Western Fantasy: I can brush entries infinitely

Chapter 58 Dwarves, Changing Teeth

Chapter 58 Dwarves, Changing Teeth
"That's right! I'll know the elf smell on you!" Hadey yelled, and he was very emotional at the moment.

And Nancy's eyes widened, and she felt flustered when she was called out at first. Could it be that Ron told her identity to others.

This idea was negated when she saw Hadei's appearance, because she also recognized the true identity of the top blacksmith.

The natural enemy of the elves - the dwarves.

For thousands of years, the elves and dwarves have lived together in a dense forest.

In order to continue the survival of the race and for the living space, the two races fought endlessly, and both regarded the other race as their sworn enemy.

The people of the two clans can easily distinguish each other. In more common words, they know each other even when they turn into ashes!

Nancy gritted her teeth, stared at the other party, and did not back down. Although she was only 18 years old and had never experienced war, she had heard elders in her clan say that the dwarves were hateful since she was a child, and the concept of hatred for the dwarves was deeply rooted.

"Damn dwarves, beasts living in caves! You are the ones who stink." Nancy used her knowledge to say the most cruel words.

However, Hardy didn't feel pain or itching, but was a little disappointed. These were the most gentle words he had ever heard from the elves.

Reminiscing about the past, when the elder of the elf clan opened his mouth, it was called cursing.The skills of the other clansmen are not one-tenth of the elders', as if the more swearing in the elf clan, the higher the status.

At this moment, Hadey judged that Nancy was an elf who had just left the forest, although she didn't know why she was exiled to the human country.

He said in a sarcastic tone: "I heard that the lord invited back a person who is proficient in alchemy. That Miss Nancy was talking about you. Tsk tsk, I didn't expect it to be a little elf."

"You're the little one! As tall as me, are you embarrassed to say it? When I grow up, I will definitely surpass you! Dwarf!" Nancy said angrily, and the last three words were extraordinarily heavy.

Hadey felt bored, and said calmly: "Give it up, no one in the elves is taller than 1.5 meters."

"What, what?!"

Nancy's expression was like being struck by lightning, and her defense could be said to be vulnerable.

Hardy pouted, that's it?

Now, the two are in the same situation, hiding their identities and living in the human kingdom, so they should temporarily put aside the hatred between races.

Of course, this was Hardy's unilateral idea. He didn't know that Ron had already seen through Nancy's identity.

"Little elf, you are here to find me to forge alchemy equipment. Give me the blueprint, and I will pick it up in three days." Hadey's tone was flat, and he reached out to Nancy for the forging blueprint.

"I won't let the dwarves build my stuff!"

Nancy immediately refused. Although she had heard that the forging technology of the dwarves was the most powerful, it would be more useful to hand over the alchemy equipment to him, but she was very unwilling.

"You elf, don't be a dwarf, if my identity is revealed, you can't run away!" Hadey glared at her.

As soon as these words came out, Nancy seemed to grasp the blind spot.

"Ron doesn't know your identity?" Nancy asked slyly.

"Of course, our dwarves are actually similar to humans except that we are a little shorter."

Hardy woke up suddenly, turned his head to look at Nancy with a smile on his face, suddenly, a bad thought flashed in his heart, "Could it be you?"

"No, you're thinking too much." Nancy knew what the other party wanted to say, and denied it flatly. Although Ron knew her identity, the rest of the mansion didn't.

It's better to hide it now, and now that Hadey has the handle, in Nancy's heart, it is the elves who have defeated the dwarves at this moment!

"Would you like to forge, I can tell you, no one in this land is better than me in forging."

Hardy looked very confident. Seeing Nancy hesitating, he said again: "The lord asked you to come, I guess there is a task for you?"

As soon as his words fell, Nancy handed over a stack of blueprints and said reluctantly, "Thank you, Master Hadey."

Then he ran out.

"Remember to pick it up in three days." Hadey smiled. Such a polite elf opened his eyes. What were those things he encountered before?Walking dung-spray magic props?


Just a few days passed.

"Miss Nancy's alchemy workshop is set to be 500 meters to the west of the mansion. The craftsmen invited from the town have already started construction, and it is expected to be completed within 20 days."

