Chapter 48 Introduction Letter


In the middle of the dilapidated house, beside the dry well, a corpse lay quietly there. Soon, Thomas came here with guards and took it away.

The captain of the guard thanked Thomas: "Please thank Lord Baron Arnold on my behalf. If the Lord Baron hadn't acted righteously, these people would have continued to run rampant in the capital. I will report the truth if I dare to do the forbidden slave trade. I want to come to His Majesty. rewards will be given.”

Thomas smiled when he heard the words, "The lord just can't understand these dirty things, not for some rewards."

The captain of the guard was also a smart person, and nodded, "The baron is kind-hearted, and I will definitely tell others about my lord's deeds when I go back."

Thomas smiled and said nothing, and the captain of the guard offered to leave, "Then I will take my leave first, and I will send someone to deliver it to the baron as soon as there is a result."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Thomas watched the guards leave, then glanced at the sky, and walked towards the hotel.

That night, a document was rushed to the palace.

in the hotel.

All six knights came back, led by Thomas to report to Ron.

"Those children have been protected by the guards. I asked about them. Most of them have no relatives alive, so they will be targeted. Others are not taken seriously at home, and no one cares even if they disappear."

Listening to Thomas' report, Ron paused to eat, then continued to eat, wiped his mouth after eating, and said, "I have a piece of information here, the owner of the song and dance theater on Brick Street, I also participated in this incident, and I suggest that the guards go and check it out."

Thomas was startled, then thought of something, and nodded.

"You have been tired all day. Boss Reagan has prepared food. Go and have a good rest after eating." Ron finished speaking and went up to the second floor.


The next morning, Michelle came to the hotel to look for Ron with a happy face, accompanied by a short girl.

"Ron, you're famous."

When we met, Michelle said so.

Ron's eyes first fell on the girl next to him. He didn't expect Michelle to move so quickly, and really fooled Nancy, so she invited her over.

"You mean what happened last night? It's actually nothing." Ron said calmly.

"It's nothing? Do you know how big this incident was in the capital? His Majesty the King was furious and summoned all the ministers overnight. Look, you will definitely be called to the palace in just these two days." Michelle Said swearingly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Thank you for inviting Miss Nancy here." Ron smiled, and before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Michelle.

"It's not my credit. It was Nancy who found me and asked about you, so I brought her here. The story of your performance at the ball hosted by His Royal Highness Baird that night spread in the college, and many people knew each other. A baron named Arnold." Michel laughed.

"It spread in the academy? That's a good thing." Ron didn't care, and looked at Nancy, who wanted to interrupt, "Miss Nancy, we haven't seen each other for a few days."

"Lord Baron Arnold, may I ask if the 'River God' alchemy master you mentioned is still in your territory? I want to pay a visit."

When she said this, Nancy's voice trembled slightly, and she was a little nervous, as if she was worried that Ron would reject her request.

Hearing this, Ron was taken aback, Nancy seemed to have misunderstood something.

Seeing his expression, Nancy was a little depressed, "What, what? Can't you?"

Ron's face became brighter, and he said in the kindest and most intimate tone: "Why? I welcome it very much. It just so happens that Miss Nancy will go back with me, and the road will be safe."

"That's great, Lord Baron, you are such a good person." Nancy thanked her very sincerely.

Michelle: "It will be a few months before graduation, but Ron, you will be leaving in a few days."

"It's okay, I can apply for early graduation. Anyway, I have learned everything I need to learn." Nancy said.

I have learned it~
Hearing her say that, Ron was overjoyed.

"Master Baron, then I will go back to the academy to prepare, please let me know before you go back."


Afterwards, Nancy bid farewell to Ron and returned to the academy. When she submitted her application for graduation, the head of the academy, Monica, personally endorsed and approved Nancy's application, and things went very smoothly.

Two days later.

Ron received a summons from the palace, and he took a carriage to the king's palace. Compared with the last time he came for the conferring ceremony, this time he came to receive the Medal of Honor.

"See His Majesty the King."

Ron saluted under the steps, surrounded by a group of ministers, including several familiar faces from the Marquis of Noches. They all looked at the great hero who broke the slave case that shocked the entire capital with different eyes.

King Meredith smiled all over his face, hung a medal on Ron's chest, and said, "Baron Arnold, this is the medal awarded to you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"This is what you deserve."

The ceremony of awarding the medal was brief, but it made the ministers remember the Baron Ron Arnold.

After the end, Ron was about to leave the palace, and a man quickly chased him from behind, it was the Marquis of Noches.

"Baron Arnold, congratulations. From now on, your name will be widely circulated in the capital."

For ordinary nobles, such a reputation is of course a good thing.But to Ron, it cared, just not much.

Then, the Marquis of Noches chatted casually with Ron.

"His Majesty the King attaches great importance to this matter. He blocked the entire Lank Street late that night and found the slave merchants behind the case. Through torture, they sent the kidnapped children to other countries and trained them as war slaves."

Listening to the words of the Marquis of Noches, Ron narrowed his eyes, slave trader?It seems that the person behind is very capable and found a way to cover up so quickly.

However, he did not remind the Marquis of Noches.

"...The promotion of the title requires merit. Speaking of which, Baron Arnold, if you obtain such merit five times, you can be promoted to viscount."

During the chat, the Marquis of Noches suddenly talked about the promotion of the title.

Ron smiled, "This time is luck, if you want to do it five more times, forget it."

Afterwards, Ron bid farewell to the Marquis of Noches.


A day later, Ron was going back to Arnold's territory.

"Heidi, don't you want to come with me? I can subsidize you to open a song and dance theater. With your singing voice, you will be able to live well."

Ron said to the girl that Heidi is the girl's name.He was about to leave the capital today and return to the territory. When he proposed to take the girl back with him, the girl politely refused.

"Thank you for your appreciation and invitation, but I want to go outside to see, maybe I can" Heidi said as she couldn't help but climbed her cheek. Her ugly appearance is her scar all the time. How can a young girl be calm? treatment, and cannot be ignored.

Seeing this, Ron frowned. The three-color pendant he was wearing might be able to help the girl, but he had no reason to give up a powerful piece of entry equipment to help a stranger who had only met for a few days, even if the other party was very pitiful.

"Since you have made up your mind, I don't need to persuade you much. How about it, I have a friend who has traveled around the world. I will give you a letter of introduction and you go find him."

As Ron spoke, he handed the girl a letter and told her the location, and that person was the head of the Star Tour, Cheers.

Heidi took the envelope and bowed to thank her. When she was about to leave, Ron handed her a white mask and said, "The eyes are the windows of the soul, and your singing can open the windows of others' hearts." , In fact, you are not ugly."

Heidi took the mask blankly. The mask could cover her entire face, except for the eye sockets. It was obvious that it was a custom-made mask for her.

"Thank you."

The girl's tears flowed down quietly, and now she has nothing to repay this kindness except for a thank you.

Ron smiled, "I hope to have the opportunity to hear your singing again in the future."

"Yes, I assure you, sir."

Heidi put on the mask and just left.

(End of this chapter)

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