Chapter 100 The First Battle
The lone wolf stared at him closely, the huge oppressive force made Pete forget the pain, and sweat kept coming out of his face.


Latin with the broken leg kept scanning his eyes, "Your leg is not bad, don't you want it anymore?"

"I secretly hid a magic scroll." Pete finally couldn't suppress the fear in his heart, and told the secret.

The lone wolf's eyes were sharp, and at that moment he felt murderous. He stood up, and the shadow formed by his huge body enveloped Pete's body.

"You hid the magic scroll?" Lone Wolf's voice hit Pete's heart like a heavy hammer.

"I" Pete couldn't stop shaking.

"You should know what price you have to pay for hiding something, and it's a precious magic scroll. Choose yourself, what kind of death method."

Pete was terrified, but calmed down a lot, "Boss, I know I was wrong, I will take you to that town, I believe there are definitely a lot of gold coins there, and you will deal with me after the matter is over."

Lone Wolf didn't speak for a long time.

Pete's heart was beating violently, and there was a feeling of jumping out of his throat.

"I'll give you this chance!" Lone Wolf finally spoke and sat back down.

Pete breathed a sigh of relief, knowing he survived.

"Go away, if I don't see the gold coins tomorrow, I will feed you to the wild beasts."

Pete left the house in a hurry.

"Boss, aren't we going to save people now? After all, Harvey was arrested, he can't die, his brother" Latin asked with doubts in his heart.

The lone wolf waved his hand, tore off a piece of meat and chewed, "That boy Harvey died as soon as he died. As for his brother, don't forget that he is a dark cultist. We have already used him up, so he should die. This town is The best burial place."

"However, there may be some knights in the town, who are not killed so easily, and they also said, let us wait for the reply." Latin was a little worried.

"It's just an ordinary town. How many knights can there be? If the opponent is powerful, even Pete can't escape with a magic scroll. Don't forget, after becoming a lord, we can't snatch gold coins so freely."

"That's right, when their news arrives, boss, you will be the knight lord, and I will be your servant." Latin said with a flattering smile.

"Yes!" Lone Wolf glanced at him and laughed.

In the camp, Pete looked at the broken arm with an ugly expression on his face. A series of things that happened today made him completely useless. His arm was broken and his leg was injured. Even if he recovered, he could not return to his previous appearance.

What's more, he also offended the boss. Although he survived now, it doesn't mean that he will be safe in the future.

He probably knows a little bit about the character of the boss, and he is a person who absolutely does not allow betrayal.

"Damn it!" Pete scolded, he regretted it very much now, if he had known earlier, he would not have followed.

"Peter, I heard that you made the boss angry. You are a very clever person, why do you still make such a mistake?" The mercenary guarding the camp came over with a sarcasm in his tone.

Pete ignored him, thinking about what to do next.

Due to the excessive bleeding, the pain from the wound being scorched by the fire made him wake up, but now his vision gradually became blurred, his head was dizzy, and he finally closed his eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, the wound started to hurt again. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the mercenary lying in front of him.

The sluggishness of his head made him unable to react for a while, he was just thinking, you are still lazy to sleep.

But when he saw the blood on the ground, his eyes widened, and he just wanted to open his mouth to shout.

A cold light flashed, his sight shifted, his head fell to the ground, and his bones rolled.

"It turns out that you were the one who escaped."

This was the last sound Pete heard.

His eyes were wide open, with a shocked expression on his face, he didn't expect people from the town to come here.

But why do they know where the camp is?
This question will remain in his heart forever.

Lynn looked away from Pete's head to the camp.

In the dark of night, it is a good time to kill.

This camp is very simple, and the two gatekeepers have no professional ethics at all, and even fell asleep, so don't blame Lynn for being rude.

They were dead, only a few seconds before Pete.

Lynn made a gesture, and the militia team behind them followed up. They were holding specially made spears and hanging crossbows on their waists.

They entered the camp without making a sound.

The people outside the tent curled up, some with smiles on their faces, some drooling, and they didn't know what they dreamed of. Then, a long gun sank into their necks, and they felt severe pain. Let them wake up, but they can't shout anymore, their bodies twitch and they lose their breath.

The heart of the militia team that killed people was beating violently, but they didn't make any movement, and followed the two captains to move forward.

They stood outside the tent, opened the door of the tent, and held the repeated crossbow in their hands. They kept pressing, and the tips of each crossbow turned black, and the poisonous crossbows sank inside.

Lin En went to the forest to catch poisonous snakes in his free time and used them for preparation. After experimenting, he saw that the blood blocked his throat.

The continuous crossbow was also handed over to Faer and Naiji for production. With samples, they could easily copy new crossbows.

The sleeping person in the tent died in his dream.

No matter how they thought about it, they never thought that someone would attack in the middle of the night, and they still used a sneak attack.

It is also because these people are not knights, they are just ordinary people.

Lynn looked at the house in the middle of the camp. According to Harvey, this is where their boss Lone Wolf is. He is a mercenary and a junior knight who betrayed the knight code.

This is what Harvey heard from his brother. As a real brother, he should not fool him.

With a wave of his hand, the militia dispersed and went to the remaining tents.

Lin En held a long sword in his hand and stared closely at the house.

The militia returned, and Jack and Miles nodded, indicating that all the people in the tent were dead.

Lynn couldn't help frowning. Harvey said that besides the lone wolf, there was also a knight called Broken Leg Latin and two knight followers.

Broken Leg Latin is also a junior knight, but he is more vicious. He uses his height advantage to attack people's legs. As for the other two knight followers, they are actually two mercenaries who have not gathered the seeds of life.

It is normal for the knights to die, but what about Latin with a broken leg, are they all in the house?
(End of this chapter)

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