Western Fantasy: I can brush entries infinitely

Chapter 96 Crystal Mine, Final Battle

Chapter 96 Crystal Mine, Final Battle
Because the matter of the giant seeds was aroused in the mansion, many people looked at it curiously, and then lamented the magic of nature.

If others are talking about it as a pleasant topic, the experts look serious.

No matter whether you read the classics or observe it with your own eyes, you can't know the original appearance and origin of the giant seed.

An expert had already begun to doubt himself. He scratched his hair and muttered to himself: "How is it possible, it has all the characteristics of a seed, why is it not recorded in the book?"

"Yes, such a big and heavy feature should be included in the history books."

They were eager to find the answer to their question, and this strange seed had been tormenting them for days and nights.

Someone suggested: "How about we plant it and try?"

Hearing this, the rest of the people glared at him, and some cursed, "You're out of your mind, right? We don't even know the conditions for the growth of this seed. If the seed dies, you go to ask the lord for sin? Besides, this seed may be the only one in the world. Do you think you can bear this responsibility?"

The man turned pale and apologized repeatedly, saying that he was confused.

The experts gathered in a circle, staring at the seeds in front of them with bloodshot eyes. No one spoke, and the atmosphere was extremely dull.

After an unknown amount of time, a voice broke the silence, "The lord bought this seed for a gold coin, right?"

"To be precise, it is 1 gold and 15 silver coins. What do you want to say?" Everyone looked at the person who spoke, expecting him to say something breakthrough.

"According to the calculation of 5 silver coins per catty, this seed weighs 23 catties. From the perspective of normal thinking, such a heavy seed does not exist."

The speaker paused, looked around and continued: "Let's not treat it as a seed, but from all aspects, what is it most like?"

Everyone seemed to understand what he meant and expressed their opinions one after another. Some people discussed from various aspects such as shape, color, and touch.

One person tapped the surface of the seed lightly to make a crisp ding-dong sound, and finally came to the conclusion that this seed was a kind of ore.

When they came to this common conclusion, everyone was astonished and at the same time very sure in their hearts.

But they are a group of plant experts who are not familiar with ores, and they have nowhere to look up books.

One person's eyes lit up, and he blurted out: "Isn't Mr. Hadey the top blacksmith? We can invite him to take a look."

"Good idea, I'll go to the blacksmith workshop and invite him."

This moment is the closest they are to the answer. The experts are excited and full of action, and they all acted one after another.

Ron, who was discussing with Master Colin whether to raise some aquatic organisms in the lake, was invited away by the plant expert who rushed over.

When Ron accompanied him to the wooden house next to the vegetable garden, he found that Hadey was also there, and he was working on the giant seeds with excitement, which made Ron's face stiff.

"Mr. Hardy, the lord has arrived."

Someone reminded that Hadey immediately withdrew his hand when he heard this, and saluted Ron with an expression, as if it wasn't him just now.

Ron nodded slightly, "Tell me, is the origin of this seed clear?"

"Understood, but... let Mr. Hadey tell you." The experts looked satisfied, and the excitement on their faces has not yet receded.

Ron looked at Hardy, only to see him raise his hand, and said, "Lord Lord, please take a look."

"This is not a simple seed."

Ron said speechlessly: "Nonsense, I can't see this? Get to the point."

"Ahem. This is the 6th 'Crystal Ore' among the top ten strange mines. It has the function of self-healing when added to weapons and equipment, and this is the seed of a crystalline ore." Hadey answered succinctly.

Hearing this, Ron was taken aback, ore?And is it an ore that can be planted?It is indeed something that can be included in the strange mine.

After listening to Hadey's introduction, he made a lot of money this time.

Ron chuckled and said, "Looks like I got another treasure. Since you are familiar with this raw crystal mine, you will plant it."

Unexpectedly, Hadey shook his head, "I'm going to disappoint the lord. To cultivate a raw crystal mine requires an unimaginably huge mineral resource to feed it, which is not only time-consuming but also resource-consuming."

"Generally, blacksmiths who get the seeds of the crystal growth ore will use them immediately instead of cultivating them."

Ron frowned. It seems that this thing is a gold-eating product, but it needs mineral nourishment for growth, which is reasonable.

But now there is no shortage of mineral resources in Arnold's territory. The mine can produce all kinds of rare minerals every day, and there is Jeff, a meteorite summoning magician, so it should be easy to cultivate.

