I, a fallen nobleman, started the farming system

Chapter 126 Perfume production is successful, the caravan arrives

Chapter 126 Perfume production is successful, the caravan arrives

"Ah?" Karis didn't react for a while, "Raise wild boars?"

"Yes, wild boars are also pigs, so they can be raised."

"However, no one has raised wild boars. Will there be some problems?"

"Let's try it first. Anyway, there are a lot of wild boars, and they don't need to be eaten for the time being, so we will raise them as an experiment."

Lynn, this is also a way of hoarding. There is no refrigeration equipment here, so it is impossible to keep food for a long time. Air-drying is fine, but you can’t air-dry all wild pork. If you can eat fresh meat, you must eat fresh meat.

Karis nodded, understanding.

The servant came over, "My lord, Dio has something to ask for you."

"Let him in!"

Dio held a vessel in his hand, with an excited expression on his face, "My lord, I made it."

As he entered, a scent appeared and filled the hall.

Karis couldn't help but smell it, "What, it smells so good."

Lynn was surprised. He looked at the container, which contained a light pink liquid. The amount was not large, but the fragrance was strong.

Dior said it took two days, but he didn't expect it to be made.

"Is this the Wuhuaxiang you mentioned?" Lynn asked.

"Yes, that's it." Dio looked at the liquid in the container, as if admiring a peerless beauty.

In the past, he made it secretly, but now that the lord has given him the opportunity, he must do it well.

Lin En put a few drops of perfume on his hand, rubbed it on his hand, then smelled it, and found that the fragrance was still very strong. He waited for a while before the fragrance gradually weakened. Although the persistence was not high, it was already quite strong. Not bad.

"Can you mass-produce?" Lynn asked.

Dio was stunned.

Karis scolded, "My lord is asking you something!"

"Yes, yes!" Dio replied immediately.

"But these perfumes can't be preserved," Dior said.

"It doesn't matter, I will buy a batch of containers to put them in. Just make as many perfumes as you can. Don't limit yourself to one kind, and show your talent." Lynn reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

Dio didn't know how he left, he felt a little dizzy.

The lord not only approved the perfume he made, but also asked him to make it in batches, which is simply impossible.

Since he was a child, no one has recognized him. Everyone who knows him says that he has no ability at all, and if he does such useless things, he will definitely starve to death in the future.

Only Dior himself can understand the experience, but he did not give up. As long as he has the opportunity, he will make it, even if there is not much material.

Now the lord's approval made him feel like he had met a confidant, and he silently vowed in his heart that he would not disappoint his lord's expectations.

Carliss asked, "Sir, it will cost a lot of money to buy a lot of crystal containers."

"Don't worry, as long as you sell the perfume, you will definitely earn back ten times, a hundred times." Lin En said, "Of course, it would be better if the cost can be reduced. At present, we don't have a method to mass-produce crystal containers. Do it first."

Carliss sighed, "I never thought that a serf would master such a powerful method of making perfume. No one discovered it before."

Lynn smiled, "Of course someone found out, and Dior also said that in the past when he made perfume, people didn't understand it, and even ridiculed it. Do you know the reason?"

Carliss thought for a while, "It may be that those people think that he should support himself with money instead of doing this kind of thing."

"This is one point. The most important point is that the people around Dior don't understand what he's doing. They don't have insight and foresight. The price of perfume is even hundreds or thousands of gold coins among nobles, but for ordinary people, They don't know what perfume is at all, so they naturally don't pay attention to it, thinking that making perfume is not as good as planting on arable land.

Because they don't know the value of the perfume, they can't understand what Dior is doing, so there will be things that mock him. "

Karis nodded, "Yes, if they understand the value of perfume and let Dior make perfume, they will definitely earn a lot of gold coins."

What he didn't expect was that Lynn shook his head and said the opposite, "No, even if he made a perfume, it would be difficult to sell it."

"Ah, why?" Caris was puzzled.

"Will a nobleman use a perfume made by an ordinary commoner? Maybe, but most nobles will subconsciously think that the value of this perfume will drop after knowing that the maker is a commoner. More often than not, they will arrest him and force him to ask how to make it. Perfume, instead of giving him the freedom to make perfume like he is doing now," says Lynn.

Perfume is precious because it's rare, not everyone can afford it, and it's alchemical, which adds value again.

Suddenly, an ordinary person made perfume without the help of alchemy. The aristocrats would catch Dior and lock him up while being surprised, and let him make perfume non-stop.

Carliss thought for a while, and it was really like this, "Dior is lucky to come here and meet an adult like you, but sir, if we buy a large number of crystal containers, we can only go to large towns, ordinary villages and towns around should not.

In this way, the journey will become longer, and we have no experience in purchasing, so we may encounter some fraudulent things. "

Lin En also thought of this, "At present, our caravan is immature and there are too few guards, so we can't carry out long-distance transactions. We can only rely on other caravans. Didn't you keep in touch with the Red Heart Lions caravan before? See if we can get them here the next time we go to Sheeptown."

"Well, okay, I'll ask."

The next day, what Lynn didn't expect was that they didn't go to the Red Heart Lion Caravan, but the other party did.

Early in the morning, a convoy arrived in Ashes Town, and the leading carriage had the flag of a red lion flying high.

After seeing it, Karis immediately went back to the castle and told Lynn.

Lynn pondered for a moment, "Normal transactions, as long as the other party does not do anything beyond the restrictions, in addition, take them to the commercial area and conduct trade there, and they are not allowed to view other places except the commercial area. Ask them to tell them that if they violate it, they will be hanged directly.”

Karis left the castle again.

Lynn looked at the panel in front of him, and one of the tasks was refreshed. After so long, it was finally completed.

"Task [-] ([-]): If you want to develop the territory, you need to open up business routes. The second stage rewards papermaking. (Completed)"

(End of this chapter)

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