Chapter 75 Miracle
Under the Miracle tree in the front yard of the mansion, Ron sat alone, shaking his head and looking up. The night sky tonight was filled with blood, which made people uncomfortable.

Diana took Irene's place, served Ron tea and put it by his hand, and then stood behind him.

"Is everything sorted out?"

Hearing the lord's question, Diana replied: "The areas that were not seriously damaged have been sorted out, but the areas that cannot be repaired can only be rebuilt. Joyce and Rosalind are counting the losses, and the results should come out soon."

Ron was silent for a while, then waved his hand and said, "Let them go to rest after finishing, and you are the same. There are more things waiting for you tomorrow."

"Lord Lord."

Diana's heart throbbed for a while, she opened her mouth but couldn't say a word, she bowed and stepped back.

After an unknown amount of time, a figure walked in the yard.

"My lord, I have something very important to tell you."

Ron raised his eyebrows to look at the person coming, and said with a smile: "Master Hadey, you have broken through the bottleneck in your forging skills? Then I must congratulate you."

"It's not about this."

Hadey shook his head, with a serious expression on his face, and he didn't mean to be joking at all. He continued: "Actually, I concealed my identity from you. This old man is not a human race, but a dwarf race."

He observed Ron's expression while talking. In fact, Hadey didn't know whether he was doing the right thing, but he saw that Ron treated Nancy equally, not in a xenophobic way, and he felt that he should not hide it. .

In his eyes, Ron's expression did not change, he just looked at him calmly, surprised in his heart, and then thought of something, showing a sudden look, "I see, so you already know our identities, no wonder that little That's how the elves acted when they first saw me."

Ron nodded pretending to be calm, but he was actually surprised in his heart. Is Hardy a dwarf?
It looks like there is no difference except that it is a little shorter.

"Haha, since the lord has known about it for a long time, the old man will not cover it up, so as not to increase the number of jokes in vain."

Speaking of this, Hadey's expression changed, and he made a very weird gesture, and said to Ron: "Dwarf Hadey, I wish to be loyal to Lord Ron Arnold forever."

This is the highest etiquette that only belongs to the dwarves to those who want to be loyal, and it symbolizes an oath that cannot be betrayed.

It is unimaginable that the dwarves swear allegiance to the lord of the human race, but it is happening now.

Ron stood up and accepted the opponent's allegiance in a way that belonged to the human race.

With an inadvertent touch, Ron opened Hadey's character card, and his favorability reached 95 (swear to die) unconsciously.

He is complicated.

"My lord, then I'll go back to the workshop first. If you need anything, just send someone to find me." Hardy felt relieved, and then retreated after saying a word.

Ron became alone again. He was a little surprised by Hardy's self-report just now. Maybe because too many things happened today, he wasn't that surprised.

Suddenly, there was a sound of hurried footsteps, and it was Sig who came back. He carried Abel on his back, and followed Egbert and a group of knights to the yard.

Each of their faces was gloomy and watery, with no extra expression in sight.

Ron glanced at the crowd, and his eyes fell on Abel, who was carried by Sig, with bad thoughts in his mind.

Seeger put Abel on the ground, and said in a heavy voice: "My lord, Captain Abel stopped thousands of monsters by himself. When I arrived, he was exhausted and died!"

Everyone clenched their fists after listening to Sig's words. The expressions on their faces were painful, and they couldn't accept the result in front of them.

"At that time, if I went with the captain too." Malcolm regretted it very much, why did he let Captain Abel go alone.

Egbert's eyes were red. He had worked with Abel for a long time. Their families had served the Arnold family for generations. Their relationship could not be summed up in a few words.

Looking at Abel lying on the ground with closed eyes, Ron was stunned. When he saw Abel for the first time, what impressed him the most was the hearty smiling face. At that time, Abel wanted to invite himself to watch the knights training.

At this moment, Abel stopped smiling, leaving only a blood-stained, resolute and tenacious face.

Ron's gaze fell on the great sword he had never let go of, and he remembered it.The breath on the great sword is connected with Abel, making Abel look holy.

He woke up suddenly, an idea appeared in his mind, he couldn't help stretching out his hand, and gently touched Abel's forehead with his fingers.

Character card generation.

Ron was pleasantly surprised at first. When he saw the content on the character card, his expression was bleak. Although the character card was generated, it was 'grey', and the entries could not be swiped.

He felt ruthless, the character card couldn't be swiped, so he swiped the item card, as long as he swiped out a 'resurrection' entry, Abel wouldn't really die!