He said this idea, Hadey still shook his head, "Feeding rare minerals to the growth crystal ore seed can indeed speed up its growth, but just to make it grow to the point of germination, it needs to consume ten thousand catties of mithril, which ranks first in the strange mine. If it is fed with other minerals, the resources consumed are unimaginable."

Ron was silent.

Perhaps it is because of its difficulty in cultivation that it only ranks 6th among the top ten strange mines. Otherwise, with its self-repairing feature, it should be ranked higher.

"My lord, can I use this raw crystal mine?" Hadey rubbed his hands and asked, as if he couldn't wait to hit two hammers on the seeds.

"Where do you want to use it?" Ron didn't want to hand him the seeds of the crystal growth mine, but he still asked one more question.

Hadey looked at the seeds in front of him, and pondered: "With this weight of raw crystal ore, you can create a complete set of equipment, including swords, armor and scabbards."

Meeting Hadey's expectant eyes, Ron refused. The sixth-ranked strange mine can only create a set of equipment, which is too bad for him.

Sustainable development is the most important theme!
Don't forget, there is a blank entry slot on the crystal growth seed.Afterwards, in front of everyone, Ron picked up the growth crystal ore seeds and left.

The experts looked at each other in blank dismay, ignoring Hadey, who was dejected beside him, and discussed with each other whether the "grown crystal mine" belonged to a plant.

On the other side, Ron took the crystal growth ore seeds to a place where no one was around, and started to write entries.

This time he didn't pursue high-quality entries, as long as there were entries that met his requirements, he would stop swiping.

He swiped entries for thousands of items and summed up some rules.

Each item has its own characteristics, and the probability of swiping its corresponding entry will be a little higher than other entries. Although there is only one point, but in the endless entries, the gap between this point appears to be a lot.

Even so, those unsuitable entries didn't mean they wouldn't be brushed out, just like the first time he brushed the stone into powder, brushed out three resistances for the necklace, brushed out the defensive shield for the brooch, and brushed out the attack for the ring.

These are entries that are not suitable for the item, but Ron can still brush them out with time and a little luck.

And what properties should the seed have?

The answer is actually quite simple.

The corner of Ron's mouth raised slightly. It only took him a little time to find the right entry. Although it was only of white quality, the attributes made him very satisfied.

——[Physique prone to obesity (white): Water is the source of energy, only water is needed to nourish growth]

Ron ordered people to send the crystal growth ore seeds to Hardina, let him plant them on the meteorite field, and water them every day.

Hadey was dumbfounded when he heard this order.But no matter how greedy he was for the raw crystal ore, he did not disobey this order, and obeyed the order to find an area in the meteorite field and plant it.

He has a job every day, so he handed over the work of watering to Jeff. In the days to come, it was Jeff who was cultivating the crystal growth mine.


During this period of time, the leader of the Knights of Byron on the side of Fastland will send a group of laborers to contribute to the establishment of the new city in Arnold's territory, which can be described as a feat that cannot be ignored.

Headquarters of the Knights of the Round Table.

Everyone was present except Taylor, who was on duty to guard the gate.

Sitting on Abel's deputy, Thomas said in a steady voice, "Our war with Fastland has come to an end."

When everyone heard this, their expressions became serious, and they listened carefully to Thomas' next battle arrangement.

"According to the information I have obtained, the opponent has no more troops to fight, and the next step is the final battle."

Speaking of this, the seriousness on Thomas' face dissipated, and he chatted about topics that had nothing to do with the battle situation.

Most of his words are related to the security of the territory. Although the territory is peaceful now and everyone has the same goal to build the territory well, how can there be no friction and disputes between people.

These small matters were handled by the guards before, but now the guards are pulled to take care of the prisoners, resulting in a shortage of manpower.

"...After the war is over, we will introduce new members from the guards to expand the knight order, which will also reduce the number of guards maintaining law and order."

The others seemed to understand what Thomas said, and Harvey said, "Mr. Thomas, do you want to postpone the recruitment?"

Thomas shook his head, "All the submitted documents have been approved, and the matter of expanding the Knights will not change."

He paused, "Miss Joyce mentioned to me that the lord intends to establish a territorial security management agency."

Buprofen was puzzled, "What does this have to do with us?"

Even if a public security management agency is established, it will select outstanding talents from among the citizens, and they will not be allowed to manage it.

In terms of management ability, Thomas and Marvin are the only ones among them, and the rest can only use force.

Abel has a special status, and the lord will certainly not let him manage the security of the territory.

