Chapter 46 The Cursed Girl
Under the leadership of Sig, Ron and others came to a remote area, the surroundings were silent, the houses were dilapidated, and no one lived there.

Such places are very common in the outskirts of the capital, many people have moved to the bustling streets, and this place has been left idle.

"My lord, according to your instructions, I let Darren Knight and the adventurers go back. They all said that they are willing to help. Do we really want to refuse?" Seeger asked after finishing the report.

"The following things are not suitable for them to participate in, and the curfew is about to come. Knight Darren and the others belong to Viscount Gordon. We can't cause trouble for Viscount Gordon. Let's go, let's see Mr. Clow, this time thanks to him .”

After Ron finished speaking, Sig, Thomas and other six knights followed behind and continued to walk deep.Not long after, I saw Kuro beside a dry well. He stood quietly like a black shadow.

Ron looked around, and there were low houses all around, which had been deserted because no one lived there all the year round.

"I checked and there was no one around."

Crow's slightly hoarse voice came, and then he pointed to a room behind him and said: "The person you are looking for is in the basement inside. After entering, open the innermost cabinet. It is a secret door. Below is Dungeon."

"As expected of Mr. Clow, you can even find such a secret place." Ron praised, but the other party didn't respond.

"My entrusted task has been completed. For the sake of your generous reward, I will send you a warning for free. They are not ordinary kidnappers." Kuro said in a low tone.

Ron nodded, and said flatly: "I know, they are slave traders. If you dare to do such a thing in the capital, there must be a big shot behind it. However, thank you for your reminder."

Ku Luo was stunned for a moment, as if he felt embarrassed, and said: "The people guarding inside are just some trash, you'd better move quickly, the curfew is just a joke here."

After he finished speaking, he disappeared in a flash.

"Thomas, Malcolm and Anthony, the three of you go down with me, and the others find a hidden place nearby to hide."

Ron heard the meaning of Clow's words. The people guarding the dungeon are nothing to worry about. They are just ordinary people. It is enough to bring Thomas and the three first-order knights.

As for letting the three of Sig hide, it was just a back-up just in case.

Ron and the three knights entered the innermost room and found the cabinet that Clow said, when he reached out to open it.

Thomas stopped him and said in a low voice, "My lord, let the subordinates come down."

Ron glanced at him and nodded.

Thomas cautiously opened the cabinet door, revealing the hidden passageway, which extended down to the bottom of the dungeon.

Thomas was alone in the front, and Ron was in the end. It was said that it was a dungeon, but it was actually not very deep. No matter how you say it, the confined space needs to be ventilated.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly, a voice of shock and anger resounded. Ron raised his eyes and saw that there were four people on the other side, all of whom were gangsters with vicious faces.

"Don't let anyone go." Thomas said, before the opponent was still in shock.

These people are just ordinary people, they are not the opponents of the three of Thomas at all, and they are decapitated within two strokes.

"My lord, I found it. There are still seven children who are about the same age as the rabbi."

Malcolm found the rabbi in one cell and the rest of the imprisoned children in other cells, and immediately reported to Ron.

"My lord, you have come to save us!" The rabbi became surprised when he heard the movement and saw a familiar face.

Anthony found the key and opened the iron door. Children rushed out one by one, looking at Ron with gratitude.

During these days of being held in captivity, there was only fear and despair in their hearts.They are very clear about what kind of future they are going to face, and they try to resist, but what can they do when they are weak.

"Now you are safe, let's go out together." Ron smiled slightly.

Hearing this, the children burst into tears and bowed to him to thank him.

The rabbi thought of something and said to Ron, "Master Noble, there is still a sister imprisoned in the next cell. Whenever we cry, she will sing to us. Please save her too."

Anyone else?
Ron looked for it himself, and sure enough, he saw a young girl with her back facing the iron gate in a relatively small cell next to her. She was the only one locked up in this cell.

The girl was kneeling on the wet ground wearing a gray cloth covered in mud, with her hands clasped on her chest, her head raised and staring at the void, as if she was praying for something.

Ron frowned when he saw it. He was still praying after such a big commotion just now?Thinking that this is not a place to stay for a long time, he called Anthony to open the iron gate, and then let them take the children out.

"Miss, you are saved, come out of here with me."

Ron yelled a few times, but the other party seemed to be in a trance without any response.He squinted his eyes, stepped into the cell, and when he put his hand on the girl's shoulder, he suddenly felt a burning sensation in his chest.

Three-color pendant!

Ron withdrew his hand suddenly, and looked down at the pendant on his chest, which was shining with red light.

The power of 'curse' in the three-color scorching fire.

In an instant, Ron's pupils shrank.

His eyes fell on the girl, is she cursing me? !

Soon, he denied this guess. There should be a curse on the other party, and the power of the curse wrapped around her was captured by the three-color pendant and fed back to Ron.

The girl woke up from her prayers because of Ron's sudden hand.She slowly opened her hazy eyes, and turned to look at the person who interrupted her prayer.

Because of the girl's action, Ron could see the girl's face clearly.

What the hell!

so ugly!

Although he didn't speak, the girl clearly understood the meaning from Ron's eyes, and smiled desolately.

Noticing the girl's expression, Ron looked embarrassed. He was really taken aback just now, which is inevitable.

"Are you here to save me?"

The moment the girl spoke, Ron was taken aback, and blurted out, "So it was you!"

The girl was confused, and Ron said: "You are the one who sang in the song and dance theater. I heard your singing live. It was very beautiful. As long as I hear your voice once, I will never forget it."

"Thank you, thank you."

The girl thanked him in embarrassment, and seeing Ron's hesitation to speak, she said, "You are my benefactor, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Ron glanced at her. Although the other person's appearance was extremely ugly, his skin was very fair. It seemed that the only part of his body that was ugly was his face.

Coupled with the curse from the girl just now, Ron couldn't help but think of the story of the 'Frog Prince'. Maybe the girl in front of him is a replica of the 'Frog Princess'?
He pondered for a moment, staring at the girl and said: "I thought that the person who could have that kind of voice would have a white face, light-colored and slender eyebrows, a small nose bridge, and those bright and clear eyes. When it’s bright and warm.”

Ron told in great detail the image of a girl in his mind.

The girl looked at him dully, mist rose from her eye sockets, and two lines of tears flowed down her bumpy face.

Seeing this, Ron felt a pain in his heart, and he knew he had guessed right again.

He patted the girl on the head and said softly, "Let's go out."

This girl who seemed to be about the same age as Irene had a difficult and painful past, and Ron didn't ask too much.

The two walked out of the dungeon one after the other. It was already night outside, and as soon as they came out, Ron saw Sig being beaten.

Thomas exclaimed: "My lord."

Sig: "."

(End of this chapter)

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