went out to find inspiration."

He started to make up things, and adapted the process of meeting Hadey to make the story more interesting. Sure enough, the people present were attracted in and forgot what happened just now.

On the steps, Baird's face was frighteningly dark, and Julie next to her wanted to grit her teeth, but on the surface she still pretended to be tolerant and decent.

The original protagonist, Miss Teresa stared blankly at Ron in the crowd, unable to understand what happened in the process of just a few words, and how it became like this.

In the other corner, the daughter of the Marquis Juliès in a black dress took a sip of her wine indifferently, and looked at Ron slightly, "Interesting person."

Then he put down the wine glass and walked towards the crowd.

Ron was talking happily when a cold voice came, "What's the matter with the alchemist?"

Everyone looked around, and someone exclaimed, "It's Bing Qiangwei!"

Ron looked at the person who spoke, it was Juliès, who didn't expect her to have such another name, but it matched her image very well.

"The encounter with the alchemist is even more wonderful."

Ron's mind was full of inspiration at the moment, and he said as if recalling: "It was by a small river. I was eating bread made by my maid, and the bread fell into the river by accident!"

Although it was a trivial matter in life, everyone listened very carefully. Not far away, Astrid asked, "Michelle, is Baron Arnold always like this?"

Michelle's face trembled, and he said, "He's usually very kind, but he doesn't talk much."

Marina covered her mouth to hide her smile, and said, "Let's go too."

The three of them got closer and listened to the intriguing story.

"At that time, I was very distressed and regretted it very much. It was not just a piece of bread, but also a piece of Irene's heart."

Hearing this, someone asked: "Baron Arnold, who is this Irene? And does this bread falling into the lake have anything to do with the alchemist?"

Ron raised his hand, "Oh, Irene, she is my personal maid. She has no other advantages, except that she can chat and make some snacks. These are not important. Don't worry, everyone, listen to me slowly."

Irene, who was far away in the mansion, didn't know that she would become famous in the capital in this way.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Ron continue to say: "I cried afterward. Maybe the crying disturbed the river god. No, it was the alchemist. She suddenly appeared from the river and asked me why I was crying."

"I told her that the bread fell into the river, and she sank into the water after listening to it. After a while, she appeared with a piece of golden bread and asked if it was me who dropped the bread?"

There are people who have learned about alchemy in the field. A piece of ordinary bread can be turned into golden bread in a very short period of time, but it requires extremely high alchemy attainments.

That person named 'River God' is undoubtedly a top alchemist!

"Baron Arnold, how did you answer at that time?" Someone asked, and the rest showed curious expressions.

Ron shook his head, "Although the golden bread is good, it's not as good as Irene's wish."

Hearing this, some noble daughters showed envious expressions. There is such a lord in this world, it is so kind to his maids.

"Later, the alchemist sank into the water again and took out another silver bread. I shook my head again and said no."

Everyone was listening intently, curious about the story. No, it was the end of the experience. At this moment, an angry voice interrupted them.


With a gloomy face, Baird came straight to Ron and said oppressively: "I don't care whether you get the gold bread or the silver bread in the end, Teresa must be exiled today! Don't even think about it, Baron Contempt for the royal family is enough to condemn you!"

Ron narrowed his eyes slightly, "Hey, Your Highness Baird listened very carefully."

This sentence does not hurt much, but it is extremely provocative. Baird was furious, "You"

"Who do you want to convict?"

At this time, four figures entered the palace gate, and the speaker was the leader, King Meredith, followed by the prime ministers, the Marquess of Noches, Marquis of Alfred and Earl of Eugene.

"See Your Majesty."

When everyone saw this, they saluted immediately.Baird seemed to have seen the backbone, and quickly said: "Please father to convict Baron Arnold!"

As soon as these words came out, the Marquis of Noches and the Marquis of Alfred looked at him with very strange eyes.

What Baird didn't notice was the gloomy look on Meredith's face.

(End of this chapter)

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