Chapter 68 Jessif, all orthographic

Mansion Chamber.

On the long table was a map showing the whole picture of Arnold, and beside it were ten master architects, who gathered in pairs to discuss the land planning of the territory.

Ron sat at the head of the table, waiting for their results.

After a long time, the experts finally reached a consensus, and the leader came to report, saying, "My lord Baron, we all agree that the fifth plan is the most suitable."

He placed the designed drawings in front of Ron, and explained: "There are three major villages and towns in Arnold's territory, among which the business of Kote Town is the most prosperous; followed by Barris Town, there is a mine here, the town's Most of the people make a living from mining; last is the town of Gunnar, which is the poorest, with only a few planting farmers."

The expert explained the status quo of the three villages and towns in the territory, and then pointed to the drawing. The center of the drawing is the baron's mansion, and the outer circle is the farmland. This is the place where the wasteland was reclaimed before, and now a lot of potatoes are planted.

A further circle is the town of Cote.

"We adopt this circular structure layout. Your mansion is in the center, my lord, and the farmland is on the outside. This will make it easier for you to patrol and avoid the disturbance of the market."

Experts talked eloquently, pointing out the advantages, "Then continue to the outside, and there is the street market. As I said before, Kote Town is the most prosperous, and all funds in the territory must pass through Kote Town, so they can't be moved, but the other two Every village is different, we can completely move the residents of Barris Town and Gunnar Town over, extending both sides of Kote Town to form a ring, so there is no need to push it to rebuild.”

Ron thought about it, nodded silently, looked at the man and asked, "What about the mine in Barris Town?"

"We have also considered, you can"

The experts expressed their opinions and solved the problems one by one. Ron's eyes lit up, and finally he made a decision to settle the matter.

"Lord Baron, although this process has been discussed, the stones used for construction."

Although they are construction experts, they have no materials and can only talk about it.Ron was not worried, he had already made arrangements in his heart, and Jeff's [Stone Meteor Technique] was made of natural stone.

The experts were all surprised when they learned the solution, and they all said, "Is this the solution? ' expression.

After solving one more thing, Ron felt that he was one step closer to his goal.

He knows that merging the three villages and towns is a very risky thing. If it fails, it will lead to the collapse of the territory management, economic decline, and more importantly, the loss of the loyalty of the people.

Conversely, if this matter is successful, Arnold's territory will skyrocket, and productivity, labor force and economy will usher in unprecedented rapid development.

Ron made such a decision after deliberation, and he believed that there was a good chance of success.

Well worth the risk.

The construction experts left the meeting room with the plan, and they took three construction teams to conduct on-site surveys in preparation for construction.

Just as Ron was about to deal with the next thing, Teresa came over.

"Master Baron, let me help. You take good care of me, and I want to do my part."

Looking at Teresa's sincere eyes, Ron did not refuse the other party's kindness. Teresa was raised as the fiancée of the second prince since she was a child. She has strong management skills, so there is no need to worry about entrusting things to her.

Teresa took the task and left happily, while Ron was going to go out for a trip. The school and the refugee's residence needed to be seen with his own eyes.

The lord must be accompanied by guards and maids when he travels. Abel was sent to perform a task, and Sig went to the Black Valley Forest to collect sunflower seeds, so the guard who accompanied Ron on the trip chose Thomas.

Melittoya didn't attend class, and Ron asked Irene to stay with her, accompanied by Veronica, the maid.

After more than 20 minutes, the carriage stopped in the town of Cote.

All the way to the town, Ron didn't see where the refugee camp was, and he was puzzled.

Ron got out of the carriage, and Thomas stepped forward and asked, "Lord, where are we going?"

"Let's go to West Street Academy first."

Ron said that in Joyce's daily work report, the number of students in this West Street School increased sharply every day, because there were too many students, and the extra students were assigned to other schools.

As a result, more and more people in the entire territory entered the school to learn knowledge, and gradually formed a trend.

Some simply want to learn knowledge, some come for 'scholarship', and some come to study with admiration after hearing that the school was established by the lord.

The third category is mostly children under the age of 12.

Ron and his party walked through several streets, and soon saw the signboard of the school. Near the school entrance, Ron saw several children gathered together, looking at a book together.

This situation made Ron feel a lot of emotion, what a great thing it is to open a school by himself.

No matter how hard people are, the thirst for knowledge is unlimited.

He walked over with a happy mood, and just about to speak, his eyes fell on the book, and then his face changed, graffiti was drawn in a frame on the book, it was not a textbook, but a comic book!
Ron snatched the child's comic book, the content of the picture was very familiar, it was Veronica's story about him.

He turned his head to look at Veronica, who had already turned her head aside, not daring to look into Ron's eyes.

