Chapter 85 Taylor's Choice
Seeing the miserable Master Jim, the guard knights and entourage that Fast led and followed became angry and wanted to leave some cruel words, but they were too scared by Sig and others to speak, so they could only leave in despair.

When the group returned to the territory, Viscount Fast saw his son who had lost his hands, his eyes were tearing, his face became clouded, and his heart was suppressed with anger.

He expected that Jim would cause trouble in the baron's mansion, but he didn't expect such a result. How dare Baron Arnold!

Are you ignoring the face among nobles?
This is no longer a matter of Jim's hands being cut off, but more about the honor of the Fast family.

Under the treatment of many doctors, Jim finally woke up.

He became hysterical after knowing that he had lost his hands, yelling and venting his emotions in the room.

"I want him to pay the price! I want him to die! Where is my father, I want to see my father!"

Jim knew very well that only the Viscount Fast could help him avenge him at this time, so he was very excited and asked his servants to find the Viscount.

The servants serving him were in a dilemma and didn't follow his orders. Jim was stimulated and his expression twisted, "You are very happy to see me like this, and you don't even want to listen to me? You also Damn it!"

"Master, it's not like this, sir." The servants wanted to explain in panic. At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Viscount Fast walked in with a blank expression.

Jim's eyes lit up, and he said to his father, "Father, punish them quickly and drive out these low-class people who don't respect the etiquette."

Viscount Fast looked at his son, who was mentally unstable and might collapse at any time. He waved his hand and said, "Do as he said."

"Yes, sir." The butler behind the Viscount sharpened his eyes, and the faces of the servants turned pale.

"Look, look! I'm being disrespected! I deserve it!" cried Jim, as if it was the only way to preserve the last of his poor self-respect.


Viscount Fast called out, his eyes fell on Jim's empty hands, his heart ached, and he hated Arnold even more.

"Father, you must kill Baron Arnold! You can't let him go easily." Jim said viciously.

Viscount Fast nodded silently, and said: "I have already started to deal with this matter. I came this time to ask you what happened at that time. Tell me everything you did, so that I can send a letter to the capital to report the application. .”

"At that time I"

Jim recounted what had happened, and finally said: "The maid was disrespectful to me. I just disciplined her on her behalf, and then fainted. I don't know what happened after that."

After hearing Jim's words, Viscount Fast got up, "You have a good rest, I will make the Arnold family pay a heavy price."


Arnold's territory, mansion.

Erin's room.

Ron invited Mr. White to show Irene, the slap left only a red mark, and now the herbal medicine has gradually subsided the swelling, but the important thing is to hurt Irene mentally.

Looking at Irene who was in a deep sleep, Ron stood by her bed alone and did not let anyone else in. Recalling the dim eyes of Irene in the courtyard, an uncontrollable tyrannical emotion surged in his heart .

Yes, at that moment, Ron felt murderous towards Jim, the first time he felt so angry at a stranger.

He had to admit that Irene was a different existence in his heart, and Ron was closer to Irene than anyone else.

Back then, when he came to this strange world, it was Irene's innocence that gave him a sense of security.

That's right, it's a sense of security. From Irene's gossip, Ron obtained first-hand information about this world, so that he can play a good role as a new young lord who lost his parents in the follow-up.

Don't look at Irene's usual dull look, but in fact, he has always taken this "young master" to heart, and will seriously implement what he says.

Sometimes I will give him a sudden surprise, so that he will not be bored every day.

Eileen, who is 15 years old, does not have mature thoughts like ordinary girls. She has her own ideas, but she looks very naive in the eyes of others, like a child of six or seven years old.

For such an innocent and romantic girl, someone still had the heart to hit her. Ron took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

He looked at Irene quietly, smoothed the hair on her forehead with his hand, paused, and gently pressed a finger on her forehead, moving with his thoughts, and the characters were generated.

【Silver One Star】


[Favourability: 94 ('fuzzy')]


【Entry 1: Capable maid (white)】


The favorability has reached 94 points, but the description behind the good height is vague, and it seems that it cannot be determined.

The little maid didn't live up to it, she only had 94 favorability points. Ron didn't take his hand back, but hesitated for a moment. His eyes fell on entry 1.

——[Gourmet (Green): You are not good at cooking, but you have the ability to taste food and can distinguish all the ingredients in food]

Not good at cooking?

That's okay?Ron brushed the entry directly.

