Chapter 106 Funeral?

The next morning.

There were many people standing at the gate of the castle, all looking at Lynn.

Seeing their appearance, Lynn couldn't help complaining, "What's the matter with you, don't you just go back and behave like a funeral."

Karis immediately spat, "Ah bah, you can't say that."

Lynn: "."

It seems that in this regard, no matter which world is consistent.

Lynn came to Carliss and said, "During the time I'm away, the town will be handed over to you. Make statistics and I'll give you the specific plan. Just follow what's written on it."

Karis nodded, "Master, don't worry, even if it's my life, I must protect the town."

Lynn coughed, "Don't say that, don't be so exaggerated, Miles has become a knight, and the militia is still there, there won't be any problems."

He paused, set his sights on Matthew who was not far away, and walked over, "Do you still remember what you said before, Miles, who was not favored, condensed the seeds of life and became a knight. He changed I have fulfilled my own destiny, and will embark on another brand-new path from now on.

As for you, don't tell me you still want to go down like this, and don't want to seek the slightest change. "

Matthew had no expression on his face, nor did he speak.

Lynn didn't say anything more, just said: "I hope I can hear good news from you when I come back."

He looked around at the others, got on his horse, and left.

Carliss and the others just watched him like this until his figure disappeared into the forest.

"Jimmy, when do you think your lord will be back?" Nisha asked with moist eyes.

Jimmy shook his head, "I don't know, but I'm sure, the adults will come back after finishing the matter."

Karis waved his hand, "Okay, don't stay here anymore, let's all go about our own business."

The servants leave, while Jack and Miles go to train the militia.

Karis looked into the distance, and for some reason, he always felt a little uneasy. What the adults told him yesterday was really amazing. It has been a long time since a nobleman was killed, especially when another earl was involved. .

As for the emblem that the adults showed him, he couldn't recognize which family's symbol it was.

If your lord goes back, then he needs to develop the town properly during this time, so that he can't live up to your lord's entrustment.

He noticed that Matthew looked at the front with blank eyes, didn't say anything, and went to work on his own affairs. He still needs to make detailed statistics on those people who brought back yesterday.

Matthew murmured: "Change. But I have asked people from many churches to treat me, but it was useless. Even the natural magic of the elves has no effect at all. If you can't see it, it means you can't fight. It's just a Just trash.
However, that Miles has no potential, but has become a knight. Can Lynn really change people? "

He hasn't moved for a long time and has been staying here.

On the road, a horse passed quickly.

Lynn watched the surrounding trees receding quickly, feeling a little complicated in his heart. When he first came to Ash Town, he was still afraid and apprehensive, not knowing what would happen or who he would meet.

But now, he has become a powerful knight, mastered multiple combat skills, and changed the town of Ashes, allowing the town to embark on the road of development.

For him, Ashes Town is his home, and his position in that cold Earl's Castle is after all just a passer-by.

He stopped, and took out a piece of parchment with a map drawn on it, which was drawn by the townspeople of River Bend Town, and it was not very accurate, because they had never been to Ashes Town either.

After distinguishing the direction, Lynn set off again.

The water in the wide San Heli River flows slowly, and there are still many women beating their clothes with hammering sticks by the river.

From time to time, they raised their heads to see the boats floating on the water, and waved their hands to say hello.

A large city stands by the river, and bridges span both sides, linking the two sides of the river.

The streets were filled with the sound of hawking, the doors of the shops opened, and the apprentices started their busy day.

A horse walks on the street, and pedestrians along the road avoid it.

Lynn looked around. In the past, he lived in the castle most of the time, but he would sneak out whenever he had time. In his opinion, this lively place is much better than the castle.

He took a long detour to Hewan Town, which was already in ruins, but he didn't find anyone.

The freshly baked white bread was placed in the house, and the aroma was wafting, and soon someone went to buy it.

Fine textiles are hung on the walls, awaiting the arrival of customers.

There are many tall buildings, forming a residential community.

The economy of the city under the Earl's rule was prosperous and developed. A large number of merchants sold goods here, and there were caravans everywhere. While they brought goods to the city, they also had to pay taxes and fees.

