Chapter 83
With the assistance of Princess Amelia, the officials in Arnold's territory made preliminary changes.

Although there were inevitable twists and turns, the final result was good. Many capable people showed their talents in their due positions and contributed to the development of Arnold's territory.

In order to repay the appreciation of the 'lord', they redoubled their efforts and worked tirelessly to complete their work seriously.

Thanks to this, the speed of new city construction has once again increased.

Unlike Amelia's 'coldness', Joyce did not ignore the staff who were replaced, she still gave them some arrangements.

Now Arnold's territory is rich in materials, and these resources are so much that they are at a disadvantage in the warehouse. In order not to waste these resources, Ron decided to sell them to outsiders. When he said this, Rosalind proposed to set up a business group. Selling in the name of the group.

Ron didn't immediately agree. Running a business group requires a lot of manpower and energy. Now that the territory is short of manpower, it is impossible to allocate more people.

At this stage, instead of establishing your own business group, it is better to pay a commission fee and entrust other business groups to sell supplies.

For example, Marquis Alfred's business group is all old acquaintances. The Marquis's character is guaranteed and he will not do anything to deceive people.

It will not be too late to form a business group after the new city is established and the manpower is free. At that time, there will be sufficient funds and it will be easier to form a business group.

Joyce knew this, so he arranged for those who were replaced to join the business group. After all, they had working experience, and they were more comfortable dealing with people and introducing products.

Moreover, the development of the business group has great prospects, and it is one of the core businesses of Arnold's territory!

After listening to Joyce's words, those who originally had resentment in their hearts were overwhelmed with gratitude, and they all said that they should not hold grudges against her.

In order to adapt to their new positions, they voluntarily participated in the construction of the new city every day. While paying a lot of hard work for the construction of the territory, they also learned about the resources in the territory in person, so as to prepare for entering the business group in the future.

In the courtyard, under the Mirakel tree.

A group of people gathered here, Joyce and Amelia were playing chess, some others were watching chess, and some were playing their own.

"The baron's original chess is really interesting. Let's say this Go, only the black and white chess pieces contain many changes, testing people's calculation, response, observation, analysis and overall planning ability."

Amelia showed undisguised appreciation in her eyes. After playing two chess games, she admired Ron's talent in her heart. She really wanted to play a few games with him, but unfortunately she never had the chance.

Joyce on the opposite side smiled and said: "My lord created this Go game as a puzzle game for Miss Melittoia. Although it is a game, it pays great attention to strategy. The chess game is also applicable to the battlefield. Your lord And let Mr. Abel and the others learn."

Was it for his own sister?
Amelia felt that she knew more about Ron, she glanced slightly, and looked at Melittoia who was playing next to her.

"Xiaobai, you have to catch it~"

I saw Melittoya holding a peeled melon seed in her hand and throwing it into the air.

Xiaobai jumped up in the air, opened his dog's mouth and flung out his tongue, showing a naive look, and ate the melon seeds in one gulp.

Seeing this, Melittoya applauded excitedly, "Xiaobai, you are too powerful."

"Tsk tsk."

Hearing the voice, Melittoya turned her head to look, and Irene smiled confidently, "Little Meili, you are so naive, let Teacher Irene teach you a truth today. Hey~"

Suddenly, Irene reached into her pocket, and threw a handful of shelled melon seeds into the sky like a goddess scattering flowers.

Wang Wang Wang!
Xiaobai's eyes glowed golden, and he screamed even more joyously. He jumped up, forming afterimages, and swept away all the melon seeds.

Seeing this scene, Melittoya was stunned.

Teresa, who was watching chess, had a smile in her eyes. Although she was exiled here far away from the capital, she lived an unprecedentedly comfortable life every day. When staying in the mansion, there will always be interesting things happening.

For example, a Royal Highness came to the mansion, and she also worked for Baron Arnold. This was something she could not have imagined before, and she was very knowledgeable and didn't ask much.

She looked at Xiaobai whose mouth was full of melon seeds, looked at it for a while, and said in a suspicious tone: "Have you noticed that Xiaobai seems to have gained a lot of weight, no, it should be stronger?"

Wearing a cool and well-fitting dress, Vivienne was lying on a chair next to her, nibbling a popsicle in her mouth, looking lazy and comfortable. Hearing Teresa's words, she said in an indistinct voice: " If you eat so much every day, you will also gain weight."