"It doesn't matter, but it can matter."

Thomas said ambiguously, and the others looked suspicious.Seeing that he was unwilling to reveal more, Victor asked: "Mr. Thomas, just tell me how to fight this last battle."

"You don't need to fight, just watch."

Thomas smiled calmly and said that Abel next to him looked at Thomas who was pretending to be mysterious. If he hadn't participated in the whole process, he would have been pretended by Thomas just like the others.

Sure enough, as soon as a person becomes smart, his heart will turn black, just like that guy Sig.

The final battle between Arnold's territory and Fast's territory finally started.

Abel and other 12 people came to the border of the territory outside the city early. They were wearing bright silver armor, sitting on the back of a mighty and majestic demon scale horse, looking ahead.

Because Thomas said that there is no need to fight this battle, they lined up, and Abel was in the middle, with a blank expression on his face, as if everything was under control.

Rows of figures appeared at the end of the horizon, and it was the cavalry of Fastling who had arrived.Compared with the previous few times, the number of people playing this time is very small, worthy of more than a hundred people.

The Knight Byron at the front ran wildly with his knights, and continued to charge without slowing down 100 meters away from Abel and the others.

"do not move."

Thomas reminded aloud that everyone's eyes were fixed and they did not move rashly.


The horseshoes stomped on the ground and made a loud noise, but the aura created by only a hundred people was full of oppression, giving people the momentum of thousands of troops.


Absolute elite!
Could this be Fastling's trump card?
This idea appeared in everyone's mind.

At 50 meters, 30 meters, and 20 meters, Knight Byron and his men still did not slow down.

Finally, at a distance of about 12 meters from the 15 people, Knight Byron shouted loudly, "Stop!"

Wipe it.

Hundreds of people stopped at the same time. This scene of prohibition caused everyone to squint their eyes.

The last time I encountered this situation, it was a knight under the command of Viscount Gordon.But these people in front of them are not only bigger, but also more orderly.

However, what concerned them most was that the other party did not attack them, and everyone looked at Thomas.

"Mr. Byron, welcome." Thomas greeted with a kind smile on his face, as if meeting a friend he hadn't seen for many years.

Hearing this, everyone remained calm and did not show the astonishment in their hearts, otherwise they would look a little stupid.

"Mr. Thomas is really powerful, but I still can't hide this little trick from you." Byron's tone seemed a little frustrated, and at the same time, there was a hint of admiration for Thomas.

The scene just now was done on purpose by him, just to see Thomas' nervousness or other expressions. Unfortunately, he didn't see any reaction from the other party. Obviously, Thomas had expected it long ago and made countermeasures.

"Mr. Byron is overrated."

Thomas said modestly, looking at the Hundred Knights behind him.Noticing his gaze, Byron introduced: "They are all trustworthy knights under my command, and each of them is a carefully selected elite. Now, I hand them over to you, Mr. Thomas."

"Thank you very much for Mr. Byron's cooperation, but I will still wear the imprisonment bracelet for them, please understand." Thomas smiled and observed the change of expression on the other party's face.

"I know, put it on for me too."

Byron nodded understandingly, then turned to look at the hundred knights behind, "Don't resist, follow Mr. Thomas's arrangement."


The voices of a hundred knights gathered together, deafening.

Afterwards, under the arrangement of Thomas, all the knights on Faster's side, including Byron, put on the bracelets of imprisonment and entered the city.

Except for Abel, the rest of the knights of the round table are still in a daze with a blank face.


Fastland, Viscount's Mansion.

"What? Knight Byron surrendered with his men? Damn it! How dare he!" Viscount Fast was furious.

Some of his subordinates were still adding fuel to the fire, and said: "My lord, I have already said that Byron is not trustworthy! He will definitely betray you!"

Viscount Fast slapped him, and the person who hit him lost two of his front teeth, "Idiot, get lost!"

After he calmed down, he asked, "Where's Byron's family? Bring me here!"

The men who served the Viscount were astonished, and replied tremblingly: "The people we arranged to monitor are Byron's men. When we went to Byron's house to look for them, they had already disappeared."

Hearing this, Viscount Fast's eyes darkened, and he almost lost his breath.

"It's over, it's all over!" Viscount Fast slumped on the chair and murmured with blank eyes.

"No, Lord Viscount, although we have lost this battle of honor, the reputation of the Fast family will not necessarily be damaged."

One person stepped forward and cautiously gave advice.

(End of this chapter)

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