Chapter 134 Fire Rune
"Fire rune." Lynn murmured.

Hamid explained, "Yes, a rune is a mark that drives magic, as long as it is injected with magic power, it can be used."

"Please explain in detail."

Although Hamid didn't know why the lord was so interested in runes, he still told the runes he knew.

As he said, a rune is a kind of imprint. When a mage constructs a spell, he needs to build a so-called spell model in his mind. Only when it is built correctly can it be used.

Therefore, every mage is actually an excellent modeler, but they will not go down to do things related to architecture, because it is a shame to them.

The mage keeps building spell models to improve his spiritual power, and then continue to build, master more magic, and become a legend.

Unlike knights, mages pay more attention to the exercise of mental power, which can help them master new magic.

Low-level spell models are not complicated, and can basically be mastered after many times of training. High-level spell models are a test of talent. For forbidden spells, the models are larger and the details are more complicated. It is also difficult for a mage to master a forbidden spell.

Even for a legendary mage, it takes a lot of time to learn a new forbidden spell.

For low-level mages, they have no way to learn more advanced spells, so they can only continue to be proficient in the spell models they know, gradually optimize them, and finally form runes.

However, there is also a saying that the very first spells were runes, but the mages continued to refine them to form a huge and complex spell model.

These two statements made mages form different factions, and then the factions were further refined, such as court mages, battle mages, and so on.

Runes are widely used, especially among low-level mages. They rely on runes to cast spells, so that they can save their own magic power.

Magic items such as magic scrolls and magic circles are an application of runes.

According to Hamid, in addition to mages, there are also alchemists who value runes. They can use runes instead of mages and conduct some simple experiments, which can reduce the gold coins for hiring mages.

Some excellent alchemists can even kill mages easily by relying on runes.

In big cities, runes are also widely used, such as blacksmithing, baking, making weapons and so on.

"You said making weapons?" Lynn asked suddenly.

"Yes, this weapon is called a rune weapon. Its production method is unknown, but its power is good, but it is extremely rare. I have seen it once. There are many runes on the weapon, and it needs to constantly gather magic power. It needs to be replenished once it is used. ’ said Hamid.

Lynn took a long breath.

To be honest, when he heard the rune, he thought that it could be used, but he didn't expect that someone had already used it sufficiently and made a weapon.

But thinking about it, there must be people who are more powerful than him. This is not the Middle Ages he knows, but a world of knights and magic. Some things may not be there, but overall it is definitely not that simple.

He found that he was still a little behind closed doors. Although it seemed safer to be in a remote place, he didn't know many things.

Like the runes Hamid said.

Hamid seemed to see his expression, and said: "Sir, are you wondering why we didn't make rune weapons? I think the development of Ash Town has been very fast. Judging from the previous situation, there was no way to use runes.

You have to know that even the Kingdom of Kais doesn't have much research on runes. "

This sentence was like a slap in the face, making Lynn sober.

Yes, there is no need for him to compare with a kingdom. He has done quite well so far. No matter how powerful a person is, he will definitely not be able to compare with a kingdom.

Not all kingdoms decay, and not all nobles revel in their former glory.

However, now that he knew the existence of the rune, Lynn naturally would not put it aside and use it as soon as he could.

"Do you know much about runes?" Lynn asked.

As if knowing that he would ask such a question, Hamid nodded, "I know a little bit, and I have received formal rune lessons. If you need them, I will teach these lessons to others."

Lynn took a deep look at Hamid. This wandering poet is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

"It can be taught, but who will learn, this needs to be discussed."

Lynn asked again: "Will the flame rune be painted on the wall cause an explosion?"

"No!" Hamid replied firmly without any hesitation.

He added, "The reason why they are taught to learn runes is because they are ordinary people and do not possess any magic power. Even if they draw runes, they will not have any effect. As for why they explode, I don't know." clear."

Hamid had doubts on his face.

"The rune needs magic power to activate?" Karis asked, "But according to your statement, this rune shouldn't explode, and Old Billy doesn't have magic power, so how could it explode?"

"It needs to be stimulated. As for why it exploded, I don't know." Hamid was also puzzled. If he knew, he wouldn't teach these ordinary people.