Just as Ron gave the order, something happened.

The Miracle tree began to sway, and golden-pink flowers fluttered down, scattering all over the ground.

Everyone was shocked by this scene, and retreated a little under Ron's signal.

The change of the Mirakel tree is still going on. In a very short period of time, it has been raised from the original one foot to three feet. The trunk has become thicker, which is three times that of before. The branches and leaves are re-bloomed with golden-pink flowers, which are spectacular and beautiful.

Seeing this scene, Egbert said with emotion: "I have seen the miracle flower bloom more than 50 times, but this time it is especially beautiful."

Everyone looked up, and Ron noticed that there was a golden fruit hidden among thousands of flowers, which was very conspicuous.

Egbert also noticed the fruit, and he wondered: "It's the first time I've seen a Miracle tree bear fruit, it's incredible."

Soon, the Miracle tree stopped changing, and Ron asked Sig to pick off the fruit on the tree.

The fruit is not very big, and Ron can wrap it with one hand. He glanced at the Miracle tree, and had a guess in his heart about the changes it had made.

His gaze returned to the fruit in his hand, and the item card was generated. The moment he saw the content, Ron stopped breathing.

【Miracle Fruit (Gold)】


[Entry 1: Miracle (gold)]

【Entry 2: (empty)】

——[Miracle (Gold): Hosting the power to make the impossible possible, it will bring hope and despair. 】

Gold quality items!
A total of 5 entry slots, except for entry 1, the rest are empty.

More importantly, there is a golden quality entry!

Ron looked at the golden fruit in front of him, and various thoughts flashed through his mind.

Once, he heard from Irene about the deeds of Arnold's ancestor. It was said that Arnold's ancestor drank the dew from the Mirakel tree when he was dying, so he survived. Perhaps this story is false.

The real situation is that he ate the 'miracle fruit' and survived by relying on the power of miracles!
Resurrected from the dead with the power of a miracle, the ancestors of Arnold will have the great military exploits later, and then create the Arnold family.

Because it was too shocking, Arnold's ancestor chose to conceal the actual situation, but for the sake of future generations, he transplanted the Miracle tree that grew the miracle fruit to the courtyard of the mansion as a family heritage.

Using the Mirakel tree as a family crest may also be a reminder.

Although he didn't experience it himself, Ron felt that he had guessed the real situation. He looked at Abel, maybe he was saved!

Ron took the miracle fruit to Abel and squatted down, then stuffed the whole fruit into Abel's mouth, trying his best to make him swallow it.

Seeing the behavior of the lord, everyone was puzzled at first, and then the same idea appeared in their hearts. They looked at each other, and then waited quietly.

Ron's hand never left Abel's forehead, and the character card window was always in his field of vision.

time flies.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, Ron felt a little life in Abel's body. He was very sensitive to the breath of life. He looked at the character card, and saw that the original gray character card was gradually stained with silver.

At this moment, he knew that a miracle had really happened.



The awakened Abel suddenly swung his sword, and with a bang, the sword in Sig's hand snapped, and everyone opened their mouths wide.

After seeing the person in front of him clearly, Abel finally came to his senses, he didn't seem to be dead!Immediately afterwards, he felt a hand supporting himself, he turned his head to look, and immediately became dumbfounded, "Lord, Lord Lord!"

Ron chuckled, "Welcome back, Abel."

At this moment, everyone looked at them with tears in their eyes, and was also shocked by the resurrection of Abel, but they would not speak out.

Hearing Ron's kind words, Abel's eyes were rosy. Finally, he held back and saluted, "My lord, I."

"Okay, don't say anything now, go to rest."

Ron stopped Abel from speaking. After all, he had been dead for a while, had just recovered his physical functions, was still weak, and needed a good rest.


Abel bowed and saluted. There were many doubts in his head, and he could only ask other people later.

"You guys go down too, I'll go back to my room to rest after a while." Ron said to Egbert and the others.

Everyone retreated in response, and Ron fell into thought as he watched Abel's leaving back.

Abel was resurrected by the power of miracles, but the powers of miracles did not disappear, as he swallowed the miracle fruit and lodged in his body.

And because Abel is only a thin line away from the third tier, he broke through the third tier and opened the entry slot, so now Abel is a third tier knight.

——[Entry 3: Miracle (gold, unique)]

[Miracle (gold, only): You are favored by fate, and miracles will come to you in unknown forms and at unknown moments]

It is different from the previous entry attribute description, but Abel truly has a golden quality entry.