The city of Orlis, named after the nobles of Orlis, has been around for hundreds of years and is also known as the Pearl of the River.

Every freeman yearns for this place, and if they have the ability, they will move here to live.

Even ordinary civilians can find some jobs here to support themselves and their families.

This is the importance of the city's prestige. There is no need to deliberately promote it, and a large number of people will come.

Lynn's eyes narrowed, and he saw a church being built not far away.

This is a strange thing. The Kingdom of Kais is not friendly to the church. Although the church is allowed to exist, it cannot build a large number of church buildings. As the earl of the kingdom, noble Orlis naturally strictly abides by this point.

But now it has changed, and the location of the church is a prominent place like City Avenue.

Lynn didn't quite understand. Could it be that the relationship between the Kingdom of Kais and the church has eased during his absence.

"Did you hear that a nobleman died."

"Ah, who, when did it happen?"

The two men in front were discussing in a low voice, they didn't know that a nobleman was listening not far away.

"Baron Phoenix, the son of the Earl, the news came back two days ago."

"Really, the nobleman is still dying, is he suffering from some kind of illness?"

"I don't know, but it seems that he was killed."

"Don't talk nonsense here, you will be hanged to discuss the life and death of nobles at will."

"One of my younger sisters works as a servant in the castle. She said it. It seems that they are preparing for the funeral these days."

"God, it turned out to be true."

He wanted to continue asking, looked left and right, and found a person on a horse not far away paying attention here, and said quickly: "Don't discuss this, let's talk about why the church was suddenly built."

Lin En left with a puzzled expression on his face. Before heading to the castle, he encountered things that made him even more puzzled.

Phoenix is ​​dead, and it stands to reason that the news should not have passed here so quickly.

Hewan Town is located far away from Orlis City, similar to Ash Town, it is a remote place, but it is a plain, and there is no threat of monsters.

Now that the information flow is underdeveloped, it often takes many days for an incident to reach here, not to mention that there are no knights around Phoenix, and ordinary civilians are not qualified to report news here. Who will tell it?
It was clearly daytime, but in Lin En's eyes, the city seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog.

He patted his horse and headed towards the castle.

The magnificent and magnificent castle stands tall, with large blocks of bricks and stones stacked on top of each other, covered with mottled years, with the weight of history.

The construction of each family's castle is the top priority, because it not only represents the status, but also has the function of defense.

Lin En looked up, and there were many guarding knights standing on the high tower of the castle. Each of them was a specially trained formal knight, loyal to the Olis family, and would never betray.

After verifying Lynn's identity, the gate of the castle opened and he walked in.

After leaving for so long, Lin En came back again, but what he saw made his pupils shrink suddenly.

The arrangement in the castle is the preparation ceremony for the funeral, and everyone is busy.

Standing here, he feels out of place.

"Master, you are back."

An old butler walked over from the side. It was Galvin, the old butler in the earl's castle. His face was expressionless, but his eyes were full of exhaustion.

Lynn nodded and asked, "What's going on?"

He didn't say what he knew, because it was too unbelievable.

"Master Phoenix was killed by the dark cultists. Just a few days ago, the knights in Riverside Town received news." The old butler replied in a sad tone.

"What!" Lynn was shocked.

It's not just about dark believers, the key is knights.

Does Phoenix have knight protection around him?
He suddenly thought of Jack and Miles, and cursed himself inwardly, because they were just knight servants, and they also brought a disabled knight, which made him ignore this matter all the time.

The earl suddenly realized his conscience, and sent formal knights to his children with a large amount of gold coins and supplies.

But in this way, the problem is even more serious. The strength of the lone wolf is not strong, even the knights sent there are average, but with the retinue, it is no problem to escort Phoenix to escape.

"Master, I know you are very sad."

Lynn interrupted him, "Where's the knight?"

"He was cursed, and managed to reach the city. When he realized that he was about to die, he told the people on the street and asked them to come to the castle to report."

"Is he dead?" Lynn asked.

Galvin nodded, looking at Lynn with doubts in his eyes, "Master, do you have something to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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