In the study, Egbert reported the recent situation to Ron.

Ron nodded, indicating that he would continue to report on other things.

"The location of the teaching class you want to organize has been selected, and the next step is to sign a contract with the head of the household. I have arranged for Black to do it."

In Arnold's territory, Ron, as the sole owner of the land, has absolute power.

This matter was done very quickly, and now I have to wait for the textbooks. The content of the textbooks is biased towards literacy and hyphenation, and the basic numerical algorithms are not too advanced.

Ron is not arrogant enough to teach all the citizens to be like Joyce, that's unrealistic.

He only needs to let his subjects use the knowledge they have learned to enrich their lives and survive better.

When the wind of learning spreads in Arnold's territory in the future, it will be easy to select talents suitable for learning, and then arrange higher knowledge.

After reaching a certain standard, they will be absorbed into the baron's mansion, work for Ron, and then develop the territory.

Therefore, organizing a school this time is a decision that must be successful.

Next, Egbert said a few more things, and finally handed over a letter, saying: "This is a letter from the capital, and it was delivered this morning."

Ron took the letter from Michelle.After Egbert reported his work, he bowed and stepped back, and Ron opened the envelope.

There was not much content in the letter, except for some usual greetings, there was also something about Marquis Alfred.

The Marquis and Earl Eugene left the capital one after another and returned to their own territory. Presumably, the battle between the two sides will start soon.

In other words, the group of talents that Marquis Alfred promised to send will soon come to Arnold's territory.

He thought for a moment, and told Irene to invite Teresa.

After meeting, he asked, "Miss Teresa, are you still used to living here these days?"

Teresa replied elegantly: "Please worry about the baron, I live very well."

"Ah That's good."

Ron said a few more words of greeting, and then mentioned the matter of the Marquis, "Your father has returned to the territory, and the battle with Earl Eugene will begin soon."

Hearing this, Teresa's heart tightened, but she remained calm on the surface. She thanked: "Thank you for telling me this."

Ron waved his hand, "This is what you should know. Besides, I promised the Marquis to take good care of you, and I also promised him to give him some help."

Father, he asked the baron to take care of me?

Teresa's brows and eyes stretched slightly, and she heard Ron's last words, why should a baron help a marquis.

She didn't think much about it, she just took it as comforting words from the other party.


At the end of today's class, Melittoya sat in the garden thinking about the homework the teacher had left for her.

At this time, Irene happily came to Melitia with two pudding-flavored popsicles.

"Little Meili, look what I brought you."

Melittoya turned her head and immediately showed a surprised expression, "Wow, it's a popsicle!"

"Haha, it's your favorite pudding-flavored popsicle." Irene distributed a popsicle to Melittoya. She likes to share her joy with others, which makes her feel very satisfied.

The two of them licked the popsicle in unison, and the cold feeling spread from the tip of the tongue to the whole body, making people feel refreshed and cool.

"By the way, I saw you frowning just now, did something happen to you?" Irene asked halfway through eating.

Hearing Irene's question, Melittoya stopped and replied with a bitter face: "The teacher assigned a homework, I can't think of it."

"Sister Joyce? What kind of question is it?" Irene became interested. She recognized Joyce's intelligence, but this was just a question for little Mei Li. Isn't it easy for her to do it?
The thought of Little Mellie looking at her adoringly made Erin excited.

"There are five puddings in total, and they should be distributed to my brother, sister Irene, the teacher, and me. How to divide is correct."

Melittoya was very distressed. Originally, she could just give the extra one to her brother, but thinking that her brother doesn't seem to like pudding, this question is not easy to solve.

"It's easy!"

Irene found the answer in a flash of inspiration, and Melittoya set her sights on her.

"I could eat two! As long as I finish the extra pudding, problem solved."

This answer made Melittoya look suspicious, and after receiving a period of education, she felt that this matter was not that simple.

"Little Meili, you've changed." Melitia's eyes seemed to hit Irene, and she said in a low voice.

"Sister Irene, it's not like that. I'm just" Melittoya looked flustered, but she didn't know how to explain it.

