I, a fallen nobleman, started the farming system

Chapter 103 The Earl's Order

Chapter 103 The Earl's Order

The lords of Sheep Town were involved in the trading of serfs. The first batch of serfs purchased by Lynn had qualified slave status, but the serfs purchased later were not. Many of them were obviously civilians.

If the civilians hadn't encountered extremely troublesome things, they would not have been reduced to this state.

This is not the cold winter season, but spring. The first batch of food crops have been planted, waiting to mature, and now there is nothing to eat like winter, and the common people will not become serfs if they have any hope.

The person in charge of the serf market said that it was the dark cultists that caused these things to happen, and now he heard the viscount's secret from the mouth of the lone wolf.

Can it be said that the Viscount did these things to push the dark believers, but why?

Serf trading is really not a particularly profitable business. Compared with the gold coins earned from trading ores, weapons, spices, etc., it is simply incomparable.

Lynn was puzzled, and really couldn't connect these two things together.

Moreover, the person in charge of the serf market also said that he had a relationship with the nobles of Olis.


The roaring sound interrupted Lynn's imagination, he looked over, and Miles' momentum continued to emerge.

The surrounding soil and stones were blown away one after another, Miles' top was shattered, and veins protruded from his body, as if they were moving, gathering in his heart.

The seeds of life were condensed, and Miles became a knight.

Jack was shocked. He never thought that his companion would break through.

Miles strode up to Lynn, exercising the etiquette of loyalty, "Thank you for your cultivation, sir, I hereby swear to be loyal to you forever."

Lynn nodded, with a smile on his face, "Yes, you succeeded."

This is the No.1 knight who broke through in his territory other than himself, and it has an extraordinary meaning.

Miles said excitedly: "My lord, your method is so useful, I really didn't expect that I would become a knight."

This is what he said from the bottom of his heart. When he was training under Hans, he was treated purely as a servant. He was thought to have no hope of breakthrough. Otherwise, he would not have been assigned to Ashes Town with Jack.

But under the method of adults, he became a knight, turning the impossible into possibility, this is the ability of adults.

"Don't be overly proud. Becoming a knight is just the first step." Lynn warned, "Okay, let's search here with the militia and take away all valuable things."

Lynn turned to look at the other members of the militia team, "I said at the beginning, as long as you join the militia team and I will train you, then you will not be allowed to hide things privately. Once you are found , directly kicked out of the team, the work points will be invalidated, and thrown into the mining area, they will never be able to get out.

Hope you guys keep this in mind and don't let me down. "

Lynn's tone was indifferent, his expression serious, and he did what he said.

The other members of the militia team couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring, straightened their bodies, and threw away the thoughts in their hearts. They were not willing to give up a good living environment.

Lin En first looked at Lone Wolf's big sword, which had many gaps. This sword was quite rough when it was forged, but it can be taken back for the blacksmith to remelt.

He entered the house. Not long had passed since the battle began. The house smelled of wine, a large number of wine barrels were placed randomly, and there was still wine liquid on the ground.

It seems that the mysterious viscount sent a lot of wine, and the lone wolf thought that the task had been completed, and celebrated here.

It has to be said that it was the right thing for Lynn to choose to sneak attack late at night.

At least, no one was hurt.

"Are you really a knight?"

There was a voice behind Lynn, and Harvey came to his side.

"Why did you ask so?"

"I've never seen a knight sneak attack. This is what assassins do." Harvey looked up at him.

Lynn smiled, "Do you still remember what I told you before I came here? Anyone who endangers your interests and causes danger to you will die. That's what the Lone Wolf and the others are like. If I don't use sneak attacks, but fight head-on, although In the end, I will still win, but most of my people will die.

But a sneak attack can save their lives. In my opinion, whether it is a sneak attack or a head-on confrontation is a combat strategy. For combat, do you know what the most important result is? "

Harvey thought about it and shook his head.

"It's victory. Only the winner can get everything, while the loser can only lie in the ground. The knight you think needs justice, humility, heroism, sacrifice, etc. I have no objection, but I need to take the overall situation into account. Since there are fewer casualties method, why not use it?"

Harvey felt his mind was a little messed up and couldn't figure out the reason.

Lin En didn't continue to talk to him, but looked around. He came to the huge seat and opened the wooden box on one side, which contained a lot of coins.

There are three such boxes, arranged together, quite eye-catching.

Lynn was puzzled. It stands to reason that these things should not be the only ones.

"Are you looking for the lone wolf's treasure?"

Harvey came under the chair and deftly opened the wooden board with both hands, and there was a simple box inside.

"This is his treasure, be very careful, and I saw it by accident."

Lynn took the box, thought for a while, and released the knight guardian.

Harvey: "??"

The box was opened and nothing happened.

Harvey looked puzzled, "You"

Lynn took the lead and said, "It's nothing, a mistake."

Harvey: "."

There are quite a lot of things in the box. There are ten bottles of recovery potions, five magic scrolls, a piece of parchment, and other miscellaneous gadgets. I don’t know what they are.

Lynn looked at the magic scrolls. They were all low-level magic, such as fireball, teleportation, ice and so on.

He picked up the parchment, and when he saw the contents on it, his hands couldn't help but tremble.

[This is an order from the earl. As long as you can complete it, then I will agree to your request and give you the status of knight lord, and you will get a large territory.

Remember, you are just an inconspicuous little character in this matter. If you violate it, I don't mind disposing of you. 】

Below the parchment is a mark, with a blooming flower in the middle of a spiky vine.

This kind of emblem often represents a family, but Lynn has no impression of it.

At this moment, Jack ran over and shouted in panic: "My lord, go over and have a look. We found many civilians who were locked up. They said they were from the aristocratic territory of Orlis."

"What!" Lynn was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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