Besides, nothing like this has ever happened before.

Lynn looked at Hamid's expression and told Old Billy to rest, while he left and went to the toilet.

Before getting close to the toilet, there is a pungent smell rushing over. When you enter it, you can see that the three sides of the wall are yellow.

The toilet here was the first to be built, and it is naturally used the most frequently. It has never been a problem, but it exploded when Old Bi used it.

Lynn looked carefully, and he found some crystals in the corner, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.

He overlooked a problem. The production of gunpowder requires saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. It is precisely because saltpeter and sulfur mines have not been found that this matter was put aside.

Charcoal is very common. As for saltpetre, Lin En is still waiting for the mining area to dig it out, but he forgot one thing, in fact, it is possible to artificially produce saltpetre, which lies in these crystals in the toilet.

But sulfur, sulfur is an indispensable raw material for gunpowder manufacturing.

Why there is no sulfur, it will cause an explosion.

As for charcoal, he could also explain a little more with the ashes of a burning candle.

Lin En couldn't figure it out, so he simply arranged for someone to collect the nitrate in the toilet, and then prepare a large amount of charcoal.

He wants to try whether it can explode simply by using charcoal and nitrate.

In the workshop.

Lynn mixed charcoal and nitrate in proportion. This basic gunpowder ratio can be mastered by anyone with a little interest in gunpowder.

In addition to him here, there are housekeepers Karis, Hamid, and Matthew.

They were very curious about what the lord did, and they didn't know what it was useful for.

"Back back!" Lynn said.

Seeing that everyone had retreated about the same distance, Lin En threw the fire inside.

The fire came up, followed by a puff of smoke, and then it was gone.

There was no so-called explosion, and the burning flame was just charcoal being driven to burn.

"Strange!" Lynn murmured, "Since this is not the reason, then why did it explode?"

Although this production process is very simple, without other processes, but at least there must be some reaction.

Carliss asked: "Sir, are you talking about explosions because of them?"

"No, that's not the case." Lynn shook his head, and then he looked at Hamid, "Draw a fire rune here, don't inject magic power."

Hamid drew a rune on the ground and did not infuse it with magic.

The rune is very simple, because there is no magic power, if you don't know it, you will think it is someone's random drawing.

Lin En mixed the charcoal and nitrate again, and said, "You inject magic power now."

Hamid stretched out his hand, and saw that the rune formed a flame, which continued to burn.

The charcoal is also driven to burn, the situation is the same as before, there is no change at all.

As time passed, the magic power in the rune was exhausted, and the flame dissipated, leaving a pile of black powder.

"It's not about the runes, what the hell is going on." Lin En felt a headache, and he didn't know much about runes.

It's not the charcoal and nitrate, nor the runes, so how did the explosion come from?

Hamid pondered, and said: "There seems to be a problem. I remember using the flame rune before, and the burning time did not last so long."

As he spoke, he drew another rune, infusing it with magic.

The flames appeared and everyone stared.

When the flame dissipated, they also realized the problem. The latter burned about twice as fast as the former.

Callis said, "Could it be the charcoal?"

With a thoughtful expression on his face, Lynn said, "Try it and you'll know."

Hamid drew the rune again, and Lynn put the same amount of charcoal on it, without adding nitrate.

The flames reappeared, the charcoal was lit, and everyone stared.

Until the flame dissipated, Matthew said: "After adding charcoal, it only increased the intensity of the flame, but the time did not increase, exactly the same as the second time."

Karis wondered, "But with the addition of charcoal, shouldn't it burn longer, just like we use charcoal to boil water for cooking?"

Hamid shook his head, "No, you can see the difference between these two piles of ashes."

Carliss took a closer look, "This ash is finer, this one seems to be incompletely burned."

"The thinner is the first time, the latter is the third time, but the first time not only burns more thoroughly, but also lasts longer, but the third time, it is not the case."

Hamid added another sentence, "The runes rely on magic power to activate. When the magic power is exhausted, the flame will dissipate. The magic power has been used these three times. Why are the results different?"

(End of this chapter)

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