——[Show cuteness (white): Can you share some of your cuteness with others]

——[Little girl selling lollipops (white): No one can refuse the candies you sell]

10 minute later.

Ron's face twitched, and he tapped Irene's forehead lightly with his fingers, "You snack!"

He read a lot of entries, and almost half of the entries were related to food, but in the end he couldn't find any entries that satisfied him.

Having stayed long enough, Ron got up and left the room.

As the door was closed, Irene, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened her eyes. She sat up straight, looked left and right with her dazed eyes, and then raised her hand to stroke her forehead, with a look of doubt in her eyes.

Mansion Chamber.

Everyone started discussing the upcoming territorial war. They were dominated by Joyce, Amelia and Thomas. Originally, Thomas' position should belong to Cavalier Captain Abel, but Abel gave this position to Thomas.

Joyce said: "The war between the two territories requires the submission of written documents to the royal family and the personal signatures of the two lords. This will take a lot of time. We can use this time to investigate how many troops and resources are available in the Fast Territory. funds so we can prepare accordingly.”

Rosalind can also participate in this meeting as a manager of the territory's finances. She said, "Leave the investigation to me and Mr. Abel."

Joyce looked at Abel, and he nodded, "I have no objection."

Later, Joyce raised some points that needed attention, and everyone worked together to find a solution.

"Miss Amelia, do you have anything to add?"

Only some people in the chamber knew Amelia's identity, and Joyce did not address her as the princess.

Amelia said slowly: "Don't just focus on the surface, you need to be more careful behind the invisible."

Others didn't know why, but Joyce and Thomas looked thoughtful, and they obviously understood what Amelia said.

At this time, the door of the meeting room was opened, Ron walked in, and everyone stood up to salute.

Ron came to the main seat and sat down, motioning for everyone to continue, while he listened to the discussion of the people while admiring the newly built meeting hall.

Colin spent a lot of thought on designing this meeting room. The meeting room has a large space and gives people a serious atmosphere.

It was originally planned to be used after the establishment of the new city, but I didn't expect to use it now.

The last point of discussion among the people was how many people fought on the side of Arnold's Territory. In terms of numbers alone, compared to Fast Territory, Arnold's Territory's military strength is not strong, but extremely weak.

Except for the 11 people belonging to the Baron's Mansion Cavaliers, the only ones who can participate in the battle are the guards of the town. Even if they are all added up, there are only more than three hundred people at full strength.

You must know that the battle between the Earl of Eugene and the Marquis of Alfredrey is based on a small battlefield of thousands of people.

Unless forced to recruit those leaders to follow the battlefield.

Strictly speaking, the people are the property of the lord. In order to protect the dignity and reputation of the lord, forcibly recruiting the people to the battlefield will not be accused of anything, and it is a normal method.

Some lords who are anxious, many will force the people in the territory to fight for themselves.

Of course, in order to ensure that the conscripted lords will not let go, some lords will choose to lure them and use a large amount of gold coins to arouse their desire to win; some lords will use low-handed means to force them to fight.

It all depends on what kind of person the lord is.

The people present could not make a decisive choice. Now half of Arnold’s territory are refugees, and the remaining half are the original citizens. In order to maintain the operation of the territory, no one is idle. If it is called now, it may happen. The scourge, this is the consensus of all.

Seeing this, Ron finally said, "I won't force the recruitment. I will leave the task of participating in the war to the Cavaliers. Thomas, you can make the specific arrangements. I just want the result."

After speaking, he got up and left the meeting room. The tough behavior made everyone helpless. The main things were discussed, and the lord also left. The first meeting ended here, and everyone left one after another.

Joyce said to Thomas: "Mr. Thomas, I don't understand things on the battlefield. You arrange it, and I will cooperate."

".it is good."

Thomas could only agree, and Abel patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "How does it feel to be trusted by the lord?"

"I feel under pressure. I only have a rough idea of ​​the strength of Fastland. At least [-] people can be dispatched. Among them is a third-rank knight named Gary. He is the head of the Knights of the Viscount Mansion."

Thomas told the truth.

"Don't worry, we have two third-tier knights on our side, aren't you about to be second-tier? That boy Sig is strong, the opponent's third-tier knight is no match for him."

Abel comforted him, then paused and said, "Also, do you think the lord will do something you are not sure about?"


