Chapter 71

The entire landscape of Arnold's territory is subtly changing, the products have become richer, and the soil quality has become more suitable for farming.

Some plants that could not grow originally also began to sprout, especially near the Miracle tree, the plants planted in the vegetable garden began to grow wildly, and Alfred's experts were shocked and began to study.

This is good news for Ron. After adding the entry of purple quality to the territory, even the precious mineral Mithril appeared, the impact on plants will only be greater, and the time for potatoes to mature will also be shortened. will be greatly reduced.

Save some money to buy food for the territory.

One morning, Joyce came to the study to report to Ron as usual.

".The number of refugees has exceeded 8000. I have recorded the number of people who can work and the list. Please take a look."

Ron took a stack of thick books and glanced at them briefly. There were nearly 5000 people's names on them, classified and registered in the book.

Ron nodded and asked, "What about the rest? Have you arranged it too?"

"Yes, there are also arrangements for those who cannot do heavy work. Children under the age of 12 can go to school to study, and the rest can do light work such as looking after the fields and weaving."

Joyce said without leaking, her eyes were clear, and her eyes fell on Ron, waiting for him to give instructions.

After hearing this, Ron knew that it was time to proceed to the next step, and said, "I will inform those construction experts, and you will arrange how it works."

"Yes, my lord!" Joyce bowed and exited the study.

As time went by, more and more refugees flooded into the territory of Arnold, and the refugees who originally went to the territory of Fast were deported. Territory, these are also learned from the refugees.

With this obvious contrast, the refugees felt even more grateful to Lord Ron from the bottom of their hearts.

When the time is right, the second step plan begins.

Led by Joyce and assisted by Egbert, a series of orders came from the baron's mansion, and the civilian officials of the three major villages and towns immediately took action.

refugee camp.

With the arrival of the territorial courier, the refugees began to riot. After listening to the content of the subpoena, they had different expressions.

"My lord, won't you distribute food in the future?"

Someone asked, this is also the most concerned issue of all refugees, and the courier patiently explained, "Don't worry, everyone, there will still be food distribution. However, there is only so much food, and we will distribute the food to those who need it more."

"May I ask who is more in need? Do you think I am?"

The communications officer looked at the person who spoke and smiled, and said: "Now that the territory is building a new city, you can go and sign up to join the construction team and get food through labor."

The refugees were originally low-level laborers, and their faces didn't change much when they heard this.

The courier said: "It's okay if you don't want to work. We will distribute a small amount of food so that people will not starve to death. But those who are willing to work, we will give equal treatment. The supplies and food provided will be higher than before. many."

This is also the strategy set by Ron. There are several situations in which he is unwilling to work, perhaps because he is sick and unable to work. In this case, you can't force the other party.

Or it is pure laziness, just want to take advantage, such cases are rare, but not impossible.

If it is the second type of person, the person in charge of managing the refugee camp will record the name of the other party, report it and record it, and directly expel him from the territory after the new city is established.

Such people cannot bring benefits to the territory, and Ron will not take them in. As for why not just drive them away, it is because there is still value in using them. Their existence can bring a certain reputation to Ron and attract more people. refugees come.

Ron has considered all kinds of situations.

After listening to the messenger's words, many refugees immediately volunteered to work. Their idea is actually very simple, and they get paid for their work.

Rather than a free 'lunch', they want something in return through their own hands, because it's more real.

Behind the crowd, several men with blackened faces looked at each other, and one of them whispered: "Boss, what should we do? Baron Arnold has a very high reputation, and our plan won't work."

"The master asked us to make trouble, as long as we find the right method, we don't have to worry about the territory being messed up."

The man called the boss snorted coldly, and winked at his companion, "I thought of a way, let's go, let's go to the Black Valley Forest."

"Boss, don't you want to?" The others looked at the boss with a horrified expression.

"Hmph, so what if some common people are sacrificed for the master's sake? That's their honor."

Several people retreated quietly and left the refugee camp.


After listening to Egbert's report, a smile appeared on Ron's face.

The refugees all voluntarily participated in the construction of the new city, and no one was willing to eat for free. Even those children who were arranged to go to school would help grow food on weekdays.

Although they didn't do much work, they could see what they wanted from their attitudes.

Egbert smiled and said, "The lord treats people with kindness, and they are naturally willing to repay your expectations."


Ron laughed a few times, looked at Egbert, and said, "It's time for me to set off to visit Viscount Gordon. I will take some people away and expect to be back within three days."