Seeing the comic strip being taken away, the children were furious, "What are you doing? Take my book away!"

"What about your book? We bought it together, and I even paid out a copper coin!"

"Hmph, I have two! This should be my book."

"Mnican, you forgot, I gave you a piece of pie, and you gave out two, one of which was mine."

Before Ron could speak, the children began to argue. After listening for a while, Ron learned that the price of this comic book was 5 copper coins, which were crowdfunded by these children.

"Hey, do you think he looks like Lord Ron?"

Suddenly, a child looked at Ron and said to the others that the "Lord Ron" he was talking about was the protagonist in the comic strip, and they were more familiar with the "Lord Ron" in the painting than Arnold's lord.

"It's a bit like, we saw a real person!" The children cheered, as if they saw an idol and surrounded Ron.

Seeing this situation, Veronica tensed her face, otherwise her emotions would be revealed, but various images had formed in her mind like a storm.

Thomas took a step forward, and the aura on his body dissipated to the surroundings. The children backed away in fright, their faces pale.

Ron coughed before Thomas restrained himself, glared at the children, and said, "You know this is Arnold's lord, Lord Ron."

"Ah! It's the lord!"

"It's over, we offended the lord, we will be hanged!"

The children panicked and trembled with fear. Ron glanced at them, returned the book, and said, "After reading a few words, I started reading comics."

The children dare not make a sound.

Ron knows that classes are different, if you tell the other party not to be afraid, the other party will not think you are telling the truth.

He didn't say much, and left with Thomas and Veronica.

The children looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling in their hearts that they would survive a catastrophe. One of the children said slowly, "The lord doesn't seem so scary."

Children's thinking is very simple, coupled with the influence of the protagonist "Lord Ron" in the comic book, their positive impression of Ron has increased rapidly.

"The elder sister said that the content of this book is based on the deeds of the lord."

"Yes, I remember, that's what my sister said."

The children chatted with each other, and quickly forgot the unpleasant part just now.


"What were you in a daze just now?"

The three of them walked together, and Ron said suddenly. Hearing this, Veronica was shocked, and immediately said, "I'm negligent."

At this moment, Veronica's face was anxious, imagining what kind of punishment would be imposed on her in her mind.

"And what happened to the picture book?"

Veronica was startled, and then replied: "Miss Rosalind was looking for me, she said you have given permission."

At this time, Ron remembered that Rosalind had approached him to promote the positive image of the lord, and there was indeed a windfall in terms of income and expenditure, but he didn't expect it to be this.

It can only be said that it is a greedy beckoning cat.

Ron looked at her, and said lightly: "I'll draw it later, show it to me first."

"Yes, my lord." Veronica lowered her head and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Afterwards, Ron went to watch Xavier's lectures at West Street School. The content was not so profound, but just enough for beginners to understand. His lectures were vivid and vivid, using metaphors of common things in life to make it easier for students accept.

This is a very powerful teacher.

After not staying for long, Ron left. When passing by a food store, he encountered a dispute. According to the comments of passers-by, it seemed to be related to refugees.

Ron gestured to the two of them with his eyes and then leaned over. He hid in the crowd and watched the development of the matter.

The most striking thing in the field was a pair of grandchildren. The grandmother was over 70 years old, and the grandson was very young. The two were dressed in tatters.

In front of them was a tall young man, dressed in the uniform of a guard, confronting the businessman who sold flatbread.

"The lord's mansion issued an order yesterday not to treat foreign refugees harshly, and they bought your things with their own money, why don't you sell them?"

The young man accused him righteously.

The merchant boss saw the guard uniform on his body full of fear, but the eyes of the people around him showed support. He mustered up his courage and said: "If you don't sell it, you don't sell it. My lord, we are our own people. What about outsiders?"

The young man was very dissatisfied with these words, and glared angrily: "I only have the law in my eyes, and there is no distinction between my own people and outsiders. Since the Lord's Mansion issued an order, I must act according to the rules."

In the crowd, Ron was surprised that such a person existed among the guards. The man's businesslike attitude won Ron's favor.

He didn't look any further, let Thomas open the way, and walked in leisurely.

"well said."

Ron looked directly at the young man and asked, "What's your name?"

The young man didn't know Ron, but when he saw Thomas behind Ron, he immediately guessed the identity of the person in front of him, knelt down on one knee, and replied loudly, "My lord, my name is Jessif."

Jessif's voice spread, and the people around were startled. They looked at Ron with horror in their eyes, especially the merchant boss who was terrified.

A doubt appeared in everyone's mind, why did the lord come here?

Ron glanced at Thomas. He had noticed Jessif's gaze just now. Thomas often went out to do errands and dealt with various villages and towns. It was a matter of course for him to be recognized.