"Forget it, eat popsicles, it's almost melting." Irene urged, her emotions came and went quickly.


Melittoya nodded her head vigorously, as long as Sister Irene didn't get angry, she bit down on the cold popsicle. Suddenly, she stared blankly, opened her mouth, and a small white cube stood on the popsicle.

Those are Melittoia's teeth!
"Woo~" Melitoya's expression froze, and then she burst into tears, which startled Irene next to her.

Irene noticed the unique tooth on the popsicle, her expression changed, and she only had one thought in her mind, the popsicle she made pried Little Mei Li's tooth away!


Mansion hall.

A circle of figures gathered around the sofa. Sitting on the sofa were Melittoya and Ron, with Irene bowing her head and admitting her mistake.

Ron said unhappily: "It's just a normal tooth change, so why panic?"

"Brother, am I really not going to die?" Melittoya asked cutely, and there was still a leak in her words.

"No, where did you hear that you will die if you lose your teeth, Irene said?" Ron said, his eyes fell on Irene next to him, and only this maid in the mansion was the worst.

Irene felt wronged, and shook her head again and again, "Young master misunderstood, I didn't say it."

The reaction was so intense, because she probably didn't say it. Ron looked at Melittoya again, only to hear her say: "There used to be an old man next door to my house. He lost a tooth while eating. The next day Just go."

Ron: "."

Everyone: "."


A sudden laugh sounded, and Ron immediately turned his head to look. He thought it was Irene, but when he saw someone coming, he was surprised.

Nancy: "Sorry, I couldn't hold back after listening for a while."

"Didn't you stay in the room all the time? Why did you come out?" Ron asked. The alchemy workshop was still being built, so Nancy still lived in the mansion.

"No, this is the material list. You can collect it as soon as possible, and I can make it immediately after the workshop is built." Nancy handed a long list to Ron and said.

Ron glanced at it, couldn't understand it, and handed it to Egbert.

"My lord, the things written on it can be bought in the town." Egbert said affirmatively.

"What about the cost?"

The list given by Nancy is for the materials used to make artificial rainfall. These materials are different from what he knows, and it is unknown what effect they will produce in the end. As a layman, you only need to trust the professionals.

Egbert calculated, "It can be bought with 20 silver coins."

If it is 20 silver coins for one area, it is too expensive.The fields in Arnold's territory are not many, but there are also many.

Seeing Ron frowning, Nancy said, "This thing I made can be used all the time. You only need to add powder to use it. It's about 10 copper coins each time."

Ron was overjoyed when he heard this, "So 20 silver coins are the cost of the thing?"


You really deserve to be the owner of the blue quality entry, the title of the king of tatters belongs to you, Nancy.

"Buy five pieces of materials first, and then buy the finished product if the effect is good. Egbert, you arrange someone to do this." Ron settled the matter, and then dismissed everyone.

Because of Melittoya's matter, everyone put down their work, and now they are all busy with their work.

Ron looked at Joyce and said, "In addition to the necessary courses, teach some common sense."

"It was my negligence. I will organize the materials later and add common sense from the next class." Joyce replied.

"Ah That's good."

Ron nodded, looked at her face, and said, "You should have a good rest."

Joyce was startled, then bent down to respond.Said that he still had things to deal with, and resigned.

In the hall, only Ron, Melittoya and the maid Irene were left.

"My lord brother, did I cause you trouble?" Melittoya asked anxiously.

"There are no outsiders here, so call him whatever you want." Ron sat back on the sofa and said in a calm tone.

"Brother." Melittoya's eyes brightened, with a smile on her face, revealing her gaping white teeth.

From her eyes, Ron saw dependence.

Melittoia has been dependent on her mother since she was a child. When her mother died, her "brother" appeared again. She regarded Ron as her only relative, and the feeling of dependence came naturally.

There is no girl of the same age as Melitia in the mansion. Although she has the best relationship with Irene, the age gap is too big, and there are many things that have a generation gap.

Maybe she should find a playmate of the same age for Melittoya?

But who to turn to?

Ron was at a loss, and then temporarily forgot about it.

More than ten days later, Joyce found Ron and asked how to proceed in the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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