"Yes, I will arrange this matter." After finishing speaking, Egbert went to discuss the entourage with Abel.

"My lord goes out, and I will accompany him."

Hearing Taylor's words, Sig stared at him, and Abel looked helpless. Although the cell was strong, it couldn't stop him.

But the lord's attitude is unclear, so it's not easy to kill him.Tyler would slip out even with force and a bruised nose.

Egbert had no choice but to ask Ron for instructions. When he came back, he said, "The lord agrees with you to follow, remember, don't cause trouble for the lord!"

"I will only solve troubles for the Lord, not make troubles." Taylor glanced at him, and then ran back to the cell and shut himself up.

Egbert ignored it and continued to discuss with Abel.

Abel found Sig and said to him, "I still don't trust him. This time you will follow the lord to Viscount Gordon."

Seeger's strength has far surpassed that of Abel, and he is the only choice for the guard.


Seeger looked excited, his current strength is not what it used to be, and when he sees Viscount Gordon's knight again, he will never be defeated like last time!

"Can Seager do it alone?" Egbert asked suspiciously.

Abel smiled, "He alone is enough."

The next day.

Ron got into the carriage and was escorted by two knights to Viscount Gordon.On this trip, he did not bring a maid, only heavy gold coins.

Along the way, Ron also encountered many refugees coming towards Arnold's territory. They were dressed in rags, their faces were sallow, and they looked like they hadn't eaten for a few days. Their expressions were full of anxiety and uneasiness. They heard rumors that Baron Arnold Comprehend accepting refugees and distributing food, there is another look of expectation in the uneasy expression.

Ron, who was sitting in the carriage, looked away. They were all poor people who were teased by suffering.

And what he can do is to make this suffering as less bitter as possible.

The carriage passed by, and in the crowd, two people who covered their whole bodies with sackcloths followed the refugees.

"Your Highness, why are you wasting half a year wandering around? The address has already been sent to you, do you still want me to suffer with you?" A charming voice came from under the robe.

"You are my slave, so you have no right to refuse." The other person's voice was cold and majestic.

"Ouch, yes, yes, my Royal Highness."

"To shut up."

The two followed the crowd into Arnold's territory.


In less than half a day, Ron and the others arrived at Viscount Gordon's mansion.

"I received a letter from your nephew a few days ago, and I have been looking forward to your visit for a few days." Viscount Gordon said slightly dissatisfied.

"Greetings from Jiu Shu, I hope uncle will forgive me."

Ron smiled, Viscount Gordon was as enthusiastic as ever, he didn't find Michelle, it seems that he hasn't returned from the capital yet.

Viscount Gordon waved his hand, expressing his indifference, exchanged some pleasantries, looked at Taylor who was following Ron, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with your knight's face?"

"I accidentally fell, definitely not being beaten like this." Taylor replied eagerly.

On the side, Seeger hit Taylor's waist with an elbow, causing him to gasp in pain.

"I'm very sorry, this newly recruited knight hasn't learned the rules yet and is not very sensible, please don't blame me." Ron said with an apologetic expression.

Viscount Gordon laughed, "You knight is really interesting, you have a good face, you are young and energetic, all right."

As an old fox, Viscount Gordon couldn't see that Taylor was beaten like that by the knight next to him. He admired this kind of energetic young knight very much.

Ron followed Viscount Gordon to the living room. The maids served tea and snacks, and then stepped aside.

Before Viscount Gordon could speak, Ron motioned to Seeger with his eyes, and Seeger stepped forward and placed a beautifully decorated box on the coffee table.

"This is?" Viscount Gordon frowned and looked at Ron.

Ron smiled lightly. There was no reason why he didn't bring a gift when he was a guest. Not to mention that Viscount Gordon helped him a lot, and he had to buy food from him later, and it was very reasonable to give him a thank you gift in advance.

He said: "I know that uncle is a water magician, so I asked someone to forge a magic wand."

"Oh? Since it's a gift from my nephew, I'll accept it from my uncle."

Viscount Gordon immediately understood Ron's intentions. He knew that Arnold's territory was poor and could not compare to Viscount Gordon's in terms of strength and wealth. The wand in this box was probably the greatest intention he could show.

However, nephew is also true, if there is trouble, just say it, how can an uncle not help you.

Viscount Gordon was slightly dissatisfied, he said as he gestured for the waiting servants to put the box away.

But Ron stopped him, and said with a smile: "Uncle, you should take a look. If you are not satisfied, I will go back and ask someone to make another better one."