Thomas woke up suddenly when he heard this, "If you know it, tell me what the lord means."

Abel froze, and said in a bad mood: "The lord's actions naturally have deep meaning."


Outside the door of the lord's room.

Sig came here with a person, knocked on the door and shouted: "My lord, I brought Taylor."

After getting the reply, Sig said to the excited Taylor: "Go in, don't forget what I taught you, if you displease the lord, you will have no good fruit."

"I remember it all, don't you worry about me?" Taylor smiled confidently, and then pushed the door open.

Tyler, who entered the room, quickly saw Ron sitting on the sofa in front of the window. He was a little nervous. He recalled the chivalry ceremony that Seager taught him. He came to Ron, knelt down on one knee, and touched his shoulder with his left hand, " I have seen the lord."

Seeing this, Ron chuckled lightly, Taylor didn't dare to look up, and Ron's voice came, "Compared to when I first saw you, now you look decent, it seems that Seager taught you very well .”

Hearing this, Taylor smiled awkwardly, and when he was about to speak, he thought of Sig's exhortation, and closed his mouth again.

Ron's voice sounded again.

"I have heard about you from Sig. As for why you serve my Lord, I have the answer in my heart."

Ron spoke in a very calm tone. As expected, Taylor was misled by the people in the territory into thinking that he was an upright and benevolent lord, but in fact he was not. Everything was purposeful.

Taylor raised his head, showing a puzzled expression, what does the lord mean by this.

"I heard that you cut off the hand of Viscount Faster's son. That was an order I personally issued. I violated the rules of the nobility. Now you should know that I am not the lord you thought."

Ron said slowly, he didn't even look at Taylor's expression, and before the other party could speak, his words continued.

"Not only that, even the good deeds you think are planned by me with ulterior motives. I distribute food to the refugees, and they do things for me and build new cities. Speaking of which, I still make money."

He used several examples to portray himself as a black-hearted lord who used intrigue to gain fame.

In the end, the corners of his mouth lightly raised, and he said in a casual manner: "So, do you still want to serve me as the Lord?"

Taylor fell into silence, lowering his head as if struggling and thinking.

"Leave, I won't say anything about you." Ron waved his hand and issued an order to evict the guest.


Suddenly, Taylor yelled and raised his head suddenly, his eyes were firm, and the will was visible to the naked eye.

"Although you keep saying that you have ulterior motives, but I, no, not just me, in the eyes of everyone, it is you who gave them food, clothing, and use, and you saved them and gave them life. The opportunity also gave them dignity."

Taylor stared, trembling all over, as if he was suppressing the excitement in his heart. Seeger, who was waiting outside the door, was anxious to break in, but Ron had warned him that he would never go in without an order.

Ron said nothing, just looked at him quietly.

"And if you are really that bad, you won't drive me away, but you will use me, squeeze out my value, and make me work hard to die."

Taylor said affirmatively that he is a Tier [-] professional, and at such a young age, powerful people will choose to win him over. This is his potential and value.

Hearing these words, Ron looked at him with a smile, and said in a mocking tone: "Is there a possibility that I don't like you?"


Taylor froze, with a joyful expression on his face.

"Okay, since you don't want to go, then stay, but it won't be so easy to leave in the future."

Ron didn't say any more, and raised his hand to let him back down.

In a daze, Taylor obediently doubted himself and exited the room. After Seeger saw him coming out, he slapped him awake and asked, "Why are you in a daze? Tell me, did the lord give you anything special? "

"Something? Nothing."

Hearing this answer, Sig looked at him slightly disappointed, sighed and said, "Let's go."

Taylor didn't know why, so he followed him and left.

in the room.

Ron smiled. As he said before, everything was planned with ulterior motives.

After knowing why Taylor's favorability was so high, he planned the scene just now.

When faced with the ideal person they yearn for, people often subconsciously beautify them; once there is the slightest gap, disgust, or even hatred, will appear instead.

So, Ron decided to tell Taylor the 'truth', show his true side, and finally let Taylor make a 'choice'.

After clearly recognizing everything, Taylor's will will be stronger, and he will never betray in the future.

As for why Taylor didn't choose to leave, it was because his character would only have this result.

Of course, this was not a false choice. Even if Ron didn't want it in the end, he would still let Taylor go as agreed.

In fact, Taylor did not let him down.

 saints talk about deeds regardless of heart
(End of this chapter)

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