"Like you?"

Amelia glanced sideways and looked at Vivienne's indescribable place, with a hint of contempt in her words.

Vivienne suddenly became interested, turned her sideways to show her enchanting figure, and asked with a provocative expression: "Is Your Royal Highness jealous?"

"Hmph, rude words."

Amelia snorted coldly, and said again: "It's just a burden, why are you jealous?"

"It seems that Her Royal Highness really doesn't understand~"

The smile in Vivienne's eyes appeared, as if deliberately provoking Amelia's anger, but Amelia, as a princess, could not show her emotions casually, she glanced at it, and then continued to play chess .

Feeling bored, Vivienne lay back on the chair and ate popsicles.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Teresa's eyes moved on the two of them, and she quickly stopped this rude behavior. As far as she knew, Vivienne was the servant of Her Royal Highness, but now it seems that it is not the appearance. As above, the relationship between the two of them seems to be closer.

"How is it? Has it become easier recently?" Amelia asked while playing chess.

Hearing this, Joyce said: "Thanks to Her Royal Highness's guidance, I am indeed much more relaxed with some people sharing the work."

"Well, getting the right person to do the right job is a test of the manager's vision and ability. It's obvious that you've done a good job. But... you still need to work hard in chess." Amelia smiled gracefully, and it was settled heaven and earth.

I saw Joyce's sunspots on the chessboard had nowhere to go, and it was a dead end.

"I lost."

Joyce put down the chess pieces, and she could see that Amelia was letting herself go, without showing her true chess skills at all. Her chess skills were so advanced that she didn't look like a novice at all.

As she said that, she was about to stand up and give up her seat, and Amelia said, "Go ahead, I've had my best time, and I'll leave the opportunity to Miss Teresa."

Hearing her name, Teresa hurriedly thanked her without refusing. She had indeed waited for a long time. The chess skills of the people in the mansion were either much higher than hers, or they only knew the rules like Irene, so it was meaningless to play.

Only when playing chess with Joyce can there be a back and forth between winning and losing, and we can make progress together.

Teresa knew from the bottom of her heart that Amelia was in the same situation. It was more interesting to play against opponents of the same strength than abuse.

Thinking of this, she said: "If Your Royal Highness wants to find someone with strong chess skills to play against, I recommend Mr. Thomas. His chess skills should be able to be your opponent."

Amelia was slightly taken aback, and smiled sweetly: "Thank you, I'll make a note of it."

With no more chess to play, Amelia could only stay aside bored, watching the two play with the dog.

Thinking of the cubs of the Fenrir family squirming around like pets and obeying the orders of an ordinary maid, Amelia felt that she was hallucinating, and at the same time doubted the dog in front of her, no, Xiaobai was really Fenrir Clan?

No matter how you look at it!

There is still a drama going on there.

"Sister Irene, just teach me how to make Xiaobai eat all the melon seeds I threw, and next time I will let you eat my pudding-flavored popsicles." Melittoya pulled Irene's clothes Sleeve, begged pitifully.

She learned from the book that the party who wants to gain an advantage in a negotiation must find out the other party's weakness. Obviously, Irene's weakness is eating desserts.

But her calculation was wrong, or she overlooked a very important factor. Irene shook her head and said, "Little Meili, have you forgotten? The master told me not to eat popsicles for a month. If you Say this in 9 hours and I will promise you."

Melittoya was stunned, she actually forgot such important information!It shouldn't be.

The distance between the two was not far away, and Amelia heard all their conversations. Her naive words reminded her of the scene when she met them in the clothing store that day. different!
At this time, Irene and Irene came over to rest after playing, and Vivian started chatting with them. Roasted the pet bird she gave to grandpa.

Vivian asked Irene why she was punished for not eating popsicles, and it was still related to Rosalind. The main reason was that she would get the wrong idea.

Afterwards, Irene briefly summarized the matter, "... I thought Rosalind wanted to be a baroness, so I was surprised."

At this time, Teresa said: "It turns out that the Arnold family still has such a history. Although it is only valid in Arnold's territory, it can be considered a half-nobility. Miss Rosalind is a very far-sighted person."

Vivienne smiled lightly: "Although she said that she wanted to get the surname Arnold, she might not have no desire to be a baroness."