From this sentence, Viscount Gordon heard something different, and then showed a tentative smile, "It seems that my nephew is very confident in giving my uncle a gift. Well, let me see with my own eyes."

Viscount Gordon maintained a great deal of trust in Ron, and opened the box with his own hands. Inside lay a three-inch long white wand. Mithril.

At first sight of the white wand, Viscount Gordon's breath became short of breath, and then he held it.

Seeing the appearance of Viscount Gordon, Ron smiled. This wand is not simple. He asked Hadey to make it specially, using more than ten kinds of precious ores, and finally forging it with Mithril as the core.

Ron has seen the item card, which is a blue quality wand with three complete entries.

"Do you still like this gift, uncle?"

Viscount Gordon came back to his senses, and said angrily: "How can you not like this, this can be used as a royal inheritance magic wand."

He picked up the white wand from the box with gentle movements, looked tenderly at Ron, and said, "Are you really willing to give it to me?"

"Of course, uncle." Ron said with certainty.

"Oh, you."

Viscount Gordon sighed. He was very aware of the preciousness of the white wand in his hand. King Carlo's royal family and the three major duke families did not necessarily possess such treasures.

He was wise not to ask about the white wand.

The other party sent such a big gift, and the request must be not small. Viscount Gordon put the white wand in the box, and then asked about the business.

Ron then told about the purchase of food. Viscount Gordon was stunned when he heard it. It's that simple?
"Actually, there is one more thing, uncle please accommodate." Ron said again.

Viscount Gordon stared, can you finish your sentence at once?
"Go ahead, I'm listening."

Viscount Gordon took a sip of the tea, his hands trembling involuntarily, and his heart was not very peaceful.

"A lot of refugees have come to your territory, can you let me take these refugees back?" Ron asked.

Viscount Gordon raised a question mark, that's it?

He wondered if Ron had conspired with another country to take over the Carlo Kingdom, and this white wand was a benefit from the other party.

Ron didn't know what was going on in Viscount Gordon's mind, and waited quietly for his answer.

"Ahem, of course it's no problem. You can save me some trouble by taking them back."

Gordon still can't figure it out, for such a simple thing, to send a heritage-level wand?
"Thank you so much Uncle."

Ron thought to himself, sure enough, the ancients did not deceive me. Giving gifts is an easy way to solve problems. Look, this is the wisdom of the ancients.

"By the way, how many refugees did Gordon bring?"

Hearing Ron's question, Viscount Gordon thought for a while, and said, "I haven't paid much attention to this matter, but there are some [-] people. Earl Eugene and Marquis Alfred went to war, and those refugees all ran to me." coming."

He was a little distressed. Although Gordon didn't have to worry about food, he didn't want to waste it on outsiders. "I will send someone to count the number of people later and give you a detailed list. As for the food, it will take some time."

"It's okay, I will stay with you, Uncle, for three days."

"That's great, I'll leave the matter to the servants, let's have a good time." Viscount Gordon looked happy.

After the matter was settled, Viscount Gordon dismissed his servants, leaving Ron alone to discuss some private matters.Sig and Taylor exited the room, which was originally taken to rest, and met an acquaintance on the way.

"Hey, you are Sig? I haven't seen you for a few months, when did you go bald!" The person who came was the second-level knight who defeated Sig at the beginning, named Willy.

Taylor couldn't help laughing. It turned out that this monster was either born or bald, and he had always misunderstood him.

Seeger's anger was rising at the moment, and it was against Taylor.

He looked at Willy and said in a calm tone, "I'm bald and I've become stronger. Do you want to try it?"


Hearing this, Willie's eyes changed, and a fighting spirit rose up.


Arnold Collar, Baron's Mansion.

In the garden, Melittoia looked distressed and stared blankly at the blank paper on the stone table. This was the homework assigned by Ron before he left.

Since Joyce was busy with government affairs and had no time to teach her, Ron would assign an assignment called 'Diary' to Melittoia every day.

She was asked to record what happened every day, so that she not only reviewed her literacy, but also exercised her thinking.

"Sister Irene, there is one word I can't write." Melittoya asked for help, but Irene was so listless that she was fined not to eat popsicles for a month, and that was it.


Seeing Irene's appearance, Melittoya also knew that the other party was unreliable. When she was about to find someone else, she found a snow-white figure hiding in the garden. She pulled Irene's maid clothes and pointed at the flower in the flower bed. position, said: "Sister Irene, what do you think is that?"

Irene turned her head and went over, and after seeing it clearly, she suddenly regained her spirits, "It looks like a white puppy!"

(End of this chapter)

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