"Well, get up."

Ron took the opportunity to touch the opponent's hand and opened the character card.

【Silver One Star】


[Favourability degree: 74 (respect)]

【Entry 1: One body orthographic (white)】

[One body orthography (white): Your heart is for justice, and you are determined to do justice.Every time you do something that your "intention" thinks is righteous, the word "正" will be added. When 5 righteous things are done, one word "正" will be consumed to increase your willpower.Current: [-]]


Ron: "."

What a weird entry!

He dispelled the distracting thoughts in his mind, looked at his mother-in-law and his grandson, and said slowly: "I have just learned about your affairs. As far as I know, your food is distributed daily according to the number of people, why do you still want to buy it?" food."

This is what he set, and Egbert and Rosalind assisted in the implementation. Could it be that they were negligent?

When the old lady heard that the young man in front of her was the lord of this place, her expression was a little nervous. She opened her mouth and said, "Respected lord, thank you very much for your kindness. You are willing to help us people."

"We did receive the distributed food, but it was snatched by others. My grandson was so hungry that he could only come to the town to buy some food."

Hearing what the old woman said, Ron looked cold and asked, "Who is robbing you of food? Are there many cases like this?"

"Lord, don't get me wrong. Those people are not your subjects, but refugees who fled like me. I don't know the details."

The old woman paused for a moment, and then said: "Your people are very friendly, and we are very grateful to you from the bottom of our hearts."

These words made the onlookers very ashamed, and gradually relaxed their resistance to foreign refugees.

"Take me to meet those people."


Ron knew where the refugee camp was. In order not to hinder the construction of the territory, Egbert found a suitable area for the refugees and built a simple residence.

Before entering the refugee camp, Ron took off his gorgeous clothes and changed into more plain clothes, letting Thomas and the others hide in the dark, and reappear when he saw his instructions.

In the hidden place, Jessif asked in a daze, "Master Thomas, what is the meaning of this, Lord Lord?"

Thomas was embarrassed in his heart, but he couldn't see it. With a tense expression, he said calmly: "My lord has his own intentions for this move, just look at it."

On the other side, Ron followed his mother-in-law and grandson among the refugee group, and soon found the two big men who robbed the food.

Ron asked: "You are robbing other people's food?"

"Where did you come from, what does it matter to you?" One of the big men said impatiently.

The other person looked Ron up and down, guessing the identity of the other person in his heart, like a nosy young man with a sarcastic expression on his face.

"You stole the food from the two of them, right?" Ron asked, pointing to the mother-in-law and grandson behind him.

"Hey, are you looking for help? Do you want to die?"

Hearing Ron's words, the two big men became even more rampant, threatening to kill them.

At this point in the matter, Ron had already confirmed that the mother-in-law and grandson were not lying. He stretched out his hand, and Thomas was moved by the wind and immediately appeared in front of him.

"Hand them over to Egbert, and interrogate who else breaks the rules, grabs people's food, breaks all their legs, and drives them out of the territory." Ron said with a cold expression and a cold voice.

"Yes, my lord." Thomas bowed to the order.

"The lord?"

Hearing the sudden appearance of the knight calling the young lord just now, the two big men were dumbfounded and shivered aside.

After the two were taken away, Veronica changed clothes for Ron, Ron gave her a look, Veronica nodded, came to the mother-in-law and grandson, and handed two big cakes to the old woman .

The old woman hesitated for a moment, but accepted it. She took her grandson's hand, bowed deeply to Ron, and left.

"My lord, forgive me, why didn't you arrest them directly, but asked them in civilian clothes?" Jessif saluted Ron and asked with his head down.

He had the consciousness of being reprimanded for exceeding the rules, but it was difficult for him to understand Ron's actions with a sense of justice, forcing him to ask.

Ron glanced at him. Ron has a good impression of Jessif. If there are more people like this in the territory, it will be much easier to manage.

He didn't mind explaining it, he pondered for a moment and said: "The statement about being robbed of food is just their one-sided statement, and you can't believe them and help them just because they look weak."

Jessif was very puzzled, he should help the weak in his education.

Ron saw his eyes, smiled, and said: "Maybe you can't understand now, but I am the lord, and it is not my duty to help the weak."

After Ron finished speaking, he left Jessif with a shocked face, and left with Veronica.

Veronica said: "If you want to obtain real information, you can ask Mr. Thomas or me to inquire about it. There is no need to lower your figure."

Ron's tone was indifferent, "It's just more efficient, the best method is in front of us, why not choose?"

The conversation between the two became quieter, but Jessif listened to every word. He looked at the disappearing figure in the distance, feeling awe in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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