As soon as the words fell, she saw that everyone was looking at her. Vivienne looked embarrassed and said, "I, I was joking."

"Not funny."

Amelia said something as a relief for her.


Training Course.

"Oh, Anthony, what's wrong with you? Your face is swollen like this, do you want to see Mr. White?" Cliff showed concern on his face, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Sig brought Taylor over, snorted, and said, "I was cleaned up by the captain, give him a longer memory."

Then he said to Thomas: "Mr. Thomas, I brought Taylor here. If you have anything to ask, just ask him. Boy, be respectful, answer whatever you ask, don't hide it, remember?"

The last sentence was addressed to Taylor, and at the same time, he gave hints with his eyes. Unfortunately, Taylor didn't understand what he meant at all, so he waved his hand casually and said, "Understood, just ask if you have any questions."

Seeger wanted to say something more, but Thomas had already started to ask. The breath on his body was extremely strong, like a mountain, which made people feel palpitations.

"You said before that the old knight who adopted and taught you was named Jamie. He died a few years ago, and you arranged his funeral."

Taylor nodded, "That's right, it's buried in the mountains outside Fast City."

"That's strange. I sent people to visit the Fast Territory, and there was no knight named Jamie." Thomas narrowed his eyes and said.

"Impossible, do you think I'm lying to you?" Taylor was anxious, even thinking that Thomas was humiliating him.

"Show some respect!"

Sig said coldly, the invisible coercion pounced on Taylor, and it was Thomas who raised his hand to stop him, and he restrained his momentum.

Thomas continued: "Interestingly, there is an old lame man named Jamie who also adopted a little boy and died a few years ago."

Taylor was taken aback: "You mean my grandfather is not a knight?"

He tried his best to calm down, and said: "Grandpa often tells me that knights should protect the lord and their own honor. He has never met the lord, but he has always abided by the rules of the knight. How could he not be a knight!"

"I don't know, maybe he used to be a knight." Thomas said indifferently.

Hearing this, Taylor was a little confused, sometimes he was, and sometimes he wasn't, was he playing tricks on him?

Seemingly seeing what he was thinking, Thomas said: "Although your grandfather's true identity has not been verified, the honor he taught you as a knight is genuine."

"Okay, I'm done asking."

Thomas turned and left, Seeger slapped Taylor heavily on the head, and then followed.

"Mr. Thomas, Taylor's grandfather, can Jamie's identity really not be verified?"

Thomas stopped, looked at Sig, knew what he was worried about, and said with a smile: "Jamie's identity is actually very simple. He is just an ordinary professional who is proud but mediocre."

"That just now" Sig was puzzled.

Thomas narrowed his eyes and asked meaningfully, "Where do you think Taylor learned the ability to pick locks?"

Sig's pupils shrank, thinking of a possibility.

Thomas shook his head, "No matter what the reason is, he did something that violated the principles of knighthood. That's why I said he used to be a knight."

As he said that, he stared at Sig and said with a smile, "You want to be his guarantor, so it's better not to be able to confirm Jamie's identity."

Hearing this, Seeger quickly thanked him. How could he not know that Thomas was helping Taylor at this time.

"That kid is the one you fancy, so you have to teach him well, or you won't be able to join the Cavaliers in the end." Thomas reminded.

"Yes, I understand."

Sig nodded cautiously.


Black Valley Forest.

Sig smiled wildly towards dozens of golden sunflowers in front of him, "Come on, attack me with all your strength."

However, the imaginary impact did not come. The group of golden sunflowers saw Sieg as if they had seen their relatives. The roots turned into afterimages like windmills and quickly rotated, rushing to gather around him, looking very intimate. The second-order golden sunflower also touched the top of Sig's head with its huge branches and leaves.

Sig: "???"

Feeling the kindness released by the golden sunflowers, Sig was a little confused. He came to collect sunflower seeds!
Seeming to be connected with him, the flower discs of the golden sunflowers trembled, and the sunflower seeds fell off one after another and fell into the bag, explaining what it means to be active, enthusiastic and unrestrained.

Seeger looked around, expressionlessly took out the prepared black mud and threw it on the ground, then left indifferently with several large bags full of sunflower seeds on his back, his back seemed a little lonely.

The golden sunflowers swayed in the wind, as if they were sending Sig farewell, and seemed to be looking forward to his coming again.

(End of this chapter)

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