Thinking of the previous experience of writing entries for Abel, perhaps all the misfortunes before were for the miracle at this moment.

Thinking of this, Ron couldn't help but smile.

According to what happened to Abel, it is not difficult to speculate that the ancestor of Arnold also has the power of miracles.

The golden quality entry is the 'unique' attribute, which means that the ancestor of Arnold was the owner of the miracle of the previous generation, and the owner of the 'power of miracle' of this generation is Abel Gay.

He didn't regret feeding Abel the miracle fruit. The miracle power was powerful, but in his eyes, it was nothing compared to a knight who believed in him.

At this moment, Ron felt that his thoughts were clear and his mind was open.

He stood up and walked towards the Miracle tree, a tree that had been planted in the baron's mansion for more than 100 years, had undergone such a drastic change that it was bound to attract attention.

"It's beautiful."

Ron looked at the big tree in front of him and sighed, then reached out and touched the trunk, and the item card was generated.

【Mirakel (Blue)】


【Entry 1: The veins of the earth (blue)】

【Entry 2: Not even a drop (blue)】

[Entry 3: Full moon (blue)]

——[The veins of the earth (blue): Mirakel's well-developed root system goes straight to the ground, and reaches its limit as it grows]

——[There is no drop (blue): Mirakel will release all his energy essence every once in a while]

——[Full moon (blue): On the night of the full moon, Mirakel will bloom the light of the moonlight]

The Miracle Tree, which was originally of green quality, has changed to blue quality, and the first two entries have also changed. The effect is similar to before, but better.

The description of the third entry is relatively vague, but they are all blue-quality entries, so there must be something special about them, and you will know when you experience them someday.

According to the previous speculation, the Miracle tree was of white quality a long time ago, and it broke through its own limit after growing, thus bearing fruit, and that fruit was the miracle fruit.

This time, because Ron brushed the purple entry for the territory, the Mirakel tree absorbed the nutrition of the earth and broke through the shackles again.

An idea appeared in Ron's mind, if the Miracle tree breaks through to the purple quality again, will it bear miracle fruit again? What will happen after he eats the miracle fruit?

He guessed that the biggest possibility is to get a miracle, or nothing at all.

Ron didn't stay any longer, and turned back to his room.

the other side.

After Abel and others left the yard, Thomas and others surrounded him and talked.He just found out that the lord fed him a precious fruit so that he could come back to life.

"The sword that Captain Abel just woke up really shocked me. He even cut the mithril sword made by Master Hadey into two pieces." Anthony said twice.

Abel looked at the broken sword in Sig's hand, remembered what he did when he woke up, felt it carefully, and said in an uncertain tone: "I seem to have broken through."

Everyone was startled, broke through?
"Captain, have you been promoted to the third-tier knight?"

"should be."

Everyone was happy for Abel and congratulated him one after another.

Sig smiled and said: "I thought I would break through the third level faster than the captain, but it seems that you are the captain."

Buprofen sneered: "You bald knight, how dare you compare yourself with the captain, you don't deserve it in terms of image."

Hearing this, Sig's face turned black. If it wasn't for the fact that Ibuprofen would invite him to drink every time, he would definitely hit Ibuprofen in the face with this punch.

Everyone laughed, and Sig also laughed together. The previous sad atmosphere completely dissipated, and turned into joy and excitement.

"Where did you go? I cleaned this place by myself, come and help!"

When passing by the hall, a voice came, and all the knights heard the sound and saw that Taylor was diligently cleaning up the collapsed walls, moving them out piece by piece.

The knights looked at each other, then laughed and left.

"I you"

Taylor didn't let out a breath, seeing that there was still a little rubble left, he continued to work, still muttering, "Hmph, seeing my hardworking side, the lord will definitely use me again, let's see how arrogant you are then! "

When Ron returned to the room, he was just about to rest when he found a figure lying on the bed. He walked over and looked at the drowsy figure, with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand to gently pinch her nose.

"elder brother?"

Melittoya woke up startled, and after seeing the person in front of her clearly, she showed surprise.

"Why did you come to sleep in my room?"

Ron asked. Seeing that Melittoya hesitated and didn't speak, he turned on the bed and said, "Go to sleep."

Seeing that her brother didn't scold her, Melittoia was overjoyed again, put her hands on Ron's arm, put her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes.

No words all night until morning.

(End of this chapter)

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